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Chapter 0525 Zhang Haogu and Zhu Youxiao achieve each other!

Xu Guangqi is going to the Northeast.

Also going with him was Song Yingxing.

In addition, there are some elite students from the Agricultural College who want to cultivate crops in the Northeast that are suitable for the terrible weather in the Northeast.

Once it does, Xu Guangqi will succeed.

Then, the entire Liaodong is no longer a bitter cold place, but a small Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall.

At that time, the Northeast can bring greater food harvests.

If others don’t know, how can Zhang Haogu not know?

That's black soil.

"Going to Liaodong?"

Home Affairs Office

Zhu Youxiao couldn't help being slightly stunned, and couldn't help but said: "Why are we going to the Northeast?"

Frankly speaking, Colonel Zhu You had a very good impression of Xu Guangqi.

The Minister of Industry said it was Xu Guangqi, but in fact it was Zhu Youxiao. Of course, sometimes it would be Zhang Haogu. After all, Zhu Youxiao may not understand water conservancy projects and some infrastructure construction.

Many things are still left to Zhang Haogulai.

What really impressed Zhu Youxiao was that this guy really did practical things. He really plowed the fields seriously and tried every means to improve crop production.

This little old man actually produced rice in the north, and the yield was not very low.

Cultivate better seeds so that these crops can gradually adapt to the cold weather.

As for hybrid rice.

In the past two years, some things have been made, but as a result, there was a big separation this year, and it can be said that all the efforts were in vain.

However, no matter what the failure, Zhang Haogu and a group of people continued to sum up their experience.

Even if you fail hundreds or thousands of times, you will always succeed.

As long as it succeeds once, as long as this theoretical foundation is established, then the rest will be carried out step by step and slowly advanced.

Other than that, it’s chemical fertilizers.

Zhang Haogu naturally does not have the ability to build a large-scale chemical fertilizer factory, but there is still no problem in making chemical fertilizers through local methods. These chemical fertilizers are mainly produced and used in experimental fields.

See if there are any problems with the method of use during use.

Once it occurs, it needs to be corrected in time.

Two core things.

One is calcium sulfate and the other is superphosphate.

Calcium sulfate is easy to handle. It can be mined directly in the open pit. Most of them are open-pit and step-type mining on hillside. Most domestic gypsum mines use manual selection. Some mines produce ore without any sorting. The extracted ore is the ore.

Product. Impurities are removed from natural gypsum ore, and the soil is calcined and ground into powder.

Calcium sulfate combines with feces, and superphosphate requires phosphate rock and sulfuric acid.

At present, although sulfuric acid can be produced, it is only done on a small scale.

The main purchaser is still Xu Guangqi’s experimental field.


Zhang Haogu casually handed a copy of the memorial to Zhu Youxiao: "Your Majesty, please read it!"

Zhu Youxiao casually opened the memorial, but it was an experimental record.

Zhu Youxiao was no stranger to this thing. He could even be said to be very familiar with it. This was a set of controlled experiments. One side used soil methods to make chemical fertilizers, and the other side did not.

One side is carefully selected for breeding, and the other side is ordinary seeds.

Breeding uses chemical fertilizers, breeding does not use chemical fertilizers but traditional manure.

"Why is the grain yield of this breeding so high?" Zhu Youxiao secretly took a breath: "The yield per mu is actually more than 420 kilograms?"

This number is nothing, less than half of that of later generations.

Counting further down, it’s less than one-third of Mr. Yuan’s.

Nowadays, this unit of grain output has also been forcibly modified by Zhang Haogu. It is no longer a one-stone-two-stone method. The main reason is that the unit conversion is troublesome and the author has trouble writing it.

However, being able to achieve this step in Ming Dynasty is already quite good.

Now, the Ming Dynasty's grain yield per mu in the north, summer wheat and autumn millet, add up to today's market yield of 300 kilograms per mu. Rice in the south is equivalent to today's market yield of 577 kilograms per mu.

What Zhu Youxiao saw was that this was only summer wheat, only for one season, and corn was still not included.

If counted, the grain production would have at least doubled.

Although Zhu Youxiao was not very interested in agriculture, he also knew that food was the most important thing for the people.

People will not rebel if they have enough to eat.

The application of chemical fertilizers can be considered a preliminary success, and breeding is proceeding smoothly. If all can be promoted, grain production can be increased by at least 1.5 times.

How many Ming people could be supported by dense planting, chemical fertilizers, and breeding?

From the second year of Tianqi to the seventh year of Tianqi, for five years, Xu Guangqi still made a lot of efforts.

Zhang Haogu said: "Xu Guangqi wants to create an experimental field in the Northeast and try to grow rice and wheat in the Northeast. If Xu Guangqi succeeds, then the entire Liaodong will be a big deal for the entire Ming Dynasty.

Good thing!"

"Don't let Huang Taiji take away these grain seeds!" Zhu Youxiao said with some vigilance.

Last time, Zhu Youxiao was already worried about the sweet potato seeds being taken away by Huang Taiji. Now, he is naturally even more vigilant.

Zhang Haogu smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. Even if Xu Guangqi can cultivate cold-resistant wheat and rice in the Northeast, it will take at least three to five years. Your Majesty, given Huang Taiji's current situation, it is only time for us to eliminate him."

The problem is, in three to five years, the entire territory of Liaodong will be our territory, the Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Youxiao nodded: "I didn't expect that Xu Guangqi made so many contributions without saying anything!"

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "It's all the Emperor's great blessings to the heavens!"

Zhu Youxiao secretly took a breath, looked at Zhang Haogu and said: "Master has good eyesight and discovered a genius. If it weren't for master, I would still have a headache now because of money!"


Zhang Haogu laughed: "I think that if it were not the emperor, who could support me in carrying out the New Deal? Which emperor would take the initiative to allocate his imperial estate to the people? Which emperor would support it?

What about breeding? This breeding does not take one or two years, but three, five, or even ten or twenty years!”

"So, master and I are actually a match made in heaven!" Zhu Youxiao laughed.

Zhang Haogu suddenly coughed violently: "Mutual success, mutual success!"

Zhu Youxiao couldn't help laughing and said: "Master's words are really interesting. People say that I am a foolish king, you are a treacherous minister, and that I and the master are a foolish emperor and treacherous ministers. I think it is well said. I am

You are a fool, and my master is a traitor, but isn’t it that the Ming Dynasty is prospering in the hands of me and my master, a pair of fools and traitors?”

"What the emperor said is absolutely true!" Zhang Haogu nodded again: "Some people are just blind and dark-hearted. However, if the Ming Dynasty is really prosperous, what's the harm in being a treacherous minister?"

This chapter has been completed!
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