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Chapter 424 The road to success, the experiment of a group of four

【Two chapters in one】

Lin Xiao's narration is over, and then it is time for everyone to ask questions.

Many people present still had certain problems with the argumentation method used in Lin Xiao's paper, and they also questioned Lin Xiao's proof process.

However, Lin Xiao naturally gave perfect answers to these questions.

For him, every time he writes a paper, he is almost always more than 100% sure about the proof ideas and process of the entire paper - as for the part that is more than 100% sure, it comes from him

It is even possible to easily carry out further derivation of these papers.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that he never worries that he will not be able to answer questions during his reporting meetings.

So just like that, this report meeting finally came to an end.

"Then, thank you all for your patience. This academic report ends here."

At this point, Lin Xiao's voice paused again, and then said with a bit of humor: "However, the academic lecture is over, but our academic road is not over yet."

"Although the three fundamental forces have been unified, the graviton, which has just been successfully incorporated into quantum mechanics, is still looking at it from a distance."

"The unification of the four fundamental forces is what we are currently pursuing in physics. In the future, none of us can guarantee whether other interacting forces will be discovered, just like the latest data obtained by our CEPC.

, compared with the data we have obtained at the LHC, it has obviously become more complicated, and this is most likely due to the disturbance caused by higher collision energy."

"But - among these disturbances, there may be new things hidden in our physics that are more urgent to discover."

"Just like my multi-dimensional field theory, although the multi-dimensional field theory is considered a new physics for us, after all, the multi-dimensional field theory involves our general universe - that is, the universe from the lowest dimension to the highest dimension, but we live in our

This universe is in the narrow universe, so I think it may be more important to better understand the universe we live in."

"So, let me wish all my friends that we can make our physics more brilliant and find the greater and more mysterious secrets of this universe."

"I believe that we humans will one day see the ultimate truth of this universe - with the efforts of everyone here."

"Well, that's it, goodbye everyone."

Lin Xiao bowed deeply and then walked off the podium gracefully.

Everyone in the audience applauded warmly after Lin Xiao's last words fell, to express their gratitude to Lin Xiao for this academic report.

Thanks to him for once again contributing to physics.

At the same time, I would also like to thank him for his blessing for physics at the end.

As Lin Xiao walked from the stage to the audience, everyone in the first row of seats turned their attention to him.

The first row was filled with well-known physicists, and they had many interactions with Lin Xiao before. At this time, they all stood up, surrounded Lin Xiao, and started chatting with him.

Of course, the main purpose was to express congratulations to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao naturally smiled and started chatting with everyone.

"However, Professor Lin, there is still one regret about your report."

Everyone was chatting with smiles, and a voice sounded, making everyone curious, why did you say that?

This report meeting is obviously perfect, right?

However, the physicist who said this quickly gave an explanation: "Professor Lin's report today is still missing a surprise."

Upon hearing this explanation, these people suddenly laughed.

That's true. There is indeed one missing element of surprise. Xiang Lin Xiao's previous report meetings often brought surprises to them.

Lin Xiao suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. He waved his hands and said, "Hey, what do you think of me? And since you said it was a surprise, how could it happen all the time?"

Everyone present laughed and said: "Who told you to be Lin Xiao!"

Lin Xiao touched her nose, then waved her hands and said, "Let's wait until next time. Maybe there will be a surprise when I report next time?"

"Okay, Professor Lin has said so, then we will just wait."

Everyone present laughed.

Lin Xiao made an OK gesture.

Of course, only one knows if he can pull off such a surprise next time.

It's all completely random.

What's more, he didn't know when the next academic report would be.

After all, he will devote all his attention to the Golden Crow Project.

Next, he chatted with these physicists, and some of them even invited him to collaborate on research on gravitons and some expanded research after the unification of the three forces. Lin Xiao naturally recommended all of these.


After taking care of the matters in Shangjing, he got on the plane to Tianjin City.

The chief engineer of the Golden Crow Project is returning to his place.

Returning to the Golden Crow Project, after so many months of construction, many buildings have been built here, including the most critical research institute for scientists like them.

As soon as Lin Xiao arrived here, he held a meeting to learn about the progress of various current projects.

For the Jinwu reactor they plan to build, the planned specifications have basically been determined. First of all, this Jinwu reactor needs to meet the power supply needs of at least many cities.

According to their current planning, the Jinwu Plan must first satisfy the cities, that is, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Economic Circle, and then, if there is spare capacity, it will satisfy the surrounding major cities.

In addition to considering how many cities' power supply needs must be met, this power supply demand also needs to take into account the substantial increase in power demand in the future.

After all, when controllable nuclear fusion is realized, the reduction in electricity prices will inevitably bring about a substantial increase in electricity demand. More factories will be opened and established by then. Therefore, if the power of the fusion power plants built now can only meet the current

If there is a demand, we will inevitably fall into the embarrassing situation of power shortage again.

And their plan for this is to be at least five times the current peak power demand.

This is not difficult, especially for controllable nuclear fusion.

However, in addition to this, there is another point, and that is the way of generating electricity.

Because the power generation method determines the final power generation efficiency.

Even though the total energy that controllable nuclear fusion can produce is very large, if the conversion efficiency is not high, it will always be in vain.

And this became their main discussion point in the meeting after Lin Xiao came back.

"As for this issue, we can only boil water."

Li Gang, who is the deputy chief engineer, said with his hands raised.

"Well, I heard that some time ago, a domestic research institute developed a 750 degrees Celsius water evaporation and pressurization device. It will be ready for use. By then, our conversion rate will probably be barely 1%?" As a preliminary preparation working group

Song Tao, the team leader, said.

Everyone else present also nodded.

For people like them, boiling water is the best way to generate electricity.

In fact, boiling water is also their most ideal device.

Even the Oriental Hyperloop uses steam turbine engines for experimental power generation.

Specifically, it is to continuously boil water, and then use the power of steam to push the turbine to rotate, and then generate electricity by cutting magnetic lines of induction.

This method of generating electricity has not changed for hundreds of years.

As for the so-called 750 degrees Celsius water evaporation pressurization device, they pressurize their water heaters to increase the evaporation temperature of water from 100 degrees Celsius to 750 degrees Celsius. In this way, the conversion efficiency of the turbine engine can be improved.


"Hey, maybe it won't even reach 1%."

Someone shook his head helplessly and expressed.

They don't have many good solutions for such low conversion efficiency, so no matter how much they dislike it, they can only accept this helpless thing.

However, at this moment, Li Gang turned to look at Lin Xiao, and suddenly noticed that he was thoughtful, and couldn't help but ask: "General Engineer Lin, do you have any ideas?"

Everyone present also looked at Lin Xiao, but in the opinion of most people, Lin Xiao probably didn't have much to do about this.

However, Lin Xiao said: "Don't tell us, haven't you considered the magnetic fluid generator?"

Everyone in the audience looked at each other for a moment, and then they couldn't help but ask Lin Xiao in confusion: "General Engineer Lin, are you sure? Magnetic fluid generator?"

Everyone can think of the advantages of magnetic fluid generators in the energy conversion efficiency of controllable nuclear fusion, but considering the lack of power of magnetic fluid generators, they are almost always dismissed immediately.

But Lin Xiao still nodded, and then said: "I understand your concerns. If a magnetic fluid generator is used, the positive and negative plates of the magnetic fluid generator need to directly withstand the extremely high temperature plasma flow."

"But regarding this, we might as well think about it, if we can inject some alkaline metals into the high-temperature plasma flow to cool down the high-temperature plasma flow when it enters the magnetic fluid generator?"

"These alkaline metals will also turn into plasma beams at such high temperatures, which will provide more electrons for our magnetic fluid generator, thereby increasing the power generation rate. In this way, our use of temperature will also

It just got higher.”

"In addition, these things still have some waste heat. We can also continue to use this waste heat, connect the turbine generator to the pole plates of the magnetic fluid generator, and then continue to use this waste heat to boil water?


When he said this, Lin Xiao stood up suddenly and began to write various calculation formulas on the blackboard next to him.

These calculation formulas are very simple and can be understood by everyone present. Of course, what they care about is not whether the calculation formulas are simple or not, but what is reflected in these calculation formulas.

Until the end, when Lin Xiao wrote [η=15.6%], they all sat up straight with surprised expressions on their faces.

"General Engineer Lin, you mean that according to your method, the final total power can reach 15.6%?!"


This efficiency, when placed in other places, is not a conspicuous efficiency, but can be called a completely useless efficiency.

After all, the efficiency of current thermal power generation can reach over 40% and less than 20%. We don’t care about other ordinary power generation methods.

But the difference now is that their power generation method is not an ordinary power generation method, but controllable nuclear fusion!

The power generation with a conversion rate of 15.6% given by Lin Xiao is also 15.6% of that of nuclear fusion!

The fusion of one gram of deuterium and tritium can completely produce 336 billion joules of energy.

One kilogram of standard coal can only produce 29.26 million joules of energy.

There is a gap of four orders of magnitude between the two, which shows the horror of nuclear fusion.

Let’s consider the energy conversion rate of the two. According to Lin Xiao’s conversion rate of 15.6%, the conversion rate of thermal power generation is 40%. In other words, the gap between the two is still more than 4,000 times.

This is the energy of the sun.

This is why nuclear fusion can solve human energy problems.

Even if the conversion rate of nuclear fusion is only one percent, it is still many times that of thermal power generation, not to mention its effect on environmental protection as a clean energy source.

Everyone in the entire conference room seemed to be pulled into fantasy by the percentage given by Lin Xiao.

However, they soon came to their senses.

Although the numbers are ideal, the real problems they have to face are very stark.

"No, no, no, Mr. Lin, even so, what you said about putting alkaline metals to cool down is a very good suggestion, but the final temperature will be at least tens of thousands K? In this case, you

How to solve it?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Have you overlooked one point? The material I originally wanted to study was the inner wall material. If the inner wall material can withstand neutron bombardment in the end, do we still need to worry about these problems?"

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, these people suddenly woke up as if they were enlightened.


They had all forgotten this.

There is nothing they can do about it. Their thinking habits are stuck in the state of "this material does not exist", so they have discussed it for so long without thinking about it.

Lin Xiaoke is someone who is committed to studying this material. Of course, he has always considered the existence of this material.

Li Gang immediately asked: "By the way, Mr. Lin, how is your research on this issue?"

Everyone present also turned their attention to Lin Xiao.

The people here were basically the same people who had heard Lin Xiao talk about his views on the inner wall materials of the tokamak device at the Plasma Institute, so Lin Xiao had left their Golden Crow Project alone some time ago and went to CEPC to study it.

There is nothing dissatisfying about the matter.

Because they all know that Lin Xiao's purpose of going to CEPC is still for their Golden Crow Project, which is to unify the strong interaction force with the other two interaction forces.

But now, Lin Xiao has really realized this, so they all want to know whether Lin Xiao's original idea can be realized now.

Facing the inquiries from these people, Lin Xiao smiled slightly and then said: "I think my original guess can be realized."

Everyone in the audience suddenly became excited.

According to Lin Xiao's meaning, then...

They all looked at each other, and at this moment, they seemed to be able to see the excitement in each other's eyes.

Because this means that they will have a chance of success!

And if Lin Xiao's original guess was wrong, it would mean that one of their visible paths was blocked. At that time, they must find another path as soon as possible, otherwise, their Golden Crow plan would be destroyed.

, it has to become a research plan for the Jinwu Superconducting Tokamak Controlled Nuclear Fusion Experimental Device.

But now the road is not blocked, which means they can continue walking.

"General Engineer Lin, then I will leave all this to you."

Li Gang's face straightened and he said to Lin Xiao.

Others also said this to Lin Xiao.

No matter what, as the chief engineer, Lin Xiao's most critical task still has to fall on him.

The rest of them could only place their hopes on Lin Xiao.

"Don't worry, I will definitely live up to expectations."

Lin Xiao nodded and his expression became serious.

Next, it’s time to sprint to the final level.

He is also ready.

There are only a few hundred truth points at most.

With the truth behind him, he was very calm, and even his eyes showed a kind of confidence.

And his self-confidence has made other people feel it, and the tens of billions of investments from the country and the heavy responsibilities given to them that were weighed down in their hearts seem to have become much lighter at this moment.

Although I don’t know where Lin Xiao’s confidence comes from, just believe in Lin Xiao.

Next, the meeting continued. Of course, the next thing was not particularly important. It was just about discussing the details. Soon, the meeting ended.

"Then let's not disturb Chief Engineer Lin. Chief Engineer Lin, our Golden Crow Project is all on your head."

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Just don't worry."


Soon, all these people left, and Lin Xiao returned to his office.

The office is brand new and a bit unfamiliar. Of course, no matter whether it is new or old, as long as you find a computer, pen and scratch paper, it will be familiar to Lin Xiao.

Soon, he took the scratch paper and continued his research.

In fact, after so many days of hard work, he has learned enough about this problem. With his intuition about mathematics and physics, there must be some way to strengthen the relationship between the strong interaction force and the electromagnetic interaction force.

After all, these two interacting forces are inherently unified, and this has been confirmed in their CEPC experiments.

"But the most critical question is how to stimulate this state."

Lin Xiao touched his chin and suddenly had a guess.

"By the way, since it has been proven in the CEPC experiment that the electroweak and strong interaction forces can be unified under the power of 110 TeV, what about neutrons with a temperature of 100 million degrees?"

Lin Xiao thought for a moment.

Of course, it is inappropriate in physics to consider temperature for microscopic particles.

Because temperature is only a macroscopic quantity, it is ultimately reflected in the microscopic state, which is the movement speed of these microscopic particles.

The faster the particles move, the macroscopic manifestation is an increase in temperature.

Why the temperature only transfers from high to low and not vice versa? It can be understood that the particles with high temperature move faster, so when they encounter the particles with low temperature that move slowly, the speed of both

Naturally, it is average, just like playing billiards.

The neutrons produced in nuclear fusion are extremely fast-moving particles, and because they are not charged, they are not restricted by the magnetic field, so they will directly hit the particles on the inner wall of the device, and these particles will pass through.

Particles connected together by the interaction force are directly knocked apart.

"In this case, wouldn't it be possible to use the energy of these neutron collisions to achieve the joint expression of the strong interaction force and the electromagnetic interaction force?"

"Then... you can use special methods to stimulate the strong interaction force of these inner wall materials..."

Lin Xiao's eyes flickered slightly.

At this moment, he has found the real path to success.


Dingguang Research Institute, in a certain laboratory.

The four intern graduate students who were lucky enough to receive 400,000 yuan in funding from Lin Xiao are currently working on the most critical step in their project.

"Hurry up, use a recorder to record it, it costs 200,000 yuan!"

"Okay, okay, it's ready, don't worry!"

The emergency sound sounded, and they had entered the final moment.

Until half an hour later.

"It's done, go and see the result!"

"Well...this result..."

The four people fell into confusion for a moment.

"Isn't there something wrong with this result?"

For a moment, they all thought miserably, their two hundred thousand were given away in vain?

This chapter has been completed!
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