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Chapter 530: Call Me God, Slave of Four Dimensions


Lin Xiao heard the contempt in the other party's words, and a kind of anger welled up in her heart.

But soon, his reason allowed him to suppress this anger.

Because he now understands what the other party means.

This high-dimensional life does not care about this matter at all. As it said, it is just a game.

And it’s still a small game.

He fell silent.

When this higher-dimensional being saw his silence, he couldn't help but become interested.

"Eh? Don't you want to express anything?"

"No anger, no desire to rush up and cause harm to me? Oh... Although you are the carrier of this dream, you may indeed cause harm to me, but this is basically impossible."

"I have already read the information on your earth civilization. Oh, by the way, we also have your basic potential - oh, in your words, it should be genes. We have already tested your DNA. Your genes

, the highest intelligence can only reach a score of 20."

"Well, of course, this is quite in line with your current civilization level."

"So, even if your most intelligent people come here, it is absolutely impossible to resist in this dream. After all, before resisting, you need to be able to understand our world before you can use the methods that belong to our four-dimensional world.

poses a threat to us."

"Hey...why am I telling you so much? You can't understand it now anyway, forget it, forget it."

"Okay, if you have anything else you want to ask, just ask it quickly. Well, I'll give you three more questions at most."

It seems that this higher-dimensional life has begun to lose its patience.

Of course, Lin Xiao could also hear that the most fundamental reason why the other party was willing to stay here to answer his questions was the other party's little game mentality.

Or maybe, the other party really regards himself as a "god" to show him, a mortal, some pitiful pity?

It's like the other party's so-called mini-game.

Mini-games in the four-dimensional world are indeed not understandable in the three-dimensional world.

However, the identity of the other party may be just an unknown person in this four-dimensional world, just like an ordinary researcher in the research institute, occupying the lowest status.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao sighed slightly in his heart, but what the other party said also made him feel confused.

Only by understanding the four-dimensional world can we resist in this dream?

And with their genes, even the smartest people cannot understand the four-dimensional world?

But, he obviously understands it now?

With the help of this higher-dimensional life just now, he now fully understands the four-dimensional space.

Just like the superposition of infinite two-dimensional spaces forms a three-dimensional space, the superposition of infinite three-dimensional spaces also forms a four-dimensional space.

Therefore, when he saw this world, it was as if he was seeing infinite worlds. It was the superposition of infinite three-dimensional spaces. He was originally invisible, but now he has intervened in the four-dimensional world.

space, so he can see other three-dimensional spaces.

The same is true for the pillar in front of you, which is the four-dimensional life. In addition to its length, width and height, it also has a scalar quantity.

Lin Xiao didn't know how to name this scalar, so let's call it [E], because E consists of four straight lines, three of which are length, width and height, and the last one is the fourth scalar.

The volume of three-dimensional objects is based on the unique "high" scalar of the third dimension, and the volume of four-dimensional objects is also based on the "E" scalar of the fourth dimension!

Therefore, in his eyes, this pillar representing the four-dimensional life is also infinite, because it also spans infinite three-dimensional worlds!

Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly moved, and he suddenly thought of something, but he quickly hid the thought.

Then, he finally asked his question: "What kind of little game are you talking about?"

The fourth-dimensional being smiled and said, "You don't understand... Of course, maybe you can understand it, but you won't understand our mentality and our thoughts."

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"And this little game is also very simple. It is to compare the excitement of the process of exterminating you."

"My favorite thing is to destroy religious beliefs, science and technology, and social conflicts."

"But generally speaking, it is easier to destroy a civilization from the perspective of science and technology. It is still a bit difficult to challenge the two perspectives of religious belief and social contradictions. I often try from these directions, such as building an evil society.

, or, support a god who will destroy the world."

"My game methods are very popular among my colleagues."

"Especially, I once directed a film called The Destruction of Tuoluo Civilization. Gee, it was wonderful. I still watch it often."

"Of course, it is not the case this time for your Earth civilization, because you are a bit special... The most important thing is that you are a bit special, and specialness means possible exceptions."

"So, when the time comes, I will directly use science and technology to achieve your extinction."

"I hope you can live to the end. Of course, I will try my best to let you live to the end, because this is also very interesting."

Lin Xiao's eyes darkened, but he remained calm and said: "Since you seem to be very confident, why not tell me what your plan is? Wouldn't it be more interesting to see how we resist?


"Haha, I know you want to trick me, but don't worry, you are destined to perish, because if my plan cannot destroy you, then we will use anchor point destruction technology."

"If you are lucky enough to see this technology then, I believe that your earth civilization will be shocked by this great technology. After all, this is the first cross-dimensional strike technology developed by our civilization. At that time,

You can feel honored for this."

Hearing the other party's tone, Lin Xiaodan smiled, "So you still don't dare to reveal your plan to me?"

"No, I just want to leave a little suspense. The unknown plot development is the most interesting thing in a show, isn't it?"

The high-dimensional being laughed again: "As for your provoking method, there is no need to think about using it on me. My life is infinite compared to yours."

"A light in the three-dimensional world may not be able to travel from one corner of the three-dimensional world to the other in its lifetime."

"So the speed of light, which you regard as insurmountable, cannot even cross even one layer of my body."

"Life and death, how do you know Hui Shuo?"

"You have worn down my patience. Hurry up and ask the last question. Then you can wait for you to wake up from your dream and welcome your doomsday."

"Of course, if your civilization can survive my first little game, then you will still be qualified to meet me."

Lin Xiao shook his head in disappointment, and then asked the last question: "Do you think I can still hurt you in a dream?"

"What? Do you really want to hurt me?"

The fourth-dimensional life laughed wildly, so much that Lin Xiao wanted to beat him up.

Then this four-dimensional life sarcastically said in mockery: "Of course, this is your dream. In the dream, you are omnipotent. You can even make me trapped in this dream forever and unable to get out."

"However, although the ownership of the dream belongs to you, the right to use it belongs to us. We have constructed our four-dimensional space here, and you cannot understand our four-dimensional world at all, because your dream has become beyond your cognition.

things, and you can only be omnipotent in the dreams within your cognition."

"Is it possible that you think you understand the existence of the four-dimensional world just now after I explained it to you?"

"So - you've finished asking your questions, just wait for you to wake up! It's time for me to leave."

Then, Lin Xiao saw the pillar begin to move, and in an instant it seemed to span an infinite three-dimensional universe and begin to move away.

"Wait a minute."

But at this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly shouted.

However, the pillar did not stop.

Lin Xiao sighed, "Okay, I want to pretend for a while longer."

Who knew that this villain who had been talking a lot just now would suddenly stop talking too much.

He looked around and then let himself float.

He has understood the fourth dimension, the fourth scalar, "E".

Therefore, he has regained control of his dream and has become omnipotent again - just like in a lucid dream, he can do whatever he wants.

Of course, under what circumstances can one be truly omnipotent?

"Now I am a four-dimensional life."

Lin Xiao issued the order.

The next moment, he felt that his body began to rise infinitely.

The speed at which the field of view changes exceeds the speed of light in an instant.

The light of the past was reflected in front of his eyes, thus forming a scene that could be described as going back in time within his field of vision.

Of course, these lights soon disappeared, and when he looked around again, the Milky Way was already under his feet.

And this is not enough.

Local group of galaxies.

Virgo galaxy cluster.

Laniakea Supercluster.

In the end, he crossed the observable universe and crossed the unobservable universe. The edge of the universe made him bow his head, and the oldest light crossed the corner of his eyes.

But it's still not over.

He broke through this three-dimensional universe, entered another three-dimensional universe with his head, and stepped on another galaxy in another three-dimensional universe that may also be named the Milky Way...

In this way, the three dimensions were like turning into a piece of paper in his eyes.

It's not even paper.

Because in his eyes at this time, the three-dimensional universe was so thin that it seemed like there was only one layer.

He even seems to be able to fold the Orion cantilever to the center of the Milky Way, allowing the Earth to directly see the black hole Sagittarius A* at the center without being torn apart by the black hole's huge gravity.

And this was not enough, Lin Xiao continued to span the infinite three-dimensional universe.

at last.

He appeared in a new world.

This is the four-dimensional world.

The three dimensions are no longer visible because they are too small.

And this four-dimensional world also shocked Lin Xiao.

Of course, at this time, he also saw a moving four-dimensional thing in front of him, and that should be the four-dimensional life that he just talked to.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, then stepped forward and stretched out his hand - now as a four-dimensional life, his image has also changed. In the process of becoming four-dimensional, countless hands and heads have grown on his body.

, the legs look very disappointing.

However, this is also caused by four-dimensionalization. Countless three-dimensional superpositions become four-dimensional, and then infinite superpositions of it become its four-dimensional form.

He stretched out a hand and patted the other party. The other party was very slender. No wonder in three dimensions, the other party looked like a pillar.

Lin Xiao said: "Hey, friend, I think you'd better stay here."

The other party was obviously startled. He quickly turned around and looked at Lin Xiao, and then he was startled again.

"Fifth-dimensional monster!"

Then, this fourth-dimensional life quickly started running.

But soon, Lin Xiao used his own methods to control the other party.

As for his method, it is also very simple, just give the order.

After all, this is his dream.

Then, he said: "Okay, don't shout randomly. No one will come to save you even if you shout until your throat is broken. It's better to get to know who I am."

This four-dimensional being was stunned, looked at Lin Xiao carefully again, and was shocked.

"You...how could you? No, no, no, this is impossible!"

Obviously, he had recognized Lin Xiao.

Isn't this the inferior three-dimensional life?

"Sorry, the facts are obviously right in front of you."

Lin Xiao smiled calmly and said, "Okay, if you want to go out, then answer me a few more questions honestly."

"Otherwise, I will be trapped here forever just like you said."

"No...this is impossible. You can't understand the fourth dimension. How can you do it? It obviously takes you so long to learn our language!"

"Really? Maybe, but now you'd better answer my question carefully, your plan, and how to avoid the anchor point destruction technology you mentioned?"

After hearing Lin Xiao's question, the other party finally came to his senses, and then said coldly: "It seems that I still underestimated you, but don't worry, after you die, I will be able to wake up naturally, so...


Before he could finish his words, this fourth-dimensional being wailed.

Then, he said in horror: "What... did you do to me?"

"Unfortunately, I happen to know some basic components of four-dimensional space, such as the gravity of four-dimensional space."

"So, I just controlled the gravity of the four-dimensional space and tore every part of your body."

"This is my dream. I am omnipotent, so don't try to resist an omnipotent god."

"Oh, by the way, from now on, you need to call me 'God', otherwise, I will let you experience what divine punishment is."

"You..." This fourth-dimensional being looked frightened.

A low-level three-dimensional life actually allows a high-level four-dimensional life to call him ‘god’?

"No, I won't accept it. Don't think, my colleagues will be able to discover what's going on here sooner or later."

Lin Xiao just smiled indifferently.

"Didn't you just say something about life and death, how could you know Hui Shuo?"

"Doesn't this mean that your four-dimensional time is different from our three-dimensional time?"

"So as you observe, our time passes very quickly."

"But you just said that your colleagues will come over to take over the shift, which makes me wonder. If your lives are really endless, why do you care about this little time?"

"So I have every reason to guess that your lifespan in the four-dimensional world is limited, but compared to the three-dimensional universe, your time is infinite."

"And in this dream, you will use your four-dimensional lifespan to obey the three-dimensional time."

"Is my guess right?"

"So, the longer you stay here, the more your life will be wasted, right?"

"Just like in our three dimensions, the closer the speed is to the speed of light, the slower time passes."

"And the three-dimensional speed of light is too small for four-dimensional life."

"So the time flow rate in four dimensions will be very slow compared to three dimensions."

Lin Xiao analyzed with a smile.

"So by the time your colleagues find out what's going on here, it may be a long time ago."

"Am i right?"


The fourth-dimensional life sounded frightened.

"How can you analyze so many things?"

Lin Xiao said indifferently: "Call me 'god' and then answer my questions, slave of the fourth dimension."

Under Lin Xiao's tactics, the other party finally answered Lin Xiao's question.

Naturally, Lin Xiao didn't keep his word and let the other party stay in his dream forever.

He can wake up, but that dream is constructed by the other party's dream machine and will not disappear until their dream machine takes the initiative to cancel it.

Finally, he also returned to reality.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the lounge.

His face was as dark as water, as he recalled the information he had gleaned from the fourth-dimensional being named Picaro, and then left the lounge.

Soon, a secret meeting was held.

The only participants were him, Liao Cheng and Ren Guohua.

"Chief Lin, what on earth is going on that makes you so nervous?"

"Chief Lin, what did you learn from those higher-dimensional beings this time?"

Lin Xiao took a deep breath, and then said: "Listen, you two, now we must prevent Jayden Armstrong from coming back."

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, both of them were stunned and became confused.

Ren Guohua asked: "Why is this?"

"Jayden Armstrong was sent by the higher-dimensional life to destroy our earth's civilization."


Hearing these shocking words, Liao Cheng and Ren Guohua were both stunned.

Destroy civilization?

What does it mean?

"Why can he destroy earth's civilization? With the United States?"

"With the help of that higher-dimensional being."

"There is also a destroyed Martian civilization!"

This chapter has been completed!
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