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Chapter 796: Everything Zhao Jun said is true

In Pengcheng, Lian Po sat on the top of the city with a golden sword, holding a piece of melon as big as a human head in his hand, and while gnawing on it, he watched the Chu army building siege equipment outside the city.

"The latest melons cultivated by farmers are indeed more delicious than before. They are sweet and delicious, and have a lot of water. Eating one in summer is more comfortable than staying in an igloo." Lian Po spat the melon seeds in the direction of Chu Jun, but he

Obviously without Qiu Qianchi's effort, all the melon seeds fell to the bottom of the city.

That is to say, the entire city was sealed off, and there were no pedestrians passing through the city. Otherwise, Lian Po would definitely be scolded for his lack of quality.

"A few old men from the farm told the general that if the general thinks it tastes good, donate some funds to them, and they will have enough melons and fruits in the future, and they can have as much as they want." Yan Xiong stood behind Lian Po with a halberd on his shoulder, and followed a wall.

Like, he said in a buzzing voice.

"Bah, it doesn't taste good. I won't eat it anymore." Lian Po stuffed the last bit of melon meat into his mouth, took a towel from the guard and wiped his mouth, "The amount of money your king gives every year is not enough for them. I

Where is the money for them? Even if you are short of money, just ask the king for it, the king is so rich."

Lian Po really didn't have much money. In fact, all the princes and princes in Zhao had very little money, because in order to build a fiefdom, even if they had money, they had to live frugally.

They make money quickly and spend money faster now, and all the money they make from domestic industries is spent on fiefdoms.

Even so, it's not enough.

Although the land in the northeast is fertile, it is all wasteland. Everything must be developed from scratch, which consumes immeasurable manpower and material resources.

"They said they could send people to the general's fiefdom to help plan land development and crop planting. If there are good seeds in the future, they will give priority to the general," Yan Xiong said.

"This melon is quite good. I will eat more of it in the future. I sent someone to give the farmer 20 million yuan, saying it is the general's gratitude fee." Lian Po waved his hand, and then felt something was wrong, and looked at Yan Xiong strangely.

, "How do you know so clearly?"

"They are also looking for the last general..." Yan Xiong said silently. He was not as shameless as Lian Po. After eating the melon sent by the farmer, he directly gave him 10 million...

"Doesn't that mean everyone is looking for it? Then it's useless to have this priority! Besides...why does the farmer need so much money?" Lian Po was a little confused.

With so many people, the total amount must be at least hundreds of millions. How can just a few old men from the farm spend it all in this lifetime?

Besides, one old man has been missing in the past few years, and there is no guarantee that the remaining ones will have to leave anytime.

"They applied for funding from the king before. Because the unification war was ongoing, money and food were tight. The king didn't approve it, so they found a way to raise it themselves." Cai Ze walked up from the city.

"Then it doesn't cost so much money," Lian Po said. The farm has been developed for so many years and has only one or two hundred people at its core. How much money can it spend?

"They...are going to the Maurya Dynasty to study the local soil and crops...as well as the Western Regions and Indochina, they are also going..." Cai Ze said with his forehead raised.

I have to say that these farmers are really bold. When they heard that the Mauryan Dynasty guaranteed two crops a year, and that fertile soil areas could produce three crops a year, they wanted to go no matter how far away they were.

He also said that if the caravan can arrive, they can arrive.

"Actually, the imperial court doesn't really have no money. Even if they can't give it all, installments are enough. But the king doesn't want them to go, so he vetoes it." Cai Ze said, the loss of one of the farmers' group is the whole of the Zhao Kingdom.


"Then...repay them the money?" Lian Po said.

"Just give it. The Prime Minister said that blocking is worse than sparing. Even if they are not allowed to go, they will sneak over and safety is not guaranteed. It is better to arrange for them to study in the Indochina Peninsula and the Western Regions first. The risk is not high. As for the Let’s talk about the Maurya Dynasty in a few years,” Cai Ze said.

Zhao Guo now has a certain understanding of various regions in the world. Those that can be called civilized include the countries along the Mediterranean Sea in the far west, the Seleucid Kingdom in the Mesopotamia, as well as the Mauryan Dynasty and the Central Plains.

Other areas have either just emerged from the savagery period, or are similar to savages.

Among them, only three can reach the level of empire, the Seleucid Kingdom, the Maurya Dynasty, and the Zhao Kingdom.

Among them, the most powerful one is the Maurya Dynasty, which has a large population and strong military strength. Zhao's current comprehensive strength cannot compare with the Maurya Dynasty. Only after unifying the Central Plains can it compete with it.

However, the Maurya Dynasty has huge hidden dangers, and sooner or later it will break out.

The Seleucid Kingdom was once very powerful, but it was defeated by the Mauryan Dynasty in the past few years and ceded a lot of land. In recent years, it was defeated by the Ptolemaic Kingdom. The Kingdom of Bactria and Parthia also successively acquired from the Seleucid Kingdom.

Be independent.

The powerful Seleucid Kingdom has declined to the extreme, and may fall into the imperial rank at any time. It can be regarded as the floor tiles of the empire.

The strength of the Zhao State is somewhere between the two. The upper echelons of the Zhao State attach great importance to the Maurya Dynasty, which occupies a rich land and is an extremely powerful opponent.

Although the relationship between the two sides is good now, war will break out sooner or later between the two countries, and they will fight to the death.

Of course, Zhao still doesn't know that the Mauryan Dynasty has sent troops into the Hengduan Mountains to open the road to the Central Plains.

"Then give it." Lian Po said nonchalantly, turning to look outside the city. The Chu army was transporting the felled wood back to the military camp. "Send orders to all the ministries to open the city gates and beat drums to cheer."

"Do you want to attack?" Cai Ze asked.

"We are not attacking, we are just trying to scare the Chu army." Lian Po said nonchalantly.

Jingyang is not a mediocre general. During this period, all his energy was spent on setting up the camp and building engineering equipment. He built the camp like an iron barrel. It was obvious that he planned to attack it steadily and suppress it with force.

Lian Po thought about sneaking into the Chu army's camp, but later found that there was no chance, so he gave up.

However, this does not prevent him from beating drums every day to scare the Chu army and suppress the morale of the Chu army. He does not expect any substantial effect, as long as he can disgust the Chu army.

When the Chu army is so disgusted that they gradually lose their minds, flaws will inevitably be revealed.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! As long as the Chu army reveals a flaw, Lian Po is confident that he can seize it. Even if he cannot defeat the Chu army in one fell swoop, he can still establish a certain advantage, and then continue to expand the advantage into a victory.


Although he was leading a partial army and faced the main force of the Chu army, Lian Po still hoped to play some role instead of placing all his hopes on Zhao Kuo.

"General, the king has an urgent report." At this time, the guard responsible for guarding the letter eagle quickly climbed up from the city and handed a letter to Lian Po.

Lian Po carefully checked that the sealing mud was complete, then opened it, swept it up and down, and said with great joy: "Hahaha, good thing, great thing, the king has defeated Chen Ying."

"So fast!" Cai Ze said in surprise. Calculating the time, there was no delay at all.

"Sinong arranged for people to make tens of thousands of copies of this letter, tie it to an arrow, and shoot it into the Chu army's camp." Lian Po handed the letter to Cai Ze and said happily.

The Chu army has definitely not received the message yet. The Zhao army has a messenger eagle to deliver the message, and it must be faster than the Chu army. As long as the message is tied to an arrow, it will soon spread throughout the Chu army.

There is no need for the Chu army to believe it immediately, as long as they know it.

The news will be sent to Jingyang by the day after tomorrow at the latest, and by then it will be too late for Jingyang to block the news.

As long as he dares to order a retreat, everyone will know that the news of the fall of the capital is true, the morale of the military will inevitably collapse, and then it will be Zhao Jun's turn to attack.

If Jingyang does not retreat and chooses to continue to fight Zhao Jun, then Zhao Kuo will lead the army eastward, and the Chu army will only face a flanking attack from two sides.

So Jingyang had no choice.

In addition, the King of Chu will also order Jingyang to withdraw his troops.

"General, something bad has happened. Please take a look." At the Chu army camp, Jingyang was studying how to attack Pengcheng. Xiang Pei hurriedly came from outside and handed a note to Jingyang, "This is Zhao

The army has just shot in, and it says that King Zhao personally marched and conquered Chen Ying."

"Do you believe this kind of rumor? The Zhao State is now divided into three groups, fighting against the Qin State, confronting our army in Pengcheng, and fighting with South Korea and Wei. How can any army attack our Chu State? Besides, our Chu State

The State of Wei is separated from the State of Zhao. Could it be that the Zhao army flew over from the sky?"

Jingyang smiled and said, Zhao Jun is so incompetent that he can even use this method. Do you really think Chu Jun will believe it?

"But I think..." Xiang Pei always felt that this thing was not fake, and he couldn't explain why. Maybe it was intuition.

"Okay, don't believe it. Just go ahead and do whatever you need to do. The siege equipment is almost ready. The siege will officially begin the day after tomorrow. When Pengcheng is captured, I will ask the king for a reward for everyone. If I can capture one or two Zhao generals,

, there is still a chance to exchange for Mr. Ling with Zhao Guo." Jingyang waved his hands, not taking this matter to heart at all.

After most of the Chu soldiers saw it... well, they didn't have any reaction after seeing it, because they were not literate at all and couldn't understand what was written on it.

However, there are literate people in the army. They ask others and quickly know what is written on the note.

Except for a few people who are worried, most people don't take it to heart.

This kind of thing is too outrageous.

Compared with Zhao Jun's attack on Chen Ying, they were more willing to believe that this was Zhao Jun's strategy.

In addition, Jingyang quickly refuted the rumors, so everyone forgot about them.

Until the evening of the next day...

A horseman entered the Chu army camp...

"What! Zhao Jun really hit Chen Ying!" Jingyang took the letter, opened it, and jumped up from his seat.

It had only been a few days since he led the Chu army outside Pengcheng, but he hadn't even begun to formally attack the city. Are you telling me that the Zhao army has already reached the capital?

Are all of you trash?

"No... we didn't hit Chen Ying, but Chen Ying has been defeated. Wei and Han betrayed their alliance, and King Zhao led the three Jin coalition forces to the city. The main force of our country is on the front line, and the rear is empty, unable to resist the Zhao army, Your Majesty

We can only lead some people to temporarily evacuate the city." The soldier who delivered the letter said quickly.

"...What Zhao Jun said is true!" Jingyang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. If the news was sent in advance, he could retreat in advance, or at the worst, he could block the news. Now the news that Zhao Jun defeated Chen Ying has been

The news spread throughout the army.

I have just refuted the rumor and ordered to attack Pengcheng tomorrow. Now I have given up the attack and led the army to retreat. Isn't it just to tell everyone clearly that this is true?

"Didn't Zhu Rongwei stay in Chen Ying?" Jingyang said in a deep voice.

There is a military spirit army stationed in the city, and at least 30,000 to 50,000 strong men can be recruited in the city. Even if the three Jin armies are larger, they should be able to defend it for a while. How can the city be breached in less than a day?

"King Zhao brought the Imperial Guards, Zhu Rong Guards...Zhu Rong Guards stayed in the city, and after the break, 80%...80% of the army has been wiped out." The soldier who delivered the message lowered his head and said.

"How many troops does Zhao Jun have?" Jingyang forced himself to calm down and looked at the soldier who delivered the message.

"At least one or two hundred thousand, most of them are Wei troops and Korean troops." the soldier said.

Well, I don’t even know how many Zhao troops there are, so they just ran away without fighting at all!

Jingyang's expression was grim, and he gritted his teeth and asked again: "Where are your Majesty and Lord Chun Shen now?"

"Chunshen Jun has gone to Jiangdong to recruit troops and adjust grain. Your Majesty is now waiting for the general in Jiao County." said the soldier.

"Go and invite General Xiang." Jingyang said to the guard, walked to the seat and sat down, rubbing his head, feeling a huge headache.

Zhao Guo's move went straight to Huanglong, making all his previous efforts a joke. Now let alone retaking the land of Huaisi, it was hard to say whether he could withdraw safely.

Based on his understanding of Lian Po, the other party would never let him withdraw his troops so safely.

"General, you're looking for me." Xiang Pei opened the curtain and saw the messenger soldier in a state of embarrassment. He was stunned for a moment and had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Chen Ying fell. What Zhao Jun said is true." Jing Yang handed the letter to Xiang Pei.

"...Then what should we... do?" Xiang Pei took the letter, scanned it briefly, raised his head and looked at Jingyang, and said with difficulty.

"We have no choice but to withdraw our troops," Jingyang said.

"Then Zhao Jun..." Xiang Pei said, Zhao Jun got the news ahead of them and must have been prepared. As long as they retreat, Zhao Jun will definitely lead his army to pursue them.

"You lead the main force to retreat overnight, and I will lead the front army to seize the rear. There is no need to hide the news. Everyone knows it anyway. Telling everyone directly that Chen Ying has fallen and that we have to rush back now may also inspire everyone to share the same hatred.

The momentum." Jingyang said.

Retreating is necessary. Rather than having long nights and many dreams, it is better to retreat overnight.

Of course, this is not without risks, but relatively speaking, the risks will be smaller.

"Okay." Xiang Pei nodded. Now is not the time to refuse. How to bring the Chu army back is the most important thing.

"General, there is movement in the Chu army." In the room, Lian Po was studying how to strengthen his battle formation, when a centurion walked into the room to report.

"It seems that the Chu army received the news and was preparing to retreat. They were quite decisive and withdrew so quickly. Yanxiong, go and see for yourself, don't be discovered." Lian Po grabbed his weapon and strode outside.

Go. "Gather the soldiers and all the young men in the city to prepare to go out of the city to fight."

There was no way he could just sit back and watch the Chu army leave like this. These were all military achievements, so how could he let them just run away like this.

However, the Zhao army was too small in number and it was difficult to retain the Chu army, so Lian Po recruited all the young men in the city in advance and waited for the Chu army to retreat.

This chapter has been completed!
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