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Chapter 789: The troops are approaching the city

"Treat the injured first. The prisoners will wait a while before queuing up to register. The injured of the Qin army must also be treated," Li Mu warned.

"I didn't expect the victory to be so smooth." Fan Zeng came from behind and said with a smile. He thought the Qin army could struggle for a while, but the rear army surrendered and the entire army collapsed.

"When the two armies are fighting, they are fighting for their strength. The Qin State has been defeated in many battles against Zhao State, and its military strength has long been gone. When Zhao's army saw it on the battlefield, its morale was weakened by three points before it even improved. When the army fell into

At a disadvantage, morale will plummet, and if someone takes the lead in surrendering..." Li Mu shook his head. In this situation, even he couldn't figure out how to win.

"General, we captured a Qin Army general, who is still in the extraordinary state." At this time, Le Cheng came over from a short distance carrying Xin Sheng, "This guy wanted to escape, but he happened to bump into me."

"The Qin State lost so many extraordinary realms a few years ago, but it was able to produce three." Sima Shang sighed. It was indeed the largest country at that time, and its heritage was indeed not comparable to that of other countries.

"Send a letter to the king, reporting the situation on the front line, and ask the king to arrange officials to take over to avoid chaos." Li Mu said to Fan Zeng, this kind of change of power is the most chaotic time in various places, and it is also the most likely to occur murders and robberies.

Things that violate laws and disciplines.

The State of Zhao does not want to see desperadoes everywhere and chaos in the world after reunification, and it will spend countless energy to eliminate gangsters and eliminate evil.

What Zhao wanted was a stable Central Plains that could quickly recover from the impact of regime change, develop steadily, and concentrate its efforts on foreign affairs.

After the Qin army escaped for dozens of miles, they saw that the Zhao army did not pursue them and gradually slowed down. Li Xin tore off the bloody armor from his body, threw it to the ground, and looked at Wang Jian in confusion: "General, what are we doing next?


In just one battle, more than 100,000 troops were lost, leaving only a few thousand Longxi cavalry behind him, who continued to fight. Li Xin could no longer see any hope.

To put it bluntly, even if the current Zhao Jun coach is tied to a pig, it is impossible for Qin Jun to win.

The gap between the two sides is too big.

The military gap is still secondary. The most terrible thing is that the old Qin people have been disappointed with Qin. They would rather surrender than fight for Qin.

Otherwise, the scene just now would not have happened. The Qin army only showed a slight decline. Zhao Jun raised his arms and shouted, and tens of thousands of rear troops knelt down and surrendered, which directly caused the Qin army that was still fighting hard to collapse in an instant.

Wang Jian could only abandon the infantry and lead the Longxi cavalry to escape.

The people of Lao Qin are the foundation of the Qin State.

They fought against the national calamity together, which is also the reason why the Qin State remained standing in the crisis after crisis.

Now, it's all gone...

Before the battle, Li Xinzhong still had some hope of defeating Zhao Jun. This hope mainly came from Wang Jian.

The ability of the coaches of both sides determines the direction of the war to a large extent. Li Xin knows that Wang Jian's ability is definitely the best in the world, and it may not be impossible for the weak to defeat the strong.

But when the Qin army surrendered collectively, Li Xin's heart completely died...

Without the support of the old Qin people, it is useless for anyone to come. This cannot be solved by one or two famous generals.

"Let's go to Xi County to repair it first, and then... report the battle situation to the king." Wang Jian's heart was full of bitterness. He did not expect that he would be defeated so quickly. "I hope there will be good news from the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister can defeat If the enemy forces on the west route, the four kingdoms of Han, Wei, Qi and Chu send troops to attack Zhao again, Li Mu will definitely withdraw his troops. By then, we, Qin, Chu, Qi, Wei and Han will form an alliance, and it will still be possible to counter Zhao."

Having said that, Wang Jian has no confidence in Lu Buwei's victory over Pang Nuan. Although Pang Nuan is not as famous as Li Mu, he is also a famous general who has been on the battlefield for many years, while Lu Buwei... is just a scholar who has never led an army to fight.

Wang Jian guessed a little bit correctly, Lu Buwei really failed to defeat Pang Nuan.

He also guessed wrong. Although Lu Buwei failed to defeat Pang Nuan, the problem was not with him...

In fact, Lu Buwei did much better than Wang Jian imagined.

As early as the battle between Qin and Zhao a few years ago, Le Cheng led an army to capture Longshan and controlled the Wei River Road and Guanlong Road in the south. As for the Wating Road, Jitou Road, and Fanxu Road in the north, they had always been in the hands of the Qin State.

Therefore, Lu Buwei chose to divide his troops into two groups. He led his troops to garrison Chencang in person to defend the Wei River Road, and ordered Fan Yuqi to garrison Yumi and defend the Guanlong Road.

After arriving in Chencang, Lu Buwei immediately recruited civilians to reinforce the city wall day and night, making a defensive posture and letting the Zhao army attack no matter how they attacked, he would not come out.

The Qin army was all conscripted farmers, and they would definitely not be able to defeat the Zhao army in a frontal battle, so they could only rely on city walls for defense.

Chencang is located at the intersection of the Wei River and the Lishui River. If Zhao Jun wants to attack Yongcheng from the Wei River, Chencang cannot be bypassed no matter what.

Facing Zhao Jun's attack, Lu Buwei personally risked being hit by catapults and shot through by arrows. He defended the city with the soldiers every day, encouraged the soldiers with words and money, and ate and lived with the soldiers.

With Lu Buwei's efforts, Pang Nuan personally entered the battle several times but failed to capture Chencang City.

But just because there was no accident in Chencang, it doesn't mean that there won't be any accident in Hao Mi.

Haomi was originally just an inconspicuous small town. It stood out because there were large pine forests where burning tobacco and making ink were popular. The quality of the ink was very good.

Its geographical location is just at the intersection of Lianshui River and Guanlong Road. If it holds on to Miao Mi, the Zhao army will not be able to go south.

In fact, the Qin army originally had a better defensive location, but it was already occupied by the Zhao army, so they could only retreat and settle for the next best thing.

"General Fan, how are you thinking?" Feng Quji sat on a chair in Mucheng, looking at Fan Yuqi with a smile.

"The Qin State of today is no longer the Qin State of the past. Not only has its national power declined, but the old Qin people have also lost confidence in the Qin State. This is a sign of the country's demise. If the general abandons the dark side and joins the bright side now, he can still strive for glory and wealth. If he waits for me Zhao Jun captured the city, but it will be too late to regret it."

"Please sir, please give me a few days to think about it." Fan Yuqi looked hesitant. He knew that Feng Quji was telling the truth, but he still had some feelings for Qin and was unwilling to betray Qin.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Today, if the general agrees, he agrees. If he disagrees, I, the State of Zhao, will reject it as a general." Feng Quji tapped his fingers back and forth on the table and said calmly, "I The State of Zhao just does not want to cause too many killings, not because it is afraid of the Qin army."

"The King and the Prime Minister have been kind to me, and I can't bear to betray the King. Please sir..." Fan Yuqi hesitated again and again, but waved his hand and said.

"This is the intelligence we, Zhao Jun, just received. General, are you sure you don't want to read it before making a decision?" Feng Quji took out a note and handed it to Fan Yuqi.

"General Wang Jian was defeated so quickly!" Fan Yuqi took the note, opened it, stood up in shock, and looked at Feng Quji, "Is all this true?"

"General, do you think I need to lie to you?" Feng Quji said with a smile.

Fan Yuqi seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He slumped in his seat and stared blankly ahead.

Feng Quji sat quietly beside him without urging him.

After a while, Fan Yuqi finally came to his senses, made up his mind, and bowed to Feng Quji: "General, I am willing to return to the Kingdom of Zhao."

Even Wang Jian was defeated, and he was defeated so quickly that he could no longer see any hope of defeating Zhao Jun.

Even if you continue to hold on, there is no point. It is better to surrender to Zhao State, in exchange for glory and wealth, and at the same time, Qin State will save some lives.

"Okay, okay, general, please get up quickly." Feng Quji was overjoyed and quickly helped Fan Yuqi up, "Please also ask the general to order the city gate to be opened."

"General, I will give the order now." Fan Yuqi nodded.

An hour later, Zhao Jun successfully entered the city.

"Well done." Feng Ting came over, patted Feng Quji hard on the shoulder, and said happily.

My son has grown up!

Feng Quji lowered his head in embarrassment. This was the first time his father praised him in public.

"Dad, I think we should lead the cavalry to surprise Yongcheng before Qin can react. Even if we can't take Yongcheng, we can still force Lu Buwei and Wang Jian to return for reinforcements. At that time, we can join forces with Lord Wu An and General Pang Nuan. The army of Lu will surely capture Yongcheng." Feng Quji said with his fists clasped.

Hemi is only fifty or sixty miles away from Yongcheng. With the speed of the Zhao army's cavalry, it won't take long to arrive.

"That's right. Send the order and all the cavalry will gather outside the city immediately!" Feng Ting heard this and quickly summoned the deputy general, leaving him in charge of matters in the city and the infantry, and led the cavalry towards Yongcheng.

In the evening, the last rays of the setting sun shine on the ancient city walls of Yongcheng, stretching each and every small figure very long.

"Your Majesty, it's getting dark, let's go back." The guard said cautiously.

"Wait a minute." Xiao Chengjiao held her hands on the parapet and looked eagerly to the southwest. Why is there no news about Father Zhong? Whether he has defeated Zhao Jun or not, he also promised to bring me a pony...

"If there is any news, the Prime Minister will definitely send someone to deliver it," the guard said.

"Okay." Xiao Chengjiao turned her head reluctantly and was about to return to the palace when her face suddenly changed. He seemed to have seen something just now...

Cheng Jiao quickly looked back and saw on the horizon in the distance, a group of cavalry moving quickly towards Yongcheng. The dust and smoke billowed behind them, making it impossible to see how many people there were.

"Quick, tell the soldiers to defend the city, Zhao Jun is coming!" Xiao Chengjiao said urgently.

At this time, the soldiers guarding the city also discovered the Zhao army outside the city, and hurriedly beat the war drums at the top of the city. The guards protected Xiao Chengjiao and quickly went down to the city.

"Your Majesty, all the army has been taken away by the Prime Minister and the General. Only the old, weak, sick and disabled are left in the city. I'm afraid we can't hold it anymore." An old minister knelt on the ground and cried bitterly when he saw Cheng Jiao.

"Yes, Your Majesty, for the current plan, the only way to go is to surrender in Kaicheng." Another minister knelt on the ground and said.

"Maybe... we can still move the capital." Yangquan Jun sighed. He was unwilling to surrender to Zhao, but Yongcheng really couldn't be defended. Maybe he could survive for a while by moving the capital to Chengdu.

"There are Zhao's cavalry outside the city. What's the difference between moving the capital at this time and throwing yourself into a trap?" a minister said loudly.

"Zhao's army only has about 10,000 troops, and it is impossible to surround all the four walls of the city. There is still a good chance that he can escort the king to escape. If he stays in the city, he will be dead."

The ministers quarreled one after another, and no one gave in to anyone.

After a quarter of an hour, Cheng Jiao finally couldn't help it anymore and said angrily: "Shut up, everyone, and immediately send a message to Father Zhong and the general. No one is allowed to mention Kaicheng's surrender until Father Zhong and the general come back."

and the matter of moving the capital. Anyone who dares to speak out will be killed without mercy."

At this moment, Cheng Jiao is no longer a seven-year-old child, but the king of Qin.

He finally understood that the group of people in the Qin court talked about loyalty to the emperor and benevolence, but in fact no one took him seriously. They all wanted to sell him at a good price to get benefits from Zhao.

"Father Zhong... please come back quickly." Cheng Jiao looked to the southwest and murmured.

He really didn't know how to choose. Sometimes, he really wished that he was born into an ordinary family and didn't have to bear the responsibility of the entire Qin State.

The state of Qin is too heavy for him to carry!

Chen Cang.

After a tiring day, Lu Buwei returned to his mansion exhausted.

After several failed attempts to attack the city, the Zhao army gave up the attack and instead used catapults to bombard the city day and night. Although the casualties were not large, it was a huge blow to the morale of the Qin army.

Lu Buwei could only stay with the soldiers to improve morale and strengthen everyone's determination to defend the city.

To be honest, Lu Buwei doesn't know how long he will be able to defend it, but even so, this city must be defended...

"You, my grandmother, gave up after being the King of Qin for a few years. You threw a lot of mess on my head and asked me to help you take care of your son..." Lu Buwei muttered in a low voice.

If Zichu stood in front of him, he would jump up and beat him up.

At this time, a soldier entered the courtyard with an envoy and saw Lu Buwei. The two of them quickly saluted: "Meet the Prime Minister."

"Reporting to the Prime Minister, something bad has happened. The Zhao army has attacked Yongcheng City. The king urgently summons the Prime Minister to return to Yongcheng." The envoy took out the letter from his arms and handed it to Lu Buwei.

"What did you say? Zhao Jun attacked Yongcheng?" Lu Buwei's expression changed instantly. He snatched the letter from the envoy's hand and opened it with trembling hands.

After a while, the letter slowly slipped from his hand, and Lu Buwei's face turned ashen.

"The report... the report to the Prime Minister is absolutely true. The king saw it with his own eyes." The messenger said tremblingly.

"Beat the drums and summon all the troops to follow me back to Yongcheng to aid." After a while, Lu Buwei said in a hoarse voice.

After he leaves, Chencang will definitely be captured by the Zhao army. Instead of losing some soldiers in vain, it is better to bring them all back to Yongcheng and hold on for a while longer.

Xi County.

"Don't worry about how to stop Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun has already reached Yongcheng." Wang Jian received the news and shook his head bitterly.

He was still considering whether to give up the defense and lead the Longxi cavalry deep into the rear to harass Zhao Jun's food road. Zhao Jun had already reached Yongcheng City.

"When did Zhao Jun come over?" Li Xin stood up suddenly and looked at Wang Jian in shock.

"I don't know." Wang Jian shook his head, stood up and walked outside, "Get ready, let's go back to Yongcheng."

This chapter has been completed!
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