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Chapter 273 Explosion Reversal

The pages of the album in my hand turned "swish", and the story continued to unfold.

As Poirot intervenes in the case, more details about the case are revealed.

The police determined that the time of the attack was between 9:45 and 10 p.m.

A number of characters who were considered serious suspects in Lei Xiwei's eyes all had alibis during this period.

At this time, the police once again dropped an important clue. After questioning, the concierge witnessed Roger's stepson Payton entering and leaving the manor at 9:25.

In the police inspector's hypothesis, Payton entered the manor at twenty-five minutes, and was overheard by Raymond at thirty minutes asking Roger for money. After being refused, he killed Roger, and even the shoe prints in the study were found.


Reich shook his head slightly, agreeing with Poirot that if Payton was really the murderer, there would be too many clues left.

At the end of the chapter, Poirot picked up a small piece of starched white silk in the pavilion and tucked it into his notebook.

In the Magic City Bookstore, Huang Xinjie also wrote the same sentence in her notebook, although she didn't know what role the fragment played.

But Huang Xinjie believes that clever mystery novels are full of foreshadowing, which may be related to the final truth.

In a new chapter, Poirot and I walked around the manor and heard the conversation between Major Brant and Miss Flora by the goldfish pond.

From the dialogue, it can be seen that Major Brandt has a good impression of Flora.

Huang Xinjie's eyes widened. She had long thought that there was something wrong with Brandt's thick eyebrows and big eyes. It was just that he had given the murder weapon, but he actually liked Roger's niece.

Flora received an inheritance of 20,000 pounds after Roger's death, and she seemed to be hiding something at the same time.

Huang Xinjie immediately gave herself the wings of imagination, and all kinds of love, hate, and hatred emerged in her mind.

Poirot once again picked up a lady's wedding ring in the goldfish pond. The ring was engraved with "r. Gift, March 13th".

Huang Xinjie was a little confused, unable to connect the clues, so she could only continue reading.

The lawyer announced Roger's will, and Payton received the largest inheritance. The estate included all the shares of the company. Each clue once again aggravated Payton's suspicion.

I was entrusted by Poirot to investigate the past of Ursula, the only parlor maid who did not have an alibi, but in vain.

The joint coroner's inquest began, and the conversation was again about the phone call I had received on the night of Roger's death. The phone call came from the station and had no trace of its origin.

The fingerprints on the murder weapon were identified as coming from Roger himself, and numerous clues once again pointed the suspicion to Payton, who had not yet shown up.

After the trial, Poirot held a family gathering at Finlay Manor, together with Poirot and myself, Major Brant, Flora, Mrs. Ackroyd and Raymond.

Huang Xinjie looked a little surprised. The plot was already halfway through, and many novel detectives already knew the truth at this time.

But in this case, all the characters concealed it to a certain extent, so even Poirot didn't know the truth.

After the family gathering, Poirot invited me to his home for a night chat. Poirot conducted an investigation on the stranger I met when I left the manor that night, and learned that the stranger had drank at the "Three Wild Boars" bar and had some.

American accent.

Then, the goose quill used for smoking drugs found in the pavilion was displayed.

Based on the analysis of existing clues, the motive pointed to Paton again, but Poirot always believed that he was innocent.

The investigation continues, foreshadowing clues emerge one after another, and the truth hidden by each character is revealed one by one.

Lei Xiwei watched the whole process with her mouth open. Every detail was so subtle that she couldn't react even before the truth was revealed.

For example, Poirot said to Ursula, the parlor maid, "You shouldn't be called Ursula Byrne, should you? Child - it should be Ursula Paton? You are Mrs. Ralph Paton!"

Seeing this, many question marks suddenly appeared on Lei Xiwei's head? What happened?

This is explained in the next chapter. It turns out that Ursula and Payton had already known each other and fell in love, but Payton claimed that he could not let Roger know that he married a girl from a poor family, and that he would not make the marriage public until the debt was paid off.

But there are flaws in Payton's character. Roger kicked him out of the manor after knowing that he owed huge debts. He called him back a few months later in the hope that Payton could marry Flora.

There is no love between Payton and Flora. Their marriage is like a transaction. For Payton, it is nothing more than a life-saving straw that can help him pay off his debts.

So I planned to hide it from Ursula, but unfortunately there was no airtight wall, and the news was eventually exposed.

Ursula found Roger and fell out completely, and had a quarrel with Peyton in the pavilion that night. Roger's body was found more than half an hour after the two separated.

Poirot asked Ursula some details of that night.

Huang Xinjie felt the same as Lei Xiwei. Even though she took notes, she was still a little dizzy.

And she took a look at the number of chapters and saw that there were not many chapters left.

I looked at the clues I had written down and tried to analyze them, but I still had no clue, and I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

At the same time, my curiosity for knowledge became even stronger and I couldn’t wait to turn to the next chapter.

In this chapter, Poirot brought all the suspects together, and Huang Xinjie felt a little excited.

This situation is usually the highlight of detective novels, when the detective reveals the truth and Poirot reads out the list of suspects.

[Mrs. Ackroyd, Flora, Brant, Raymond, Mrs. Paton, Parker and housekeeper Russell]

Huang Xinjie took a look and checked the list she had written. They were almost unanimous, so she continued reading with some excitement.

Poirot first revealed the relationship between Ursula and Paton, and then put forward a hypothesis that was beyond Huang Xinjie's expectation.

At half past nine, Raymond heard voices coming from Roger's room, but it was possible that no one was with Roger at all.

At the same time and providing evidence for this hypothesis, Roger had a dictaphone and was probably reading a letter from Mrs. Ferrers at half past nine.

At the same time, at the end of the chapter, Payton, who has never appeared, finally appears.

Huang Xinjie continued to scroll down without stopping.

Payton appeared on the scene to reveal the mystery of his late appearance, and at the same time explained that he had never been to Roger's study that night.

At this point, Poirot has already secured the victory and declares, "I know that the murderer of Mr. Ackroyd is in this room. This is what I said to the murderer."

Poirot knows the truth, but Huang Xinjie, as a reader, still has no idea.

The next chapter is called the whole truth. Huang Xinjie put down her notebook and concentrated

Poirot believed that Roger was dead at half past nine and that the voice heard by Raymond was recorded by a dictaphone.

The murderer was someone who was very familiar with Roger and knew that he had a tape recorder. He was someone who had been to the "Three Wild Boars" earlier, a person who understood mechanical principles, and someone who had a chance when Parker called the police after the accident.

A person who spends a few minutes alone in his study.

At the end of the chapter, Poirot reveals the truth, "In fact, this person is--Dr. Sheppard!"

"F*ck!" Lei Xiwei and Huang Xinjie said in unison from different countries, and Tong Kong was shocked.

Such a reversal is too explosive!

Huang Xinjie and the others were stunned for a moment, their heads were buzzing.

From beginning to end, they never doubted this character.

Never would I have imagined that the murderer would be Shepard and the first person "I".

The two people read in different languages, but they were equally shocked and speechless.

next chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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