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Chapter 0742 Hongyi people please surrender, up to three million taels of silver indemnity!

Why do less defeat more?

What a cunning strategy,

A battle between armies is a head-on decision.

The quality of the soldiers, the quality of the equipment, the military quality of the generals, and adequate logistics are the keys to victory on the battlefield.

The same is true for naval battles.

The reason why Qi Mingguang chose a direct battle was because conspiracy and conspiracy had no effect in such a naval battle involving 30 to 40 thousand people and more than 300 warships.

The Hongyi people have more experience in naval warfare than the Ming Navy. Their crews and sailors have more experience than the Ming Dynasty's sailors and are more adaptable to the wind and waves on the sea. Constant naval battles have sharpened their mentality and quality, allowing them to remain calm despite the sky full of artillery fire.

Clean the barrel, load the gunpowder shell and then aim and fire.

Since experience is not comparable and since quality is not high enough, then use other things to make up for it.

The Ming Navy has more warships than the Hongyi pirates, more sophisticated firearms, superior numbers and equipment, and the Weiyuan, the final killer weapon.

So, as long as this battle is a head-on collision, it is impossible for the Ming Dynasty Navy to lose!

Just like what was happening in front of me, the clippers and Dafu ships of the Ming Dynasty were constantly hunting and suppressing the Hongyi warships, while the Weiyuan with its escort forcefully charged in, destroying the enemy's formation with brutal collisions.

Then what awaits the Hongyi people is the inevitable defeat.

The cloak on Qi Mingguang's shoulders rustled in the sea breeze. Above the clear, cloudless sky, the sun shone on the sea, reflecting on the water, the boat, and the armor.

The Red Yi people's battle lines were completely defeated, and their warships began to flee in panic. The Ming Navy was pursuing the victory and buried all these warships in the Java Sea with its absolute advantage in strength.

Boom boom boom boom!

A series of gunshots sounded, and in the gun cabin of the Weiyuan, the artillery protruding out of the gun emplacement blasted out explosive shells. The four-masted Hongyi ship on the flank of the Weiyuan, which was trying to evacuate the battlefield, was instantly

It was hit by several explosive bombs. Amidst the explosions, flames rose from the sky. After the four-masted ship shook, it immediately slowed down and its hull appeared.

It broke, and a mast fell straight into the sea. The splash turned into salty wind and rain and fell on the broken deck, extinguishing the hope of the Hongyi people trying to escape.

A long snake-breaking arrow with a fanged snake pattern and a strong steel prismatic armor-piercing cone roared out of the air and sank directly into a Red Yi warship that was trying to escape and then exploded.

The stern of the warship was exploded, and seawater poured in crazily from the crack in the stern of the warship, dragging the warship slower and slower until a large area of ​​the hull was filled with water.

Had to abandon ship and surrender.

"These firearms are indeed powerful weapons for breaking formations. It would be great if the imperial court could equip more of them.

Listening to the deputy general's emotion, Qi Mingguang was proud of his reputation in this battle. He also took advantage of his good mood and explained to the deputy general with a smile: "Don't underestimate the power of these long snake formation-breaking arrows, but these are specially modified for naval battles.

Didn’t you see that they are all fired at close range? It is said that these use the latest delayed fuses from General Workshop, so they can detonate after sinking into enemy warships."

"But this technology still has flaws, and the time is too short. If the distance is farther, these rockets will explode in the air."

The lieutenant general lamented: "The imperial court has more and more firearms, and they are becoming more and more powerful. I heard that His Majesty and Yuan Fu intend to expand the number of firearms in the generals to more than 70%. In the future, there may be fewer and fewer fights with real swords and guns."

Qi Mingguang used to be the staff general in Laizhou and commanded the imperial navy, and is now the naval admiral of the new army. With his official rank of third grade and the special geographical location of Laizhou Bay, he knows a lot about the situation.

For example, the new army is constantly eliminating guard posts, and infantry such as sword and shield soldiers, spearmen, etc. are being replaced by musketeers. Gunslingers can go into battle to kill enemies after a few months of training. They are also easy to train into an army, and the battle loss rate is also very low.

There are fewer sword, shield, and spear soldiers, but they can kill more enemies.

What's more, with the advancement of industrialization in the imperial court, it was too easy to build excellent firecrackers on the assembly line.

There has been news in the army that if the firecrackers had not been improved to the court's satisfaction, the gunmen holding the new firecrackers would have long replaced the traditional infantry.

That's why there are

In the future, firearms in the military will account for more than 70% of the sources of gossip, and the remaining 30% or so will naturally be cavalry.

Shaking his head, these things have little to do with their navy. The navy is mainly focused on long-range strikes. Heavy artillery, firecrackers, and various firearms are the main combat weapons of the navy. Whoever seems to be okay is playing with you.

In a gang fight, the best way to attack two ships when they meet is with muskets.

Looking at the Hongyi warships that were running aimlessly, Qi Mingguang grinned: "Chase, don't leave a single ship behind, sink them all!"

So, on the vast sea of ​​Southeast Asia, in the past, the red barbarians who used to show off their power and show off their power were unlucky. This city collected some protection fees, and the red barbarians who worked as mercenaries in that country were unlucky.

Their warships were sunk in batches, and the remaining Red Yi pirates were running for their lives, as if something terrible was chasing them.

At first, these small countries in Southeast Asia didn't know what was happening. It wasn't until the merchants brought back the news from the Ming Dynasty that all countries knew that the Ming Dynasty had launched another war. This time, it was against the Red Yi people entrenched in Southeast Asia.

Previously, the Annan Kingdom relied on its advantageous location in the southwest, with high mountains and poisonous rainforests. It thought that the Ming Dynasty could not deal with them, so it invaded the southwest of the Ming Dynasty. In the end, it failed to capture even half of Yunnan Province. The Ming court's countermeasures arrived.

The latter results were also seen by countries in Southeast Asia. Annan, who was once a powerful hegemon in Southeast Asia and had hundreds of thousands of troops, perished in an instant.

Just as Emperor Yongle issued an edict during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty to order 300,000 Ming troops to make peace with Nan, today's Emperor Qi of the Ming Dynasty issued an edict, and Annan was once again subjugated and turned into a blessing of the Ming Dynasty.

It's just that this time Annan died relatively cleanly, and all the royal family and nobles became prisoners and had their heads chopped off in the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

Since then, these small countries in Southeast Asia, the former vassal states of the Ming Dynasty, all looked at the Ming Dynasty in horror. They suddenly remembered the fear caused by the Ming Dynasty's condescension to Asia during the Yongle period, the unscrupulous warriors who conquered countless battles, and the rampant

The invincible fleet of the ocean, the giant dragon of the Ming Dynasty, has awakened again. The last time it awakened was during the Wanli period. The three great expeditions of Wanli reminded all countries of the majesty of the heavenly kingdom.

Nowadays, if the Ming Dynasty attacks Liaodong and flattens the grasslands, it is not a big deal. It is the destruction of Annan and the naval expedition to Nanyang that makes other countries wary.

On the small sea surface of Southeast Asia, merchant ships and navies from various countries all saw that the fleet of the once unscrupulous and terrifying Hongyi people was destroyed to pieces, and the Ming Dynasty King's Division hung in the air.

The flag-carrying warships surrounded and suppressed these Red Barbarian warships from all directions, using cannons and unknown terrifying firearms to send these Red Barbarian warships to check and balance Nanyang into the seabed.

This time, the countries in Southeast Asia completely remembered the majesty of the Celestial Kingdom, and the Ming Dynasty Navy, the iron-clad Weiyuan with a black and huge body like a hill, cruised around the Southeast Asia with many lucky ships to clean up the remaining enemies, which frightened all the countries.

Sincerely terrified.

The Ming Dynasty was too big, and the small countries tried their best to conquer a remote province of the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty was too powerful, with countless people and resources, and an unrivaled army.

Look at this warship made of steel. Its huge body is more than forty feet from head to tail. It is bigger than the treasure ship of the past. Its majestic size is like an island on the sea.

It was so unbridled, so powerful and fearless that the so-called cannons of the Hongyi people could not harm it at all, and the so-called strong ship groaned and shattered under its terrible crushing.

At this moment, the countries in Nanyang understood that the era when Ming Dynasty ruled Nanyang had returned.

So various small countries sent their envoys to the Weiyuan to express their country's surrender to the Ming Dynasty to Qi Mingguang. They sent their own small fleets to follow the Ming Navy to clean up the Red Yi people's warships.


Qi Mingguang, who originally only brought 213 warships to Nanyang, was surprised to find that his fleet had been expanded twice. The extra warships were all vassals sent by these small countries in Nanyang.

The warships of these small countries also flew the flag of the Ming Dynasty, and followed the powerful navy of the Ming Dynasty to show off their power. Together with the Ming Dynasty, they beat up the drowned dogs and beat up the Hongyi people severely.

The Hongyi people were frightened and

Watching all this in despair, watching their powerful fleet sink to the bottom of the sea, watching their colonies facing resistance everywhere, they are afraid. Their ships can be rebuilt if they are lost, but if these colonies and cities are lost,

They are truly rootless.

In order to avoid the coming destruction, the Hongyi people had to send people to Qi Mingguang to beg for peace. "Hongyi people, do you want to talk to the governor for peace talks?" Qi Mingguang looked suspiciously at the Nanyang man in front of him as the envoy.

The Nanyang man nodded: "The general's divine power convinced those Hongyi people. They knew they were wrong and were willing to offer tribute. I hope the general will not attack again."

At present, the Ming Dynasty navy has wiped out the Hongyi fleet in Nanyang. Not only destroying the Hongyi warships with artillery, it has also captured a large number of Hongyi people.

It can be said that the Red Yi people are already short of manpower in Nanyang. After all, qualified warriors need to be trained.

Without the fleet, the natives in each colony began to resist. The few troops they had were not only used to defend the city and stabilize the mood in the city, but also to put out fires and suppress the rebellious natives. They also had to be used to resist the Ming's attack.

The Hongyi people were full of ambition but insufficient strength. They finally understood that the majesty of the Ming Dynasty was not something they could challenge.

Look at these small countries. In the past, they were just obedient and allowed them to tax and exploit them. However, the merchant ships of these small countries had to pay tribute to the Red Yi people. The Red Yi people had large colonies in Southeast Asia and drove the indigenous people to build

There were cities one after another, in which large numbers of Hongyi people lived.

If the Ming Dynasty really wanted to launch a land war attack, how many troops could the Ming Dynasty mobilize based on the Southeast Asian Peninsula?

The Hongyi people couldn't imagine it.

They only know that the Ming Dynasty has more than 30 million households, a huge population of more than 150 million, and a standing army of millions!

Look at this Ming navy that destroyed their powerful plundering fleet, with more than 200 warships and 20,000 Ming soldiers.

Is it much?

For the Ming Dynasty, which had millions of standing troops, it was simply insignificant!

Although the Hongyi people don't know that the current Daming Navy is no longer the powerful navy that dominated the world with more than 3,000 warships of various types during the Yongle period, and its number of warships is not even as good as the number of warships during the Wanli period, but Hongyi

The Yi people are very aware of the terrifying heritage that the Ming Dynasty possesses.

All kinds of terrifying advanced firearms, if it can be said that during the early Yongle period, the Eastern and Western firearms were still on par with each other, and during the Jiajing and Wanli periods, the Western firearms were ahead of the East, then by the Apocalypse period, the firearms of both sides were back to the same level again, and even the Ming Dynasty was ahead!

Cleanly and swiftly, the invasion was like fire, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, the powerful privateer fleet was wiped out by the Ming Dynasty.


The Hongyi people, also known as the Dutch, regretted their submission and wanted to negotiate peace with the Ming Dynasty.

The Hongyi people wanted to negotiate for peace, but Qi Mingguang didn't dare.

During the two hundred and sixty-four years since the Ming Dynasty, Guo Zuo has fought against enemies from all sides. He has succeeded and failed, and the failure has been so severe that the entire army has been wiped out. The loss of an army and a place is even more obvious.

But Ming Dynasty never had peace talks.

The Ming Dynasty had all kinds of stubborn diseases and problems. The literati were arrogant and empty talk and ruined the country, and the military generals were wasting their money and wasting their troops. These are all, but the backbone of the Ming Dynasty has always existed.

Fight the enemies who can beat them, drag them down or run away if they can't beat them, and try every means to find opportunities to start over.

In short, Ming Dynasty will never make peace with its enemies.

There is no peace and marriage between the Han and Tang dynasties, there is no annual coin between the two Song dynasties, there is no peace and marriage, no land is ceded, and no compensation is paid.

Nowadays, the Ming Dynasty is in the midst of a resurgence. The kings are saints and ministers are virtuous. The military generals are desperately trying to seize the opportunity to expand territory for the imperial court. Do you want to negotiate peace now?

Qi Mingguang was very disdainful: Red-haired Yi? You deserve it too!

"The Ming Dynasty will not negotiate peace with any enemy and tells the Hongyi people that they have no other choice unless they surrender!"

"If they don't surrender, Ming Dynasty will beat them until they surrender!"

Faced with the powerful Qi Mingguang and the current crisis situation in various colonies, the Hongyi people finally couldn't help but surrender.

The Hongyi people not only returned all the looted silk, porcelain, and tea, but also paid a large amount of compensation to Qi Mingguang to cover the economic losses and military expenses incurred by the Ming Dynasty during this period.

This amount of money is as high as three million taels!

This is not counting the various gains on those Red Yi warships!

Counting the gold and silver treasures on those Hongyi warships, the gold and silver alone would be no less than five million taels!

This harvest surprised Qi Mingguang.

Surprised by the harvest, he immediately issued strict orders to all ships to strictly prohibit private possession and seizure, and all proceeds were handed over to the main ship. He knew very well that with such a large harvest, there would definitely be someone below him who could not control it.

But Qi Mingguang knew better that it was even more impossible for the navy's gains to be concealed from the court!

Do you really think there are no royal guards in the navy?

The harvest of millions of taels of silver, as well as large quantities of silk, tea, porcelain, many artillery and muskets, and tens of thousands of Hongyi captives...

This battle will definitely make him famous in the Ming Dynasty, and the Holy Emperor and Yuan Fu will not treat him badly.

The current Ming Dynasty is not the Ming Dynasty before. Before the Tianqi Dynasty, or after Mingbao Zong Zhu Qizhen destroyed the three elite battalions of the Ming Dynasty, the treatment of the Ming Dynasty military generals plummeted, and they were always suppressed by civilian leaders.

This situation has never changed. It is normal for military generals to be suppressed, discriminated against and not taken seriously. Even if military generals can be knighted, their official positions are generally higher than those of civilian officials. These are useless.

Until the second year of Tianqi, the current emperor supported Prime Minister Zhang to implement the New Deal, organize and train the new army, and legislate to ensure the status of military generals, splitting civilian officials and military generals, allowing military generals to have independent status, and allowing military generals to receive the honor and respect they deserve.

From then on, the scholarly gentlemen of Donglin's old party could no longer suppress the generals, nor could they mobilize the generals, and the generals who led the new army to fight all the way were even less likely to pay attention to those so-called gentlemen.

As for whether a scholarly gentleman can make the emperor change his mind?

Just kidding, the emperor is not a scholar at all.

The new party and the new army are the foundation of the emperor.

Otherwise, why could the emperor promote the equal distribution of land and pay the grain to all, which offended the civil servants and the landlords and gentry? Is it because the civil servants and landlords and gentry did not listen to the emperor at all and wanted to manipulate the emperor to limit imperial power as before?

Therefore, in the Tianqi Dynasty, military merits would not be appropriated or ignored by civilian officials. The court valued military merits and generals. As long as you performed meritorious services, you would definitely be rewarded.

Of course, you can't violate military discipline.

This is also the reason why Qi Mingguang wants his subordinates to strictly observe military discipline and strictly prohibit embezzlement of money.

He has gained too much in this battle. Even with these captures in hand, his achievements will continue to rise. Feng Bo is stable. Now the core of the new army is opening up to him. How can he make a small mistake?


After issuing the military order, Qi Mingguang also wrote a battle report and sent a clipper back to the court to report. Then he sent the gold and silver treasures to the Chinese army, where the staff counted the harvest and then contacted small countries in Nanyang to appease their emotions.

Dismiss the warships they sent to assist the Ming Dynasty.

As for how much gold and silver these small countries stole from the territory of the Hongyi people in the process, he didn't care.

After eating meat himself, these small countries who shyly approached me couldn't refuse a bowl of soup. After all, they were under the banner of cooperating with the king's master, and they all claimed to be loyal ministers of the Ming Dynasty.

How to deal with these small foreign countries is not something he, a third-grade naval admiral, can decide. The imperial court has not given him this authority at all. His mission is just to fight and win.

When Qi Mingguang's battle report was delivered to the capital by fast ship, Ming Dynasty was excited again!

"Have you heard? The imperial court attacked the Red Yi people in Nanyang. Not only did they capture tens of thousands of Red Yi people, they also got millions of gold and silver!"

"Not only that, I heard that there are mountains of tea, porcelain and silk. If these are sold to the West, it will be worth countless money!

"It is said that Nanyang is rich, but now we have seen it. These Hongyi people have only been in Nanyang for a long time, and there are so many gold and silver treasures. In my opinion, the imperial court should have gone to Nanyang long ago!"

"That's right, I heard that all those small countries in Southeast Asia are extremely rich. This

How much does it cost!"

The people were talking a lot, the merchants were surprised that the business road had been opened, and the civil and military officials of the imperial court were aware of the unexpected surprise!

Millions of gold and silver!

A large amount of tea, porcelain and silk!

All the civil and military officials did the math, and each of them couldn't help but be surprised: Is this southern land so rich?

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