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Chapter 214: Ceiling Controversy

In the newly broadcast extra update, part of the prelude of "Fearless" has been spoiled, as well as Jiang Yuan's rap and dance performance on stage in this episode.

Rap and dance, no matter which field Jiang Yuan is involved in, are enough to trigger heated discussions, not to mention that Jiang Yuan prepared both at once.

The audience of the show and Jiang Yuan's fans immediately started a heated discussion, and even passersby couldn't help but pass by and take a look.

[Jiang Yuan sings rap, but something feels weird. Can’t he go back to his previous style? 】

[I’m not too shocked about Jiang Yuan singing rap. After all, he used to do this style before. Although I don’t know if he has improved this time, at least the rap in “Handwritten Once Upon a Time” was pretty good.

The most unexpected thing is that Jiang Yuan can actually dance. I really want to see it.】

[Why do I feel that Jiang Yuan is going to hit the streets this time, both rapping and dancing.

Although it’s a good thing to step out of your comfort zone, won’t you go too far at once?】

[Judging from the clips that have been aired on the show, Jiang Yuan seems to be pretty good at dancing, but I don’t know if he can actually sing and dance.]

[Not everyone can sing and dance. Jiang Yuan’s singing skills are indeed pretty good now, but singing and dancing are still a test of his skills. Judging from the clips broadcast on the show, he is either practicing singing or dancing, but nothing serious.

Sing and skip once.]

Regarding Jiang Yuan's attempt at rap, singing and dancing, there has been a lot of discussion on the Internet, but doubts account for the majority.

This was also done intentionally by the program team of "Beyond the Troubles", which only aired some clips of Jiang Yuan and others just starting to practice.

Only when they first became familiar with songs and dances, Jiang Yuan and others practiced singing and dancing separately.

But in the later stage, after I could memorize the dance moves, I practiced singing and dancing together.

This is also a hype method used by the program team to let the audience badmouth Jiang Yuan before the main film is broadcast.

Then wait until the main film is aired to make Jiang Yuan a blockbuster.

Due to the deliberate efforts of the program crew, Jiang Yuan became a hot topic, and what followed was a discussion about whether Jiang Lang has exhausted his talent before every performance.

But it wasn't just one-sided doubts. In addition to fans expressing their expectations, some audience members of the third performance couldn't stand being questioned about their favorite stage, so they stood up one after another.

[I, the audience, Jiang Yuan’s performance was the most explosive in the audience, bar none!]

[I don’t know what the ingredients are for those people who are quick to question the show before it even airs, but what can be revealed is that Jiang Yuan’s performance this time is top-notch rap, and he also dances very beautifully. 】

[Everyone will know when the show airs. This is the first time I know that the scene can be so exciting. 】

[The rap is not embarrassing at all, and the dance is also very beautiful. Although it may be a bit exaggerated, in my personal heart, Jiang Yuan is already the top performer in domestic entertainment! 】

The speeches made by the audience on the Internet suddenly made the topic more controversial and the discussion became more intense.

After reading the audience's repo, some passers-by expressed their expectations for this, considering that every previous repo about Jiang Yuan was accurate.

There are also some netizens, and even fans of other artists, who became even more excited after seeing the audience's repo.

Especially when I see the one that praises Jiang Yuan as the top performer in domestic entertainment, it’s not just some haters.

Many fans of domestic entertainment singing and dancing artists also criticized this.

After all, Jiang Yuan has never tried singing or dancing before. As soon as he started, he wanted to grab the title of singing and dancing ceiling in domestic entertainment. It would be strange if the fans of other artists don't explode.

Although the viewer who posted the post added the qualifier "in my heart", the fans don't care whether you added the qualifier or not.

Anyway, there are quite a lot of doubts in the topic, so I might as well make a post and make fun of it, it’s normal.

Jiang Yuan had already completed the last rehearsal of "Thousands of Miles Away" when he saw his hot search, and was speechless for a moment.

Why are there so many quarrels about topics related to me? It feels like a pot has come from the sky.

Fortunately, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, and Jiang Yuan has a relatively good ability to accept it.

Anyway, the stage will be broadcast tomorrow, so even if it is noisy, it will not be noisy tomorrow.

The program team of "Breaking Through the Troubles" is even more happy to see this situation.

No matter how fierce the quarrel is now, it will only increase the topic and discussion of the program. When the program is officially broadcast tomorrow, the effect will be even better.

It is undeniable that due to the controversy, the audience is indeed looking forward to the third performance even more.

Fortunately, the feature film will be online the next day, so you don’t have to wait too long.

On the other side, in the studio, Xu Chengxuan was also paying close attention to the response after the new episode of "Beyond the Troubles" was released.

The first thing he saw was the hot search related to Jiang Yuan. When he saw Jiang Yuan's name again, Xu Chengxuan was not in a good mood.

Since the show started airing, and after each episode is broadcast, unless that episode doesn't have a big deal with Jiang Yuan, you will definitely see Jiang Yuan's name on the hot search list.

After seeing it too much, Xu Chengxuan did feel a little bored.

But people's behavior is very strange. Although he was bored, Xu Chengxuan couldn't help but click on the hot search to see what happened.

After clicking on it and reading it, I became even more bored.

Like his fans, Xu Chengxuan also directly ignored the qualifiers in other people's posts.

There was dissatisfaction with the term "singing and jumping to the ceiling".

He has never been formally addressed like this in so many years of singing and dancing, why should Jiang Yuan?

Although he also admitted that Jiang Yuan danced very well in this scene, the ceiling was not high enough.

With this in mind, Xu Chengxuan clicked on the real-time discussion.

The real-time discussion was quite balanced. Some were looking forward to Jiang Yuan's performance, while others were skeptical.

Xu Chengxuan felt much calmer after looking at those questioning posts.

Then I accidentally swiped and liked one of the posts.

[The fans are really outrageous now. I didn’t even sing or dance once before, but as soon as I came here, they immediately became the ceiling? 】

It's a somewhat violent post.

Looking at the phone screen, Xu Chengxuan suddenly felt his head buzzing.

When he was done, Xu Chengxuan quickly canceled the like.

If we say that Jiang Yuan's performance on stage this time was very poor and his hand slipped and was dug out, then it would be easier to say.

But how Jiang Yuan performed this time, Xu Chengxuan could see clearly at the scene.

A very exciting performance indeed.

In this case, if you swipe to like this post and it is dug out, not only will your popularity among passersby decrease, but you may also get scolded.

Thinking like this, Xu Chengxuan could only pray in his heart that no one would find traces of his likes.

But this is obviously impossible. In the Internet age, especially when Xu Chengxuan is still a very popular artist, this like record was quickly dug up.

Controversy ensued, and although fans automatically attributed it to hand slipping, which it was, the controversy would not go away.

Xu Chengxuan dedicated himself and added fuel to the topic again.

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