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Chapter 0383 The good news came to Beijing, the surprise Zhu Youxiao, and the immoral Zhang Haogu!

Whether it is Sun Chengzong or Yuan Chonghuan.

The combat effectiveness of the Liao army under their command can only be said to be good. This is only compared to other Liaodong warlords, who are already quite effective in combat.

However, in Zhang Haogu's view, this bit of combat power is really nothing.

There is absolutely no comparison with the New Army.

With so many people, they almost failed to capture Guangning City. This would be unimaginable if the new army replaced them.

In fact, Nurhachi almost ran away.

However, even so, the entire Guangningcheng was captured, and 20,000 people were responsible for garrisoning Guangningcheng.

In this battle, the Ming Dynasty completely conquered Guangning City.

At this point, Ming Dynasty finally returned to its defense line in the second year of Tianqi.

Afterwards, Sun Chengzong began to send memorials to the capital to tell Zhu Youxiao about the great victory in Liaodong.


"It's taken down, really taken down!"

Zhu Youxiao immediately stood up excitedly, with a deep ecstasy on his face. He excitedly handed the memorial in his hand to Zhang Haogu and said with a smile: "Master, look!"

Zhang Haogu took the memorial from Zhu Youxiao.

I scanned it ten lines at a time and found that everything about Sun Chengzong's memorial was good, but there was too much nonsense. Nowadays, the imperial court advocates vernacular writing. Sun Chengzong's kind of writing is so elegant that Zhang Haogu also found it particularly difficult to read.

After reading it, the expression on Zhang Haogu's face was very strange.

How should I describe this battle?

What a shame!

Five thousand people opened the city gate, rushed in to kill, and caught people by surprise. You actually only killed 348 people?

This is simply a joke.

Five thousand people killed the opponent by surprise, and there were still 20,000 people holding the line outside.

Is this what you achieved?

Is this something to be proud of?

It's just a joke. If he were in the new army, he would basically commit suicide by swallowing feces.

No wonder the Liaodong warlords could not defeat the Jurchens even in life or death.

In this situation, you expect them to fight a tough battle, which is impossible. Why does Sun Chengzong have to use the turtle flow method to advance life and death?

There is really nothing you can do, don't even mention it as a new army, even if you give Sun Chengzong a Qi Family Army, he can give you a wave of wonderful operations.

"Master, master!"

Zhu Youxiao shouted several times in succession, and Zhang Haogu came back to his senses slightly and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, now the entire territory of western Liaoning has returned to the hands of the Ming Dynasty!"

At this time, it’s better not to pour cold water on Zhu Youxiao’s enthusiasm.

This dog emperor finally got his temper, and I still had to give him more encouragement.

After a pause, Zhu Youxiao on the side said: "Master, what Master Sun means is to transfer the Dongjiang Army from Pi Dao to western Liaoning. The number of Dongjiang Army is still about 30,000, and this group of people can support it to some extent.

The situation in western Liaoning!"

Pi Dao originally harassed Liaoxi and was considered a nail that penetrated into Liaoxi.

As long as this nail is nailed in western Liaoning, the Jurchens will be restrained. Although Mao Wenlong takes the initiative less and less now, overall his deterrence is still there.

Now that the imperial court had regained Liaodong, Sun Chengzong was wondering whether to transfer Mao Wenlong to western Liaoning.

After entering Liaoxi, naturally there is no need for so much food, and transportation can be more convenient.

Secondly, if someone keeps an eye on Mao Wenlong, they can try their best to prevent Mao Wenlong from lying about his military exploits and thinking about cheating the emperor's money all day long.

"absolutely okay!"

Zhang Haogu nodded: "However, it is better to establish a transportation supply point on Pi Island as a transfer station!"

"Okay!" Zhu Youxiao nodded: "Then let's do it!"

"Besides!" Zhang Haogu pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "I think it is not appropriate to start a war in Liaodong. The Liaodong army may not be the opponent of the Jurchens. At this moment, we still need to do two things.

,Your Majesty, how about I come and tell the Emperor a little story?"

Zhu Youxiao said: "Master, please tell me!"

Zhang Haogu smiled and said: "During the Spring and Autumn Period, silk was produced in Qi, and silk was produced in Lu and Liang. Silk is a silk fabric that is thicker than silk but has a smooth surface. It is a high-grade fabric. Then, Guan Zhong suggested that Duke Huan of Qi wear silk clothes himself.

, and ordered his ministers to wear silk clothes. The people of Qi State suddenly started to wear silk clothes, and the people of Qi State suddenly started to wear silk clothes. The silk material of Qi State was in short supply, and the price soared.

Later, Guan Zhong signaled to the merchants of Lu and Liang, saying: If you sell a thousand pieces of silk to me, you will be given three hundred catties of gold; if you sell ten thousand pieces of silk, you will be given three thousand catties of gold. As a result, the bilateral trade volume between Qi and Lu and Liang increased dramatically, and Lu

, even if the Liang and Liang countries did not levy taxes, the income from foreign trade would always be enough for fiscal expenditures and squandering. The kings of the two countries saw such a beautiful thing, how hard farming was, but how powerful the country was through trade, so they asked the farmers to abandon farming and produce more for the country.

make money!

When the Lu and Liang states abandoned farming and produced silk on a large scale, Guan Zhong suggested that Duke Huan of Qi change to wearing silk, strictly prohibited citizens from wearing silk, closed border trade, and especially strictly controlled grain exports, not selling a single grain.

Subsequently, hungry people were everywhere in Luliang and Luliang, and the governments could not even collect taxes. The monarchs of the two countries ordered the people to go back to farming. Unfortunately, food cannot be grown just by planting. It is easy to abandon farming, but difficult to resume farming. So then

, the price of rice skyrocketed, and the people were in dire straits. The price of rice in Lu and Liang was ten times that of Qi. Within two years, sixty-seven out of ten citizens of Lu and Liang had smuggled themselves into Qi.

In less than three years, the monarchs of the two countries surrendered. They talked and laughed, but the battle was not bloody. Guan Zhong completely settled Duke Zhuang of Lu for Duke Huan of Qi, and removed the first stumbling block for Duke Huan of Qi to dominate the road."

Zhu Youxiao's eyes lit up slightly, and then he said: "Master, what you mean is to make Liaodong dependent on Ming Dynasty? But, what to purchase?"


Zhang Haogu thought for a while and said with a smile: "Let Liaodong produce soybeans. This thing cannot be used as food. My name can export grain to Liaodong. In short, I want to make soybeans profitable. My businessmen in Ming Dynasty are now making soybean oil."

business, let them purchase soybeans from Liaodong on a large scale!"


Zhang Haogu slowly said: "Play the Nurhachi card well and strive to cause division here in Liaodong, so that Huang Taiji's men are divided into two factions. The one we need to support is the surrender faction, give them benefits, and let them sometimes

Sing praises to the Ming Dynasty. For example, the Ming Dynasty is the beacon of freedom and the light of democracy. Liaodong is definitely not the opponent of the Ming Dynasty. Once the war starts, as long as the Ming Dynasty swarms up, Liaodong will inevitably collapse. Let them shake the determination of the Jurchens and let Liaodong have a vote.

People come and seek refuge with the Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Youxiao was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Master, these two moves are really a bit unethical!"

Zhang Haogu smiled and said: "As long as you can win, it doesn't matter whether you are immoral or not!"

I have to say that although Meiliguo's tricks are a bit disgusting, if you can use them, you still have to use them well.

This chapter has been completed!
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