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Chapter 521: Golden Dagger Award

After seeing the message from Yang Chao, Jiang Yuan recalled that "No One Survived" was about to be published simultaneously around the world.

After all, for Jiang Yuan, the manuscript of "No Survival" had been delivered at the beginning of the year.

It was almost half a year ago.

The plan has been in preparation for such a long time, and it is finally time to officially launch it.

But this was secondary. Jiang Yuan was mainly concerned about the second half of the message sent by Yang Chao.

Last year, Jiang Yuan published several classic works that rose to prominence around the world and received wide acclaim.

In the second year, when the major international mystery and popular fiction awards are about to hand out awards, it is also the harvest season.

The award ceremonies for many major awards are about to be held in the near future, and Jiang Yuan has been firmly nominated for his works such as "Roger's Mystery".

Therefore, Yang Chao sent a message asking for Jiang Yuan's opinion, which is considered to be no small honor.

"How do you think about it?"

"These awards are relatively well-known internationally. Even if you don't necessarily win the award, just revealing your vest will probably cause quite a storm."

After Jiang Yuan replied to the message related to publishing, Yang Chao immediately asked Jiang Yuan what he thought.

Since becoming Jiang Yuan's editor, Yang Chao has kept this secret alone for too long.

I have always wanted the public to know just how skewed Jiang Yuan, a young man who already looks like a skewed person, is.

Whenever he thought of Jiang Yuan losing his horse on such a grand occasion, Yang Chao couldn't restrain his excitement.

Facing Yang Chao's questioning, Jiang Yuan also thought about this question carefully.

"Which of these awards is the most valuable?" Jiang Yuan asked.

If Jiang Yuan had to reveal his vest, he would definitely choose the grandest occasion to appear important enough.

On the contrary, if you try to show your face at every award ceremony, you will fall into the cliché.

Yang Chao was sitting in the office. When he received Jiang Yuan's reply, he immediately jumped up from his seat.

Such a reply, in Yang Chao's opinion, was a sign that something was going to happen.

After all, when I asked this question in the past, I usually got a rejection reply.

After calming down, Yang Chao also found the list of awards again, and based on his own understanding, he began to review Jiang Yuan.

"The first is the Saatchi Literary Award. Although it is a literary award, it is not that serious in nature."

"Generally speaking, novels are not rigidly adhered to the classification, so it is common for mystery novels to win awards."

"And in addition to the quality of the work, the popularity of the work in the market, that is, the sales volume, will also be taken into account to a large extent."

"It's an award that attracts a lot of attention. It's not necessarily the highest achievement, but winning the award means that the author is definitely famous." Yang Chao sent a picture and gave Jiang Yuan an analysis.

Jiang Yuan leaned on the sofa, and after reading Yang Chao's explanation, he temporarily included the Saatchi Literary Award as a candidate.

After all, it is an award that can often be seen on the waistbands of some books in bookstores.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan didn't reply immediately, Yang Chao went on to introduce the next award.

"The second one is the pure mystery novel award."

"The Collins Prize is purely named after a famous reasoning expert. He is the most outstanding reasoning expert in the last century."

"The setting of the awards is simple and extremely pure. Only one work will win the award a year, and the award is entirely based on the voting system of the jury members."

"Although it is not the best, in the world of mystery novels, it is an award with great value and recognition."

Yang Chao roughly simplified the content for Jiang Yuan based on the information and popular science he had just found.

Jiang Yuan thought about it and analyzed it, and temporarily wrote down the Colin Award.

However, I don’t have much desire to choose. After all, compared to the Saatchi Literary Award, the Collin Award is still slightly behind in terms of popularity.

"What about the last one?" Jiang Yuan replied curiously.

The name of the last award looked much more distinct in Jiang Yuan's eyes than the other two.

The other two awards are mostly named directly after people.

But the last award was directly named the "Golden Dagger Award". Whether it was somewhat similar to the naming method of the Academy Awards or the distinct characteristics of a special award for mystery novels, Jiang Yuan was quite interested.

After Jiang Yuan asked, Yang Chao also responded immediately, "The Golden Dagger Award, to put it simply, can be called the Little Golden Man in the world of mystery novels..."

"The award was established in..."

When Yang Chao endorsed the glorious history of the Golden Dagger Award, Jiang Yuan made his choice almost immediately, "This is it!"

"Don't you want to listen anymore?" Yang Chao was also a little surprised by Jiang Yuan's decisiveness.

In fact, it was mainly the saying about the little golden man in the reasoning world that hit Jiang Yuan. If you have to choose, choose the most ridiculous one.

"No need." After Jiang Yuan replied affirmatively, he had already begun to think about what to have for lunch.

"Okay, I'll help you make arrangements!!" After Jiang Yuan finally finalized his choice, Yang Chao became excited.

"Actually, I also want to recommend this award to you."

"The Golden Dagger Award is held only once every three years. There are countless works participating in the selection in each session, but in the end there are only a few authors who can be nominated for this award and invited to attend the award ceremony."

"And the award ceremony is very consistent with your mysticism. Only we received the invitation."

"Before the awards are officially awarded, even the shortlist is hidden. It is absolutely exciting to reveal the fact of the vest at such an awards ceremony!!"

Yang Chao was so excited that he replied to many messages in a row. He even couldn't help but start to imagine the scene of the award ceremony in his mind, and how it would be described in the press conference afterwards.

Jiang Yuan looked at Yang Chao's supplementary explanation and nodded with satisfaction, feeling that he had made the right choice.

Then he started to fight with the lunch problem more attentively.

"When the whole world knows that Omega and Album are still superstars, their jaws will definitely drop."

Omega is the pen name used by Jiang Yuan when his works are published abroad. After all, the name Album is not very distinctive when translated into English.

So I finally chose the name Omega, which has a mystical connotation, and combined with Jiang Yuan's tone of never revealing anything, it also played a certain role in foreign countries and was very popular.

"The only pity is that we have to wait two months for the Golden Dagger Award Ceremony, otherwise we would be able to catch up before "No Survivor" is released."

"As my first work after winning the award..." Yang Chao is still thinking about it.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel pity for "No Survival".

After reading "No Survival", Yang Chao has always regarded it as another new peak work in his editing career.

Even before it is published, I have absolute confidence that it will definitely further establish the recognition of the award.

Jiang Yuan quickly ordered the meal, and while replying to Yang Chao's message with approval, he was also inspired and had some new ideas in his mind.

While waiting for the takeout, Jiang Yuan simply started to send messages to Zhang Qing to discuss.

On the one hand, participating in the award ceremony requires Jiang Yuan to coordinate his schedule. In addition, revealing the mystery of Omega or the album is also a big event.

In terms of public relations and marketing after the drop, the studio also needs to take action to achieve the best results.

When Zhang Qing received the news from Jiang Yuan, she was slightly shocked at first.

But fortunately, Zhang Qing has been prepared for this day to come since she learned about the existence of Jiang Yuan's vest.

Moreover, Gaolu was given two months to prepare, so Zhang Qing quickly gave a positive reply.

After replying to Jiang Yuan, Zhang Qing, like Yang Chao, was vaguely excited and looking forward to it.

After reporting to Zhang Qing, Jiang Yuan sent a message to He Jing again.

Inspired by He Jing, Jiang Yuan inquired about the adaptation of works by Golden Dagger Award winners, although not all of them were successfully adapted and achieved good results.

But at least each one received great attention when it was promoted, no less influential than a well-known screenwriter.

This made Jiang Yuan think about the possibility of opening up foreign markets for "The Invisible Guest", which is currently being filmed.

As long as it is done properly, it is very possible to transfer the heat generated by the publication of "No Man Survived" and the announcement of the Golden Dagger Award to this film, thus building a reputation.

Jiang Yuan sorted out his thoughts and sent them to He Jing.

Recently, He Jing is also busy working on "The Invisible Guest".

Especially the venue props and actors were carefully selected.

Because of his busy schedule recently, Jiang Yuan was rarely absent from the audition for this movie.

Basically, the main communication and communication are conducted online.

Because he was afraid of missing Jiang Yuan's news, He Jing also set it as a special reminder.

A ringtone that was different from other contacts rang. He Jing immediately took out his phone and started checking it.

After sending birthday wishes to Jiang Yuan and exchanging messages yesterday, I received another message from Jiang Yuan.

Originally, He Jing was still somewhat tired and preparing for a new round of auditions.

But after seeing a series of new plans from Jiang Yuan, it was like being given a shot in the arm, and his whole body became nervous.

Although He Jing himself was very confident about this movie after reading the script of "The Invisible Guest".

But the difficulty in promoting the movie this time is that the public does not know the existence of Jiang Yuan's vest.

Therefore, the recognition of Jiang Yuan's drama ability basically still focuses on themes such as love fantasy. At most, they think "Want to See You" and "The Secret That Cannot Be Telled" have a little suspense element.

But I definitely won’t have high expectations for Jiang Yuan’s suspense movie because of this.

In addition, He Jing himself was trying this kind of subject for the first time, so he had already planned for the publicity to be met with failure.

But Jiang Yuan is now preparing to unveil his vest at such a grand award ceremony as the Golden Dagger Award.

The situation was reversed in an instant. As soon as Jiang Yuan took off his vest, He Jing could predict that the entire topic would explode.

And it is equivalent to having many excellent mystery works to endorse "The Invisible Guest".

The early marketing of the movie was stabilized immediately.

Even He Jing and Jiang Yuan began to think about foreign markets.

After all, the Golden Dagger Award is an absolutely valuable award.

Basically once it is made public, anyone who reads mystery novels will know about Jiang Yuan.

Sales of novels that are already good will definitely see a new surge again.

Coupled with the fact that Jiang Yuan wrote and starred in the suspense movie himself, the whole gimmick can be said to be so full that it is difficult for no one to pay attention to it.

Although Jiang Yuan also added that he might not be 100% sure of winning the award, He Jing was very confident in Jiang Yuan.

Having considered the plan sent by Jiang Yuan as a 100% implementable plan, he returned to the casting work for the movie in high spirits.

After Jiang Yuan finished sending a circle of messages and confirmed that nothing was missed, he put down his phone and began to enjoy the lunch that had just been delivered.

At the same time, I also entered the holiday life mode.

Although the previous recording of "World Songs" was also during a break in travel.

But there were songs to perform and some additional schedules during the trip, so Jiang Yuan still had a string that was always taut.

Now he was completely relaxed. The weather outside was hot and dry, so Jiang Yuan felt quite comfortable staying alone in an air-conditioned room.

In such a leisurely afternoon, Jiang Yuan also rarely picked a vinyl record and put it on the record player.

But when I was choosing records, I was stunned for a moment, and started thinking about whether I could release a vinyl record of the first few albums to help complete the task of [Palace Records].

Although the overall demand may not be as high as a normal album, the total volume should not be too small.

Moreover, such an object seems quite ritualistic.

Jiang Yuan silently wrote down this idea, then found a book and leaned on the sofa to start reading.

The record player's stylus traces the track on the vinyl disk, and the slightly warm sound of music is played in the air through the speaker.

Jazz-style English songs, paired with slightly serious literary works.

Jiang Yuan was still distracted at first, thinking about the development direction of the main line of literature after the vest was unveiled.

While thinking, I also focused part of my attention on the book in my hand.

After watching it intently for a while, I fell into a coma state without realizing it.

The afternoon reading time turned into a nap.

It wasn't until the record finished playing that Jiang Yuan woke up again.

I looked at the sky and felt a little lucky that I didn't sleep until dusk, so I didn't have the chance to feel a huge sense of loneliness.

Putting the newly opened books that had fallen on the ground back on the bookshelf, Jiang Yuan felt that after the book given by Sun Tao, the bedtime reading seemed to be in need of an update.

I sat down on the sofa again and ordered myself a glass of happy water.

At the same time, I took out my mobile phone and started to pay attention to the achievements of "Log" from zero to now.

As soon as I opened the social platform software, before I could check it, the page was forced to switch, and then the phone started ringing.

This chapter has been completed!
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