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Chapter 411 A phone call that will go down in history

"It's a good idea. Do you want to use computational materials science to explore the electronic topological bonding mechanism more deeply?"

"Yes, director." The leader nodded.

"Your electronic topological bonding mechanism has been studied very deeply by our materials community...well, and the condensed matter community, so we want to continue to try to study it. In this way, the cost of funds will also be reduced. It won’t be too much and I can control my budget.”

With a funding of 400,000 yuan, they don’t have to think about researching any new materials. This is definitely unrealistic, so they choose more theoretical things. For example, Lin Xiao’s electronic topological bonding mechanism obviously belongs to the theoretical aspect. It's an exaggeration to say that they rented an Internet cafe and then used the computer to verify it all the time, no problem.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration. After all, their research also requires some professional experimental equipment, so a simple computer is obviously not enough to support all their research.

"Well, that's a good idea."

Regarding their plan to control the budget, Lin Xiao nodded and expressed appreciation.

Although it was probably the first time for these four people to host the project, their ideas on the most critical funding issue were also approved by Lin Xiao.

Although the budget issue has never been his problem, for most other researchers, it is obviously very important to control the budget, not to mention these intern researchers, they only have 400,000 yuan in funding, and other Compared with materials research projects, this funding is pitifully small.

Then Lin Xiao groped his chin. Since these people had shown abilities worthy of his initial trust, why not put some more burdens on them?

He thought for a while and then said: "I see what is written on this form, you are the applicant Kang Chengning, right?"

"Well, it's me." Kang Chengning, the leader, nodded, with a little excitement on his face. After all, this meant that his name was remembered by Lin Xiao.

Of course, he did not forget to introduce the other people at this time. The other three people were called Ma Bin, Li Xiang, and Chen Gong.

Lin Xiao nodded. It seemed that these four people had chosen the leader of their group.

Then he said: "Okay, I understand. In addition, regarding your topic, I now have an idea, that is, you can try it in another direction after completing your research."

The four people were stunned. Another direction?

In other words, Lin Xiao still plans to give them some advice?

This actually made them feel happy. If Lin Xiao was also interested in their topic, Lin Xiao would definitely not be able to compete with them for their results, and maybe it would bring them a lot by then. What about the important advice?

Thinking of this, excitement suddenly appeared on their faces again, and Kang Chengning immediately said: "Director, what is your direction?"

Lin Xiao said: "Do you know a paper I published recently?"

"What's your latest paper?"

The four of them couldn't help but think about it, what papers did Lin Xiao publish recently?

Of course, it had not been long since Lin Xiao's paper was released some time ago, and those papers were all heavyweight papers, so they quickly thought about it.

"You mean, the problem of the Yang-Mills gauge field that was proved?"

"And the paper that you and the physicist named Witten published that established the existence of strings?"

"Oh, by the way, you also had a paper before, which unified quantum mechanics and relativity?"

After talking about the papers recently published by Lin Xiao, they fell into doubt again. Although each of these papers was more impressive than the other, what did it have to do with their topic?

They just want to study the electronic topological bonding theory, and none of these things are related to their research, right?

Isn't it all these?

However, as soon as they thought this, Lin Xiao said: "Yes, these are the papers. Of course, you don't need to worry about the paper that Professor Witten and I published. It is not included."

"Then my two papers ultimately point to the strong interaction, but when it is related to the strong interaction, one of them is also related to the electromagnetic interaction. So, I hope you will solve it,

It is to find the relationship between the electromagnetic interaction force and the strong interaction force."

As soon as Lin Xiao's words came out of his mouth, the four intern researchers were dumbfounded.

Ha? We? The relationship between the electromagnetic interaction force and the strong interaction force?

My God, Lin Shen, are you kidding me?

Can the four of us make this thing?

Let’s not talk about whether they can solve it, let’s talk about their professional problems first. They are just a few small computational materials scientists, and the relationship between the strong interaction force and the electromagnetic interaction force is a super big problem in the physics world.

BOSS, this unrelated person, what do you want them to do?

If they had the ability to study this kind of problem, they would probably be more than just ordinary intern researchers. At least they would have to be associate researchers or even academicians.

"Director, is this... a bit difficult?"

Kang Chengning said with a bitter face.

Lin Xiao laughed and said: "Of course, I know this is still a little too difficult for you. Of course, I will give you some help here."

As he spoke, he took a piece of scratch paper from the side and started writing on it.

What he wrote were some calculations, which were related to the electromagnetic interaction force.

The four intern researchers all understood these, but then Lin Xiao introduced other things, and at this time, they were a little confused.

However, Lin Xiao did not write a lot, and it was over in just a few lines of calculations.

Then, Lin Xiao explained to them: "Well, the previous part is about the electromagnetic interaction force. If you have studied the electron topological bonding theory carefully, you should be clear, so I won't say more, but,

The part behind this is the part related to the strong interaction force."

"You who calculate materials may not study the strong interaction force. However, I will not force you to study the strong interaction force seriously. I just hope that during the research process, if you discover anything in the experiment,

If there are any phenomena related to the formulas I listed, you must tell me."

"Of course, this is just one direction I personally recommend you to extend. You can also decide whether to do it based on your own abilities. Before that, you should first produce results on your own projects without spending money first.

On top of what I said."

"That's it."

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, he picked up their funding application form, signed his name on it, and then stamped it with his official seal.

In this way, this application form has been approved by his director, and can now be used to apply for funding.

When they saw the official seal, Kang Chengning and the others showed excitement again on their faces.

This is an official seal worth 400,000 yuan, so how can we not make them excited?

Kang Chengning said: "Well, we understand, and we will try our best to try the problem you mentioned."


Lin Xiao nodded slightly, then waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's do that."

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore."

Kang Chengning nodded, then took their application forms and the scrap paper written by Lin Xiao from Lin Xiao's hands, and then left with the other three people.

Seeing them leaving, Lin Xiao also lowered his head and wrote the expressions he had just written to them again.

Looking at these expressions, his eyes also sank into thinking.

For such a long time, he has been thinking about the photons he used to solve the last step of the problem of mass gap.

Or strictly speaking, photons in the mathematical sense.

But it is precisely this photon in the mathematical sense that makes it particularly important.

Because what you need to know is that virtual particles in physics can basically be understood as a kind of particle based on mathematical processing techniques, because virtual particles have one more imaginary number unit "i" than real particles, and in

Such virtual particles cannot be observed in reality.

For example, virtual photons are particles that transmit electromagnetic interaction force. But we know that the transmission of electromagnetic interaction force occurs in an instant, which is equivalent to its transmission speed being infinite and super-light. So even if we assume

Virtual photons exist, but virtual photons do not transmit interaction forces at the speed of light, but at super-light speeds, instantaneously transmitting interaction forces.

And this is very critical for Lin Xiao.

He discovered this virtual photon in the mathematical sense while solving the mass gap problem, and the mass gap exists between quarks, which is the field of strong interaction forces.

So, it's hard not to think about whether there might be some connection between the two.

Of course, the same is true for the current physics community.

With the end of his report proving the existence of the mass gap, physicists have already entered into a craze about this issue.

After all, as long as they can find the correlation, it means that the relationship between the electromagnetic interaction force and the strong interaction force has been found.

Similarly, this also means that the time for the unification of the three forces is not far away.

After all, the electroweakness has already been unified, and once the strong interaction force is also unified with the electromagnetic interaction force, then the three forces will naturally be unified.

The unification of interaction forces does not mean that they are unified by writing them into an equation or formula. Just like in the standard model, although several forces are included in it, it obviously cannot be said that they are unified.

Even the electroweak interaction forces that have been unified can only be unified after a lot of complicated theories.

Therefore, if you really want to include the strong interaction force, the theory required will definitely not be understood by a simple virtual photon.

Of course, there is no need to talk about these things. At least the discovery of this virtual photon now provides a very important clue for finding the relationship between the strong interaction force and the electromagnetic interaction force in the future.

Lin Xiao pinched his eyebrows at the end. He couldn't think of anything for the time being. He couldn't help but think of the proposal he gave to Kang Chengning and the four others.

Is this suggestion of mine a bit too difficult?

However, he quickly laughed and shook his head. No matter so much, he had never really thought about what Kang Chengning and the four of them could research. Maybe they would also find this problem too difficult and give up.


If those four people can complete their own projects, Lin Xiao can take a high look at them.

"Forget it, just study it honestly."

"Even if it doesn't work out in the end, at least there is a way out."

Although at present, it is still a long way to go to develop the key materials for thyristor nuclear fusion, for Lin Xiao, he can still use the truth.

Before the problem of the existence and mass gap of the Yang-Mills gauge field was not solved, the technology to prepare this material required one thousand truth points, but now it has become 800 truth points, which is enough for today's 1,500 truth points.

For Lin Xiao, who has more than a hundred truths, it is no longer so unacceptable.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao's heart suddenly moved, "Perhaps we can prepare to start building this controllable nuclear fusion reactor now?"

His eyes suddenly froze, and then he didn't say anything, but took out his phone and made a call.

And this phone call can probably be called a phone call that will go down in history in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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