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Chapter 189 Shock the world a few more times

Chapter 189 Let’s shock the world a few more times

In Lin Xiao's dormitory at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris.

After "On Multidimensional Fields and Their Situation Superposition" was submitted to "Physical Review Letters", he did not become complacent about his results.

Of course he knows how shocking his theories are to the world.

Even he was shocked that he had completed this theory accidentally.

He just wanted to find out the cause of a vacuum catastrophe, but who would have thought that he would create a multi-dimensional space by accident.

In the process of demonstration, he discovered that the topology of multi-dimensional space must be carried out in order to make the energy limit calculation formula for vacuum zero-point energy more harmonious. So after some complicated operations, he finally succeeded in completing the calculation through the influence of multi-dimensional space.

Explanation of vacuum catastrophe.

After figuring this out, he continued to make bold speculations, and finally completed the theoretical foundation of multi-dimensional field theory, in which the 'fields' of each dimension overlap, so this is the so-called situation overlapping.


All in all, this very groundbreaking and groundbreaking theory was completely created by him accidentally.

Probably, it's like 'good sentences are born by nature, but come by chance from a good hand'.

Of course, this 'wonderful hand' that a masterful hand got by chance must be possessed by a true genius, so Lin Xiao's ability to do it was accidental, but it was also inevitable.

In addition, maybe this theory is too important, or it is still too complicated for this world, so the system did not award Lin Xiao first.

"In view of the fact that the host's multi-dimensional field theory is too advanced and was completed when the host's physics level was only level 2. At the same time, no auxiliary skills of the system were used. In order to encourage the host to continue research, the system decided to postpone the issuance of rewards to the host.

, and announced a reward condition: when the host finds fifteen examples that can prove the multi-dimensional field theory, the system will provide the host with richer rewards. The current host has found one, which is [Vacuum Catastrophe]. Tips:

There is no need for the host to find it personally, any results that can confirm the multi-dimensional field theory, even the results of others, can be counted in this example."

This is Lin Xiao's original words after completing the multi-dimensional field theory.

When he heard the request made by the system, he almost wanted to curse on the spot. Isn't this a lie?

Fifteen examples, how long does it take to find them?

Do you want him to find the Year of the Monkey and the Horse?

Guang said that his speculations about dark matter and dark energy in theory cannot be verified, because humans are still unable to directly observe dark matter, so in this regard, there is still a big way to verify his predictions.


However, after complaining for a long time, Lin Xiao's intelligence allowed him to quickly figure out a shortcut on how to solve this problem.

That is to calculate the mass of the particle.

In the current standard model, except for the two particles of photons and gluons, which have no mass, the other fifteen types of particles are all considered to have mass.

Twelve of these particles have been measured by scientists.

Doesn't this mean that if Lin Xiao can find a way to use his own multi-dimensional field theory to calculate the mass of these particles, as long as the results match these measurement results, doesn't it mean that he has found an example!

Moreover, the system also carefully eliminated three particles whose masses were not completely determined, that is, three types of neutrinos.

In this case, twelve particles whose masses have been measured, plus massless photons and gluons, are fourteen empirical evidences, and adding a vacuum catastrophe, that is fifteen.

Therefore, it can be inferred that the system probably hopes that it can find a method to calculate the mass of all particles.

After all, the system is also called an assistant, although this assistant mostly just gives him some guidance.

Therefore, for so many days, Lin Xiao has been working on the next theoretical improvement.

Predicting the mass of particles naturally requires the use of the Standard Model, and after introducing the Standard Model into his multidimensional field theory, he once again made a shocking discovery.

Because, he introduced more than ten unknown variables into it.

And here, an unknown number means a kind of particle. Of course, this does not mean that they still have more than thirty particles that have not been discovered, but that this particle appears for the dimension. The higher the dimension, the more types of particles it has.


For example, in the fourth dimension, there are several more than in their third dimension.

The fifth dimension is several more than the fourth dimension. As for the sixth dimension, Lin Xiao really has no way to find it.

Of course, there is no guarantee whether the number of "more than ten" he deduced is correct, because he lacks understanding of the various properties of the fourth dimension. The particles he deduced belong to high dimensions just because they must have this

Only with several kinds of particles can their third dimension be as harmonious as it is now, without any collapse of space and time, or black holes everywhere, or situations that would cause stars to not exist, etc.

In addition, he also predicted several particles that people have been looking for, such as gravitons. Among the unknowns he derived, he discovered such an unknown number, which is very consistent with the predictions of gravitons in the quantum mechanics world.

Of course, Lin Xiao's theory did not find conclusive theoretical evidence to prove this point of view, because it is just an unknown number, and the existence of graviton completely violates the theory of relativity. According to the theory of relativity, gravity is a phenomenon of curvature of space and time.

In particular, it has been experimentally verified.

However, these problems actually no longer seem that important. What is important is that now Lin Xiao has completed his primary purpose.

That is to say, using multi-dimensional field theory, a method for calculating particle mass was derived.

Mass comes from spontaneous symmetry breaking, which in turn comes from the Higgs mechanism, so through it, Lin Xiao found an equation that accurately predicts the mass of particles.

Now, he only needs to input all the various data, and then through computer calculations, he can find all the results.

"Finally we have reached the last step."

Lin Xiao sighed slightly. Next, as long as he inputs the fourteen particles whose masses have been basically determined on the Standard Model, he will be able to obtain the reward from the system.

I really don’t know how much reward he can get this time. After all, his multi-dimensional field theory can’t even be solved by the system. The system feels that given his current situation, he shouldn’t make such a thing.

In other words, apart from the fact that his current brain development comes from the system, he completed this world-shaking theory entirely through his own thinking.

This is probably like Einstein and Newton, who suddenly had an idea and came up with their great theories.

So, since he’s so awesome, it’s not too much to upgrade his physics to two or three levels in a row, right?

In addition, during the demonstration process, he created many mathematical methods, such as a method called multi-dimensional topology. Through multi-dimensional topology, he was able to discuss the existence of various dimensions in a matrix, thereby proving

The synergy of these dimensions was precisely because of this that he found the existence of multi-dimensional fields.

This alone is an achievement worthy of winning the Fields Medal. For example, Edward Witten used Jones polynomials to explain Chern-Simons theory during the demonstration of M theory. In addition,

There are many flexible applications of mathematics, which is why he won the Fields Medal.

Therefore, Lin Xiao thought that if he had little mathematical experience, he could gain a lot, right?

One or two thousand is not too much, right?

So, with such expectations, he began to calculate.

Let’s start with the up quarks.

Input the spin, charge, and other properties, and then started to calculate. It didn't take long for the calculation software to show the result he wanted. The mass was approximately equal to 2.2MeV/c. Well, it was basically the same as the mass in the standard model.

In high-energy physics, eV/c is generally used as its mass, which is calculated based on the mass-energy equation. This is also convenient for calculations by high-energy physicists. After all, for them, mass is equal to energy, and the two are completely equal.

For equivalent things, they usually use eV/c when calculating.

Now Lin Xiao has successfully verified the mass of the up quark, which means that the multidimensional field theory has once again received a confirmation.

Now, instead of drawing a straight line through one point, now we draw a straight line through two points.

So the next step is to continue to find more ‘points’ on this straight line.

Up quark, down quark, charm quark, strange quark... Six kinds of quarks, six kinds of leptons, four kinds of gauge bosons, and one Higgs boson, seventeen particles, make up the current world of particle physics.

, Lin Xiao can directly calculate the mass of each particle. For example, after substituting photons and gluons into it, he can get the value '0'.

Of course, the masses of the three types of neutrinos can also be calculated, but because they cannot be measured experimentally, even if Lin Xiao calculates it, people still need to continue to find ways to verify it through experiments. Only after the experimental verification is successful, can it be calculated

Make a proof.

In this way, Lin Xiao calculated all the other thirteen particles, and when the results were exactly the same as the particle masses measured by the current experiment, something unexpected happened to the last particle, the W boson.

"What's going on? The mass of the W boson is actually...80436±3MeV/c?"

Seeing this result, Lin Xiao was stunned.

This is a bit different from what was measured before...

In the past, the mass of the W boson was predicted according to the standard model to be generally between 80357±6 MeV/c2, where ‘6’ is the standard deviation σ.

In physics, if the standard deviation difference is within 5, it is considered an experimental error. Once it exceeds 5 standard deviations, it can be considered that some new physics has appeared.

In the past experimental measurements of the W boson mass, none exceeded the five variances of the predicted value of the standard model, so the previous predictions can be regarded as no problem.

But now, the standard deviation between Lin Xiao's result and the previous prediction result is as high as twenty!

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly.

This shows that the past predictions of the Standard Model were wrong, and his multidimensional field theory has brought improvements to the Standard Model.

"It seems that I can shock the world a few more times."

This chapter has been completed!
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