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Chapter 139: Getting Ready for the Test of the Mathematical World

Chapter 139 Be prepared to face the test of mathematics

Huaguo, Shangjing International Airport.

A huge plane passed through the sky and finally landed on the airport runway. The huge wheels made a loud sound due to rolling, and the speed of the plane also dropped rapidly, and finally slowed down.

"Let's go, boys." Xu Ji greeted the three young people, and then they got off the plane together and came to the arrival hall.

However, when they arrived at the arrival hall, they saw several people standing at the exit holding signs, and the sign clearly read "Lin Xiao".

Several people were stunned.

"Lin Xiao, is that looking for you?"

"I... don't know." Lin Xiao shook his head. No one informed him beforehand, so of course he didn't know. "Maybe they have the same name?"

Xu Ji suddenly remembered something at this time and said, "I guess that's who is looking for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, they saw that the people holding placards seemed to have seen them, and then they walked up and came to Lin Xiao.

"Is this Mr. Lin Xiao?"

one of them asked.

"it's me."

Lin Xiao said, Daqing and these people really came to find him.

A smile appeared on the man's face and he said: "I am the secretary of the Secretariat of the National Council. Our leader would like to meet you and have a few words with you."

Lin Xiao was immediately shocked.


The leaders of the National Council want to see him?

Xiao Zhou and Xiao Shi next to them also looked shocked.

Is this the treatment that proves Goldbach's conjecture?

When they looked at Lin Xiao, in addition to envy, there was only envy.

This is learning to achieve success!

Xu Ji, who was on the side, couldn't help but be surprised in his eyes.

When he saw these people, he had a feeling that these people were from the National Academy of Sciences. After all, he had frequent contact with these people.

Then he thought about the incident where CCTV reporters came directly to interview Lin Xiao, and he felt like he had guessed it.

After all, the influence of Goldbach's conjecture is still very large in China. After Chen Jingrun proved 1+2, it became a publicity event because of his contribution in a special period. Later, a writer named Xu Chi dedicated

It was made into a reportage and published in "People's Literature".

In that era, "People's Literature" was very influential. At that time, there were no mobile phones, computers, or modern Internet. These articles were the only things people could use for entertainment.

As a result, people came to know about Goldbach's conjecture. Although people didn't understand it, it didn't stop them from thinking it was awesome, especially since it was preceded by a world-class problem that was solved by Chinese people.

At that time, people would feel proud of this kind of thing, so it also brought the reputation of Goldbach's conjecture to a higher status.

This is why the favorite question to ‘prove’ among Chinese folk scientists is Goldbach’s conjecture.

Now, a young mathematical genius who is not a civilian scientist and is well-known in the international mathematics community has proved this conjecture. Of course, the country will pay attention.

Especially its meaning.

Perhaps, Lin Xiao will be able to be interviewed by CCTV again?

Once Lin Xiao's results pass peer review and gain unanimous recognition from the mathematics community, then the country will inevitably pay the greatest attention to this young man.

The Chinese mathematics community needs a sufficiently representative figure. We missed Qiu Chengtong, Zhang Yitang and others before, but now a more outstanding young man has appeared. If we lose this again, we really don’t know what to do.


This is only domestic. On an international scale, I am afraid there will be more attention. "Times" may take the initiative to interview him, and top journals such as "Science" and "Nature" will also be willing to accept his paper submissions.

, various mathematics-related institutions or organizations will send him invitations, and at the same time, there are also various fame and fortunes...

Xu Ji suddenly didn't know what Lin Xiao would choose.

Can he withstand that temptation?

Moreover, when he was in France, he also felt the academic purity, and I believe Lin Xiao also felt it.

It is precisely because of this that all mathematicians in the world are willing to run there.

And in China, where can such an atmosphere be found?

Xu Ji, as the former dean of the School of Mathematical Sciences at Beijing University, did not know.

Just like at the end of December last year, Xu Chen, who had chatted with Lin Xiao many times, also left China and went to the United States to be a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Xu Chen came back from the United States on his own initiative, but now he has gone to the United States. Thinking about it this way, it is a pity.

But on a brighter note, Xu Chen went to MIT, which is also a good thing for Chinese students who go to MIT to study for Ph.D.s in mathematics. At least they can recruit a few Chinese students every year.

In the end, Xu Ji could only wish Lin Xiao to live the life he wanted.

Of course, Lin Xiao would not refuse such a thing. After saying goodbye to Professor Xu Ji, Xiao Zhou and Xiao Shi, he got into a special car and headed to the National Academy of Sciences.

After waiting for a while in a spacious reception room, the door opened, and a modest-looking old man wearing glasses walked in.

Seeing this old man who was often seen on TV and news, Lin Xiao quickly stood up, walked up to him, and shouted respectfully: "Hello!"

The old man showed a kind smile on his face and said, "Classmate Lin Xiao, I'm sorry for asking you to come here unexpectedly."

Hearing this man take the initiative to say sorry, Lin Xiao was flattered for a moment. He stretched out his hands to shake the old man's hand and said, "It's nothing. I'm honored to meet you."

"It's no honor." The old man shook his head and said, "If you are three of us, you must be my teacher. I also admire your achievements in mathematics."

Then he pointed to the seat next to him and said, "Sit down first, you don't have to stand to talk."

Lin Xiao nodded and sat over.

The secretary next to him walked up and poured tea.

"Before, when the TV station interviewed you, you said that you had proved the Goldbach conjecture, right?"

"Yes." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Are you sure?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "I can't guarantee it 100%, but 99% of it is possible."

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but laugh: "That seems to be very confident."

Then he sighed: "Goldbach's conjecture, in the 1970s, I read the report in "People's Literature" and understood what '1+2' was proved by Mr. Chen. At that time

I was also studying at Beijing University, and I felt that you people who studied mathematics were really amazing, and ordinary people couldn't understand the whole thing. Later, I paid attention to it for a while, and the chief designer also mentioned it specifically."

The old man gave Lin Xiao a thumbs up, "Now, you can finally bring it to an end."

"Thank you for finishing this regret for me."

The old man patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder, his tone full of nostalgia.

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "You're welcome. For me, I have completed a difficult problem of interest. This alone makes me satisfied."

"That's true." The old man smiled slightly and suddenly asked: "Now that you have completed this proof, what do you plan to do next?"

Lin Xiao was stunned and said: "Although the proof has been completed, an academic report and peer review are still needed to get recognition from the mathematics community, so I plan to give a report at school first."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, the old man quickly realized what benefits this could bring to China, "Will mathematicians at home and abroad come here to report your report?"

Lin Xiao nodded: "Yes, there will probably be many famous mathematicians coming."

This is not because he thinks he can attract people, but because the name of Goldbach's conjecture is there.

As a jewel in the crown of mathematics, it has finally been taken off. It is obviously an infinitely attractive thing for every mathematician.

Regardless of whether they understand it or not, just to join in the fun and participate in such a historic event in the world of mathematics is worth their while and no one will want to miss it.

Even if China is a place that is unfamiliar to those mathematicians and the language is difficult to understand, they will be willing to go there.

The old man nodded, "I understand."

At this time, the secretary next to him stepped forward and whispered a few words to the old man.

After listening, the old man nodded slightly, then turned to look at Lin Xiao and said with a smile: "Classmate Lin Xiao, proving Goldbach's conjecture is your own achievement, and it is also a contribution to the country.

A kind of brilliance. As long as you can continue to bring honor to the country in the future, the country will definitely live up to your hopes."

Hearing what the old man said, Lin Xiao nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will do it."

The old man smiled and nodded, then stood up, grabbed Lin Xiao's hand and patted it, looking like a kind elder, and said: "That's it. Although we only chatted for a few words, I still hope that

If you can talk to a young man like you a little more, let's have a good talk next time there is a chance, and don't refuse then."

Lin Xiao also quickly stood up and said with a smile: "I will definitely not refuse."

"It's a deal." The old man added, looking at Lin Xiao with a smile.

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, then nodded solemnly: "It's a deal."

Lin Xiao was seen off by another secretary and left here.

There is a profound meaning in every word of the old man, and his brain development level of 4.35% can certainly hear it.

And every word he answered came from his heart.

He got into an Audi car with a rather impressive license plate, which would take him to Beijing University.

However, when he got to the car, his cell phone suddenly rang. He looked at the phone number and saw that it was from the United States.

He answered the phone in confusion, and the voice on the other end rang: "Is this Mr. Lin Xiao?"

"it's me."

"Hello, I am Trenwell, Secretary-General of the American Mathematical Society. Regarding your process of proving Goldbach's conjecture, we now sincerely invite you to come and give a report at the joint mathematical conference we will hold on January 16th.

We are willing to bear all your expenses and award you with the status of an honorary fellow of the American Mathematical Society after the meeting. I wonder if you are willing?"

Lin Xiao was stunned. Joint mathematical conference of the American Mathematical Society?

He had heard of this, and it was considered a mathematics conference with some status in the mathematics community.

The treatment given by the other party is also quite good. His status as an honorary fellow of the American Mathematical Society is still very good.

However, Lin Xiao just said: "Sorry, I have decided to give a report at my school, Beijing University. If possible, I hope you can help me spread the news. Thank you."

"...Then I wish your report meeting can be held successfully."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao thought for a while. He declined the invitation and asked them to help promote the report that he was going to hold in China. It seemed... a little bad?

Then he shook his head, forget it, let it go, but the fact that he was going to hold this academic report at Beijing University should be spread.

He is ready to face the test of the world of mathematics.

This chapter has been completed!
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