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Chapter 604 There are crouching dragons and phoenixes in the Qing Dynasty, and I have no worries!

Chapter 604: With the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick in the Qing Dynasty, I have no worries about the Ming Dynasty!

Chapter 0603: There are sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks in the Qing Dynasty, so I have no worries about the Ming Dynasty!

Who is the one?

Who else will help Daming at this time?

Zhang Haogu's eyes flashed, and he felt that he had found the answer.

Looking at Zhu Youxiao who was still frowning, Zhang Haogu muttered: "Your Majesty, I have an inference, but it may not be correct."

"Tell me, are they the scholars who took refuge in Huang Taiji?"

Zhu Youxiao was stunned: "Huh?!"

Those readers?

They have all been driven to Liaodong by me, will they still help the Ming Dynasty?!

Zhang Haogu explained: "Your Majesty, please don't forget that the imperial court is doing business with Liaodong. The land in Liaodong is now planted with soybeans and cotton, and there is no food in their fields."

"Huang Taiji went to war with our Ming Dynasty. We can't fight without military rations."

Zhu Youxiao understood what Zhang Haogu meant: "Master, what you mean is that those scholars have planted soybeans and cotton on the land in Liaodong. The granaries in Liaodong are actually empty, but Huang Taiji doesn't know."

"In order to cover up the truth, they deliberately let our troops enter the city, giving them a chance to burn down the granary and cover up the truth!"

Zhang Haogu said: "Just like the traitor Han Xu."

Han Xu!

As soon as this name was mentioned, Zhu Youxiao wanted to dig out the old thief from the soil and whip his corpse.

But think about the letter Han Xu sent to the old slave to deceive the pass so that the old slave could drive straight in, and then think about the secret envoy who suddenly arrived in Liaonan, the so-called Huang Taiji's handwriting.

This moment is really just like that moment.

It can only be said that these Donglin Party members all use the same method to deceive the imperial court!

It was the Ming Dynasty that was tricked before, but now it is the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. They are all loyal to the court!

Now thinking about Wei Gongchao and Su Mingzhe, Zhu Youxiao suddenly became less angry.

The enemy's hero is our enemy, and the converse is also true. Your traitor is our hero.

With this group of sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks helping Huang Taiji govern the Qing Dynasty, why worry about the Qing Dynasty not taking jujube pills?

And Zhang Haogu was also lamenting how much evil Huang Taiji had done to attract such a group of sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks to his Qing Dynasty.

"It really is"

"A group of loyal ministers."

Zhu Youxiao doesn't even know how to describe these scholars. He might say they are useful, but they are still useless in governing the country.

But let's say they are useless, but they often work wonders against the enemy.

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I heard that Huang Taiji compared himself to Liu Bei and called those scholars who took refuge in the past as Crouching Dragons and Phoenixes. From my point of view, there are these Crouching Dragons and Phoenixes with Huang Taiji, and there is no need for them in Liaodong."

How worried."

Zhu Youxiao also smiled and said: "Master's words make sense. These people are sleeping with dragons and phoenixes?"

"It really ruined Wuhou's reputation."

Eunuch Wei also smiled apologetically: "Who says it's not the case? It's a blessing to be able to drive these people to the Tatars."

Zhu Youxiao smiled and said: "Wei Banban is right. If they were still in my Ming Dynasty, they would not know how to harm the people of the Ming Dynasty. Sending them to Liaodong would be a waste of money."

"The Donglin Party members, apart from fighting in the party and making money, are only doing harm to the country and the people!"

"I think the number of people sent now is not enough. We need to continue sending more Donglin Party members to Liaodong so that they can help Huang Taiji govern his Manchu Qing Dynasty. I want to see if there are these people

Now, his Manchu rule can last for several years."

Zhang Haogu smiled, inexplicably thinking of Governor Yuan Chonghuan's bold words for the five years of Ping Liao. Looking back now, it seems that Governor Yuan's words are very likely to come true.

With these people working hard for the Qing Dynasty in southern Liaoning, Huang Taiji's Manchu Qing Dynasty can still exist within five years, but they are sorry for the hard work of these loyal Qing Dynasties!

Thinking of this, Zhang Haogu said: "Your Majesty, we have to help them. This matter cannot be leaked."

Zhu Youxiao nodded: "Yes, I have to help these people in this matter, and let them continue to stay with the Manchus. We cannot let Huang Taiji doubt them."

Zhang Haogu asked: "Eunuch Wei, the news came from Liaodong, saying that it was Amin's son Airli and others who were dissatisfied with Huang Taiji's ascension to the throne that led our Ming army to Shenyang, right?"

Eunuch Wei said: "Master Zhang is right. People in Liaodong are saying that it was Amin's son who united with the old troops to plot a rebellion while Huang Taiji was away."

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "Since Liaodong has said so, let's cooperate and send people to let out the wind. It is said that Liaonan received the secret letter from Aire and the others, and relied on Aire and the others to enter. From Shenyang City."

"By the way, Daishan also shouted before he died that Airli was not the son of man and wanted to destroy the Qing Dynasty for his own selfishness."

Zhu Youxiao smiled and said: "Well, that's right, that's what I have to say. In this way, those Donglin Party members can continue to work in Liaodong."

Zhang Haogu continued: "We cannot cut off our business with Liaodong. Liaodong is rich in soybeans and cotton. Cotton can be used to make cotton-padded clothes to keep people warm in winter, and soybeans can feed war horses. In addition, Liaodong also has iron ore and coal mines, which we You can have it all!”

"As long as those people in Liaodong can mine it, I will mine it as much as Ming Dynasty can mine!"

"In the end, Liaodong had a lot of silver in his hands, but no iron or grain. That was a piece of meat in my Ming Dynasty's mouth. As long as I, Ming Dynasty, want to eat it, both the people and the money belong to me, Ming Dynasty!"

As the saying goes, my neighbor collects grain and I store guns, and my neighbor is my granary.

The same words apply to Zhang Haogu's strategy in Liaodong. Use gold and silver to buy Liaodong's grain, soybeans, and cotton, so that Liaodong will completely give up growing food, and also let Liaodong increase the mining of iron ore and coal mines. Let them sell their iron ore and coal mines to Ming Dynasty.

When the Ming Dynasty was waiting for the Ming Dynasty to send troops to Liaodong, Huang Taiji's army had no iron weapons to defend the enemy, no food to satisfy their hunger, no coal to keep out the cold, and even no cotton to make cotton armor. What kind of scene would that be?

Even with the existing armor, as the Ming Dynasty's demand for iron increases, who can guarantee that those Donglin Party members in Liaodong will not cut corners and save all the iron pieces in the cotton armor and send it to the Ming Dynasty?

Wearing only two layers or even one layer of cotton, with a few copper foam nails on the outside, it can't block not only firearms, but also swords!

And those Donglin Party members can really do such a thing!

Zhu Youxiao also very much agreed with Zhang Haogu's opinion. The main reason was that the defeat of the Liaodong Army made Zhu Youxiao really have no hope for the current combat effectiveness of the Ming Army. The old Ming Army had a huge number, but there was no battle. force.

Let’s train the new troops of the three major battalions honestly.

After the training of the new troops of the Three Thousand Battalion, the Fifth Army Battalion, and the Shenji Battalion is completed, and when the Ming Dynasty once again has an iron cavalry that can run long distances, is good at riding and shooting, and is good at charging, it will then go to sweep across Liaodong.

Just like Emperor Chenghua once plowed the courtyard to sweep the acupuncture points, completely get rid of this Ming abscess!

This chapter has been completed!
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