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Chapter 0299 ??The big infrastructure with a budget of 20 billion, we Daming, not bad money!

Zhu Youxiao is really excited now.

This is real money, real gold and silver.

Zhu Youxiao himself didn't even know that these businessmen were so rich, but he was more or less unsure at the moment.

However, I have to admit that Zhang Haogu is really courageous.

One hundred and twenty-six million, but he abruptly made it into one billion two hundred and sixty million for you, and directly exaggerated it ten times for you.

These are all preparations for the brand new Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes.

The design of the money is also a top priority.

During this time, Zhang Haogu, Zhu Youxiao, Lu Xiangsheng, several ministers of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and more than twenty heads of the Ministry of Household Affairs also sat together and discussed the feasibility of issuing this banknote.

This group of people was basically led by Zhang Haogu, although Zhang Haogu is no longer the Minister of Household Affairs.

However, there are many issues that still require Zhang Haogu’s participation and discussion.

After all, Zhang Haogu has done a lot of economic tricks. Without Zhang Haogu, they really wouldn't be able to do it.

Zhang Haogu's idea is silver-based, with silver as the mainstay.

Now that there is a lot of silver flowing into the Ming Dynasty, it is just right to use the silver standard. When there is more silver in the future, we can just cancel the silver standard.

"Nowadays, one tael of Ming silver can buy two stones of rice." Lu Xiangsheng took out the data and said quickly: "How about we sell a thousand-yuan Ming treasure banknote and directly match the price of two taels?"

Zhang Haogu basically agrees with Lu Xiangsheng's idea.

One kilogram of rice in the Ming Dynasty weighed approximately 153.5 kilograms. This kilogram is not the current kilogram of 500 grams, but the kilogram of 594.6 grams in the Ming Dynasty. If converted according to 500 grams per kilogram, then one kilogram of rice is 182.5 kilograms, which is 91.3 kilograms. According to later generations,

Calculated in terms of purchasing power, the price of rice is about 4 to 6 yuan per kilogram. Simply calculate it as 5 yuan.

In the Ming Dynasty, one tael of silver bought two stones of rice, and one stone of rice is equivalent to 91.3 kilograms (182.5 kilograms) today, and each kilogram of rice is 5 yuan. Therefore, one tael of silver is 2*91.3*5=913 yuan, and one thousand yuan is actually

It's almost the same.

Of course, it cannot completely match the standards of later generations, but it is the best algorithm to bind grain.

Zhang Haogu couldn't help but think about it in his mind. Now his salary is 450 taels a year. If calculated based on 1,000 yuan, his annual income is 450,000 yuan?

This does not include Yang Lian Yin. If Yang Lian Yin is included, his annual income is five million?

After doing this calculation, Zhang Haogu himself was surprised.

Since when did you become so rich?

Of course, my family should be richer. My father is now a big capitalist. The cloth business and the MSG business are getting bigger and bigger. I always have more than 200,000 taels of silver in a year.

There is always a profit of more than two billion yuan.

In fact, Zhang Haogu has already begun to think about attacking his father for the second time.

I earn too much, but the tax policy still hasn’t kept up.

If silver is replaced by banknotes, this policy can be slowly promoted.

Of course, Zhang Haogu still had a bad feeling in his heart when the policy was being implemented.

Don't look at yourself and Zhu Youxiao now, hello, me, hello, everyone, what about the future?

What if Zhu Youxiao dies one day and the new emperor dislikes him?

Zhang Haogu didn't want to sit still and wait for death. Then, he would let the Ming Dynasty have a good taste of what a bank run is. At that time, he would definitely not mind giving the Ming Dynasty an economic crisis.

"I don't agree with the Ming Dynasty treasure note of one thousand yuan!" Zhang Haogu said slowly: "The number is really too big, which can easily accelerate inflation. Now, I still have a few opinions!"

"The first is the ability to make fakes. Paper and ink itself need to be special, which requires craftsmen to study day after day. This also requires us to give them real money to study and develop special

It’s best if the paper has some waterproof function and is not easy to be counterfeited!”

"Second, how much silver and gold are stored in banks in various places so that the people can freely exchange them."

"Third, if silver and gold cannot hold up, then let grain take over. You can exchange money for grain. However, to do this, you must first purchase grain from the hands of the people. In addition to normal taxes, it is purchasing

, I think this purchase price should be slightly higher than some market prices, so that the people can find it profitable and be willing to sell to the court. Then, here comes the problem. We need to build a granary, which requires manpower and material resources!


"Fourth, my suggestion is to try it out in the New Deal areas where banknotes are now available. In all New Deal areas, if you want to purchase grain or salt, you must first exchange your money for banknotes. Otherwise, you will not be able to buy grain.

Or table salt, and all officials’ salaries are the same as banknotes!”

"Fifth, there is the engineering team. The court wants to build granaries and build cement roads. These all cost money. The court directly gives them banknotes. They can use the banknotes to exchange for silver, or they can directly use banknotes to

If you use banknotes to purchase grain, salt, and even salt, the price can still be slightly lower!"

"Sixth, we require Mongolians to use Daming treasure banknotes when buying our Ming products. To put it simply, if Mongolians want to buy our salt, they must first use their wool, goat milk, cotton, etc.

Wait for it to be exchanged for our Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes, and then use the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes to buy our grain, salt, and ironware!"

"Seventh, overseas merchants, as long as they come to the territory of the Ming Dynasty and want to purchase the goods of the Ming Dynasty, they must also use the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes. They must exchange all the silver in their hands for the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes. Naturally, they are facing

When you leave, you can continue to exchange our Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes for silver!"

"For the time being, I just thought of these seven items. There are still many details that need to be added. In addition, the tax department also needs to establish a unified tax stamp and then tax these businessmen!"

"In addition, my suggestion is that the Statistics Department needs to establish a unified legal standard and implement punitive measures for both parties in the trade. What should we do about tax evasion? If one party reports tax evasion by the other party, what problems will arise during the transaction, etc.

, these are issues that the court needs to consider in the future. My opinion is to establish a brand new Yamen, the Commercial Department Yamen, to be responsible for handling these disputes!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Haogu took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Guys, we still need to have a good discussion. Everyone can express their opinions, all for the future finance of Ming Dynasty!"

For the time being, the strategy formulated by Zhang Haogu is to adopt a silver standard, with gold, grain, and salt as auxiliary anchors. When the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes begin to become popular on a large scale, it will be modified into a standard currency.

At present, Zhang Haogu's strategy is to promote banknotes in the New Deal area and among officials. The second step is to increase the court's infrastructure, build roads, bridges, build granaries, and establish the Ming Dynasty Bank in provincial units.

There is also the establishment of the Ming Bank in the special zone. Even if you are a foreigner, you can still exchange Ming treasure banknotes.

There is also commercial tax. When the cumulative amount of both parties to the transaction reaches a certain amount, a tax stamp must be used.

There are all kinds of regulations, all of which require extremely detailed regulations.

You can't make this thing too broad, you have to take every detail into consideration. If there is even the slightest loophole, these female businessmen will try their best to evade taxes.

In addition, there is a reporting mechanism that allows various places to continuously collect the tricks of profiteers.

The Statistics Department collects statistics on prices in various places, and then formulates commodity taxes and tax standards.

The tax department does not take the initiative to pay taxes or file taxes. It specially formulates punitive measures and the most severe ones directly carry out law enforcement.

The Commerce Department Yamen is responsible for handling disputes between businesses. It issues fines to some businessmen. If they refuse to pay the fines, then they can just throw them directly to the Taxation Department Yamen.

However, in this case, it is not appropriate for these three major yamen to be placed in the Ministry of Revenue. They have seriously exceeded the scope of the Ministry of Revenue.

Zhu Youxiao then set up a special commercial department. The entire department was not yet full-time, and Zhang Haogu served concurrently, but the officials could be arranged.

Zhang Haogu planned to give this position to Cui Chengxiu.

This kid has the ability in this area, but if he can give it, Zhang Haogu must make him work hard. Giving it to him for no reason will only make him feel that this thing comes too easily.

Next is Daming Bank. Zhang Haogulai is also asked to serve as the president of this bank.

In this way, Zhang Haogu's identity became the Grand Bachelor of Jianji Palace, the Prince's Young Master, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, the Minister of Commerce, and the President of the Ming Dynasty Bank.

Zhang Haogu can also use his status as Minister of Civil Affairs to appoint and remove officials from the Ministry of Commerce and fill the staff of the Ming Dynasty Bank.

These people were basically trained by Zhang Haogu himself.

Some of them came from Datong Academy, were proficient in arithmetic, and had worked in local areas. These people were directly absorbed by Zhang Haogu and given official positions.

As for the officials who came out of the imperial examination, sorry, Zhang Haogu had no intention of using them at all.

If you let them handle business disputes, it will cause huge troubles.

It’s no problem to read a collection of classics and history, it’s absolutely no problem to recite poems and compose poems and poems. In fact, the party in charge can still make do with a few masters to help.

However, I'm sorry, but they don't have the ability to handle such complex matters.

Now, Zhang Haogu is equivalent to giving political officials a promotion channel internally. As long as you have enough ability, you can become an official of the imperial court. Even if you are an agent now, Prime Minister Zhang can let you be an agent for the rest of your life.


A group of people got together and discussed it for a whole month.

After judging any possible situation, overall, there are still risks, but it is worth trying.

Zhang Haogu didn't plan to issue so much currency at the beginning. He started to play such a big role, and the court couldn't stand it. He had to make the people willing to accept banknotes slowly.

We also need to make the people slowly be willing to accept the convenience brought by banknotes. It is best if things come naturally. If you force the use of banknotes, believe it or not, a civil uprising will be brewed for you in minutes.

In addition, Zhu Youxiao also conducted an inventory of the imperial court's treasury.

Currently, there are about 120 million taels of silver in the national treasury. Not all of it is the money of Shanxi merchants, but a considerable part is the tax revenue of the Ming Dynasty in recent years.

Especially last year, a large number of Donglin Party members were plundered, and the money was basically stored in the national treasury.

Although the wealth of Shanxi merchants is large, it is also at a discount. They have a large amount of cash, but more of it is the land in their hands. The price of land in Shanxi is relatively high.

But the land basically needs to be divided, and the price of this land can be considered negligible.

Therefore, although the merchants in Shanxi and Shanxi have a lot of money, the amount of cash silver and gold is actually not high.

One month later.

Lu Xiangsheng led a group of people to formulate the terms in detail. After the revision was completed, Zhu Youxiao and Zhang Haogu had to review it in person. In addition, Zhang Haogu also brought Cui Chengxiu and Fan Hongtang to the capital for more in-depth discussions.

To be honest, Zhu Youxiao really enjoyed this discussion.

Rehearsing various possible situations again and again, this feeling is the feeling of really worrying about the affairs of the court and the country, rather than attacking someone's morality or attacking someone's character.

The imperial court discusses national affairs, not personal moral issues.

To be honest, Zhang Haogu has given up on the idea of ​​Lu Xiangsheng leading troops to fight. This guy has done a good job in the Ministry of Revenue. From now on, I am afraid there will be no possibility of leading troops to fight.

That's fine, let Sun Chuanting handle the war matters. As for Lu Xiangsheng, it feels good to be his right-hand man in the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Later, Zhu Youxiao followed Zhang Haogu to Yongding County.

Now the military factory in Yongding County has also undergone a comprehensive upgrade.

The machine tools designed by Zhu Youxiao have also been improved from generation to generation, and have now begun to undergo comprehensive upgrades to produce bullets and cannon shells more efficiently.

Secondly, the entire Datong Military Academy was also equipped with new guns.

Especially guns.

Zhang Haogu also put forward his own opinions in a targeted manner. I don't ask for high standards to be achieved immediately, but I always need to improve step by step.

The quality is better, the moisture-proof effect is better, the second is the rate of fire, the accuracy is better, and the range is better.

Let me work hard in these directions.

This group of craftsmen did nothing, and Zhang Haogu also paid them enough wages to study every day. If they did good research, they would be rewarded heavily, and if they didn't do good research, they would still have to be supported.

In addition to the craftsmen themselves, there are also apprentices, who must summarize every failure.

Today, the main weapons of this new army are flintlock muskets. In addition, short muskets are easy to carry and can fire continuously. Short guns that are easy to carry and can fire continuously will be very useful as a ranger tactic in the future.


Especially when dealing with the Mongols and Jurchens.

This flintlock musket was still too long and inconvenient to carry. During the shooting process, it required a lot of reloading time. Zhang Haogu forced this group of people to make improvements.

Once improved, it will be a great weapon on the battlefield.

I guarantee that Mongolians and women will be able to sing and dance by then.

During the testing process, it is normal to fail.

However, failure is also success. The progress of science and technology is actually a process of continuous trial and error. In history, humans have developed all kinds of strange things, and then through repeated experiments, they have developed something that is really effective.

s things.

Zhang Haogu has actually led a group of people to avoid many detours and provided an idea for blast furnace steelmaking, which can directly bypass various trial and error processes and point out various paths and directions. The rest is left to the craftsmen themselves.

Just go and implement it.

There must be brave men under heavy rewards, and now the craftsmen are being treated very well.

At the same time, different craftsmen were allowed to exchange their experiences, and then communicate with each other to create more ideas. Everyone worked hard to continuously improve smelting and various manufacturing processes around Zhang Haogu's ideas.


Today's Yongding County is simply the most developed area near the capital.

Not long ago, a cement road was built between Yongding County and the capital. It was made of bamboo and cement. Yongding County could quickly transport its goods to the capital. To some extent, it also gradually reduced the price of the capital's goods.


"My current plan is to start from Yongding County and first connect the entire capital area!" Zhang Haogu pointed at the map and said quickly: "The best thing is that this road can directly lead to the countryside, and then

Then build more workshops and factories, such as this sesame oil, this vegetable oil, and large-scale breeding!"

"If you want to get rich, you must first build roads. As long as the roads are open, these goods can be sold to the capital, or even to the south of the Yangtze River along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, or even sold overseas. At the same time, if the people have money, they can naturally

Make a purchase!"

"What I mean is that Daming Bank still needs to continue to lend money to these farms, so that these farms can engage in more side businesses. If they do it boldly, they must increase the economy of the farms. However, we also need to pay attention to one thing, not too homogeneous, so that the farms

Make money and let the people make money. When they make money, the court can make money along with it. If the bank makes a lot of money, the court's tax revenue can also increase a lot."

Zhu Youxiao looked at Zhang Haogu's plan carefully and couldn't help being shocked: "Master, how much will this cost?"

"Your Majesty, it's not bad to spend money on this. If you want to build a convenient cement road in the capital area, you can come down. In terms of silver, it is only 20 million taels. However, what we are giving you now is Ming Dynasty treasure money, which is only 20 billion.

, This is just the budget, if it’s not enough, add more!”

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "Don't be afraid. With the infrastructure construction underway, our Ming Dynasty is very rich now!"

This chapter has been completed!
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