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Chapter 0699 They are the loyal ministers of Daming!


When the Ming Dynasty fought with Annan, no one came.

There will be flooding tomorrow and no one will come.

Now that the internal and external problems of the Ming Dynasty have subsided, and they are now free, people come and say that they want to unite. Who are they planning to unite with?

The biggest reason why Wei Gongchao was unwilling to get involved in this matter was that the import and export trade between Liaodong and Daming was now in full swing, and he, a second-rate dealer, was caught in the middle and made a lot of money from both sides.

What if there is really chaos within the Ming Dynasty and the business is cut off?

Fan Wencheng and Su Mingzhe did not have these worries, but they also had doubts about this matter.

Fan Wencheng pondered: "There is indeed a problem with this matter. We cannot rule out the possibility that the Ming Dynasty plans to take action against the Qing Dynasty."

"Your Majesty, I suggest that we send more detective horses to find out the situation and take a look at the recent actions of the Ming Dynasty. If the Ming Dynasty does not take action against us, but the dog emperor really plans to patrol the north, I, the Qing Dynasty, can give those people some help even if I do it myself


Su Mingzhe said: "That's it. Now the Ming Dynasty is gaining momentum. If it is not interrupted in time, the Qing Dynasty will always be suppressed by the Ming Dynasty. The best thing now is to find a way to interrupt it.

The momentum of the Ming Dynasty killed Emperor Nago and Zhang Haogu."

"If the gentry in the south really intend to take action, we can even help them contact the Mongols and let them take action. We will wait and see what happens."

"If something happens to the Dog Emperor, we, the Qing Dynasty, can take advantage of the situation and send troops to take advantage of the civil strife in the Ming Dynasty to capture Liaonan to consolidate the state. If nothing happens to the Dog Emperor, then we can also sit back and watch the Dog Emperor clean up Jiangnan, and those gentry in the south will inevitably

I won’t wait for death.”

"No matter what, this is a mutual weakening of the Ming Dynasty. I, the Qing Dynasty, can just watch from the other side."

After hearing what his three advisers said, Huang Taiji also made up his mind not to interfere. After all, the Qing Dynasty did not have the strength to interfere at the moment.

"Since you say so, let's just wait and see from the other side. If those gentry in the south really have the possibility of success, we will provide them with some help."

After receiving the secret message from Liaodong, the people involved in the conspiracy were very confused.

The Manchu Qing decided not to interfere, and the Donglin gentry were not surprised. In fact, the core planners of this operation did not place their hopes on Liaodong at all.

In the dark underground dark room, the voice of a man wearing a cloak and a mask was hoarse: "Everyone knows that our actions this time are not for individuals, but for the country and the people."

"Now that the harsh government is being implemented, people all over the country are living in dire straits and are boiling with sorrow. From the princes in the court to the gentry in the countryside, they have all been harmed by the harsh government. Their families have been destroyed and people have been killed. There are many people who are skinned and used as grass. Even those who survived have lost all their wealth.

, the family is displaced..."

When he said this, the man's voice was already gritting his teeth: "The emperor is ignorant and has no moral principles, and the traitorous ministers are harming the country. In this world, only we can save the Ming Dynasty!"

Someone asked: "Now that Mongolia is no longer what it used to be, are they still willing to fight to the death?"

The man sneered: "Not all Mongolian tribes are living so well today."

"Right now, the Ordos and Horqin tribes want to join Hunjun, but the Wala tribes don't think so!"

"The various tribes in Oara are extremely poor. Not only do their herdsmen lack food and clothing, but also their leaders. Do they dare to give up their power one by one?"

"Whether it's a Tatar or a Wala, I have my own way to deal with these people. These Mongol tribes can't get rich. When the dogs are full, they won't bite."

After leaving the darkroom, the man got on the carriage and left the place directly. In the carriage, a secret letter was written and thrown out: "Give it to the leaders of the Asu tribe and let them go and cause trouble in Monan. This year we can't

Let the grassland have a good year."

Since the collapse of the Mongolian and Yuan Empire, the Mongol tribe has split into two parts: Monan and Mobei. The Tatar tribe in Monan and the Oara tribe in Mobei have competed with each other for supremacy and have repeatedly plotted against the Central Plains.

The core of the Tatar tribe is undoubtedly the Chahar tribe, but the Tatar tribe also includes the Tumut tribe in the south of Mongolia, the Ordos tribe, the Horqin tribe in Liaodong, and the harsh and cold land, surrounded by poor mountains and mountains.

The Asobu.

Compared with the Chahar tribe, the Ordos tribe, the Tumut tribe, and the Horqin tribe, which have fertile pastures, the Asou tribe is purely a stepmother. It has no fertile pastures, no rich mountain forest resources, and poor mountains.

Diaomin, the Asu tribe has always been a loner, and their folk customs are tough.

If the Asu tribe makes a surprise attack southward, it will undoubtedly be a devastating blow to the now peaceful Chahar grassland. Moreover, Nayan, Zhu Youxiao and others from the grassland tribes who came to the Chahar alliance will suffer unforeseen consequences.

The dangers of testing.

This is a dagger hidden in the darkness. No one knows whether the Asov tribe, which has always been away from the Tatar tribe, has a master.

Jin Yiwei and Dongchang found some traces of the secrets of Bo Yun within the Ming Dynasty, but the little traces could not let Jin Yiwei and Dongchang find out. They did not know that someone inside the Ming Dynasty had already conspired against Zhu Youxiao.


After all, today's Ming Dynasty, the prosperous world, is when the imperial power reaches its peak. No one would have thought that these Donglin Party members would overestimate their capabilities and want to attack Zhu Youxiao at this time.

This is a very reasonable logic. After all, when the world is peaceful, everyone's life can be lived. No matter you are a corrupt official or something else, no matter how dissatisfied you are with the court, you will not be unable to live your life. You will be able to live up to the will of the future.

If you are not greedy or just become an official, you can still be stable for the rest of your life with the wealth you have accumulated in the past.

After all, the Ming Dynasty has a strong national power and all industries are prosperous. Whether you spend the rest of your life in peace, continue to be an official, or pave the way for your family's children and nephews, the future is smooth. When the country is strong, everyone will have a good life, and the future will be better and better.

This is a situation that benefits everyone, no matter who you are.

This is also the reason why Huang Liji and Wei Guangwei are now clay sculptures in the cabinet, and also the reason why many gentry and students in the south have switched to the New Party. It is not that they really agree with the New Party and think the New Party is better than the Donglin Party, but the current situation in the Ming Dynasty tells

People all over the world will have a future if they follow the New Party. The gentry and merchants in the south flocked to the New Party one after another. This is also the reason why the officials implemented the New Deal.

On the contrary, if you jump out at this time and mess up the country, no one will want to see this except those who are truly ambitious and want to change the government!

No one wants to see the peace being broken like this, which means everything has to start over again.

When mountains and rivers are shattered and the country is overthrown, it is not just the common people who suffer. Officials and gentry, those who hold high positions or have privileges and control the land and food, are the most unlucky, because the common people may become rich in the process, but the officials and gentry are the most unlucky.

Merchants and merchants will definitely experience an extremely terrifying turmoil, not only for their family wealth, but also for their power and life.

Therefore, officials and gentry pursue stability more than anyone else, especially when the emperor has proven his ability. In the next few decades, the emperor will dominate this country. So even if he wants to change, he will have to wait until the death of the Apocalypse Emperor Long Yu.

The next emperor should not hurriedly assassinate the emperor and cause the mountains and rivers to be broken and the court to be in turmoil.

This is a situation that any sensible official or gentry would agree with. After all, are there few wise and mighty emperors?

Emperor Taizu Gao was a man of divine literature and martial arts. He ruled the world with the body of a commoner in Huaiyou, and conquered the south and the north to restore the Han Dynasty. When Emperor Taizu Gao was alive, the heroes of Conglong, the princes of the dynasty, and those arrogant generals were

Punish whomever you want to punish, but together a group of people are not strong enough for the Emperor Gao to beat him. The Emperor Gao punished corruption and killed countless corrupt officials.

Is it useful?

It’s not like the people are dead and the government is dead.

Emperor Yongle was another Emperor Taizongwen. This one even fought in the north and south, and was famous. Is it useful?

After Yongle and Renxuan, the orthodox emperor Zhu Qizhen was not born.

Let’s talk about those famous ministers and ministers. The first minister of the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Taiyue, were extremely popular ministers. They were the imperial tutors while they were still alive. What’s the use of being promoted to the honorary official position?

Even if you die, you will not be liquidated.

Therefore, Zhu Youxiao and Zhang Haogu have nothing to do with the pines and cypresses in the mountains right now. Even if the two of them live in harmony with each other until they grow old, how many more decades will it take?

Decades later, they still have no final say in the world.

Therefore, most officials and gentry are aware of current affairs. They know very well that they cannot resist Zhu Youxiao and Zhang Haogu's new policy at the moment, so they choose to surrender for the time being. After all, the emperor still needs them to govern the place and the world. When Zhu Youxiao and Zhang Haogu

Now that the ancient city is gone, aren't they still the ones governing the place?

But some people don't think so.

They don't care about the collapse of mountains and rivers, they don't care about overturning of mountains and rivers, they don't care about the displacement of people or the turmoil of the current situation. They only care about their own interests and goals. Even in their view, even if the world is in chaos, as long as they can achieve their goals, it is worth it.


A conspiracy against Zhu Youxiao has gradually taken shape.

In the imperial palace of the capital, Zhu Youzheng was checking the documents sent by various ministries. Everything sent to him was an important matter. Small matters were handled by each department on their own, while major matters were also controlled by the cabinet, but they only involved some things.

He still needs to take a look at it to make sure that the affairs of the imperial court are still under control.

I picked up a book and looked at it. There was a charcoal pot next to me and a stove beside me. The whole Wuying Hall was warm.

It was already November, the weather was cold, and it was snowing in the capital. Although a light snowfall could not mean anything, Zhu Youxiao still asked about the heating conditions of each household in the capital and whether there were any homeless beggars who lacked food and clothing.

Putting down the folding paper and holding the heater, he stood in front of the hall and looked at the falling snowflakes. Zhu Youxiao said softly: "The snow is coming earlier and earlier."

Eunuch Wei on the side said: "Your Majesty, it's freezing cold here, you have to pay attention to protecting the dragon's body."

"I'm still warm. There are charcoal basins all around, but I still don't like the heat," Zhu Youxiao said, tilting his head to look at the palace wall that was already covered with silver frost, "Liaodong, it's probably starting to snow too?

In the future, the snow will come earlier and earlier and get heavier, making future winters difficult for the grasslands and Liaodong."

"Your Majesty is worried that the grassland ministries and Liaodong will launch attacks on the imperial court due to snowstorms and lack of food and clothing?" Zhang Haogu came over.

Zhu Youxiao looked at Zhang Haogu who was wearing furry clothes and couldn't help but laugh and said: "Master is wearing something warm, more than I am wearing."

Zhang Haogu was a little embarrassed: "I was worried about catching cold at home, so I specially put on extra clothes."

After entering Wuying Hall, he took off his coat and handed it to the eunuch on the side. Looking at the heater that Eunuch Wei brought, Zhang Haogu accepted it with a smile: "Wei Banban is still so considerate."

Eunuch Wei smiled and responded: "I don't know much, but Master Zhang is busy with state affairs and his health is important. A heater is nothing."

Zhu Youxiao nodded: "Well, I like to hear what Wei Banban said. Master is busy with state affairs, and this stove is nothing. I was planning to ask about the situation of the charcoal basins in various ministries and yamen, but it started to snow.

It’s time to provide a large supply of heating for all the officials in the capital.”

Zhang Haogu said: "The cabinet has already approved the heating situation of various ministries and yamen. All ministries and yamen can just collect coal for heating by themselves."

"As for the heating of ordinary people in the Zhili area, the cabinet has also ordered people to visit and ask the local government to ensure the supply of coal and firewood."

"In today's winter, it is unlikely that the people of the Ming Dynasty will freeze to death and starve to death."

Zhu Youxiao nodded: "Speaking of which, this snow makes me worry about the situation in the grassland. I heard that there is a white-haired wind on the grassland, which can stir up violent storms and snow all over the sky. Even if two people are close to each other, they can't see it.

Clear the other side. Cattle and sheep will freeze to death, yurts will be overturned, and a white-haired wind can destroy a tribe."

"The snow on the grassland comes earlier than in the capital. If bad conditions occur on the grassland, the Northern Patrol will be postponed."

"Your Majesty, rest assured that all the grassland tribes and alliances are familiar with the climate changes in the grassland. If there is any particularly bad weather this year, they will not ask your Majesty to inspect the grassland again." Zhang Haogu comforted him, but he knew that Zhu You was proofreading.

The expectations of the Northern Patrol Grassland.

"Your Majesty, Master Zhang, here comes the hot soup. Warm yourself up." Eunuch Wei took the hot soup and brought it to Zhu Youxiao and Zhang Haogu.

Zhu Youxiao took the hot soup: "Master, you just said that the grasslands and Liaodong may launch attacks on the Ming Dynasty due to lack of food and clothing in winter, and I am worried about this."

"The grassland is too big. Not every tribe has supplies from the court like Balian Gadu and Chahar. Even in the cold winter, they can have enough food and clothing."

"I have been looking through the memorials of previous dynasties these days, and the descriptions of people outside the Pass have made me a little shocked. In winter, some small tribes who cannot survive, and those large tribes who lack food and clothing, in order to survive, in order to eat

They will go south and harass the border areas. Every autumn and winter, there will be no end to the problems in the border areas."

"The reason why I want to patrol the grassland this time is to see what the situation is like on the grassland. If all the tribes and alliances surrender in good faith, the imperial court will have to help them in the future. Not to mention the mutual trade between switches, we will provide them with some warm clothes every winter.

Some food will allow them to survive this winter safely, which is a good thing for both the Ming Dynasty and them."

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "Your Majesty is kind-hearted, I admire you."

Zhu Youxiao waved his hand: "What kind of benevolence? I also consider it based on practical considerations. I will not fight the war if it can be avoided."

"Recently, I have read a lot of secret memorials from the previous dynasty, and I have also discovered that in order to govern the world, one must always be brave and fierce. Whether it is internal or external, one must use benevolence and righteousness to inform the world, use the situation to resolve hostility, and show kindness.

If the world is prepared but does not fight, if the hearts of the world are united, then the benevolent will be invincible."

"I implement benevolent policies internally, putting the people first, and externally calm disputes among various ethnic groups, so that the people of the world can live and thrive. My goal is not to seek hegemony, but to achieve peace."

"On this northern tour, I plan to reward various tribes and allies, Na Yan, to make them loyally surrender to the Ming Dynasty, and to provide them with some food to help their tribes survive the winter. The grassland has stabilized, and the court will deal with whether it is to clean up Liaodong or the south.

I can free my hands."

Zhang Haogu echoed: "What your Majesty said is a great kindness. The grassland tribes and alliances invited your Majesty to visit the north, which means they are attached to our Ming Dynasty. If your Majesty takes the initiative to show favors at this time and let the tribes and alliances see the benefits of relying on the imperial court, then

All tribes in the grassland must surrender."

"Speaking of which, how are the preparations for the Northern Patrol going?" Zhu Youxiao asked.

Zhang Haogu said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, most of the required supplies have been mobilized, and the entourage has been gathered. In a few days, everything will be ready, and the trip will not be delayed."

Zhu Youxiao said: "I said I would arrive at the grassland on the seventh day of November. This time cannot be early or late."

"On this northern tour, the honor guard is secondary. The soldiers and horses must be strong. To show those Mongolians the honor guard, it is better to show them the Ming Dynasty's cavalry."

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "Your Majesty's thoughts are also my thoughts. The people of the grassland who lead the bow are not enough to be benevolent. Without majesty, they will not respect the imperial court."

Nodding, Zhu Youxiao said: "I can rest assured that Master is doing things."

"Speaking of which, I also want to take the prince to see the grassland."

Zhang Haogu objected: "Your Majesty, it is too risky to take the prince to the grassland. How old is the prince this year? At least he must be older before he can go out."

Zhu Youxiao said: "Master, I understand clearly that the prince of the Ming Dynasty and the man of the Zhu family cannot stay in the deep palace and be cared for by women all the time. Such a man will not grow up or become a successful man."


"The men of the Zhu family must learn to stand upright from a young age and learn to do things by themselves. Only in this way can they be able to carry the country in the future."

"Throughout the past dynasties, anyone who was born in a deep palace and grew up in the hands of a woman, did not experience any setbacks and hardships, and did not know that the world is difficult and people's hearts are sinister, is destined to be tricked by the ministers and regarded as a clay sculpture standing in the Qianqing Palace.


"Don't say that the ministers don't respect you, even the people in the palace dare to deceive you."

"Master, you said, I also know that it is too dangerous to take Ran'er with me on this trip. But I still plan to wait until next year to send Ran'er outside the palace to Yongding County. The crown prince of Ming Dynasty will be here

Folks read, are literate, learn, and grow. They know the hardships of people's lives, know what the people of the world need, and what they should do..."

"Next year, Ran'er will also be old, and more and more people will be watching Ran'er. It will be much safer for him to grow up outside the palace than inside the palace."

This chapter has been completed!
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