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Chapter 651 Zhu Youxiao: Catch it well, catch it well, the dog should be killed

"Huang Mingdao is here!"

"I discovered Huang Mingdao!"

"He wants to run, catch him quickly!"

The shouts made Huang Mingdao tremble with fear. He didn't care that he lost one of his official boots and that his official robe was in a mess. He ran as fast as he could to the back door. He didn't want to be caught by these muddy legs.

But as soon as he ran to the back door, he found that the back door had been opened long ago, and a group of people were blocking him here!

Seeing this scene and seeing the resentment in the eyes of the people, Huang Mingdao's heart skipped a beat and he collapsed on the ground.

"Huang Mingdao! Where are you running!"

"Do you think you can run away? The county government has been surrounded by us!"

Looking at these students and the people behind them holding hoes, rakes, and pitchforks, Huang Mingdao collapsed on the ground, stretched out his hands and said tremblingly: "You, you mob!"

"Trespassing to the county government office without permission is a serious crime of beheading!"

The leading student sneered: "It's not us who want to behead, it's you!"

"Do you think the evidence of your crime is hidden?"

As he was talking, a student hurried over: "I found Huang Mingdao's account book of corruption and bribery! It contains all the evidence of his corruption. He can't run away!"

Hearing this, Huang Mingdao hurriedly looked around and found a familiar account book in the student's hand!

Didn’t you give the account book to Master?


Where has Master gone?!

Huang Mingdao was confused.

He didn't notice at all, the master had already run away!

After discovering that the students led the common people to besiege the county government office, the master realized that this matter could not end well. In order to divert attention, he directly put Huang Mingdao's account book of corruption and bribery in a conspicuous place, and then pretended to be an ordinary servant and hid it.

Get up and have already run out of the county government office.

Seeing these students and common people approaching him one after another, Huang Mingdao was paralyzed with fear: "You, you untouchables!"

"I am the county magistrate! What do you want to do?!"

"Aren't you afraid of punishment from the court?!"

The students were angry: "Untouchable! Untouchable! You speak of one untouchable after another. Where do you put the Ming Dynasty's laws?!"

"Folks! Cuff him, put him in a prison van, and take him to the capital!"

"Yes, cuff me!"

Seeing that these idiots dared to attack him, Huang Mingdao turned around and tried to escape, regardless of the fact that he was surrounded. However, he was quickly pinned to the ground by two students and unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, the common people pushed the prison cart, brought the big shackles, put the big shackles on Huang Mingdao, and loaded him into the prison cart.

Seeing the dog officer being put into the prison car, the people couldn't help but burst into cheers, and the students said: "Fellows, we will definitely let the court give you an explanation!"

"Everyone, let's go and send this dog official to the capital!"

"Okay!" All the students, some driving and at least riding horses, equipped with swords, escorted the prison car out of the county government office, and headed towards the capital under the watch of the people of Jintan County.

Huang Mingdao, who was put in a prison car and put in big shackles, looked at the mud-legged people around him pointing at him and talking about him. He closed his eyes in despair. He knew that he was doomed!

Not only because he was embezzling and demanding bribes, but also because he had lost his master and no one was willing to protect him!

Along the way, a group of students escorted a court official on the official road, attracting countless people to watch. Whether they were passers-by, businessmen, students, or local officials, they all knew that Huang Mingdao, the magistrate of Jintan County, had done evil and was killed by the students.

We united with the people to seize him and escort him to the capital for questioning.

As soon as the news spread, officials from all over the south of the Yangtze River suddenly became nervous. Today, Huang Mingdao was arrested. Will it be him tomorrow?

At this time, these officials and gentry realized that the storm of conflict between the old and the new parties finally showed its power!

In fact, there were officials who tried to stop these students on the way, but wherever they went, local students spontaneously joined in. The number of students who escorted Huang Mingdao was in the hundreds.

Facing so many students, who dares to stop them easily?

Aren't you afraid that you will be the next Huang Mingdao?

Therefore, officials from various places chose to turn a blind eye, assuming that they did not know what was going on, and allowed these students to escort Huang Mingdao all the way to the capital.

However, they were not stupid, so they still sent someone to inform the Shangguan, tell him the whole story, and ask the Shangguan to make a decision.

In short, I will not bear the name of harming students, you can do whatever you like.

The Donglin Party's prefects from all over Jiangnan were in a very difficult position after learning the news. Who else would they look for?

Looking for Wang Wenyan?

Who can be sure that Wang Wenyan, the governor of Jiangnan of the New Party, was not behind this incident?

Therefore, they had no choice but to send people to continue to inform the big bosses above, and even higher up, they could only be the imperial cabinet ministers Huang Liji, Wei Guangwei, Minister of War Liu Hongxun and others.

Before the students and Huang Mingdao arrived in the capital, the old party in the capital knew the news.

In Huang Liji's private residence, Huang Liji, Wei Guangwei, Liu Hongxun and others sat together, drinking tea in silence, and the atmosphere was extremely dull.

Finally, Wei Guangwei couldn't help it anymore: "Let's talk about how to deal with this matter."

Liu Hongxun said helplessly: "It's just difficult to deal with, and everyone doesn't know what to do."

"Now that those students are escorting Huang Mingdao to the capital, we can't send people to stop them, right? If this matter gets spread, our reputation will be lost!"

Someone asked: "Are we just going to watch them take Mr. Huang to the capital to question him?"

Wei Guangwei was so angry that he said, "Huang Mingdao is corrupt, perverts the law, and harms the people. He has committed a heinous crime!"

"Now a group of students have caught evidence of the crime, and someone broke into the county government office and found it out. It's embarrassing!"

Huang Liji was also very angry: "It is indeed embarrassing! It really embarrasses me, the Donglin Party!"

Liu Hongxun continued: "Those students were arrested in the name of Emperor Taizu. We cannot attack those students, otherwise we are against the ancestral system."

Oppose the ancestral system!

This item is a term used by Donglin Party members to criticize the emperor and the New Party. Once used on Donglin Party members, everyone will know how serious the problem will be.

Therefore, it is difficult for everyone to make a decision. At present, the old and new parties are arguing endlessly in Jiangnan. Seeing that the Donglin Party is already in a weak position, it is still struggling to support itself with the ancestral system. If even the shield of ancestral system is gone, the situation will be really bad.

I can't hold it any longer.

Huang Liji looked at everyone: "Where is Qiao Yunsheng? Isn't he the Minister of the Ministry of Justice? Why haven't I seen his people at this time?"

A censor sneered and said: "Qiao Yunsheng, he has already joined Zhang Haogu's family, how can he attend our party?"

Liu Hongxun said: "Brother Yunsheng is not such a person. He just doesn't want to be in a dilemma and chooses neutrality."

"That's a betrayal of us!" Youyanguan said angrily.

Huang Liji waved his hand: "After all, I didn't vote for Zhang Haogu. Now it's too much to say that he betrayed us. If you don't want to come, don't come. Can you force others to come if they don't come?"

"Let's see what we should do about this matter now?"

After returning to the topic, these people looked at me and I looked at you, but they all fell silent. Everyone knows the difficulty of this matter, who dares to speak lightly and do it?

Seeing that everyone was silent, Huang Liji and Wei Guangwei looked at each other, with tired and helpless expressions in their eyes. The Donglin Party couldn't be led anymore.

At the Donglin Party gathering, Zhang Haogu also learned about the news in Jiangnan Province. A group of students escorted the imperial officials to the capital in great force. How could such a big news be hidden from him?

After looking at the ins and outs of the secret fold, Zhang Haogu tapped his fingers on the desk: "These students are acting recklessly."

"Taichong, you send a letter to various places along the way and ask them to escort these students to Beijing along the way. Don't let anyone who is interested take the opportunity to cause chaos."

Huang Zongxi said: "Students understand."

After Huang Zongxi left, Zhang Haogu frowned as he looked at Mi Zhe. The most serious thing about this matter was not that Huang Mingdao had been offended, but that these students broke into the county government office to arrest the imperial officials. This was the most critical issue.

Huang Mingdao is guilty and will be dealt with by the court. These students, who have neither official credentials nor authority, actually broke into the county government office to arrest a county magistrate. Zhang Haogu must know what Zhu Youxiao thinks about this.

, otherwise, it will be difficult for these young and enthusiastic students.

After thinking about it, Zhang Haogu got up and entered the palace.

"Master Zhang, you are here." Eunuch Wei smiled and came over after seeing Zhang Haogu.

"Eunuch Wei, where is the emperor?" Zhang Haogu asked.

Eunuch Wei pointed and said: "The emperor is studying the steam engine. In order to study the problem of a wooden cow and a stray horse, the emperor has been studying with the bachelors of the Academy of Engineering in the past few days."

Nodding, Zhang Haogu said: "Eunuch Wei, I just have something to report to the emperor, will you go with me?"

Eunuch Wei smiled and said, "That's a good feeling."

He followed Eunuch Wei to the busy Zhu Youxiao. After Zhu Youxiao finished his work, Eunuch Wei stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, Master Zhang is here."

When he heard that Zhang Haogu had arrived, Zhu Youxiao also put down what he was doing: "When did Master come? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "I just saw that the emperor was busy and serious. I might as well wait a little longer. It's just a small matter."

When Zhu Youxiao heard this, he also became interested: "What's the matter? Master, tell me quickly."

After Zhang Haogu explained the whole story, Zhu Youxiao also fell into deep thought: "So that's how it is."

"This matter is quite interesting."

With that said, Zhu Youxiao asked: "Where are those students and the corrupt official named Huang?"

Zhang Haogu said: "We have reached the border of Henan and will arrive in Gyeonggi Province soon."

Zhu Youxiao said: "Then I will wait for them in the capital and see how much evidence they have collected about this corrupt official."

At present, Zhu Youxiao is waiting, Zhang Haogu is waiting, Wei Guangwei and Huang Liji are also waiting. Everyone is watching the movements of those students, and rumors about how Huang Mingdao was arrested are also spreading around the capital.

, for a time the news about Huang Mingdao became the hottest topic in the capital.

Under such circumstances, the students finally brought the prison van to the capital. The guards guarding the city gate pretended not to see them and allowed them to take the prison van into the capital. Then, with countless people watching along the way, the students

He pulled the prison cart to the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment, beat drums and complained about injustice.

As the dull drum beat sounded, the Ministry of Justice was alerted. Soon the Minister of the Ministry of Justice came out to check. When he saw the magistrate in the prison car, he realized that the official had arrived and immediately went to notify Qiao Yunsheng, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice.


Accompanied by the shouts of the government officials, Qiao Yunsheng, the Minister of Punishment, entered the lobby: "Who is playing the drum? Bring him up."

The students and Huang Mingdao were brought into the hall. Qiao Yunsheng looked at the students: "Who are you, and what is the purpose of playing drums?"

A student stood up and said: "Back to Mingtang, we are students from Jintan County in the south of the Yangtze River. We are here to beat drums and complain, all because of Jintan County Magistrate Huang Mingdao's exorbitant taxation, corruption and perversion of the law, and oppression of the people, so that the people of Jintan County have no way to live, and the people have nothing to do."

Relying on him, I had to go bankrupt to satisfy the greed of the county magistrate."

“Since the imperial court promoted the New Deal, it has repeatedly issued documents requiring officials from all over the country to enforce the law and be diligent and caring for the people. However, Huang Mingdao regards the imperial laws as nothing and continues to go his own way, constantly apportioning and increasing taxes to the people, and even making the people continue to perform corvee to satisfy his own needs.


"Students here have the testimonies of people from various villages and towns in Jintan County. There are more than 13,000 people who pressed blood seals to prove the authenticity of the testimonies."

“At the same time, the students also have the account books of Huang Mingdao’s tax collection over the years, false reports of corvee labor, and extortion of exorbitant taxes from the people.”

Qiao Yunsheng said: "Send the testimony and evidence."

The students handed over testimonies bearing dense fingerprints, and Huang Mingdao's account books were also handed over to Qiao Yunsheng's case.

Qiao Yunsheng looked at the testimonies filled with fingerprints, then looked at the account book that he remembered clearly, and then looked at Huang Mingdao who was lying on the ground: "Jintan County Magistrate Huang Mingdao! What can you say?


Seeing these testimonies and the account books being delivered to Qiao Yunsheng's desk, Huang Mingdao collapsed on the ground, giving up on himself without saying a word.

Qiao Yunsheng slammed the gavel: "Jintan County Magistrate Huang Mingdao! What do you have to say?"

Huang Mingdao was frightened and woke up. He looked at Qiao Yunsheng blankly, then rolled forward and cried: "It's wrong! It's wrong! It's wrong! It's wrong!"

"It was these students who colluded with the mob to storm the county government office to frame the official!"

"Please, sir, be careful and careful!"

Qiao Yunsheng snorted coldly, and just as he was about to speak, a young eunuch came out from behind: "Master Qiao, the emperor wants to see the testimonies and criminal evidence submitted by those students."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Yunsheng quickly handed over the testimony and incriminating evidence to the young eunuch: "Excuse me, father-in-law."

The young eunuch sent the testimony and evidence to the back hall. Zhu Youxiao, Zhang Haogu and other cabinet ministers were all here. Looking at the testimony and evidence sent by the young eunuch, what Zhu Youxiao saw when he took it was the one that caught his eye.

Blood red fingerprints.

Without reading the testimonies, Zhu Youxiao was shocked by just flipping through the criminal evidence records and seeing the blood prints on the pieces of paper: "More than 13,000 bloody fingerprints, the names of more than 13,000 people of the Ming Dynasty."


"Based on this alone, it is not an exaggeration for Huang Mingdao to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!"

Listening to Zhu Youxiao's murderous words, Huang Liji and Wei Guangwei couldn't help but shudder. The emperor was angry and wanted to kill again!

Zhang Haogu took the account book, flipped through it, and handed it to Zhu Youxiao: "Your Majesty, please take a look at this account book."

Zhu Youxiao took the account book and looked at the records on it starting from the year of the Apocalypse. Even now, ten years after the Apocalypse, there are still no records!

With a bang, Zhu Youxiao slammed the table angrily: "Okay, okay!"

"You are truly my good minister, such a good minister!"

"Ten years, ten years of corruption! I issued an edict requiring ministers everywhere to be honest and honest, and not to take bribes. He turned a deaf ear to it. He thought that the sky was high and the emperor was far away, and I couldn't control him. He didn't even let go of the imperial decree.

If you don't take my edict seriously, you should be killed! You should be killed!"

With that said, Zhu Youxiao sent the testimonies one by one to Huang Liji, Wei Guangwei and others: "Everyone, please take a look! Take a look!"

"How shocking this is!"

"In the south of the Yangtze River, in the southern Zhili region of the Ming Dynasty, there are still such cruel dog officials who harm the people!"

"What is this? This is the scum of the Ming Dynasty!"

"No wonder the people want to attack the county government office. He is forcing the people to have no way to survive!"

"The government forces the people to rebel, the government forces the people to rebel, this is the government forcing the people to rebel!"

"Tell Qiao Aiqing to investigate the case strictly and not to slack off!"

After saying this, Huang Liji and Wei Guangwei understood that Huang Mingdao was bound to die, and his death would definitely be miserable.

I didn’t see that the emperor has already said that we should strictly investigate this case and not slack off. This is to completely dig out everything Huang Mingdao did. Jin Yiwei and Dongchang are not allowed to go to Jintan County to dig three feet of ground?

Not to mention Huang Mingdao, none of the officials involved with him can escape!

After returning to the palace, Zhu Youxiao said: "Wei Banban, go check and see how many people are involved. Don't let anyone go!"

Eunuch Wei knew that the emperor was angry and said quickly: "Your Majesty, don't worry. I asked the boys to go check it out right away and ensure that I give you a satisfactory explanation."

Immediately, Dongchang's followers took action. Not counting the flying pigeons delivering messages, there were also groups of Tiqi riding out of the city and heading straight to the south of the Yangtze River. It was obvious that they were going to do something big.

The storm brewing over Jiangnan Province has finally gathered momentum. Now it has accumulated enough power and is about to release a devastating and terrifying force.

However, in just a few days, a list of evidence of Huang Mingdao and those involved with him was placed on Zhu Youxiao's desk.

Looking at these lists and evidence of crime, Zhu Youxiao was furious and directly ordered: "Go to Dongchang and Jinyiwei to arrest people according to the list. As long as there are famous people, don't let anyone go. I will escort them all to the capital!"

Some officials got the news in advance and wanted to run away, but the local Jinyiwei came directly to the door. Faced with the joint operation of Jinyiwei and Dongchang Fanzi, none of these officials escaped, and they were all captured. They were put into prison cars in shackles and escorted to the capital.


After Wang Wenyan heard the news, he smiled and took a sip of tea: "Okay, okay, without these troublesome guys, it will be easier to implement Jiangnan's new policy."

Doesn’t Wang Wenyan know that these people are corrupt?

Don’t you know there’s something wrong with these people?

Wang Wenyan knew everything, but he did not act rashly, but chose to let the students cause this cancer, and then let the emperor take action.

At present, a group of officials from various prefectures and counties in the south of the Yangtze River have been arrested, and the remaining officials are all trembling and frightened. When the students from Datong Academy fill the vacancies, government orders will be smooth in this land of the south of the Yangtze River.

This chapter has been completed!
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