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Chapter 0305 If Daming changed the emperor, wouldn't there be so much trouble?

river, highway

The capital here is completely prosperous.

The sale of banknotes also went smoothly.

This banknote has already begun to be promoted, and some templates, as well as the paper of the banknote itself, are being produced on a large scale.

The portrait of the one hundred yuan coin is Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty.

The picture on the fifty-dollar bill is that of Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty.

The portraits on the 20 yuan coin are Renxuan and his son, Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji and his son.

Ten yuan is Zhu Youxiao himself who does his job

Starting with five yuan, it is Yu Qian Yu Shaobao, a hero of the Ming Dynasty.

The two dollars are from the Great Sage Wang Shouren.

As for Zhang Haogu, he is worth one yuan.

The next 50 cents were exchanged for working people to build river embankments.

Dime is the farmer responsible for collecting grain.

The sale of banknotes was still tied to silver to settle the wages of river workers, and in addition, it was given to merchants for trading.

At first, it was true that some people wanted to go to the bank quickly to exchange all the banknotes into silver. However, as time went by, some people began to gradually use the banknotes.

For this reason, the imperial court formulated a special rule that no institution was allowed to reject banknotes.

The credibility of the currency is also slowly being established.

Zuo Guangdou no longer prances around in the court, but concentrates on water conservancy.

The north is fine, the capital is not a big problem, and Shandong is not a big problem either.

Zhang Haogu can basically tell that the imperial court's tax revenue will only be higher this year, followed by Shaanxi. Shaanxi is not bad now. After all, the large-scale uprisings and rebellions in Shaanxi mainly occurred in the seventh year of Tianqi and the first year of Chongzhen.


It is only the fifth year of the Apocalypse. Next year, a large number of potatoes and sweet potatoes will be planted in Shaanxi, and then the policy of dividing every acre into an acre will be strictly implemented.

Zhang Haogu is not unaware that Shaanxi is now a powder keg.

The antagonism between the government and the people is very serious, but Zhang Haogu himself cannot make a move, and now he has only temporarily secured the capital and Shandong.

It was serious in Shaanxi, but not in Shandong? In the second year of Tianqi, Xu Hongru launched an uprising on the scale of a general meeting.

In addition, it is here in the capital, which is also the headquarters of the Dog Emperor. It also requires a large number of administrative staff. It takes less than three years to build Datong College by yourself. How many talents can you cultivate in these three years?

However, when the news of Wang Er's uprising in Shaanxi reached the capital.

Zhang Haogu was still severely surprised.

Wang Er's rebellion was the prelude to a large-scale uprising in the late Ming Dynasty.

Immediately, Zhang Haogu thought again, this is wrong, it is now the fifth year of Tianqi and not yet the sixth year of Tianqi. Doesn't this Wang Er have to wait until the seventh year of Tianqi to rebel?

Two years early?

I don’t know if it has something to do with my butterfly wings.

When Wang Eryi rebelled, Wang Jiayin, a farmer in Fugu, northern Shaanxi, gathered a group of hungry people to rebel. Wang Er immediately led his team north to join them, and the rebel army expanded to five or six thousand people. Soon Wang Er and Wang Jiayin led their troops southward and garrisoned in Huanglongchuan.

Wherever the rebel army passed, they killed corrupt officials, broke down prisons, opened granaries, and helped the hungry people, becoming popular in Weibei.

Then there are Gao Yingxiang from northern Shaanxi in Ansai, Wang Zuogao, Feishan Hu, Big Red Wolf in Yichuan, Wang Hu, Heisha Shen in Luochuan, Wang Monk in Yanchuan, Wang Daliang in the south of Hanzhong, and Wang Jiayin in Gansu.

In Qingyang, Zhou Dawang also planted flags in Wudu to rebel.

This is a domino. Once a problem occurs, there will be a chain reaction.

But, not bad!

The new army was trained here in Zhang Haogu, so he asked Sun Chuanting to bring 20,000 new troops there. According to the original historical trend, even if there was no new army, Sun Chuanting's beating of the peasant army in the early stage would be the same as beating Sun Tzu.

What's more, now there is a new army.

Defeating the peasant army is not a big problem.

The problem is how to properly resolve this environment of large-scale peasant army uprising.


Zhang Haogu read the information and immediately said: "Let Sun Chuanting come over immediately, and..."

Zhang Haogu glanced at the young man next to him and said quickly: "Father-in-law, inform the emperor immediately!"

The memorial is closed!

Zhang Haogu closed his eyes and meditated. In fact, Zhang Haogu really didn't pay much attention to the riots in Zhending Mansion and Shandong. As long as the new army was strong enough, they could completely suppress the riots in these two places.

As long as you implement your own New Deal, overall it will not affect the imperial court.

However, Shaanxi is different.

The soil that breeds uprisings has been formed here. If I hadn't traveled through time and become Zhang Haogu, if I were in Shaanxi, I would have shown it to you on the spot.

took a sip of tea

Zhu Youxiao had already arrived at the Interior Department, with a somewhat solemn expression on his face: "Master, is there a large-scale rebellion in Shaanxi?"

"Your Majesty, please look!"

Zhang Haogu gave the memorial place in his hand to Zhu Youxiao.

Zhu Youxiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and then slapped the table: "These unruly people!"

"Shaanxi is experiencing severe drought and official exploitation!"

Zhang Haogu quickly said: "Your Majesty, it must be suppressed. Nowadays, large-scale farmers in Shaanxi are revolting... well, rebellion. If they cannot be suppressed as soon as possible, the rogue bandits will quickly destroy the production in Shaanxi, thus causing more

People become proletarians and then join the bandits!"

Zhu Youxiao nodded: "Yes, we can't let them continue to grow bigger!"

Having said this, Zhu Youxiao looked at the memorial again and said with a sneer: "There are actually Ming soldiers who have joined the bandits?"

"Your Majesty, this is a problem with the army. Many bankrupt farmers in the northwest region are forced to be soldiers or post soldiers, but what if they become soldiers? Naturally, it is impossible for everyone to have the treatment of the new army, and the same is true for soldiers.

They are oppressed by their superiors and have no land or food, so naturally they are unwilling to contribute!"

Zhang Haogu said bluntly: "Your Majesty, don't compare the new army to other Ming emperors. Since the Wanli era, the Ming Dynasty's military expenditures have increased sharply due to its response to Manchuria. But looking at the battle of Guangning, the military expenditures, I think the Emperor has almost seen it. The eunuchs and

Minister, the generals have swallowed up the military expenses. This is only Liaodong, so the shortage of military pay in the northwest towns is even more serious!"

"These Ming armies were in arrears with pay for more than three years. The soldiers also worked hard for the generals, performed miscellaneous tasks, and suffered all kinds of abuse. Each soldier received a monthly salary of 5 coins, but the actual money he received was

It was not enough to buy a dou of rice, and the clothes did not cover the body. They even sold armor and equipment, and sold their wives and children. Therefore, they joined the rebels and resisted the imperial court!"

Zhu Youxiao clenched his fists and said coldly: "One day, I must deal with these insects!"

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, Sun Chuanting is here!"

The clerk outside said quickly.

"Let him in!" Zhu Youxiao said quickly.

After a while, Sun Chuanting quickly came to Zhang Haogu and Zhu Youxiao: "I have met the emperor!"

"Get up!" Zhu Youxiao waved his hand and said, "Do you know about Shaanxi?"

"The scribe already told me on the way here!" Sun Chuanting said quickly.

Zhang Haogu nodded and said: "Okay, Your Majesty, my plan is this. Let Sun Chuanting take 20,000 new troops to Shaanxi immediately to suppress these rebels!"

Having said this, Zhang Haogu paused slightly and continued: "At the same time, we are raising food on the spot and asking the landlords and gentry in Shaanxi to come up with enough food and donate it to the court. The court will give them face. They

If you don't want this face, colluding with the rebel army is tantamount to rebellion and you should kill them on the spot. Don't be afraid of offending anyone. If you don't give food to anyone, just label them as rebels and kill them directly!"

Needless to say, who in Shaanxi now has food and money?

Needless to say, it must be this group of landlords and gentry.

Zhang Haogu still remembers a movie he watched in his previous life. At first, Sun Chuanting hoped that these landlords and gentry would donate some food so that the imperial army could suppress Li Zicheng.

As a result, this group of gentry said, you, Sun Chuanting, are great? Nowadays, none of us are in the court. Which one of this minister and that minister is not our backer? You, Sun Chuanting, are nothing.

At the end of the day, Sun Chuanting chopped up all these guys, and the world became quiet.

Then, Sun Chuanting also died in the battle.

The most damn annoying thing is that Chongzhen still doesn’t believe it.

Zhu Youxiao nodded and said: "Sun Chuanting, just like the master, I will give you another imperial edict. You go and fight. Fight with confidence and boldness. Don't worry about who is behind these landlords and gentry, and don't worry about where they are.

No matter how many people there are in the imperial court, I am your biggest supporter. I am your biggest backer. If anyone dares to restrain you, I will destroy all nine of his clans!"

Sun Chuanting was suddenly moved.

It is said that a scholar dies for a confidant, which is probably what it feels like.

Compared with Chongzhen, Zhu Youxiao is indeed very responsible.

"In addition, a few days ago, I also heard that there was a severe drought in Shaanxi. I also ordered people to prepare some relief grains. You can also requisition these grains on the spot!"

Zhang Haogu pondered for a moment and continued: "You go to Shaanxi and take 20,000 new troops with you. You have to be fast. The rogue bandits in Shaanxi must be eliminated in the fastest and shortest time!"

Sun Chuanting nodded: "Understood!"

"Your Majesty, there is no further delay. We need to let Sun Chuanting set off!" Zhang Haogu looked at Zhu Youxiao and said.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Zhu Youxiao nodded quickly: "Let's go right away!"

Seeing Sun Chuanting leave, Zhang Haogu sighed heavily.

"Master, aren't you very optimistic?" Zhu Youxiao looked at Zhang Haogu and asked.

"Your Majesty, I am not worried that Sun Chuanting will be defeated, nor are you worried that someone in the court will restrain you. I am just worried that if these rebels don't fight you head-on, and if you can't defeat them, won't they run away? I'm just afraid that if you press the gourd, the gourd will rise!


Zhang Haogu looked at Zhu Youxiao and said: "Even if these rebels are suppressed, if the problem in Shaanxi is not solved, new rebels will still appear, and they will continue to rebel!"

Zhu Youxiao frowned, and then said: "Master, do you mean the New Deal?"

Zhang Haogu nodded and said quickly: "My meaning is very simple. When the situation improves, I want to go to Shaanxi in person and implement the new policy in Shaanxi. However, when the time comes, I also want to ask the emperor to

An imperial edict of forgiveness forgives the sins of some people, but a considerable number of people are held hostage!"

Zhu Youxiao sat down, nodded and said: "I understand, I understand!"

Then, Zhu Youxiao laughed again: "It's just that the court is going to quarrel again, and these treacherous ministers will take the opportunity to fight against the New Deal again!"

"Your Majesty, I don't care what happens to them. No matter how violent the storm, I will remain unmoved. As long as the suppression of bandits is over, I will leave for Shaanxi immediately!" Zhang Haogu said with a smile.

Zhu Youxiao nodded: "Master, just go!"

When he went to court again, as expected, the censors and public officials jumped out again.

Directly criticize Zhang Haogu and directly criticize the New Deal.

One censor even wrote tens of thousands of words eloquently, quoting scriptures, talking about the past and the present, saying that all this was due to the New Deal. If it weren't for the New Deal, how could such a large peasant army uprising occur in Shaanxi?

If it weren’t for the New Deal, how could it disrupt people’s hearts?

The people of Shaanxi are such a gentle and kind-hearted people, but it is because of the New Deal that they have thoughts they shouldn't have.

It was originally a peaceful and stable life, paying taxes honestly throughout my life.

The imperial court initially only imposed an agricultural tax of 3%, which was nothing more than an apportionment of a few hundred million more. What now?

One by one, these people began to become restless. What was the reason for all this?

It's because of the New Deal.

Someone asked the Dog Emperor not to be polite and simply abolish the New Deal. As long as the New Deal is abolished, the people of the world will naturally return to their hearts. As long as the New Deal is abolished, they will not have so many inappropriate thoughts.

What our saint said is so reasonable.

Only superior wisdom and inferior foolishness remain unchanged.

The focus of being sprayed must be Zhang Haogu.

There was no way, the New Deal had shaken too many interests, Duke Yan Sheng of Shandong, some nobles of the capital, and the people of the imperial court from Shandong and the capital were all offended by Zhang Haogu.

After Zhang Haogu went smoothly, they naturally did not dare to say anything.

But as long as there is any problem, they will criticize the New Deal and target Zhang Haogu.

A natural disaster, this is caused by the traitor Zhang Haogu in the imperial court.

Man-made disasters were directed at the New Deal. It was because the New Deal disrupted people's minds and caused them to have thoughts they shouldn't have.

There are really too many people offended.

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Youxiao felt drowsy after listening to it. You wrote more than 10,000 words, which are exquisite and exquisite. However, the one who was moved by these censors and public officials was himself.

Zhu Youxiao couldn't understand it at all.

There is no problem with vernacular writing, but if it is classical Chinese writing, if it is classical Chinese writing with gorgeous diction, Zhu Youxiao cannot understand it at all.

What does this say, what and what?

The censors just suppressed a big move, only to find that they didn't take your big move seriously at all.

Zhu Youxiao still insisted on the New Deal.

In addition, 20,000 new troops were dispatched and went directly to Shaanxi to quell the rebellion.

Next court

Han Xu took a deep breath, with a hint of worry on his face. His hometown is Puzhou, Shaanxi.

Nowadays, there is a large-scale rebellion in Shaanxi, and Han Xu doesn't know what is going on in his family now.

"Mr. Han Ge!"

As soon as he returned to his home, Han Xu found that someone had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Who are you?"

Han Xu glanced at this guy, who introduced himself: "The lower official is Liu Jian, a disciple of Wang Chengbi, the governor of Shaanxi Province, Mr. Han Ge. Do you want Mr. Han Ge to lend a helping hand to save him?"

"Wang Chengbi?" Han Xu was stunned for a moment, and then said casually: "What does this have to do with being a basic official?"

Liu Jian quickly said: "Master Han, the imperial court was unable to suppress the large-scale rebellion in Shaanxi. On the contrary, officers and soldiers joined these peasant armies. A lot of the military expenditures were given to Mr. Han Ge as a filial piety."


Han Xu suddenly took a breath of cold air. It was not unusual for the Northwest Army's military expenses to be embezzled. It was also normal for the military expenses to be embezzled. Eunuchs, ministers, and generals all had their own ideas.

However, the problem is that Zhu Youxiao also showed his cruel methods. In the battle of Guangning, Wang Huazhen was directly delayed and Wang Zhijian was beaten to death in public.

This shows what?

Zhu Youxiao will not be polite to you. He really has the courage to attack your whole family.

"What does this have to do with me?" Han Xu calmed down the expression on his face slightly.

"Mr. Han Ge, now you also have a lot of land in Shaanxi. These are all filial to Mr. Wang. In addition, in these years, you have also sent a lot of money to the Han family. Mr. Han Ge, these lands, all the money are in


Han Xu's expression became serious: "How much did you give me? How much did you give me three years after the Apocalypse?"

Got on a pirate ship!

"Last year, the Han family gained 10,000 hectares of land, which is still close to the river. In addition, this was not given by us, but was requested by the Han family. In addition, the Han family also asked us for gold and silver, saying that it was

There is a severe drought this year, so I will take advantage of this opportunity to collect another batch!"

Han Xu felt suffocated.

Yes, he is now the chief assistant bachelor of the cabinet. Yes, his current status is indeed sufficient, but... this is not the first time that Zhu Youxiao has killed the cabinet bachelor.

What about Zhu Guozhen?

And what about these honorable groups?

He took out the iron coupons of the alchemy book, but Zhu Youxiao killed them all.

What about yourself?

Han Xu squinted his eyes and looked at Liu Jian in front of him. He felt that everything inside was burning. If Zhu Youxiao really let Zhu Youxiao get to the bottom of it, he would be in real danger.

Zhu Youxiao, that bastard, really dares to attack these cabinet bachelors.

Looking at Liu Jian again, Han Xu also understood that it was impossible to conceal this matter. If Sun Chuanting was really allowed to suppress the rebellion, the imperial court would definitely be liquidated.

Once a comprehensive liquidation begins, will I still be able to reap the benefits?

Han Xu picked up the tea cup, but the palm of his tea-drinking hand trembled slightly, and then a crazy but extremely bold idea emerged from his mind.

Maybe Zhu Guozhen is right.

If the Ming Dynasty had a different emperor, wouldn't it be so troublesome?

This chapter has been completed!
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