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Chapter 588: Huge momentum

"No wonder I didn't take any photos. I even sent someone to squat at the airport for a long time." Tom said while adjusting the equipment.

"Who is not? They are all squatting, but you are still the thieves. You made a headline and grabbed the attention." Someone immediately talked to me.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time for everyone to encounter this kind of situation, right?" Tom smiled and continued.

"This is indeed the first time in history. I originally thought that Omega was going to show up."

"I didn't expect that the identity under the mask would be so amazing." The colleague shook his head and sighed.


While the reporters were sighing, Jiang Yuan, wearing bright colors, opened the door and immediately attracted the attention of the reporters.

From a visual point of view, the sudden switch from the more serious and deep colors of the scene is inevitably a kind of surprise. After all, most of the reporters present do not specialize in entertainment pages.

Now that Jiang Yuan appears in front of me, it is still difficult to connect him with the identity of Omega.

Facing the flash lights all the way, Jiang Yuan came to the center of the room and sat down on the sofa specially reserved for him, straightening his cuffs.

The camera lens and the eyes of the reporters on the scene were all focused on Jiang Yuan's body, which was quite hot.

If the on-site staff hadn't reminded him that the interview could start, Jiang Yuan would have no doubt that the microphone would be at his mouth in the next second.

"I'm ready. If you have any questions, just start asking them!" Jiang Yuan gestured.

Because of the standard procedures, the reporters at the scene did not appear to be in a chaotic scene, but began to ask questions one by one.

Jiang Yuan also turned slightly to listen to the questions being asked.

"Hello, I would like to ask if all the works released in the past two years were written during this time period? Because we know that Omega is also a prolific writer, and you are also an excellent artist."

The first reporter handed over the microphone.

This is indeed one of the things that surprised many reporters. It would be okay if Jiang Yuan did not do very well as an artist.

But in terms of artists and singers, Jiang Yuan's achievements this year are also shining enough.

The new album that is about to be released recently has received high reviews recently and has gradually changed from the most anticipated work of the year to one of the most important albums in the past ten years.

In this case, it is even more shocking to create a new writing method in several books.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan nodded and thought for a while.

To be honest, the questions asked on the spot were much gentler than Jiang Yuan expected.

Jiang Yuan was originally prepared to be questioned about whether he was a real omega, but now he was able to answer a lot of questions with this intensity.

"Some of the ideas were conceived and recorded relatively early on, but they were only written in the past two years." Jiang Yuan replied.

In this regard, Jiang Yuan was a little more conservative in his answer.

Jiang Yuan just reviewed it by himself. If it weren't for the system bonus, this output would indeed be quite shocking.

Therefore, all of Charlotte's works are prepared to have an inventory-like existence in the timeline.

"Balancing the identity of an artist and a writer, and revealing your identity in a very dramatic way when you receive the Golden Dagger Award. How do you feel about it? Is it specially designed?"

After Jiang Yuan finished answering, the next reporter immediately continued the question smoothly without wasting any time.

After listening to the question carefully and pondering for a moment, Jiang Yuan began to answer.

"The balance in identity is more of the output of artistic works, but the form is slightly different."

"I am very excited to receive the Golden Dagger Award. After all, it is called the highest honor in the world of mystery novels, and it is very important." Jiang Yuan said as he glanced at the trophy on the table in front of him.

After pausing for two seconds, he continued, "As for disclosing the identity, it's not that it's a carefully planned process, it's more of a natural process."

"After being shortlisted for many major awards this year, who Omega is has become an increasingly hot topic, so my editor asked me if I wanted to find an award ceremony as an occasion to reveal my identity." Jiang Yuan

Then he pointed to Yang Chao not far away.

The reporters also followed the direction of Jiang Yuan's finger and took several photos before coming back again.

"So in the end, we selected the most important Golden Dagger Award and said that if we can win it, we will take this opportunity to make it public. As you can see, this is the case." Jiang Yuan replied with a smile.

The reporters' questions continued, and everyone's questions were quite complex.

Although there were some behind-the-scenes stories, Jiang Yuan roughly recounted them in his speech of thanks.

But reporters are still very curious about some details.

When asked about relevant questions, Jiang Yuan simply waved and called Yang Chao to sit next to him, and together they reviewed the specific situation for the reporters.

At the same time, Yang Chao was also able to provide some behind-the-scenes stories that were different from Jiang Yuan's perspective, thus further enriching the background of the story during the questioning process.

After asking more detailed behind-the-scenes questions, the reporters naturally entered the next stage.

In essence, the Golden Dagger is also a very important award. In addition to the gimmick of Omega's unveiling, some content about writing and reasoning should be mentioned during the interview and left to Jiang Yuan to share.

Regarding this section, Jiang Yuan also saw some interview clips from other authors after they won the award on the way to London, so he also prepared a little bit.

For example, in terms of writing, Jiang Yuan also analyzed the writing ideas and background of each work one by one based on the gift package information he received from the system.

I talked about each book one by one, and it took a long time.

Jiang Yuan originally thought about whether he would say too much. When he thought about speaking briefly, he found that everyone at the scene was listening very carefully, so he continued speaking.

Jiang Yuan stopped sharing this part after he finished talking about the recently published "No Survival".

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! When Jiang Yuan stopped to share and take a break to catch his breath, the reporters also applauded in unison.

Tom was among them. Although he felt a little dizzy after hearing it, it didn't stop him from feeling that what Jiang Yuan said was very impressive and reasonable.

"As for my thoughts on reasoning, my latest thought is..."

After the applause died down, Jiang Yuan picked up another topic and continued the discussion.

Regarding the sharing of the definition of reasoning, in order to promote the new book, Jiang Yuan also brought out the basic deduction method of Sherlock Holmes and explained it to the reporters at the scene.

After Jiang Yuan finished speaking, as expected, there was another round of applause.

Jiang Yuan paused for a moment and continued, "This is also the reasoning method that will be used in the next series."

A good interviewee has the ability to guide the pace of the interview.

Jiang Yuan took the initiative to mention the new book in a timely manner, which also allowed the reporters to focus their next questions on the new book.

"As for the new work you mentioned, could you please share with us what kind of story it is about?" asked the next reporter.

"A story about a detective." Jiang Yuan replied immediately.

Among the reporters, Tom couldn't help but worry about the question quality of his colleague just now. Fortunately, he was not from the same company as him, Tom thought.

"Can you give us more specific information?" The next reporter asked, giving Jiang Yuan some room to express himself.

Jiang Yuan also started to share and publicize this topic.

We had already discussed it with Yang Chao when we came here before. This is the most popular occasion and is very suitable for advertising new books.

"The story tells a story called Sherlock Holmes. It will be a series of collections, with different cases connecting the stories together. The background is..."

Jiang Yuan shared seriously, and the reporters on the scene were also taking notes carefully.

In fact, Jiang Yuan doesn't even need to advertise. As long as he mentions it a little, the attention will be very high given the current popularity.

However, Yang Chao said that the publication of the first volume might be accelerated much faster than expected after the Golden Dagger Award, so Jiang Yuan simply gave a more detailed sharing.

I shared everything about the background setting of the story, the specific style, and even the length of the series I prepared.

The reporters listened and thought about it, and suddenly felt that the writing was almost finished, and their eyes widened again.

"Currently, the first volume of "Sherlock Holmes" is already in the preparation process. We will further accelerate the publishing process and strive to meet the book fans as soon as possible." Yang Chao took over the conversation and prepared for this part.

The publicity is over.

The reporters were also a little surprised to receive such positive news.

After the regular question-and-answer session, the reporters on the scene paused for a moment and then redirected their questions to Jiang Yuan himself.

Although some writers have been asked about their personal lives in interviews in the past, few have made reporters as interested as Jiang Yuan.

"Excuse me, after winning the award, will there be any changes in your acting career?" A reporter asked, and the question was quite polite at this time.

Jiang Yuan answered more calmly. He shook his head and said that nothing had changed. It was just that everyone knew that they were more versatile. He didn't know about Omega before, but he knew it now.

After this question, some of the subsequent questions became gossipy again.

Some reporters promptly inquired about Jiang Yuan's information and uncovered Jiang Yuan's past relationship history.

Because of Jiang Yuan's previous relationship with a house owner, the timeline of each relationship was organized very clearly. The reporters saw it clearly and at the same time, they were also very interested in emotional issues.

After asking a lot of questions in the follow-up, Jiang Yuan nodded and admitted to her past feelings.

Foreign reporters also take a very generous view of emotions and think it is a normal experience.

I'm just more curious about Jiang Yuan's current relationship status. Apart from revealing that he is single, Jiang Yuan didn't answer much.

Generally speaking, except for the follow-up artist plans, reporters did not get many answers in terms of private life.

The interview that lasted about half an hour ended at about this time, and the reporters asked all the questions they had prepared.

He Fang, who was listening and watching on the sidelines, noticed that after the interview was over, he also breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that this interview had almost exhausted all the questions.

Fortunately, the reporters at the scene were just like the general audience. They were so shocked that Jiang Yuan revealed his identity that they were a little dizzy. It was difficult for them to ask questions in detail.

He Fang reviewed it in her mind and felt that she still had a lot of questions left for her.

After the interview, Jiang Yuan said goodbye to the reporters and returned to the waiting room to rest.

Some media at the scene wanted to ask Jiang Yuan for further interviews, but Zhang Qing blocked them for the time being, saying that they could wait until later to contact him.

Tom and others did not linger too much and retreated decisively. Everyone began to process the materials they had just harvested as quickly as possible, preparing to release their own news first.

After Jiang Yuan returned to the waiting room, he breathed a sigh of relief and ended the interview. Today's public schedule for the Golden Dagger Awards can basically be said to have come to an end.

He Fang and the photographer of "Living Alone" faithfully recorded this moment.

Different from the interview clips outside, Jiang Yuan will appear much more real at this moment.

"You can rest today." Yang Chao also sat aside and wiped his sweat.

Although I was excited today, I was also very nervous at the same time. Now I am finally feeling a little more relaxed.

"Then why don't we arrange the interview for our program to be held tomorrow?" He Fang thought for a while and said.

Jiang Yuan nodded when he heard this, then shook his head, "If you have any questions, you can ask them now. We can answer them casually."

"Okay." He Fang's eyes lit up. This kind of relaxed interview was obviously more attractive than a formal interview.

So in the waiting room, Jiang Yuan and Yang Chao answered some questions that He Fang wanted to know, as if they were on the second stall.

It's actually a lot more relaxed than the interview just now.

In his answer, Yang Chao even revealed a lot of the publisher's next plans, such as commemorative albums and peripheral preparations.

After asking a few questions, He Fang temporarily stopped the interview.

Jiang Yuan, Zhang Qing and others tidied up and prepared to leave the venue to meet Paul who had just arrived nearby.

What surprised Jiang Yuan was that in addition to Paul and the other party's band, they also brought along the director whom they had introduced before.

In addition to meeting with Paul and others, Carl and others also contacted Jiang Yuan's team and sent an invitation to meet.

Jiang Yuan was rushing to the dinner party organized by Paul.

The media have quickly compiled the content of the just-conducted interviews and published relevant news.

For a time, the entire Internet was flooded with news that Jiang Yuan was Omega.

From the announcement of the award, to the reveal of the true identity, to the acceptance speech, and the post-event interview sharing from multiple perspectives.

Various related news, multi-level analysis and propaganda, the momentum is very huge.

This chapter has been completed!
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