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Chapter 197 Solve the noise! ??Chaos system

Chapter 197 Solve the ‘noise’! Chaotic system

"Sterling, send me all the particle motion trajectories for the past ten years."

In a spacious research room, it is filled with computers, and hundreds of researchers are conducting their own research.

Lin Xiao, who was sitting in the front seat, shouted to a researcher below.

This researcher is an auxiliary staff assigned to him by CERN. Of course, it is not just this one, but a team of nine people. These nine people are responsible for meeting Lin Xiao's daily needs in project research, such as some of the tasks he arranged.

The research tasks also include some of his daily needs, such as buying something, running errands, etc.

Of course, they are very happy to be Lin Xiao's subordinates. After all, who doesn't regard Lin Xiao as their idol now? Especially these researchers are basically relatively young.

Soon, the researcher named Sterling replied: "Okay!"

Then Lin Xiao turned his attention to the computer. Soon, he received files one by one, and then he imported these files into the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation software. A three-dimensional image appeared on it, with a particle in it.


Press the simulation button next to it to see what these particles will look like after they collide.

These data come from every collision since the LHC was built.

In the past ten years, there have been hundreds of millions of collisions, and the data produced are also quite abundant.

However, when Lin Xiao looked at these things, although they seemed a bit messy, and the fragmentation after particle collision made the situation more complicated, under his 4.95% brain development rate, these complexities,

It doesn't seem to be complicated anymore.

He can directly create their collision function in his mind through these images.

According to existing data, it is estimated that these hundreds of millions of collisions will produce very few W bosons, estimated to be only hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands.

In addition, it is difficult for them to observe W bosons, so the small number of W bosons produced has brought many obstacles to their measurement of the mass of W bosons.

"In the past, the mass of the W boson could only be deduced based on the decay products of the W boson. This would definitely lead to great inaccuracy, but what if the W boson could be directly screened?"

Lin Xiao started to think.

W bosons decay very quickly and disappear within about a trillionth of a second after they are produced. This is the main reason why they are difficult to observe. But if and when they can really capture W bosons on a large scale,

The trajectory and energy region it is in will be of great help to them in measuring the mass of the W boson.

Or should I say, decisive help.

When measured from the products of W bosons, errors are inevitable.

Why other particles don’t have this problem? It’s because other particles exist longer, and their existence time is longer. Even if it is a billionth of a second, it is longer than the W boson’s trillionth of a second.

Ten thousand times longer, and the speed of these particles is quite fast, even a billionth of a second can fly a long trajectory, allowing them to conduct observations.

"Actually, it's not impossible to find it."

Lin Xiao looked at the various trajectory lines on the screen and raised his eyebrows slightly.

There are many tenths of short trajectory lines among them, and maybe one of them is a W boson line.

In addition, there are more short trajectories, which come from various "noises".

For example, the influence of various electromagnetic waves and the noise of these radio electromagnetic waves will bring a lot of 'noise' to their experimental data. Electromagnetic waves have energy. When invisible, they are received by various sensors of the particle collider.

, these seemingly inexplicable trajectories and energy waves will be displayed on the computer.

This is also the reason why the LHC is built underground. However, even if it is built underground, there will still be some headaches in the face of those invisible electromagnetic waves, and the influence of the earth's magnetic field cannot be ignored.

In addition, there may also be some impurity particles in the orbit of the particle collider, such as various molecules in the air. When we want to collide protons and antiprotons, they may hit a

on the nitrogen molecules, which will lead to some difficult-to-explain things in the final output data. After all, it is impossible to create a perfect vacuum environment on Earth.

In addition, the thermal radiation generated by the temperature of the surrounding environment, which is also a kind of electromagnetic wave, will also affect the accuracy of the measurement.

Therefore, there are so many interferences that affect the accuracy of experiments, so some scientists have proposed the idea of ​​building a particle collider on the moon, because the moon does not have as many electromagnetic waves as the earth, and the moon does not have a planetary magnetic field to speak of.

Even the gravity is not as strong as that of the earth. Coupled with the low temperature and vacuum environment, it is of course the most ideal place to build a particle collider.

However, building a particle collider on the moon is obviously not something they can consider now.

For Lin Xiao, he now has a three-step plan in his mind.

The first step is to find ways to deal with all kinds of ‘noise’.

The second step is to establish the trajectory function and wave function of the W boson, then input them into the software, and let the software help find matching trajectories and energy peaks.

The third step is to determine the mass based on the traces of these directly found W bosons!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao's eyes were certain.


Let’s start with various radio electromagnetic waves.

Then he shouted: "Sterling, help me check the electromagnetic bands of all nearby signal towers."

Sterling, who was sitting opposite, asked: "Why are you checking this?"

"I want to get rid of these electromagnetic wave noises as much as possible first."

Lin Xiao replied.

When they heard Lin Xiao's words, everyone present was a little surprised.

Solve the noise problem?

Of course, they have thought about this problem, and have done it in the past, such as various optimizations in algorithms and data processing. They have barely installed a Faraday cage here, but they can

The extent to which it can be achieved is still limited. After all, this is completely a problem in the field of chaotic systems. If you want to deal with this problem well, it cannot be said to be very difficult, it can only be said to be very difficult.

As a result, Lin Xiao now actually said that he wanted to solve this problem?

"are you sure?"

Sterling couldn't help but ask.

"Sure." Lin Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "Don't you think these 'noises' are really annoying?"

It's really annoying that everyone present looks at each other, but what should we do?

If they can't solve it, they'll just have to endure it for a while.

The experimental results they made in the past basically have a confidence interval, just like the results they are measuring now, there will be an interval plus or minus the standard deviation.

And these radio electromagnetic waves can provide a lot of range for these intervals.

However, if you think about Lin Xiao's mathematical ability, none of them may have the qualifications to deny that he has this ability.

Then we can only hope that Lin Xiao can do it.

And if Lin Xiao can really do it, not to mention the help this research will bring to them, it will even be of great help to particle accelerator researchers around the world, because it means that they can all conduct better analysis of these 'noises'.

processing, thus allowing their research to have a more 'quiet' environment.

So, unconsciously, everyone began to look forward to it.

However, what none of them expected was that Lin Xiao not only wanted to solve the problem of radio electromagnetic waves, he also wanted to solve the effects of impurity particles, environmental thermal radiation, and even the geomagnetic field!

Lin Xiao did not intend to tell them about such a thing. He would give them a pleasant surprise later.

Time passed quickly.

In Lin Xiao's residence.

The residence that CERN arranged for him was different from the dormitory at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. It was a small villa with a beautiful view. It was also very close to the nearby city. It only took ten minutes to drive there.

At this time, he was working at his desk in the study.

What he was studying was naturally a solution for dealing with radio electromagnetic waves.

So far, he has achieved certain results.

For this kind of chaotic system, one thing is clear: these chaos are not chaotic to the truth of the real universe.

Here, we can introduce the concept of Laplace's Demon to understand it. Of course, it must be an evolved version of Laplace's Demon, which must understand quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity.

As long as we can know the status of each thing in this chaotic system, we can use various theories to determine their future status.

Of course, given the current situation, it is still too early to develop this modern version of Laplace's Demon.

As for the chaotic system that Lin Xiao is dealing with, one thing is certain, that is, these chaotic things are all electromagnetic waves.

This same essence allows him to find ways to deal with them.

"However, difficulties still exist."

Lin Xiao frowned slightly and looked at an extremely complicated formula he had written down.

For this situation, he needs to think of a way to handle it better.

However, at this moment, his phone suddenly rang.

After taking a look at the caller, it was one of the nine researchers under him, a girl named Elizabeth Marcia, who was British.

Although Britain has left the European Union, this does not affect British people coming to work at CERN. Elizabeth Marcia herself also graduated from the Department of Physics of Cambridge University and is considered a graduate of a prestigious school.

Lin Xiao answered the phone and said, "Marcia, what can I do?"

"Lin! The collision track in the first area has been measured based on the distance of the wall radius. Can I send it to you now?"

"Okay, send it to me."

Lin Xiao said.

"Okay! Oh, by the way, Nigel Lockyer, the director of Fermilab in the United States, and several old men have come over and said they want to meet you. Do you want me to take you to the headquarters now?"

"Old man? Don't let them know what you said." Lin Xiao couldn't help but laugh, and then asked: "But why do the people from Fermilab suddenly come to see me?"

"Probably here to spy on the military situation."

Elizabeth Marcia replied.

Lin Xiao asked doubtfully: "Prying on military intelligence? Why?"

"Fermilab is also working on a project to measure the mass of the W boson, which is a competitor with us."

"Is that so?" Lin Xiao understood, and then said: "Then if it is convenient for you now, please come and pick me up."

"Okay! I'll come right away!"

Soon the phone was hung up. After a while, Lin Xiao heard the bell ringing at the door. He packed up his things, came to the door and opened it, and a blond and blue-eyed British girl appeared in front of him.

"Mr. Lin!"

Lin Xiao smiled at her and said, "Marcia."

"As I said, you call me Elizabeth, don't call me Marcia."

"It's all the same, it's all the same."

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Okay, let's go now."

I took the test on subject 4 in the morning. I came back a little late and sent my message late. Sorry.

This chapter has been completed!
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