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Chapter 781: Going to a remote place to start the machine

During the interview session, the reporters on site became enthusiastic.

As a director, Jiang Yuan was also the first to cue a reporter who looked familiar to ask questions.

Lin Lan was the first to be cued by Jiang Yuan at the scene, which was a bit of a surprise. There were many reporters on the scene. Apart from interviewing Jiang Yuan once in the past, she had never had any more interactions with her.

"Hello Jiang Yuan, we all know that this is your first time as a director. Have you been preparing for this a long time ago?" When the microphone was handed to his hand, Lin Lan immediately threw out his words.

Prepared questions.

"That's not true." Jiang Yuan held the microphone and shook his head, "Actually, I never had any idea about this before. Many works were completed together with Director He Jing."

After saying that, Jiang Yuan also glanced at He Jing, and by the way, explained at the press conference the reason why the two did not collaborate again, "Originally, we planned to continue our cooperation with Director He Jing this time, but we just finished the last one.

For the filming of this work, Director He has no schedule in a short period of time.”

Halfway through Jiang Yuan's words, He Jing raised his hand at the right time, "When we were still filming the last work, Jiang Yuan told me about this project and wanted me to introduce some outstanding directors.

It was me who suggested that he play in person."

After hearing He Jing's supplementary explanation, Lin Lan couldn't help but curiously asked, "So is Director He Jing very confident in Jiang Yuan's first directorship?"

"Of course!" He Jing nodded without hesitation, "When I first cooperated with Jiang Yuan, from the script he gave me, I could feel that he already had his own answer for the final movie.


"Many scripts, when we get them, basically only have lines and some narration with camera language."

"But the script given by Jiang Yuan even gave detailed descriptions of how different characters would be performed on set, and there were more than one paragraph."

"So I think Jiang Yuan is very suitable to be a director. Instead of looking for another person to cooperate with, it is better to try it myself. Maybe there will be an even more amazing performance." Under the camera, Jiang Yuan is the first.

At the press conference for the first time as a director, He Jing caught Jiang Yuan and praised him fiercely.

The praise was also based on some facts. Regarding this point, Fu Yunshen and others who had been in contact with Jiang Yuan recently also nodded with deep feeling.

It is indeed just as He Jing described, there is nothing fictional or exaggerated.

This is not the first time He Jing has mentioned this in public. Repeated mentions have made some directors in the industry who are paying attention to this conference feel a little envious.

He couldn't help but think that if he had been the one to cooperate with Jiang Yuan in the first place, maybe he would have achieved what He Jing did now.

At the same time, knowing that it was He Jing who asked Jiang Yuan to be the director put an end to Jiang Yuan's idea of ​​finding another director to collaborate with.

Many directors secretly hated the phrase "Good Death" in their hearts.

After answering Lin Lan's question, Jiang Yuan also quickly cueed another reporter to ensure the time for the press conference.

"I would like to ask Director Jiang Yuan, now that the movie is about to start shooting, how are you preparing for it? At the same time, as you have so many important tasks in the movie this time, do you feel that your energy is a little insufficient?"

The second question still came to Jiang Yuan, and the eyes of the scene also focused on Jiang Yuan's face.

Hearing this question, Jiang Yuan's expression still looked as calm as before, as if he had expected this type of question.

Jiang Yuan pondered for a few seconds, then raised the microphone and began to answer, "The shooting is about to start. Naturally, I will only start shooting when I am fully prepared. Although it is my first time to be a director, there are also people around me.

Directors Yun Shen, Wang Wen and Han Gui, who are very experienced, helped me prepare at the same time."

"The preparations for this movie shooting were largely completed with the help of these people."

When Jiang Yuan was answering, he did not forget to mention Fu Yunshen and others who had been sitting aside.

For Fu Yunshen, he also cleverly adopted the method of calling Fu Yunshen by his first name, which not only made him appear close, but also prevented Fu Yunshen from calling him the assistant director every time because of his first and last names.

The live broadcast screen, along with Jiang Yuan's mention, also gave a close-up shot of Fu Yunshen and others.

"The other thing is that in this movie, I did have a lot of work involved." Jiang Yuan couldn't help but reveal a wry smile when he talked about this.

"It will indeed be quite tiring. I have already felt this before I started shooting, so if there is a next time, I will try my best to find some worthy directors to cooperate with." Jiang Yuan honestly shared some of his

Thoughts of regret.

"However," Jiang Yuan quickly corrected his expression, "Since I have decided to be the director, I will try my best in the future."

"There is a lot of work involved, which is a challenge and a spur to me."

"I will be more responsible for the reputation of the film after it is completed, so I will definitely go all out. I hope everyone will come and test the results of my first directorial debut."

Returning to the topic, Jiang Yuan also rose slightly, made a slogan-like promise, strengthened his belief, and won a round of applause from the audience.

The fact is indeed as Jiang Yuan described. Among the film and television works that Jiang Yuan has participated in historically, this one can be said to have the highest participation.

It's basically a movie with Jiang Yuan's name on it.

If the movie flops, whether it's the director, the screenwriter, or the actors, it all ends up being blamed on Jiang Yuan.

After hearing what Jiang Yuan said, the audience at the scene and watching the live broadcast also realized this.

After the applause died down, the next reporter also started asking questions.

After two consecutive questions directed at Jiang Yuan, he finally changed the subject of the questions and targeted Shang Yan'er and others for questioning.

After all, the film's launch conference is not about to be released immediately, so reporters still have less room to play.

For some of the more critical questions mentioned, the main creators were able to answer them in one sentence with answers that were kept confidential and could not be disclosed.

However, during the questions and answers, everyone in this newly formed crew showed that they were full of hope for the upcoming movie.

Everyone seems to have a high degree of trust in Jiang Yuan, who is serving as director for the first time. Jiang Yuan also clearly felt this at the press conference. He was surprised by the cohesion and was a bit flattered.

"Hello Director Jiang Yuan, I have read the work "Love Letter" before and would like to know where the filming location of the movie was chosen? At the same time, can you tell us a little bit about the music?"

The interview was coming to an end, and the reporters unconsciously addressed Jiang Yuan as director.

When Jiang Yuan heard questions related to film production, he subconsciously wanted to answer with an answer that he could not disclose for the time being.

However, after thinking about it, I changed my answer in a more tactful way.

"In fact, the concept poster displayed in our background has already revealed to everyone that the location selection for our movie was made by Director Yun Shen who specially visited several cities for on-site scouting and location inspections before finally selecting it."

"The original picture of this poster was actually shot by Director Yun Shen on the spot. You can make a guess based on this."

Jiang Yuan said with a smile, drawing everyone's attention to the background board again.

The original picture of the poster on the background board is a snowy scene of a small town taken by Fu Yunshen at dawn.

Amidst the white background, several houses were lit up.

After staring at the poster for a long time, everyone basically saw nothing except that it was a place where it was snowing.

"All in all, the filming location will be a place that fits the atmosphere of the story, and there will be several different filming locations according to the needs of the plot."

"And I believe that in a few days, maybe when we set off to shoot, everyone should be able to know the answer through the Internet." Noticing the still confused eyes at the scene, Jiang Yuan also said with a smile.

Indeed, with the Internet being very developed, netizens should already know their destination as soon as Jiang Yuan and such a large group of people take off from the airport.

"As for the music part of the movie, I can't answer it right now because it hasn't started production yet." Jiang Yuan then answered the second half of the question.

Jiang Yuan really couldn't make sufficient preparations in a short period of time.

I haven’t had much time to go to the studio to record recently, and it’s basically taken up by a few songs planned for my single.

Like the soundtrack of "Love Letter", it is indeed still lying in Jiang Yuan's mind.

"I hope to make some music that suits the atmosphere of the movie." Jiang Yuan added, but it was just to let reporters and the audience know the preparation progress.

The interview session soon came to an end.

As the interview ended, the film's launch conference was almost coming to an end, and Jiang Yuan once again raised the microphone to make a concluding speech.

"Thank you very much for watching the launch conference of "Love Letter" on site or online."

"Next, all the creative members of our crew will also focus on the filming of the movie..."

At the end, Jiang Yuan once again made a positive conclusion and ended the press conference.

The live broadcast ended simultaneously with the scene. After Jiang Yuan and others waved goodbye to the camera and the audience, they returned to the backstage.

The launch conference was live broadcast simultaneously on the Internet, and it still sparked quite a discussion.

Entries of all sizes are listed on the hot searches a lot.

One of them can be regarded as putting a lot of pressure on Jiang Yuan, #新电影在Jiang Yuan’s name#

Such an entry can be regarded as directly setting up Jiang Yuan, along with the pot, but the pot itself is also hung on Jiang Yuan's body.

However, on the other hand, if the movie wins honors, many of the honors will be concentrated on Jiang Yuan alone.

[According to He Jing, I’m quite looking forward to Jiang Yuan directing the show himself!]

[Anyway, let’s wait until the work is released before doing the trial. Don’t do the loan trial so early, be careful of the boomerang! 】

[It is true that a lot of work is done by Jiang Yuan alone! 】

[No wonder today’s press conference looks a little tired.]

[It can be foreseen that the shooting will be very tiring, but it also has to be managed. 】

[Jiang Yuan himself has said that he will still find someone to cooperate with in his next film. It is indeed a gamble on his name this time.]


After the press conference, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, but basically it was still from a more rational perspective.

Indeed, as some fans said on the topic, it is not too late to wait until the movie is completed to judge.

However, although no one is posting negative messages on the Internet, the audience who are not optimistic about this film did not pay any attention to what He Jing said, but they just silently felt in their hearts that this film would not be very good.

Even some film review bloggers who had given Jiang Yuan a lot of praise before were somewhat worried.

In terms of the story itself, "Love Letter" is not a relatively popular love movie, and its style will be closer to a literary romance film.

It is inherently more difficult for a new director to control a film that is more literary and artistic.

In addition, the market is not that fond of literary films, and with the buff added, it doesn't look very optimistic.

But Jiang Yuan and others, who have just finished the press conference, are still very optimistic about the upcoming filming.

Especially after everyone expressed their feelings at the press conference, they were all in a state of high energy.

As a director, Jiang Yuan also chatted with the actors one by one and explained the time of departure for filming.

The day after the launch conference, the entire crew will fly from Shanghai to the first filming city.

Considering that there were many crew members and a lot of equipment, Jiang Yuan also waved his hand and chose to charter a flight.

After explaining the time to everyone, everyone left separately and began to prepare for the upcoming shooting, such as packing their luggage.

Jiang Yuan, Shang Yan'er and others didn't wait long, got into the nanny car and went straight home.

Anyway, most of the next time will be spent in shooting, and there will be a lot of days to get along with each other day and night.

At the moment, Jiang Yuan is more concerned about his luggage, as well as the itinerary that will be carried out after arrival, as well as the shooting plan, etc., which all need to be carefully sorted out by Jiang Yuan.

After returning home, Jiang Yuan began to pack his luggage. All night long, relevant news kept popping up in the crew's group chat.

It wasn't until that night that Jiang Yuan roughly sorted out a plan and left room for improvisation, then he fell asleep with peace of mind.

After adequate rest, I set off for the airport in a relatively full state the next day to assemble with the entire crew.

At the airport, some media also stayed in advance to take airport photos of Jiang Yuan and others and uploaded them to the Internet. At the same time, the answer to everyone's first curious question about this movie, where it will be filmed, will be revealed soon.

After everyone was ready, the flight took off and headed to the filming location.

This chapter has been completed!
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