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Chapter 447 'Spark'

The entire stage was shrouded in azure blue, and the screen on the stage was covered with starry sky animations designed in advance.

The moving and twinkling stars, the piano boy, seemed to be dazzled on the sea of ​​stars, making the audience dazzled and lost their minds.

The sharp-knuckled hands danced like elves on the black and white keys, playing a sweet melody.

Each note is performed, and in conjunction with the dancing starry sky, it seems to create a concrete effect.

The perfect combination of pictures and music made the audience feel peaceful involuntarily.

With the superposition of piano skills, just the prelude has attracted many listeners.

Liu Fang stood under the stage. At this time, he also dialed Sun Tao's video and broadcast the performance to him.

"まだこの世は, Servantをfeedいならしていたいみたいだ


(It seems that this world still wants to tame me, so do as you wish. I will struggle beautifully to the end...)"

Jiang Yuan started singing while focusing on playing the piano.

The clear voice and the clean piano sound blend together, and the effect of opening the mouth to the soul is like the prologue of a wonderful movie, instantly attracting the audience's attention.

Sun Tao, who was on the video call with Liu Fang, watched this scene through the broadcast and began to feel sad again that this stage would not be included in his program.

"A sand timepiece for each other, a watch for the sand

さよならから Ichiban Yuan い, the place is waiting for you ち合わせよう...

(Let us gaze at each other's hourglasses, kiss tenderly, and meet at the farthest place from goodbye...)"

Jiang Yuan sang with concentration. Whether it was his singing voice or the scene in front of him, the audience felt as if they were looking at a dynamic wallpaper accompanied by music.

At the same time, he also started to become curious about the movie that was soundtracked by the song Jiang Yuan just mentioned.

Among them is Haruka Arimura. The dubbing work for the movie has not yet begun, and Haruka Arimura still knows little about "Your Name".

After a short verse ended, the live band also started to play.

Guitar and drum beats joined the performance, and a short interlude, combined with the beautiful dance, created a feeling of fireworks rising into the sky for the audience.

"sounds so good!"

Under the stage, in a certain area, some guests who participated in the music festival performance today were gathered.

Everyone looked at the banners with Jiang Yuan’s support slogans all day long, and couldn’t help but stay to see Jiang Yuan’s performance.

Originally, I just planned to take a look and leave, but from the opening to now, not one of these people left, and some even came.

At this time, listening to Jiang Yuan's performance of another new song, I couldn't help but praise it.

"Dictionary にある语叶で, 出上がった世界を氓だ

The eighth month of the Wanhua Mirror is in the middle of the eighth dynasty, and the king is in front of the servant...

(I hate this world made up of dictionary words. A kaleidoscope reflected you in front of me one morning in August...)"

After a short interlude, Jiang Yuan continued singing.

The singing voice with a strong sense of narrative successfully portrays the image of the lyrics for the audience.

"Spark" is a song written by the band RAD for "Your Name" and has several versions.

Jiang Yuan sang at the music festival this time mainly to promote the movie, so naturally she also sang the movie version.

"ハ二かんでは成ましてみせた, この世の Textbook のような笑面で..."

(Shy but pretending to be indifferent, a smile at the level of a world textbook...)"

As Jiang Yuan sang, a figure seemed to appear in front of the audience.

Just like watching a movie, my mood rises and falls with the singing, and I can't help but smile.

"It's so beautiful!" When the interlude of the song came again, a band member with long hair in the audience couldn't help but sigh.

At the same time, he stared intently at Jiang Yuan on the stage, thinking about getting to know him after the performance.

"ついに时はきた, yesterday's までは prologue の prologue で


(We have finally reached this moment. Up until yesterday, it was just a prologue within a prologue, so I skipped it briefly. Please just look at me from now on...)"

Jiang Yuan played and sang, as if dividing the story into different chapters.

It's like a long picture scroll is slowly unfolding for the audience.

"経験とknowledgeとカビの生えかかった, brave 気を志って"


(Bringing experience, knowledge, and long-gone courage, I will rush towards you at an unprecedented speed...)"

The big screen at the scene showed a close-up shot of Jiang Yuan, allowing the audience to appreciate Jiang Yuan's appearance while listening to the song.

The camera is so close that even Jiang Yuan's eyelashes can be seen clearly.

The live glow sticks turned into a sea of ​​blue stars through the central control, and the audience danced with the glow sticks while enjoying the performance.

After watching the performance for a day, I can distinguish the particularly exciting performance.

Jiang Yuan's slow singing not only makes people calm, but also gives a sense of relaxation that relaxes the whole body, making it very comfortable to listen to.


The classroom is outside the classroom, the train is moving towards the front...

(Half asleep and half awake, snuggling up to a cup of warm Coke, dreaming of a distant place outside the classroom window, in the bumpy morning of the tram...) "

And when some of the audience were about to close their eyes in enjoyment, the drums beat loudly, and Jiang Yuan's singing became louder.

The scene was suddenly awakened from the intoxicating atmosphere of half-dream and half-awake, and the mood became more and more intense with the music.

The choreographic animation flowed on the big screen, and the audience looked like a meteor streaking across the starry sky.


With a very high-quality treble, the interlude of the song is introduced.

The strings played at the scene, and together with the playing of other musical instruments, the audience felt as if they were seeing the rising sun in the night sky, and as if a train was passing by with its whistle.

The stars were flowing in the sky, and Jiang Yuan continued to play in harmony with the band.

The original song of the movie version of "Sparks" is more than eight minutes long, of which this interlude is nearly four minutes.

However, in order to control the length at the music festival, Jiang Yuan still made certain cuts, but still kept the length of about two minutes.

During the interlude, the audience was completely immersed in the beautiful notes and could not extricate themselves.

By this time, many viewers in the audience had begun to wonder what kind of movie plot could match this piece of music.

"Why do you feel that your Japanese singing is better than mine?"

"He's handsome and can sing pretty well. He really deserves to be popular!"

"This piano skill is really amazing!"

"Now it seems that those flags during the day are not too exaggerated!"

The area where the singers and bands gathered in the audience took advantage of the interlude to start a discussion.

Among them, those who gave Jiang Yuan basically all praised Yishui, and they were basically convinced by it.

Some people also expressed their approval for fans Zhong Er’s support for banning his account.

At this time, on Sakura's network.

After Jiang Yuan took the stage to sing, relevant discussions have not stopped.

From the suona performance of the opening overture, to the singing and dancing, to the new Japanese songs, and to the reunion with Haruka Arimura, it can be said that it was a full surprise.

So much so that Jiang Yuan is ranked first in most online search engines.

There are also some news posts on the forum that are updating the status of the music festival in real time.

[He is really a genius, the opening instrument feels so domineering!]

[The golden and red costumes are so cool, it feels like a real dragon has come to the world!!]

[There is actually a new song in Japanese, the fans at the scene are so happy!!]

[His Royal Highness Jiang Yuan specially prepared a new Japanese song "Jealous" for this performance. I was so moved after watching the video!]

【Good news, good news! The Japanese album is coming soon!】

[Wow, I sang "Fire with Fireworks" again, it looks so good with Haruka-chan! 】

[Today, I even met Jiang Yuan and Yaoxiang eating snacks together. They felt like a couple, and they raised the banner!!]

[I heard that it was officially announced at the scene that they will collaborate on a new movie!]

[There seems to be a new song from the movie that is first sung and a live video of the squat! 】


Jiang Yuan is not aware of the heated discussions on the Internet for the time being.

After the nearly two-and-a-half-minute interlude was played, all the instruments paused temporarily.

This pause for empty shooting gave the audience the feeling of waking up from a dream.

Just when he thought the performance was about to end, he was ready to applaud and cheer with a look of reluctance, but he discovered that the dance beauty on the stage had not changed, and Jiang Yuan put his hands on the keys again and started playing.



(Even the way you express love is filled with your breath, and even the way you walk is filled with your laughter...)"

After a long interlude, the song started singing again, and the slow singing made the audience feel like it was transitioning to the final chapter.

Although because the movie has not been released, it lacks the bonus of OST attributes.

But the singing of the main song in the last section still makes the listener feel some sadness.


この眼に焼き发けておくことは, もう権利なんかじゃないOBligation だと思うんだ...

(Everything about you will come to nothing one day, so keeping you in my mind is not a right but an obligation...)"

As Jiang Yuan played and sang, his emotions unfolded layer by layer.

Listening to Jiang Yuan's singing, Arimura Haruka couldn't help but think about it in her mind, feeling that it would be a somewhat sad story.

But the drum beat that became more rapid and the musicians' passionate performances seemed to be telling more than that.

"Fate is the future and the future is Yanye,

どれだけ手をreach ばそうと, 时かないplace でServant love をする……

(We fell in love in a place where words like fate or future are not enough to describe it...)"

Jiang Yuan sang loudly along with the accompaniment.

The lyrics contain the word fate, and Jiang Yuan's singing is completely released at this moment with the foreshadowing of the previous emotions, giving a feeling of breaking through the confinement of fate.

The audience's emotions were also driven and became excited.

At the same time, the entire stage became brighter and brighter.

As Jiang Yuan sang, a shooting star streaked across the background, like breaking through the night, emitting this golden light.

"The clock's needle is the second person and the horizontal eye is the same as the second one.


(The footsteps of the hour hand watch us move forward. In such a world, we agree that we will always be together for the rest of our lives, no, no matter how many lives we live!) "

Jiang Yuan's singing voice completed the last part of the song very firmly.

The entire song, under Jiang Yuan's interpretation, gave the audience an excellent experience.

Watching a movie is like a montage. Although the specific plot content is not clear, different paragraphs cause corresponding emotional changes in the listener.

After the last part of the performance ended, many audience members also had smiles on their faces.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan also finished the final performance, stood up and bowed to the audience.

At this time, the entire audience also burst into the warmest applause and cheers.

Sun Tao, who was videotaping with Liu Fang, was still immersed in the aftertaste of the song, but was startled by the shouts from the scene.

After I came back to my senses, I still regretted not only regretting not including this episode in the program, but also regretting not appearing at the scene.

Although Sun Tao was generally not as able to understand the lyrics as the audience at the scene, so he only had a partial understanding of them.

But the singing of the whole song didn't sound too fancy to Sun Tao, it just sounded good.

The audience at the scene basically had the same views as Sun Tao.

After this song, many audience members were inspired by the song.

At least at this moment, I have made the idea of ​​​​watching the movie when it comes out.

In addition, Jiang Yuan also attracted a wave of fans from passers-by at the scene.

When he has several very good songs and looks very handsome, it is difficult not to gain fans.

Some viewers have even started the mode of climbing on the wall to learn relevant information from Jiang Yuan's fans.

After the performance of the new song "Sparks" ended, Jiang Yuan stopped for a moment to take a sip of water, and then the prelude of the next song started playing again.

Then there was a singing and dancing performance of two Korean hit songs.

As two hot singles that still dominate the Peninsula Music Chart, they are considered popular to most of the audience at the scene.

It aroused the mood of the scene very well, and many passers-by fans who had just joined the show showed expressions of surprise and surprise.

I didn't expect that the hit song I had heard before was sung by Jiang Yuan, and I felt like I had discovered a treasure.

As the performances of other songs progressed, the live video of "Sparks" was also posted online by the music festival's official account.

Fans who were not able to come to the scene and even some media were paying attention to the developments in real time.

For a time, the playback volume and discussion of "Sparks" began to soar rapidly.

This chapter has been completed!
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