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Chapter 708 The gossip spread all over the country: Beijing-Tianjin Road

After returning to the business office,

After Cui Chengxiu discussed with several of his subordinates,

News soon spread in the capital that the imperial court was going to launch a stock market, and that the Beijing-Tianjin Chidao project to be built in the spring of next year would soon be launched. The imperial court planned to work with private capital to build the Beijing-Tianjin Chidao. Who could do this?

If you get the shares of this Chidao, you can make a lot of money, and your mouth will be full of oil...

As long as this kind of thing can be circulated, it is not groundless.

Not only the common people were talking about it, but also the officials in the court couldn't help but murmur.

Speaking of the Chi Road, no one in the court is deaf or blind. They all know that the court has such a thing as a Chi Road. They even know that the court currently has plans for four Chi Roads, one of which has already been laid.

But none of the four roads lead to Tianjin. Wasn't this laid by the imperial court to control the place?

How can it still be used to make money?

The princes in the court who couldn't figure it out for a while sent people out to inquire about the news. This inquiry was incredible. Some gossip and inside information made the princes in the court get excited.

There are no fools who can make it all the way through the examinations and serve as officials in the capital. Even if they become officials through family connections, they are still good talents in the family who are worthy of being promoted and worked hard by the family.

It can be said that these people are very smart and ruthless. The ancients just lacked a lot of knowledge and vision of later generations and were limited by the ancient framework, but it does not mean that they are stupid.

Once these gossips and inside information were combined, the court officials immediately understood the advantages and disadvantages of Chidao and the changes that its use for freight would bring to the current land and river transportation in various parts of the Ming Dynasty.

As for whether this Chi Dao can be implemented, no one will doubt it. What a joke. Who can stop what the Dog Emperor and Zhang Haogu want to implement?

This is a real cornucopia. If you really buy the stock of Jingjin Chidao, you will really make money by lying on the mountain of gold and silver.

This is clean money that you can spend with confidence...

The news that spreads in the capital will soon spread all over the country. Soon, not to mention Shanxi, Shandong, Henan and Hebei in the north, the provinces on the edge of the capital, including Gansu, Shaanxi and the grasslands, all know that the imperial court is going to officially

The paving of Chi Road has begun; and the Jiangnan side also knows about the imperial court's big plan, and now the wealthy businessmen in Jiangnan are also ready to take action.

This Chidao jointly operated by the government and businessmen definitely has great benefits, but this Chidao is built between the capital and Tianjin. It has benefits for the major merchants in Jiangnan, but not much.

But you can't just look at one side of everything. The wealthy businessmen from Jiangnan do business all over the world. This business can be divided into one-time business and long-term business, and Beijing-Tianjin Chidao is undoubtedly a long-term business and can definitely make profits.

The question is, are the chambers of commerce in the north willing to let the chambers of commerce in the south of the Yangtze River have a hand?

As the New Year is approaching, people all over the country are discussing the imperial court's Beijing-Tianjin Chidao plan, and the Ming Dynasty Newspaper has also published some news about the court in a timely manner. For example, the imperial court has set up a Chidao Yamen under the Ministry of Industry to be responsible for the measurement and erection of Chidao in various places.

, repairs, etc., and will be responsible for accepting private capital in the future.

With the establishment of the Chidao Yamen, there have been some movements in the stock market in Tianjin. Everyone with a discerning eye knows that the imperial court will definitely accommodate private capital to build the Beijing-Tianjin Chidao after the year, although many businessmen still don’t know what the Beijing-Tianjin Chidao is.

It looks like this, but everyone still agrees that this road can make money.

This is a plan approved by His Majesty the Ming Emperor and personally executed by Prime Minister Zhang. Can this plan make money?

As long as you follow the imperial court these days, you will definitely be able to eat enough!

After the chambers of commerce and big families in the north learned about the Jiangnan gentry's imminent move, they all became anxious.

This is also easy to understand. Originally, the gentry and wealthy families in the south of the Yangtze River made a lot of money from textiles, water transportation, salt and iron, etc., which made it difficult for the merchant families in the north to compare. Now, the barbarians in the south still want to build the Chidao in the north.

Interfering, how can the northerners tolerate this?

This Chidao was obviously built by the imperial court for the north. Making money is also a matter for northerners. Why do you southerners have to get involved?

Isn’t it enough for you to earn from these transactions right now?

With this thought in mind, the big northern chambers of commerce and big families are also preparing to buy stocks after the Beijing-Tianjin Chidao is listed. Of course (this chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)

They also kept their thoughts in mind and sent people to continuously explore the reliability and progress of Chidao in an attempt to get some information and plans that were ahead of others.

Time has entered the twelfth lunar month, and there has been a lot of excitement about the stock market and the Beijing-Tianjin Chidao plan. Especially in the capital, at the feet of the emperor, almost everyone can say how good the Beijing-Tianjin Chidao plan is and how well the stock market is meddling.

How much money can you make...

Jin Yiwei and Dongchang collected the news about the Beijing-Tianjin Chidao and spread it to Zhu Youxiao's ears, which also made Zhu Youxiao quite surprised, "Wei Banban, can this Beijing-Tianjin Chidao really make a lot of money?"

Eunuch Wei smiled and said: "Your Majesty, this plan was proposed by you. You are the True Dragon Emperor and the Supreme One in the world. Will the plan you proposed make money? Everyone knows that the Beijing-Tianjin Railway will definitely come true.

, as long as you mix it with one hand, it will be a huge amount of money."

Zhu Youxiao nodded, feeling that it made sense.

Yes, the plan proposed by me as a dignified emperor may not make money?

But after thinking about it, Zhu Youxiao still wanted to hear Zhang Haogu's opinion. The current trend of public opinion is obviously the result of someone pushing it. With tap water from all directions, there is no sign of any force manipulating public opinion, but Zhu Youxiao

You Xiao can see clearly that the Ming Dynasty can manipulate public opinion so well now only because of his good master, Zhang Haogu, the chief minister of the Ming Dynasty.

God knows if Zhang Haogu has any plans secretly!

"It seems that it's almost Zhengdan. The various ministries of the imperial court have sealed it, right?" Zhu Youxiao asked.

Eunuch Wei said, "Back to the emperor, all the ministries of the imperial court have been sealed, and all officials have begun to take annual leave."

"Well, go and invite the master and the emperor's sister. I want to treat the master and the emperor's sister to a family dinner." Zhu Youxiao said.

Soon, Zhang Haogu, who knew that Zhu Youxiao was looking for him, came to the palace in a carriage. At the end of the twelfth lunar month, it snowed heavily in the capital. The eunuchs and waiters in the palace cleared the snow to leave a path for the nobles.

Zhang Haogu entered Wuying Hall wearing a large cloak, and immediately felt a warm feeling that was completely different from the freezing cold outside.

Zhu Youxiao and Queen Zhang Yan were already here, and the charcoal stove hotpot on the table was bubbling. Seeing Zhang Haogu and Zhu Qiqi coming, Zhu Youxiao quickly waved, "Master, Imperial Sister, hurry up."


Zhang Haogu didn't refuse, and pulled Zhu Qiqi to the small table. The four of them sat around the hot pot, chatting about everything and home affairs. The two women chatted, and naturally they talked about their parents' shortcomings and their own family.

On children.

Zhu Youxiao mentioned the Beijing-Tianjin Railway that is currently being talked about both inside and outside the palace: "Master, what are your thoughts on the Beijing-Tianjin Railway?"

Zhang Haogu was a little surprised, "Of course we will attract private capital and build the Beijing-Tianjin Railway."

Zhu Youxiao asked, "Can it really make money?"

Zhang Haogu couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Your Majesty, are you also interested in shares in the Beijing-Tianjin Railway?"

Zhu Youxiao nodded: "The imperial court and private capital have cooperated, so I'm here to join in and make some money. Who can think of too much money?"

In this palace, Zhu Youxiao's money is used to reward the palace guards and all kinds of expenses. Zhu Youxiao has plenty of money in his inner treasury, which is enough to support the palace's expenses and enough for him to buy various things.

to do his research.

But money is like running water and must be continuously sourced. If the Beijing-Tianjin Railway can make a lot of money, Zhu Youxiao will definitely have a hand in it.

Zhang Haogu said with a smile, "What I mean is that the imperial court will hold 60% of the shares, and then allocate 40% of the shares. If your majesty wants to get involved, I will give you an additional half of the shares, and I guarantee that your majesty will make money."

After hearing this, Zhang Yan couldn't help but ask, "Master Zhang, even if this Chidao can make money in the future, it won't be able to make money back in one or two years, right?"

Zhang Haogu explained: "Stocks are different from other stocks. As long as everyone sees the prospects of this stock and confirms that it can make money in the future, the stock price will be high, and the capital in hand will naturally be earned."

Having said this, Zhang Haogu kindly reminded: "The queen can remind the father-in-law that if he is willing, he can open a steel factory. The imperial court will lay a lot of roads in the north in the future. If we open a steel factory as soon as possible, the future will definitely be


Zhang Yan knew that her father just liked making money. When she heard what Zhang Haogu said, she also smiled and said: "Thank you, Master Zhang. Do you want this steel factory to give Master Zhang some shares? (This chapter is not finished yet, click on the next step.)

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Zhang Haogu said with a smile, "What do I need those shares for? I can't use up the annual salary from the imperial court. After the emperor made money, the queen asked him to open more schools, medical clinics, and set up more porridge shops in winter to provide relief.

It’s also a blessing.”

After a family dinner, Zhu Youxiao began to prepare for the state banquet on the Zhengdan Festival.

Although all officials are on annual leave, on the Zhengdan Festival, at the beginning of the new year, the emperor will hold a state banquet to entertain all officials and announce the new year to the people.

The end of the state banquet means that the Ming Dynasty is entering the annual holiday period.

However, even though it was an annual holiday, personnel from various ministries and yamen were left in batches, and several elders and ministers could enter the palace at any time to hold court discussions.

On the day of the Zhengdan Festival, the Ming Dynasty was immersed in an atmosphere of joy from daytime. The streets and alleys were full of children playing, and every household posted Spring Festival couplets with the character "Fu" on their lintels and began to prepare New Year's meals.

In the tenth year of the Apocalypse, although there were different disasters in various parts of the Ming Dynasty, the court provided disaster relief in a timely manner and all kinds of funds were allocated quickly. The disaster did not cause much turmoil to the Ming Dynasty. This year is another good harvest year. The people of the Ming Dynasty

They have also earned enough money to live a good year in peace and stability.

Overall, the Ten Years of Apocalypse was still a peaceful year. In this year, Cao Wenzhao and Zhou Yuji led their troops to a decisive battle on the grassland. In one battle, they were able to defeat the 100,000-strong Mongolian coalition army, which shocked the grassland, made all Mongolian tribes fearful, and once again became hostile to the imperial court.

This year, Duke Mu of the Guizhou Kingdom colluded with the chieftains, and Annan rebelled. Prime Minister Zhang personally pacified the southwest, conquered Annan, and transformed the barbarians into the Central Plains. This year, the Yellow River and the Yangtze River flooded, but there were also new troops from the imperial court to provide disaster relief.

Officials, soldiers and people of the Ming Dynasty worked together to fight floods and provide disaster relief, showing the unyielding backbone of the Ming Dynasty...

On the night of the New Year's Day, thousands of fireworks bloomed over the capital, misty snowflakes fluttered, and bright fireworks bloomed in the sky, rendering brilliant colors in the dark night of the capital, illuminating the largest and most populous city in the world. .

In the Fengtian Hall, Zhu Youxiao, who was dressed in formal attire, held up a golden bottle and looked at the congratulations of the distinguished officials in the hall, with a smile on his face: "It has been eleven years since the Tianqi Dynasty. Fortunately, with the help of all the ministers and ministers, the Ming Dynasty has become more and more prosperous." Good. Now that the Ming Dynasty is in peace and prosperity, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, I am very relieved."

After the state banquet was over, all the officials officially went to sleep, and Zhang Haogu rarely had a few days of leisure.

This period of time lasted until the Lantern Festival, and nothing major happened to affect Zhang Haogu. However, the daily entertainment was still constant. As the prime minister of the dynasty with one person outnumbering ten thousand people, hundreds of officials would definitely come to pay New Year's greetings. This made Zhang Haogu really restless, but overall his life was quite relaxed.

Waiting for the Lantern Festival, Zhu Youxiao once again held a state banquet to entertain hundreds of officials. At the same time, the capital admired lanterns and held a lantern festival to celebrate the Lantern Festival. In Tianjin, the stock market officially announced its opening.

The opening of Tianjin's stock market undoubtedly added another layer of hot oil to the Ming Dynasty just after the New Year, which means that the imperial court's government-business joint venture plan has begun!

Sure enough, the Yamen of the Ministry of Commerce quickly joined forces with the newly established Chidao Yamen to summon big businessmen and families from the north and south to announce the stock issue of Beijing-Tianjin Chidao.

Big businessmen and big families from the north and south of the Ming Dynasty rushed to the capital one after another, preparing to compete for the shares of this Beijing-Tianjin Chidao.

"Isn't this Shopkeeper Zhou?"

"Hey, Mr. Li, you are here too."

"Shopkeeper Wang, what happened earlier..."

"How are you, Master Tian..."

Naturally, these big businessmen and people from big families would not start a fight when meeting each other, and would not hit the smiling person. What's more, the festival had just passed and they met in the Yamen again. No one wanted to cause any trouble.

Soon, Cui Chengxiu walked into the lobby. When these businessmen and family members saw Cui Chengxiu, they immediately stood up and said, "Master Cui."

Cui Chengxiu was very satisfied with the attitude of these businessmen and the children of big families. He smiled and said, "Everyone, sit down quickly. Sit down quickly."

"You are here this time to give me some face. I am very grateful."

These businessmen immediately said, "Master Cui is willing to let us come. That is our blessing."

"That's right, who doesn't know what you, Mr. Cui, are capable of? If you are willing to see us, how can we not come?"

"Needless to say anything else, just say one word from Mr. Cui, no matter how far away we are, we will definitely arrive..."

Listening to the compliments from these people, Cui Chengxiu was not blinded at all (this chapter is not finished yet, click on the next page to continue)

He still had a smile on his face: "Speaking of which, you all got some rumors a few years ago."

When the topic was brought up, these people immediately became quiet and waited for Cui Chengxiu's next words.

Cui Chengxiu didn't make any excuses. He said directly: "It is true that the imperial court is going to open the Beijing-Tianjin Chidao, and it will allow private participation, and the imperial court will release 40% of the shares."

"Four percent?!"

"Hiss... so many!"

When these businessmen heard this, they were all frightened by the imperial court's generosity.

This 40% share is not a small number. Based on one million original shares, this 40% share is equivalent to 400,000 taels of silver.

Cui Chengxiu took a sip of tea very calmly, "The court plans to leave it to the Commercial Yamen and Chidao Yamen to decide how to divide the 40% of the shares, but you don't need to worry yet."

"Speaking of which, you have always heard about Chidao, but you haven't really seen how Chidao works, right?"

Upon hearing this, a businessman asked, "I dare to ask Mr. Cui, but Chi Dao already has an idea?"

Cui Chengxiu said, "Yes, a section of the Chidao from the capital to Taiyuan built by the imperial court has been completed. Are you willing to follow me to take a look?"

The businessmen looked at each other and nodded.

This is definitely a must-see.

Chi Dao!

Everyone says that Chidao makes money, and everyone knows that Chidao makes money, but if you don’t see how Chidao works, how can you feel at ease?

A group of businessmen and family members followed Cui Chengxiu to the construction site outside the capital. Here they could already see the flat ground and the foundation slightly above the ground, as well as the sleepers and rails laid on the foundation.

On the railway track, a huge steel steam locomotive was parked on it, followed by several iron carriages.

The steam locomotive is three feet long and one foot high, and each of the iron carriages behind it is four or five feet long. The entire train lies there quietly like a dormant dragon, making people take a breath.


This is a monster made entirely of steel. Who would have thought that the imperial court would silently create such a big iron monster!

"Is this a train? The charm of gewu is so terrifying..." A child of the family couldn't help but mutter to himself. He had been studying Confucian classics with his master in the family, but the master scorned any practical gewu and thought it was a miraculous skill.

Cleverness has no effect. To govern the country and bring peace to the country, we still need the teachings of sages.

However, with the changes in the imperial court's policies, the simple Confucianism of the saints was of no use. The family also changed its teachings very discerningly. However, as orthodox Confucian disciples, these children of the family still have their own little pride.

Until they saw this train and this steel monster entrenched on the railway, the powerful aura exuded by the cold steel made these family members finally understand what "the world has changed". The world has really changed. Needless to say,

Ten years ago, five years ago, three years ago, who would have thought that the imperial court could create such a monster?

Some family members recalled the family rumors they had heard, saying that the imperial court was researching a machine that could carry many people and goods in the air. At first, these family members dismissed it, but now look at this huge train in front of them.

, think about it again, it doesn’t seem impossible...

Although Cui Chengxiu had seen this train for the first time, he had been immersed in the officialdom for so many years and had perfected his Qi-nurturing skills. He stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Everyone, this little guy from the imperial court is still worthy of your admission."


After saying this, whether these businessmen or family members praised the imperial court and complimented Zhu Youxiao, everyone knew that the world has really changed now, and in the future, water transportation and land transportation will all change!

The Ming Dynasty is going to be turned upside down. Anyone who cannot keep up with the imperial court will have a hard time catching up later!

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