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Chapter 208 The universe is entropy increasing!

Chapter 208 The universe is increasing in entropy!

The interview with Time Magazine ended, and within two days, the video of the interview was released.

As a media with great influence in the world, the interview videos of Time Magazine can easily attract others.

Especially now that it's publishing an exclusive interview with a top physicist.

So this video immediately attracted many people.

First of all, he was the person Lin Xiao admired the most. However, most people felt that Lin Xiao's answer was unclear, so they didn't think much about it. However, the following questions made people involuntarily attracted.

Are there multi-dimensional spaces everywhere around them?

What they are stepping on is two-dimensional space?

The same goes for the four-dimensional space. Did it step directly on them?

This aroused the imagination of many people,

At the same time, Lin Xiao's description of two dimensions, three dimensions, and four dimensions also reminded people of the Klein bottle, a four-dimensional space-time thing.

According to Lin Xiao’s explanation, people can understand that two-dimensional space is like an infinitely thin piece of paper. A small piece of three-dimensional space can accommodate infinite pieces of infinitely thin paper, and the same is true for four-dimensional space.

In the same way, a small piece of space in four-dimensional space can accommodate an infinite number of papers in three-dimensional space.

The Klein bottle is said to never be full of water, because water is a thing under the concept of three-dimensional space, and a Klein bottle is a thing under the concept of four-dimensional space, so of course it can hold an infinite amount of water.

This comment once again made some netizens who are not physicists but are interested in physics become enthusiastic. Many people have heard of the Klein bottle, but they just can't imagine why the Klein bottle can contain

Put down infinite amounts of water, and now associate three dimensions with four dimensions from two dimensions to three dimensions, which allows them to easily understand the infinity of the Klein bottle.

Then, people began to use their imagination and imagine multi-dimensional space.

Some commentators even said that if they want to make a movie in the future, it will mainly focus on multi-dimensional space. For example, what will happen when a second dimension suddenly has a particle-sized height and negotiates with the three-dimensional space?

, or make a science fiction horror movie, when the three-dimensional space is upgraded to the size of particles in the four-dimensional space, various strange events occur on their earth.

Of course, real scientists don't care about these things. These scientists are more interested in what Lin Xiao said: "Give to God what belongs to God, and belong to scientists what belongs to scientists."

To the scientists, this sentence was very pleasing to the ear, and each of them wanted to praise it for its wonderfulness.

The prototype of this sentence comes from the sentence in the Bible "Render to God the things that are God's, and give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's." This sentence spoken by Jesus divided the divine power and political power.

But now that Lin Xiao said this, it was equivalent to dividing theology and science.

Although today's theology has no influence on science, it does not affect scientists' liking of this sentence, because it is undoubtedly another improvement in the status of science.

Huaguo, in Mr. Yang's room.

"That's really well said."

He had been paying attention to Lin Xiao's news, and when he heard this sentence, he felt very grateful.

Science requires an attitude of disrespect for everything.

This God can also generally refer to the so-called Creator.

Scientists obviously have this attitude of disrespecting the Creator.

Of course, Lin Xiao's statement that if the universe did not proceed according to his deductions, then the universe would be really bad, also made Mr. Yang laugh.

What an interesting young man.

He laughed and suddenly remembered that today is December 17th, and there are only two days left before the Solvay Conference.

Because he is too old to take long-distance flights, and the Solvay Conference is held in Paris, he will only be able to watch the live broadcast at home. He can only express regret for this.

After all, Lin Xiao is the young man he is most optimistic about, and this Solvay Conference features him as the protagonist, so of course he will feel regretful that he cannot go.

After hearing about Lin Xiao's achievements this year, he was certainly the happiest. Lin Xiao's outstanding performance also showed that his initial optimism was not misplaced. At the same time, Lin Xiao's outstanding performance also meant that China did not have to worry about the future.

There is a shortage of top scientists.

He even had a few drinks happily. At his age, he was not allowed to drink. Even his family advised him not to drink, but he still insisted on drinking a few drinks.

To be happy, of course you have to express yourself openly.

"However, by the time the Solvay Conference starts, it may be too late for China. You need to take a good rest these days."

With this thought in his mind, he prepared to recuperate and prepare to watch the live broadcast.

Shanghai Beijing International Airport, waiting area.

There were two people sitting in a row of seats. One of them was Ma Gaoliang, the director of the China Science and Technology Bureau, and the other was his secretary.

Ma Gaoliang was flipping through a journal in his hand and looking at it quietly.

The secretary next to him suddenly asked: "Director, do you understand other people's physics conferences?"

Ma Gaoliang laughed and scolded: "If I understood, I would be the director? Is it me you kid is making fun of?"

The secretary quickly waved his hand: "No, no, I just feel that there is no way for a physicist to go with us, so he can explain it to us then."

Ma Gaoliang waved his hand: "Don't do these things. We who are engaged in administrative work, just do our administrative work well. Just like when you, a politician, listen to a government work report, you can understand it.

If you could understand, you wouldn’t come here to be my secretary.”

The secretary's face showed helplessness.

Director, is it really okay to speak so directly?

He felt that he needed to fight: "I didn't understand it when I was listening, but maybe I can understand it when I think about it when I go back."

"Then you don't understand the physics they're talking about, so don't worry about it."

Ma Gaoliang waved his hand, "Let's just go over and complete the task above."

This time Lin Xiao attended the Solvay Physics Conference, and they were also paying close attention to it in China. Of course, he also had some other tasks.

At this time, the radio sounded: "Flight XXX from Beijing to Paris has started boarding..."

Their plane arrived, and Ma Gaoliang closed the magazine in his hand. He could see that it was Lin on the cover, and the magazine was also Time Magazine.

Lin Xiao's appearance on the cover of Time Magazine has long been on the domestic hot search list, and has aroused heated discussions among many people. Whether it is this matter or Lin Xiao's answer in the interview, Chinese people have a deep understanding of science.

Aroused higher interest again.

It was also for this reason that Ma Gaoliang found this issue of Time Magazine and read it. Now he was already looking forward to meeting Lin Xiao after the Solvay Conference.

December 19th arrived as scheduled.

Paris, as the world conference center, once again ushered in an international conference. At the same time, the people attending this conference were basically the world's top intellectuals.

At the Solvay Conference in 1927, top physicists who could leave a mark on the history of physics gathered together, leaving behind an unparalleled group photo of scientists.

But today, the top scientists in the world are gathered here, but they are here only for one person.

This cannot be said to be a misfortune for the world of physics, because a hundred years ago, quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity had just been born. At that time, quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity were equivalent to an unexplored treasure island, with many treasures hidden in it, so

They were able to dig it out, so it would be very difficult for future generations to dig out new treasures.

However, the new treasure island that Lin Xiao has now found makes every physicist not want to miss such a day.

Of course, unlike the conference in 1927, which only had dozens of physicists participating, now due to transportation and economic development, there are many people attending the conference, so at this moment, the Paris Convention Center can accommodate a thousand people

The conference room was basically full of people.

Sitting in the front row are various top physicists in the world, including the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Wolf Prize in Physics, etc. They are all big shots.

And in the last row are reporters from various companies.

The three reporters from CCTV in Paris appeared here again.

"Staying here really makes me feel ashamed."

Female reporter Zhang Ning held her face with both hands and sighed.


"Is there any need to ask why?" Zhang Ning rolled his eyes and said, "They are all top physicists, but we don't understand anything."

Chen Ming smiled: "Then just watch here honestly, the meeting will start soon."

The meeting starts at 14 o'clock in the afternoon. There is an opening ceremony in the morning and the formal meeting in the afternoon.

This first meeting will go directly to the theme of their meeting——

【Multidimensional space】

The speaker is Lin Xiao.

The time came to fourteen o'clock on time.

Lin Xiao, wearing a suit, walked from the audience to the podium.

Looking at the nearly a thousand spectators in front of him, the world's top physicists were all looking at him at this moment, waiting for his words.

However, today, of course he will not show any timidity.

Smiling slightly, he said: "Have you ever thought about a question?"

"Before we were born, we had no consciousness, that is to say, our consciousness was still in a wave function state and had not yet collapsed. But when we developed a brain in our mother's belly, we became conscious.


"So, have you ever thought about why your consciousness was born on earth and not on other living planets in the universe?"

"Why were we born on this timeline and not on other timelines?"

"Why were we born in three-dimensional space, not four-dimensional space or five-dimensional space?"

"Maybe it's survivor bias, but maybe there are many hidden secrets hidden in it."

"Of course, I am not saying this to reveal these secrets. No one can reveal these secrets, but just like after the birth of multi-dimensional field theory, it reveals many reasons, but it also brings many reasons."

"And these are what I want to share today."

"Then, let us start with the most basic problem of multidimensional field theory, which is vacuum catastrophe."

Lin Xiao turned around, opened his PPT, and then continued: "Vacuum catastrophe is a basic problem in our physics community. Of course, I would rather call it a basic problem in the past."

"It allows us to observe a cosmological constant with a scale that is many orders of magnitude smaller than the scale predicted by theory."

"So what we can determine is that there must be some problem that caused this to happen."

"This is the fundamental reason why I was finally able to derive the multidimensional field theory."

"So now, let's start with a (3+1)-dimensional manifold and start exploring this issue."


[I =∫(Dgμν)(Dημν)D[Ψg,Ψg] D [Ψη,Ψη]e^(iS)……]

Multidimensional field theory is deduced using mathematical methods, so Lin Xiao's presentation is naturally expressed in mathematics.

However, since the previous formulas of Lin Xiao were all mentioned in "On Multidimensional Fields and Their Situation Superposition", the people present could basically keep up.

It has been a few months since He Linxiao published the multidimensional field theory. These few months have also been a process for others to better understand the multidimensional field theory, which makes them participate in this conference

, can better listen to Lin Xiao’s report.

Just like that, time passed quickly.

【mφ2 ψg ψη+ wφ2GημGgμ+……=0】

At this point, Lin Xiao has basically completed the description of the multidimensional field theory in the paper.

Of course, it’s not like Lin Xiao didn’t come up with some new things.

His many days of research and reading of other related literature allowed him to once again improve the multidimensional field theory.

He looked at the people in front of him again, with a slight smile on his face, and said: "Previously, I proposed in my conclusion that energy between different dimensions is being exchanged, but it did not explain why these energies are being exchanged."

"Now, based on my reasoning, I can explain this to you."

As he said these words, everyone below was immediately surprised.

Explain why energy is exchanged?

The physicists present all showed expressions of surprise.

Then, Lin Xiao translated the PPT again, and new mathematical formulas appeared again.


"Everyone knows that the universe is expanding, and the expansion rate of our universe is even getting faster and faster."

"This is obviously inconsistent with our normal understanding. If the energy generated by the Big Bang is the main reason for the continuous expansion of the universe, but the energy is getting less and less, shouldn't the expansion speed be getting slower and slower?"

"So, the only reason that can be explained is that it is supplemented by other energy."

"These energies are energies from other dimensions, and this is the reason for the exchange of energy."

Lin Xiao pointed to the long list of formulas on his PPT, his eyes full of passion for the truth.

"Looking at this formula, it perfectly explains to us that the power of the expansion of our universe comes from three-dimensional space and below, and the more than a hundred orders of magnitude of energy we lost in the vacuum catastrophe was all used to replace it.

The expansion of the universe in higher dimensions provides energy! Because the expansion of the universe in higher dimensions requires more energy!”

The whole place was silent.

Lin Xiao's conclusion is really incredible.

If this conclusion appeared in a science fiction novel, they could consider it an interesting idea.

But now with the formulas on Lin Xiao's PPT, they had to try to believe that this was a real possibility.

But at this moment, someone raised his hand.

Everyone looked and saw that this man was Frank Wilczek, the Nobel Prize winner in physics.

Looking at this big man with his hands raised, everyone couldn't help but wonder, what is he going to do?

Could it be that there were problems with his proposal to Lin Xiao?

The Solvay Conference was not an academic seminar, so Frank Wilczek's raising of hands did not break the rules.

Lin Xiao also smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Wilczek, do you have any questions?"

Frank Wilczek said: "There is a fatal problem with your explanation."

"Because you still can't explain what caused the energy input to us from other dimensions to suddenly increase. In this way, it still cannot explain that the expansion rate of the universe is increasing."

Hearing Frank Wilczek's question, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

This is indeed a critical question.

Lin Xiao said that the energy for the expansion of the universe comes from the energy input from other dimensions, but this cannot explain the increase in the expansion speed of their universe.

However, Lin Xiao just smiled slightly and said: "This problem is obvious."

"Mr. Wilczek, the entropy of the universe is increasing!"

This chapter has been completed!
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