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Chapter 79 Four Kingdoms Attack Qin

"General, the Qin army has retreated!" The scout excitedly rushed into the camp.

"You're so frizzy, didn't you quit before?" Jia Yan scolded.

"It's not that we are retreating to Gaodu, we are retreating to the east of the river," the scout said loudly.

"Zeng!" All the soldiers stood up, their faces full of disbelief.

"Really retreated?" Feng Ting asked in shock.

"Retreating troops."

"It seems that Ma Fuzi really defeated the Qin army. Come and invite General Lian Po immediately." Le Yi paced back and forth in the camp excitedly, not knowing what to say.

"By the way, tell all the soldiers the good news immediately." Le Yi waved his hand and said.

After Lian Po got the news, he became even more excited. He flew directly from Changping to Guanglang City alone without even taking any guards. Fortunately, the soldiers guarding the city were very familiar with Lian Po and did not order an attack.

Otherwise, as soon as the battle formation is opened and the crossbow is released, Lian Po is likely to become the most unjust death of a transcendent warrior in history.

"Has the Qin army retreated?" Lian Po asked as the first thing he said when he rushed into the camp.

Le Yi nodded.

"Then we will immediately send someone to pick up Ma Fuzi," Lian Po said.

"Don't worry, let's wait until the Qin army retreats completely. Our army's food can last for a few more days. Now it is easy for the Qin army to rob the food when transporting it." Le Yi said.

Gaodu is located between Taihangxing and Changping. The Zhao army needs to pass through Gaodu to transport grain from Taihangxing. It is very easy for the Qin army to rob the grain.

"That's fine." Lian Po thought for a moment and nodded. "Then what should we do next? Wait for the king's order?"

King Zhao's previous order was for them to defeat the Qin army and defend Shangdang. Now that the Qin army has retreated, the order has been completed.

"I suggest that our army follow the Qin army to counterattack the Qin state. Wherever the Qin army retreats, we will fight wherever it goes." Le Yi pointed at the map and said.

Ma Fuzi went through a lot of hardships to finally achieve the current situation of the four countries conquering Qin. How could it end so quickly? This time he must cut off a large piece of flesh from Qin!

"What if the Qin army counterattacks?" Jin Yao asked.

"If the Qin army attacks, our army will withdraw. If the Qin army withdraws, our army will pursue it. The general will definitely lead the coalition to continue attacking Qin. We only need to hold back part of the Qin army." Le Yi said, at this time there is no

You have to fight hard.

"Okay, then let the two generals Feng Ting and Jia Yan lead the troops to pursue the Qin army." Lian Po looked around and nodded at the two generals.

Feng Ting had a grudge against Qin, was brave and resourceful, and was good at seizing opportunities.

Deep down in his heart, Jia Yan had a deep fear of Bai Qi. Once there was any trouble in the Qin army, Jia Yan would be able to detect it. As long as he was around, he would not be ambushed.

"No." Feng Ting and Jia Yan stood up and immediately went down to organize the army.

After the generals left, Lian Po walked up to Le Yi and asked in a low voice: "How many did you catch here?"

"Nine, six of them are definitely spies of the Qin State, and the other three are not sure yet." Le Yi said.

"Are you sure you want to take care of him at this time? Kill them all." Lian Po glared at Le Yi: Do you want me to teach you about this kind of thing?

"Already killed." Le Yi said, "Where's your side?"

"Eleven, one of them is still my personal guard. He has been fighting with me since his grandfather. His father once served as my personal guard. I didn't expect that he turned out to be a spy of the Qin State." Lian Po sighed,

Somewhat sad.

From the time Zhao Jun was surrounded, Lian Po and Le Yi ordered that all personnel in the army be prohibited from entering and exiting, and then sent people to secretly watch who could sneak out of the camp...

"I heard that the Qin State has a special intelligence agency, which is responsible for spending huge sums of money to buy spies in enemy countries. From the ministers of the DPRK to the ordinary soldiers, they can penetrate all directions," Le Yi said.

"You mean?" Lian Po looked at Le Yi.

"One or even more of the ministers in the DPRK must be Qin's spies." Le Yi said with great certainty.

Within a few days, Zhao Kuo's reputation was well known to everyone, and even spread to the ears of King Zhao, who quickly appointed Zhao Kuo as a general.

Without the support of strong local forces, how could a few spies from the Qin State do this?

Are you kidding me?

You can count on your fingers the number of ministers in the court who have strong local power and can often meet with King Zhao to influence King Zhao's thoughts...

"Then what are you going to do?" Lian Po asked in a deep voice.

"When this battle is over, tell Ma Fuzi and let him do whatever he wants." Le Yi said nonchalantly.

"Won't you tell the king?"

"What does your Majesty have to do with me?" Le Yi glanced at Lian Po.

Wild King Castle.

Zhao Kuo did not argue with the Wei State. On the second day after arriving at the Wild King, he directly handed over the Wild King to the Wei State in accordance with the alliance agreement. Also handed over to the Wei State was Hanoi, which Qin had previously seized from the Wei State.


The entire Wei army's favorable impression of Zhao Kuo increased instantly. Everyone knew that Zhao Kuo was a gentleman who kept his word.

After King Wei received the information, he was even more overjoyed. He excitedly picked up Long Yangjun and walked around the palace, saying that he had not seen the wrong person.

Immediately afterwards, with a wave of his hand, cartloads of food were sent to the front line for free. At the same time, a large number of rewards for Zhao Kuo, gold, silver, jewelry, silk and satin, etc. were also sent.

According to King Wei's letter, there were still twenty beauties, but it was not suitable to send them to the army, and the front line was too dangerous, so they were not sent, but were arranged in Zhao Kuo's house in Daliang.

Well, the house was also given to Zhao Kuo by King Wei just now. Zhao Kuo has never seen it, and it is said to be very luxurious.

The King of Wei also hinted that if Zhao Kuo doesn't get along well in the Kingdom of Zhao in the future, he can come to the Kingdom of Wei, and the door of Wei will be open to you at any time.

Zhao Kuo couldn't help but remember that when Yan attacked Qi, Qi left its own generals unused and insisted on using Chu's general Nao Chi as prime minister. As a result, he was killed.

When the State of Zhao attacked the State of Yan, there were so many famous generals in the country who just didn't need them, so they had to go to the State of Qi to borrow a piece of land.

Now the King of Wei is even on guard against his own brother Wei Wuji, but he tries his best to invite himself as an outsider.

I have to say, this flower really doesn’t have the fragrance of wild flowers!

"Commander, General Li Mu wants to see you." At this time, Ben reported.

"Please come in quickly." Zhao Kuo said quickly.

Soon, Li Mu walked in.

"Has the food been sent to Shangdang?" Zhao Kuo put away the letter from King Wei and looked up at Li Mu.

Three days ago, the scouts who went to Shangdang to investigate came back and reported that the Qin army had begun to retreat. Zhao Kuo arranged for people to deliver grain to Shangdang along Taihangxing, and Li Mu was responsible for this.

"The first batch of grain has all been delivered to Shangdang, and General Lian Po personally received it. The subsequent grains are still being sent. All the grains sent by Wei and South Korea are high-quality grains, and not a grain of grain has been stuck on us.

." Li Mu said, cupping his fists.

"Hahaha, as long as they want to seize more land, they will not block our food supply." Zhao Kuo said with a smile.

The reason why Wei and South Korea took the initiative was because they had tasted the benefits, and they both hoped that Zhao Jun would be the main force in the subsequent attack on Qin. After all, Zhao Jun's combat effectiveness was one or two levels higher than theirs.

"As long as we don't suffer a huge defeat, or there is no progress for a long time, Wei and South Korea will not block our food and grass, but just in case, let General Lian Po and General Le Yi store more food and grass in Shangdang.

"Zhao Kuo said.

Anyway, it’s food and grass from Wei and Korea, so don’t give it up for free.

"I will tell the two generals. By the way, General Lian Po and General Le Yi asked me to tell you that they have sent a large army to follow the Qin army, but they can only hold back part of it. I hope the general can capture Zhiguan as soon as possible.

, when the time comes, attack from the front and back and eat up the Bai Qi army." Li Mu said.

"Okay!" Zhao Kuo stood up excitedly: "From now on, it is no longer the battle of Changping between Qin and Zhao, but the four kingdoms' attack on Qin!"

This chapter has been completed!
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