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Chapter 644 'Riding a White Horse'

"Last year, many fans were asking if there would be a new album in Chinese."

"There is definitely an answer I can give you about this, but it won't be so fast."

After Jiang Yuan reviewed last year, he answered questions about the Chinese album.

Hearing Jiang Yuan's answer, the singers who came to the scene breathed a sigh of relief.

Throughout last year, although Jiang Yuan released a lot of songs and performed very well on the charts, he did not release a Chinese album.

This makes some singers feel that they have regained their competitiveness in domestic music awards such as the Golden Melody Awards, and will not be overshadowed by Jiang Yuan's shadow.

After all, some awards in this time and space still have relatively high thresholds, and some domestic music awards are not awarded to English songs.

"But..." Jiang Yuan paused the cake painting and then announced, "There will be a new single next."

As soon as Jiang Yuan finished speaking, the fans at the scene began to cheer uncontrollably.

Although when Jiang Yuancue brought up this topic, everyone already had a certain premonition in their hearts.

But most of the audience thought that this was already the Blu-ray Band and Louis's, so everyone didn't dare to think that the food would be so good.

But the facts show that the food is indeed so good.

"This new song will be officially released in two days. It will also be used as the beginning of a new setlist later, but everyone needs to wait for me to go off stage to change my clothes." Jiang Yuan announced to the fans at the scene.

, it can be regarded as an official announcement of the release of the new song.

Unlike some of the previous singles that had gone through a certain amount of publicity, this new song was only announced at the concert, which gave it a sense of surprise that it had dropped without warning.

"But before that, there is another video that I want to watch with everyone."

Fans were already ready to enjoy the performance of the orchestra or choir. They were slightly surprised when they heard that Jiang Yuan suddenly had a video to broadcast, and then they became curious again.

After all, the video that Jiang Yuan was specially allowed to play at the concert was something that had never been seen before. They all stared at the big screen with their eyes wide open.

After Jiang Yuan finished speaking, he also raised his head and looked at the big screen. Just like a movie screening, the lights dimmed in time.

The screen went dark at first, and then a landmark map screen appeared, and landmarks began to be marked on the map.

These landmarks include Jiang Yuan's resume since his debut and joining Xingyuan Company, such as the release of every single and album, as well as various activities, variety shows he has participated in, and TV series and movies he has participated in.

Even after the establishment of the studio, the team size continued to expand.

In essence, it's a bit like what Jiang Yuan just reviewed is presented in a more complete visual form, and it is also paired with some exciting BGM.

This form made the fans at the scene suddenly ignited, and there was a sense of déjà vu that accompanied Jiang Yuan in writing a magnificent chapter.

After quickly scrolling through these sites, the screen went black again, and then the words "Jiang Yuan's latest annual project" were printed.

Just like Jiang Yuan's past career layout press conferences, this video is more like an upgraded version of the layout press conference.

The reason why such a video was played at the concert was because the bold idea Jiang Yuan had discussed with Zhang Qing before had already taken shape.

That is the idea of ​​setting up a personal company, but because the new contract with Xingyuan has not expired yet, and there is still a transition period from the studio to the company.

So in the end Jiang Yuan’s studio decided to upgrade to an official label.

The first item of the project is the establishment of "XX Label".

The name of the label is named after "XX" in the hope that the label will not be restricted by the name and can have diversified development.

The label here is different from some rap groups in the name of label, but has actually begun to take shape as a company.

A few dozen seconds of video has already given fans a clear understanding of the label's structure and future development direction, which also makes fans feel at ease.

Since the establishment of the studio, Jiang Yuan's team has basically never disappointed fans in terms of business capabilities.

As for this obvious upgrade, although no plans have been announced yet, fans can't help but look forward to it.

After the official announcement of the label, subsequent projects began to be announced.

From music to some plans for film and television, even investment and production of some movies, and even the possibility of launching some new talents.

This series of plans directly made fans excited.

Although the current name is still a label, it is not difficult for fans to see that this so-called label already has a team and strength that many small entertainment companies do not have.

For growing fans, there is obviously nothing more satisfying than watching the artist they are fans of take office and become CEO.

The artists sitting in the boxes at the venue were a little surprised when they saw the release of Jiang Yuan's video. They did not expect that Jiang Yuan would transition out of the studio and start an independent business so soon.

But when I thought about Jiang Yuan's original agency being Xingyuan Entertainment, I suddenly felt normal again.

After all, based on the previous business level of Xingyuan Entertainment, in everyone’s opinion, there is not much difference between Jiang Yuan and starting his own business.

"This is indeed the next level!" Chen Zhinan looked at the big screen and subconsciously repeated the hot comments under his previous posts.

But after being stunned for a while, Chen Zhinan couldn't help but start to get excited again.

For Chen Zhinan, who has been in the industry for several years, the long-term contract he signed is not far away from expiration.

Chen Zhinan originally planned to wait until some time later to start contacting other companies.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! But now after seeing Jiang Yuan's new label, Chen Zhinan suddenly felt a thrill.

In his mind, he couldn't help but list a long list of benefits of signing with Jiang Yuan's label, such as popularity resources. Chen Zhinan felt that what Jiang Yuan could provide was actually not inferior to some entertainment companies.

Even Jiang Yuan itself is a huge resource, whether it is music or the film and television projects to be launched under the label, Chen Zhinan feels that as long as he hooks up with one, it can be regarded as the biggest project he has participated in all year.

Chen Zhinan thought about it for a while and suddenly felt that signing with Jiang Yuan Company was an option with no drawbacks.

The only shortcoming seemed to be how to contact Jiang Yuan and get him to sign. Faced with this problem, Chen Zhinan fell into deep thought again and had no solution for a while.

Not only Chen Zhinan, but also some other artists in the box, and even producers or directors, all had some thoughts at this time and couldn't help but start to evaluate.

Jiang Yuan's team, which has just grown up and is full of wings, strong and has room for development, has indeed made many people want to join it.

Some people even quickly took out their mobile phones and started to contact the staff of Jiang Yuan's team.

On the stage, Jiang Yuan and fans watched this small video together as the official announcement of "XX Label".

I don’t have many other thoughts, I just want to announce the news to my fans in a more formal occasion like a concert.

After all, after this concert ends, it will be a month before it starts again.

I didn’t expect this video to have a certain bait function for some practitioners who came to the scene.

Zhang Qing was still immersed in pride after watching the video. After watching the video and watching the project she was promoting officially announced, her work value was immediately filled up.

At this time, I couldn't help but be confused when I suddenly heard that someone contacted me and asked if the label was short of people who wanted to join.

The key point is that there are not many such contacts. In just a short period of time, Zhang Qing was already in a state where she could not recover.

On the stage, Jiang Yuan knew nothing about this situation.

After watching the video, Jiang Yuan bowed to the fans at the scene, said that he hoped to take good care of the new label, and then began to introduce the performance to the audience, and then left the stage to change into performance clothes.


After Jiang Yuan left the stage, the midfield performance team came on stage. This time the midfield performance consisted of a dance show presented by the dance troupe members.

Although Jiang Yuan was not present, such a show directly made the fans full of enjoyment.

After several performances, Jiang Yuan's dance troupe also gained a certain reputation.

The identities of several well-known dancers have also been revealed, and they are all those who have won championships in some international competitions.

Neat and exquisite choreography and various difficult moves were displayed on the stage, which also made fans enjoy watching it.

In such a performance, it is obvious that time passes quickly, and soon it is time for Jiang Yuan to return to the stage.

When the lights dimmed, the fans immediately started shouting at the loudest volume. It was obvious that everyone had not forgotten that Jiang Yuan was going to perform an unreleased new song next.

The entire venue was shrouded in darkness, and during the short preparation process for the performance, everyone was obviously very excited.

“I don’t know what genre the new song will be.”

“It’s been a long time since I listened to Jiang Yuan’s solo Chinese single!”

"I have a bold idea, maybe this will be the precursor song for the next album."

"To get rid of the uncertainty, didn't Jiang Yuan just say that the new album won't be that fast that's why he released a new single? That's for sure."

"It's coming, it's coming! The new song is announced and the title is announced!!"

On the big screen, the four-character song title with the title of the book began to appear, causing the fans at the scene to shout in unison again.

The title of the song appeared on the big screen in calligraphy font like a silver hook - "Riding a White Horse"!

The single that Jiang Yuan is preparing to sing for the first time at the Imperial City concert is "Riding a White Horse" by Xu Jiaying.

The song was released in 2009. It was created with elements of drama and has been widely sung.

And since the single was released, it has become popular almost every once in a while, one after another.

Jiang Yuan had already recorded this single when he had just acquired the drama ability from the system in the early days, but it was almost not included in the third album "Music".

When a song title like "Riding a White Horse" appeared on the screen, many fans' spirits were lifted. It didn't feel like an ordinary single.

Chen Hai and Li Keshou, who were sitting side by side among the fans, looked at each other.

"I think it might be a Chinese style single." Li Keshou shouted in Chen Hai's ear quite loudly.

"I think so!" Chen Hai agreed.

During the time the two exchanged a few words, the decibels of the fans shouting around them increased a lot again.

The two of them looked up simultaneously and saw that the stage lights had turned on, revealing Jiang Yuan's newly changed clothes. They immediately understood why the fans were shouting so exaggeratedly.

Jiang Yuan was seen standing in the center of the stage wearing a white costume.

Coupled with the real-time changing stage beauty, it immediately creates a sense of seeing a fairy in a painting.

Since Jiang Yuan's debut, she has done very few costume looks, but basically every time she looks in costume, she is praised as a heavenly dish.

There are even a lot of cakes of male protagonists in costume dramas that have been painted on Jiang Yuan's body, and these cakes have basically been approached by Jiang Yuan, but they just didn't accept them.

The song "Riding a White Horse" was inspired by the love story of Xue Pinggui and Wang Baochuan.

So when he performed this song for the first time, Jiang Yuan also planned to use this story concept and create a stage design to show it to the audience at once.

So I also specially practiced the gait and stance in ancient costume during the rehearsal.

As soon as I stood in the center of the stage, my whole body became more elegant.

The concert hasn't officially started yet, but just such a look has already made fans' eyes light up.

The relevant animations on the big screen began to flow slowly along with the prelude of the song, and a few lines of subtitles introduced the background of the story, guiding the audience to have a certain idea of ​​the story that was about to be told.

Li Keshou even slapped Chen Hai, obviously liking this performance very much.

The sound of wind chimes and piano intersect, slowly paving the way for the mood of the song.

The director in the studio methodically directed the camera positions on the scene, moving from far to close bit by bit to get a close-up of Jiang Yuan's upper body.

After catching the rhythm of the song, Jiang Yuan raised his eyes.

The affectionate gaze that had been brewing for a long time was magnified by the close-up on the big screen. Before the song even started, Jiang Yuan had already entered the set situation.

Both acting and singing are equally important. Jiang Yuan also started singing when he got stuck.

"No matter who I love, I can't cross it, and I never feel wrong.

I think that if I hold on to the pain, I can hide in my memories..."

When he opened his mouth to speak, Jiang Yuan's singing voice was extremely moving, and his emotions and various buffs were activated at the same time.

After a few dozen seconds of background introduction, most viewers already have a certain sense of immersion in the background of the story.

So the moment Jiang Yuan opened his mouth, everyone was immediately immersed in the context of the song.

This chapter has been completed!
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