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Chapter 632 'Research on Letters in Scarlet'

After a simple opening, Jiang Yuan entered the state of storytelling.

The story begins with Watson's memories. Thanks to his good command of lines, the words spoken by Jiang Yuan seem to be coated with a layer of warmth, leading the audience into the world of the novel.

The host Ke Ge closed his microphone and looked at Jiang Yuan with admiration at first.

Ke Ge was not surprised that Jiang Yuan could speak so well. After all, he had noticed this when he tested the equipment before.

But after staring at Jiang Yuan for a while, Brother Ke was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes focused on one point.

As for the listeners and fans who were listening to the radio in real time, they were surprised by Jiang Yuan's sudden change in tone.

【Holy shit? This sound!!】

[Sure enough, Teacher Jiang’s lines are really top notch! 】

[Haosu’s voice fell silent in a second.]

[With this pure music BGM, the atmosphere will instantly rise! 】

[I’m going to turn off the barrage. I have to say that Teacher Jiang’s skills are really no worse than Ke Ge’s, and even his tone is even better.]


After Jiang Yuan turned on the broadcast mode, he focused all his attention on the story itself and did not notice the barrage.

After Ke Ge stared at Jiang Yuan for two or three minutes, the expression on his face became completely shocked.

"A Study in Scarlet", as the first case in "Sherlock Holmes", is actually a novella.

Even Jiang Yuan's late-night radio broadcast was divided into two parts and broadcast for two days.

For a work of this length, the radio station prepared the manuscript in advance and printed many pages.

The manuscript was placed in front of Jiang Yuan, and what really shocked Ke Ge was that the manuscript was placed in front of Jiang Yuan like a decoration.

During the first few minutes of broadcasting, Jiang Yuan did not touch the script and narrated the entire episode without script.

With this skill, even if he knew that Jiang Yuan was an Omega, Ke Ge couldn't help but be shocked.

Although Jiang Yuan pronounced every word accurately and fully, Ke Ge couldn't help but read the manuscript.

After ten minutes passed, Ke Ge was shocked to find that Jiang Yuan had not made any mistakes or discrepancies.

But for Jiang Yuan, it was as easy as recalling information from his mind.

At this point, most of the first chapter of the story has been told.

The average length of each chapter is controlled by Jiang Yuan to about fifteen minutes, and the first part of the first day can be finished in about two hours.

After Ke Ge was surprised, he thought that he would definitely share this with others, and then focused his attention back on the story Jiang Yuan told.

The first chapter of the story is more like an introduction to the background of the story.

Watson’s character background and experience, as well as the process of getting to know Holmes through the introduction of young Stanford and reaching a shared tenancy agreement.

In the process of Jiang Yuan's narration, each paragraph of text is extremely vivid.

It even creates a very strong image in the audience's mind.

Ke Ge listened carefully for a while and discovered this. After careful analysis, he found that the main reason was that Jiang Yuan's tone and tone would change accordingly when playing different roles.

It's like using your voice to act out these characters, instantly establishing the character's image in the hearts of the audience.

After analyzing this, Ke Ge once again shook his head with a wry smile.

Regarding the dubbing of lines, Jiang Yuan was given a blow by dimensionality reduction, which is not his style.

No longer thinking about it, Ke Ge went from reading the manuscript to completely concentrating on listening to Jiang Yuan's narration, gradually getting better and immersed in the story.

"A Study in Scarlet" is on the timeline, although it is not the first case of Holmes and Watson.

But as the beginning, there is a complete introduction to both the character background and the tone of the entire series.

[Knowledge that Sherlock Holmes can skillfully use: 1. Literature - None

2.Philosophy - None


7. Chemistry - knowledgeable


10. Good violin

11. Make good use of sticks...】

Naturally, in the second chapter, Watson and Holmes also officially moved into the legendary 221 Baker Street, Block B.

In the process, I got to know Sherlock Holmes better, and the basic deduction revealed in advance spoilers also comes from this chapter.

Listening to Jiang Yuan once again narrate this scene in the tone of Sherlock Holmes, many listeners became emotional. Even late at night, they were not sleepy at all and continued to listen carefully to Jiang Yuan's narration.

Different from the previous simple section, this time listening to Jiang Yuan's complete explanation, the audience had a more three-dimensional understanding of the basic deduction method and the character of Sherlock Holmes.

After a brief introduction at the beginning, Jiang Yuan told the story for half an hour. With the delivery of a letter, the core case of the story "A Study in Scarlet" was finally unveiled to the audience.

The letter was sent by Commissioner Grayson of the Police Department. A tragedy occurred at No. 3 Lauriston Garden Street the night before. There was a male deceased at the scene. No injuries were found on the deceased. There were several blood stains in the house, but there was no trace of blood.

There was no sign of a fight, and the business card in the deceased's pocket read "Enoch J. Deiber, from Cleveland, Ohio, USA."

Apart from this, there were no other clues at the scene, so Grayson sent a letter asking Holmes for help.

After receiving the letter, Holmes prepared to go to the scene of the crime immediately, taking Watson with him on the way.

[This is a hazy and foggy morning...]

Jiang Yuan read the narration in an indifferent tone. As Jiang Yuan spoke, a picture of the times was unknowingly revealed to the audience.

Holmes and Watson went to the crime scene, carefully observed the surrounding environment, and then entered the scene to inspect the body.

During the inspection, a fallen gold ring was found on the deceased. The ring looked ordinary. After studying it, everyone agreed that the ring was worn by a bride.

In addition, the Police Department also found some items at the scene, some gold jewelry, business cards, seven pounds in change, and two letters from the steamship company.

One letter was addressed to Drieber, and the other was addressed to a man named Stangerson.

At the scene, the police also found a bloody letter written (RACHE) in the corner of the room.

Regarding this discovery, Holmes examined it alone for more than twenty minutes. He seemed to have made some discoveries, but he did not share them with others.

Before leaving the scene to find the police who found the body the night before, Holmes also informed some of his analysis and judgment.

[This is a murder case. The murderer is a middle-aged man, more than six feet tall...I infer that he came in a carriage with the victim...

Just relying on some clues found at the scene, Holmes gave some relatively clear inferences and gave an analysis that the deceased was poisoned.

After finally informing the two detectives that RACHE has the meaning of revenge in German, Holmes left the two stunned detectives and left the scene.

The two detectives had studied the scarlet word RACHE for a while and even came up with the guess that there might be a Miss Rachel.

If the previous section was a preliminary demonstration of the basic deduction method, then this section is the real practical application.

Watson's previously listed knowledge about Holmes came in handy when combined with field observations.

Regarding the surrounding links, the tracks left by the carriage, and various details at the scene, they are all usable clues for Holmes.

After Jiang Yuan's narration, the whole plot sounded more tense and dramatic to fans.

Brother Ke was listening at the scene and was already in a state of trance. He felt as if he had followed Watson to the scene of the crime and witnessed Holmes's wonderful reasoning with his own eyes.

In addition, it is late at night, and the atmosphere is particularly suitable for this type of suspense story.

Even before they have finished listening to a complete story, many listeners have already fallen in love with Sherlock Holmes, the new detective.

On the way to find the policeman who found the body, Holmes recounted the support for his inference just now under Watson's questioning.

Regarding why the murderer and the deceased were riding in a carriage, it was sunny the week before the incident and it rained the night before, allowing the carriage to leave a trail.

The speculation about the height of the murderer is based on the step length mud print, and the mathematical formula of y=7x-3.07 is also used.

Holmes's explanation to Watson was actually shown to the readers, which made everyone more convinced of Holmes's inference just now.

Based on the subsequent conversation with the policeman who discovered the body, Holmes obtained some useful information.

For example, after discovering the body the night before, I saw a drunk man on the street. I remember that the drunk man was very tall and had a red face...

Some of the physical characteristics given by the police matched Holmes' previous inferences.

After a conversation, Holmes was able to identify the drunkard as the murderer, and he also speculated that the murderer might have come back for the ring at the scene.

In response to this, Holmes placed a lost and found advertisement in the newspaper the next day.

After the advertisement was released, an old woman came to the door and claimed that the ring was lost by her daughter.

Holmes thought that the old woman might be an accomplice of the murderer, so he gave the ring to the old woman and followed behind to find the accomplice.

But he lost track of him halfway.

Some people appeared to be old women, but in fact they were pretending to be men, and they ran away halfway with vigorous steps.

The next day, Detective Grayson visited Baker Street and brought news that he had discovered the case.

Holmes was slightly surprised when he heard this, and a trace of anxiety flashed across his face. Watson observed Holmes in great detail.

Many listeners have not forgotten that the story is told from the perspective of Watson's memories. After a few chapters, some listeners have already smelled a little bit of the cp.

[His name is Arthur Charpentier, and he is a lieutenant in the Royal Navy.]

After Grayson proudly announced the name of the murderer, the anxious look on Holmes' face disappeared.

Charpentier is the son of Traiper's original landlord. According to the conversation with the landlord, he learned that Traiper stayed at the house for three weeks. In the process, he touched the maid and even set his sights on Charpentier's sister Alice.

After Charpentier learned about this incident, he had a dispute with Dzeiber and threatened the other party.

Just when Grayson was satisfied with his deduction, his subordinate suddenly brought news.

Drieber's secretary Stan Jason was found in the hotel, but he was already a corpse when he was found.

With the murder of Stangerson, the case that originally seemed to be somewhat clear was once again cast into a cloud and became complicated.

Stangerson was murdered in a hotel and stabbed in the heart.

At the same time, someone had the same words written on his face in blood as at the previous crime scene - RACHE.

There was a child who had seen the murderer at the crime scene, and his appearance once again successfully matched Holmes's guess. He was tall and red-faced.

Other clues at the scene were that Stangerson's money was not missing, and there was only a telegram from Cleveland in his pocket, which read "JH now in Europe."

In addition, there were two pills at the scene.

After experiments, it was concluded that this was the poison that poisoned Dreiber.

At this point, for Holmes, the last piece of the puzzle of the case has been completed.

While both detectives were still confused and confused, Holmes already knew who the murderer was.

And in order to avoid the official alerting the enemy, he was prepared to go ahead and catch the murderer alone.

Holmes had previously asked Flow to help call a carriage.

After asking for handcuffs from the detective, Holmes asked the coachman to go upstairs to help carry the luggage.

And when no one expected it, when Holmes asked the coachman for help, he accidentally put the handcuffs on the coachman's hands.

[Please allow me to introduce to you Mr. Jefferson Hope, the murderer of Driber and Stangerson.]

Before anyone could react, Holmes announced that the murderer had been brought to justice.

It wasn't until the driver was about to escape that the detectives on the scene reacted and worked together to arrest the murderer.

The murderer has been brought to justice, and the story of "A Study in Scarlet" is officially over halfway.

The narration of more than an hour gave the audience a relatively comprehensive understanding of the whole story.

At the same time, the format of Jiang Yuan's storytelling is very immersive. Overall, it is indeed a very suitable story for late-night reading.

However, after finishing the first part, Jiang Yuan paused for a few seconds and announced that today's broadcast was over.

The next part will have to wait until the next day’s radio broadcast.

Although it was late at night, the audience was obviously immersed in the story, and they were extremely curious about how Holmes targeted the coachman and the story behind the case.

But the radio program is indeed over.

Ke Ge also reluctantly put on the headphones again, turned on the microphone and performed the final ending of the radio station with Jiang Yuan.

My mood is both happy and reluctant.

I am happy that this radio program is the first to listen to at the same time. It is very popular and there will be another one the next day. I am sad because Jiang Yuan’s explanation is really top-notch.

The show ended temporarily, Jiang Yuan turned off the microphone and took a long stretch.

This chapter has been completed!
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