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The first class on Monday morning is Charms.

Zheng Qing didn't wait for her black jade cat all night, and she felt as if she had been scratched by a cat. After the morning class, she rushed to the classroom to ask Jiang Yu if her white jade cat was back.

But it wasn't until the bell rang that the witch entered the classroom unhurriedly without even looking at him. Li Meng, who was following Jiang Yu, made a face at him.

The familiar scene gave Zheng Qing an ominous premonition in his heart.

Soon, he remembered that a few days ago, after he was captured by Thomas and had his flesh cut off and bled, he tried to hide the incident from Jiang Yu, so for a while, he couldn't even see the witch's face.

During that time, the 'murderous aura' exuding from her was just like the feeling she gave him when she walked into the classroom today.

He is not the only person who is sensitive to breath.

"What mistake did you make again?"

During the break in the spells class, Xiao Xiao looked at Zheng Qing curiously, full of suspicion: "Don't tell me that you really have any weird relationship with that little girl from the Houyhnhnm tribe..."


Dr. Zheng Qingchong rolled his eyes. After being annoyed, he sighed helplessly: "——How do I know? Yesterday was fine. I swear I have been behaved these two days...except for attending school on Friday.

She also knows about one project, and the rest is just review, review, and review. The final is coming soon, how can I have time to do those messy things!"

"In other words, if you have time, you will make messy things?" Xiao Xiao keenly caught the ambiguity in Zheng Qing's last sentence.

When Zheng Qing heard this, he just wanted to fill his mouth with concentrated sulfuric acid.

Xiao Xiao calmly took a small step forward.

"Where is your black gem cat?" he suddenly asked.

"——I went out last night and haven't come back yet." Zheng Qing hesitated, subconsciously glanced at Jiang Yu's seat, and vaguely saw a piece of white jade in her hand, and she couldn't help but feel something in her heart.

"Did you not come back, or did you dare not come back?"

Dr. Xiao Da obviously guessed a certain possibility, and he hit the nail on the head: "Do you still remember how much trouble your shadow caused before? In fact, I have never understood why you dared to let your stone cat go to the Cat Fruit Tree instead of you... so

Your agility and agility have frightened both Councilor Su and Squad Leader Jiang. How can its stone head be safe and sound under the cat fruit tree?"

Zheng Qing's face lost all color.

He suddenly remembered a small detail from Saturday night - Black Jewel Cat went to Sakura Tavern and listened to Colma talk a lot of nonsense, but never got the point. After absorbing the memory, he quickly understood the witch's unfinished business.


That said, he did overlook the extent of Stone Cat's stupidity.

It's dark under the lamp, that's probably what it means.

Zheng Qing found the black gem cat in the grass nest under the cat fruit tree.

After the Charms class, Jiang Yu still left without saying a word, which immediately made him very uneasy. Therefore, he no longer had the patience to wait for the stone cat to come back on his own. He just had a few bites of egg sandwiches for lunch, and then walked around without stopping.

He followed the spiritual connection between him and the black gem cat to find him.

I saw Zheng Qing coming to my door.

The black gem cat behaved extremely calmly.

It spread its limbs like a piece of rotten meatloaf, and said to the wizard in a bleary voice: "Come on, turn me back into a stone. I am completely desperate for this world of intrigues..."

Before it could finish complaining.

Zheng Qing lifted the clone transformation technique.

The curse light flashed, and the black gem fell lightly into the wizard's hand. At the same time, a cold memory full of panic was poured into Zheng Qing's mind.

After a while.

The wizard opened his eyes, glanced at the black gem in his hand, and sighed heavily.

Did Stone Cat do something wrong?

No, it completed the task given by the main body very seriously. In addition to inquiring for information, it could also accompany the white jade cat to review its homework for a whole night, which was far beyond his imagination of this stone.

But you have to say it's true -

Zheng Qing weighed the black gem in his hand and felt a slight toothache.

After the afternoon talisman class.

He did not move slowly as usual. After seeing that Jiang Yu seemed to be planning to get up, without saying a word, he grabbed the black gem and hurriedly blocked the exit of the first row of seats, looking at the witch with a firm gaze.

Because most of the people in the class had not left the classroom at this time, there was a small commotion all around.

Zheng Qing remained unmoved and his expression did not change at all.

"Speak carefully if you have something to say, don't be too embarrassed." Teacher Zhang walked down from the podium holding the handout, patting the boy on the shoulder with a smile, but looking at the witch.

Then Shi Shiran left the classroom.


As soon as Zheng Qing said a word, he was interrupted by the witch.

"Wait a minute, we all have classes, we don't have much time." She glanced at her pocket watch and pointed outside the door: "Go outside and talk while walking... You, go to the library by yourself, the final exam is coming soon.

, don’t always play with Su Ya!”

Li Meng nodded obediently, hugged her small school bag, and ran away.

Zheng Qing followed the witch along the corridor, and when they reached a deserted corner, they stopped.


This time, he only had time to say one word, and the witch raised a finger to stop him from continuing.

"I know it's not your fault." She glanced at the obsidian in Zheng Qing's hand and shook her head: "But I can't vent my anger with a stone, right?"

This answer was completely beyond the wizard's expectations.

He imagined many girls' answers - such as blaming him for being in two different places; or mocking him for being a master of time management. He had just said goodbye to the white jade cat with one foot before entering the Qingqiu Mansion gate with the other.

She kept looking at him with a cold face.

But all the guesses were wrong.

This made his brain freeze for a few seconds.

Then it started turning again.


"You want to ask, since I know it's not your fault, why am I angry with you?" The witch completed the question for him, which made Zheng Qing's feelings about the black gem cat last night even more profound - he is really that good


Moreover, he always felt that this feeling of being robbed of his words was familiar.

There is a strong sense of déjà vu.

While these thoughts flashed through his mind, he nodded honestly.

"I need to show my attitude by getting angry."

Jiang Yu looked at him calmly, with deep eyes: "In other words, I need to deepen my memory by getting angry. Although this incident is small, if I accept it quietly, then next time, it will be better than this incident.

If it's a little too much, should I accept it? What about next time? And so on... I'm worried that in the end, I will be able to accept it naturally when I see you with her. That kind of scene makes me think about it.


(End of chapter)

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