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Chapter 752: Commercial Tax Reform!



Zhou Kui and Zhang Guoji came to Zhang Haogu with smiles.

Looking at the two old brothers in front of him who used to not deal with each other, but are now as good as brothers, Zhang Haogu knows very well that this is the change brought about by interests, which is brought about by the development of industry and sea trade in Ming Dynasty.


"You two are in a good mood. You have made a lot of money during this period, right?" Zhang Haogu smiled.

Zhou Kui wanted to say proudly, "That's not true." He had made a lot of money during this period. He, Zhou Kui, was almost going crazy with his money!

Apart from the fact that my unlucky son-in-law King Xin comes here from time to time to have a meal, borrow money, or persuade me to invest in him, I really don’t have anything to worry about. When I walk, I feel as if I’m stepping on cotton.

But after thinking about who was in front of him, Zhou Kui finally waved his hand very humbly: "Thanks to you Yuan Fu, I made some money."

Zhang Guoji also chuckled: "I just made a little money, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

The heat was rising, and under the influence of hot water, the tea leaves danced and stretched in the tea cup; Zhang Haogu poured tea for Zhang Guoji and Zhou Kui, and then said: "I'm here today to find you two, and I also want to get to know each other through them."

The current situation of merchants in Zhili."

"You are the largest private businessmen in Zhili. In the circle of Zhili merchants, both of you are well-connected. Without mentioning this period of time, let's just talk about the past two years. Have the merchants made more or less than before? How about the profits?"

Listening to Zhang Haogu talking about business, Zhang Guoji and Zhou Kui also looked serious. Thinking about the discussions they heard among businessmen in various places, they described the development of Zhili merchants in detail.

"Yuansuke, the life of businessmen is definitely getting better and better now. But the scale of the businessman's own assets varies. The bigger the business, the better the life."

"Although that is said, the larger the scale, the more various expenses. Although the expenses are high, the profits are also high. These are all relative."

"Although those small businessmen are not as good as these big businessmen, they have less expenses and the money they make in the end is definitely higher than before."

"Businessmen, big and small, all make money, that's for sure, and when you look at it all, they're all pretty much the same."

Zhang Haogu nodded slightly. Listening to Zhang Guoji and Zhou Kui's narration, he also had a more intuitive understanding of the current situation of merchants in Zhili.

Businessmen put in different efforts and manpower according to the size of their own assets, and the results are naturally different. But overall, they are all the same, one is big and the other is small.

In the past two years, with the various policies of the imperial court, businessmen have indeed made money, and they are making more and more money. This is definitely true.

Although many people say they don't make money, looking at their various investments and expenditures, these expenditures have proved from the side that their assets are constantly growing.

This is a good thing, Zhang Haogu nodded with satisfaction.

"Yuan Fu, why did you call us here?" Zhou Kui asked tentatively, feeling that Zhang Haogu might be planning something.

Zhang Haogu said: "I called you two here. On the one hand, you are the largest private enterprise in Zhili. On the other hand, you are also two brothers and cannot be simply regarded as ordinary businessmen."

"At present, the Ming Dynasty is booming. Whether it is industry, commerce or other industries, traders and footmen are also making money. The taxation of the imperial court was set a few years ago, which is not suitable for the current situation. Therefore, the imperial court is also planning to

The tax aspect should be updated to adapt to the new era."

"To put it bluntly, the imperial court needs more tax revenue to concentrate its efforts on major tasks; in this regard, I hope that the two brothers can keep pace with the imperial court."

Zhou Kui and Zhang Guoji understood that the court was going to increase taxes.

Over the years of the Tianqi Dynasty, the court's taxation has changed a lot. All kinds of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes have been banned. At the same time, many complicated tax barriers between provinces have also been cancelled. The Ming court has simplified the tax system, updated the tax rate, and allowed the Ming Dynasty to use a lower tax rate.

All people and businessmen in the world can cultivate their health and thrive, and they can all prosper.

Now that so many years have passed, the tax aspect is about to change.

Whether factories or shops, large or small enterprises all have to pay taxes, but this tax rate is not high. Now it is time to increase it according to the actual situation.

In the future, the income of businessmen will be higher and higher, and private liquidity will also be increasing. Take ordinary workers, their wages have been rising. On the one hand, they are adapting to current consumption, and on the other hand, various factories

With continuous expansion, the demand for workers is increasing.

Now that the imperial court has appropriately increased tax revenue, it is time.

Zhang Guoji and Zhou Kui looked at each other and nodded. Indeed, they were different from ordinary businessmen. To put it bluntly, they were inextricably linked to the royal family and the old Zhu family.

In normal times, they benefit from this connection, and when they are needed, they will naturally contribute.

Zhang Guoji said: "Don't worry, Yuanfu, we will definitely be consistent with the imperial court in this regard."

Zhou Kui echoed: "What do you say Yuanfu, we will do it."

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, two brothers. This tax is also divided into industries. Profit-making industries charge heavy taxes, and the taxes in ordinary industries will not be high. This ensures that businessmen will make money and workers will have money. And this

How taxes are formulated, how they are increased, and the differences between various industries all need to be discussed."

"The imperial court will not rest on its laurels. What the imperial court wants is the long-lasting vigorous development of commerce and the flourishing of all walks of life. Simply considering the level of taxation is putting the cart before the horse."

"Speaking of which, I have a new idea regarding tax rates."

Zhou Kui said hurriedly: "Yuanfu, what do you think?"

Zhang Haogu said slowly: "The imperial court supports the development of merchants. The merchants earn money and can make more contributions to Ming society, and the imperial court also sees it."

"So, I have another idea here, which is to link charity with taxation."

"For example, brother, you earned 10 million this year, and according to the tax rate, you have to pay 3 million; but you spent 500,000 to support a college this year, so that many children can study, then the court can give you a tax deduction

Six to seven hundred thousand tax or more."

"In addition, there are tax rebates. For example, in some industries that are mainly supported by the court, if you make 10 million this year, you will have to pay 3 million in taxes. But this is a project supported by the court. After the year, the court will still

I will give you hundreds of thousands back, and the court may even inject capital into you for some projects so that you can develop better."

"Here are some ideas I've been pondering these days."

Zhou Kui and Zhang Guoji listened to Zhang Haogu's thoughts and couldn't help but nod frequently.

Zhang Haogu's intention is very obvious, which is to increase tax rates and at the same time encourage businessmen to be charitable to reduce taxes. As for charity, the court must have corresponding guidance.

For example, with the help of businessmen, we can develop some of the northwest and southwest regions that are still in poverty and cannot guarantee three meals a day for the people, build some schools, and set up some factories and enterprises.

Factories and enterprises that settle in these places will naturally receive tax exemptions. After all, this is a key support project from the court, and there may also be capital injections from the court.

In this way, businessmen will not be particularly resistant to the increase in taxes. What's more, the tax increase is not limited to businessmen, but affects all aspects. Of course, the increase may not be obvious in ordinary areas, but the imperial court does want to increase tax revenue.

After saying what he meant, Zhang Haogu looked at Zhou Kui and Zhang Guoji, who were still thinking, and served the tea with a smile: "Both brothers, go back and think about it. There must be some flaws and loopholes in my ideas in these aspects.

I hope the two brothers will give me some advice at that time."

Zhou Kui and Zhang Guoji woke up and quickly got up and left.

After these two people left, Zhang Haogu stood up tiredly: "It's too strong."

Huang Zongxi came over: "Yuanfu, the student is here."

"Tell Mr. Lu that the Ministry of Revenue will send more people to inspect the various provinces of the imperial court. The Taxation Department and the Commerce Department will quickly organize a meeting with businessmen, big and small, to see what the people want."

Huang Zongxi said: "Students will go now."

After Huang Zongxi left, Gu Yanwu stepped forward to make tea: "Yuan Fu, drink tea. Thank you for your hard work."

Zhang Haogu smiled, picked up the hot tea and took a sip: "What's so hard about this? Tax changes are not just commercial taxes."

"This move will affect all aspects. After all, businessmen's taxes have increased. In order to ensure their profits, will they increase product prices or lower raw material prices? And will workers' wages change accordingly?

All aspects must be paid attention to, otherwise it will appear that the increase is commercial taxes, and all aspects will be affected."

"Taxation must be considered comprehensively. Talk more with business representatives, discuss, and draw a line that everyone accepts. The livelihood of the people must be guaranteed, and the development of businessmen must also be guaranteed. This aspect gives Prime Minister Lu and Prime Minister Qian a headache.

Go ahead."

Smiling, Zhang Haogu drank all the hot tea: "Ning Ren, let's go, follow me to see His Majesty."

Gu Yanwu bowed slightly: "Yes."

In the Wuying Hall, Zhu Youxiao frowned slightly and put down the folding papers: "Tax reform involves all aspects of people's livelihood and development. The slightest move will affect the whole body."

Zhang Haogu nodded: "Your Majesty, that's exactly what it is. But tax reform is also necessary. Now all walks of life are booming, whether it's the private sector or the court, this impact can be tolerated. The people have more money and food.

A brief shock won't have much impact."

"What's more, with the development of overseas countries, people and workers will earn more and more, and their lives will get better and better. Correspondingly, the price increases of various commodities are also in line with the needs of development. Nothing is static.


Zhu Youxiao sighed with emotion: "Yes, how can there be anything that remains unchanged?"

"In the beginning, all the people wanted was two meals a day, a bowl of porridge in the morning and a meal of dry rice at noon."

"Later, when people were able to eat two meals of dry rice, they hoped to have three meals a day, one meal of porridge and two meals of dry rice."

"Later on, there were more dishes on the people's tables, fish and meat appeared, people no longer had to mend their clothes, and their children also went to school."

"Whether it's a prosperous age or a good life, things are not static."

"I looked through the historical records of the previous dynasties. Some of the prosperous times, when the world was peaceful, were nothing more than the absence of war, and the people were able to cultivate their health and recuperate. However, they could not eat enough and could only maintain a prosperous age where people could not starve to death. What kind of prosperous times are they?"

With that said, Zhu Youxiao stood up and walked to the window, as if looking at the vast country of the Ming Dynasty: "In my Tianqi Dynasty, the people can not only cultivate their health and recuperate from the pain of war, but there are no excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes, and every family has surplus food.

If you have enough food and clothing three times a day, you will have someone to support you when you are old, and you will have something to support you when you are young.”

"But these are still not enough. If we cannot forge ahead in the prosperous times and insist on maintaining the status quo, then sooner or later this stagnant water will stink."

"Tatar, Annan, Liaodong, these places have been opened up and developed one by one. My prosperity can last until my son's generation, but it is not enough. What I want is not one life, but a hundred and ten thousand generations."

"The Ming Dynasty must continue to reform, pioneer, and develop, and continue to maintain vitality."

"Master, tell me, do I want too much?"

Zhang Haogu bowed slightly: "Your Majesty doesn't want much."

"Not much? I myself feel greedy. There is no such thing as a five-hundred-year-old country. People can't live for a hundred years, but I am here to build a foundation for eternity." Zhu Youxiao smiled, he really felt that he was very rich.

It’s strange that even though we know this very clearly, we still pursue and hope for it.

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "Your Majesty, people are always pursuing good things. Once they have good things, they will pursue better ones. This can be said to be greedy, but isn't it just about looking forward and moving forward?


"Isn't the reason why people are human beings that they have curiosity, exploration, and expectations? If people lose this greed, this pursuit, just stay where they are, no longer explore and develop, and are complacent, how different is that from rotten wood and rotten grass?


"Your Majesty, there are some things that are indeed extravagant hopes. It is true that we cannot complete them in one generation. But these beautiful extravagant hopes are the driving force for our civilization and our people to keep moving forward. If one generation can't accomplish it, there will be two generations left.

Didn't people, three generations, and the wise kings of ancient times never imagine that today's China could have a territory of thousands of miles? If we don't even dare to think about these ideas and don't dare to try, then it would be too sad for us to get to where we are today."

Zhu Youxiao laughed: "Hahahahaha!"

"Master, you are right. If you don't even dare to think about it, and you don't even dare to try it, then what's the point. I've come to this point, but I've become hesitant."

"What's going on with the Nanyang development plan?"

Zhang Haogu said sternly: "Received the express report that the fleet has set sail from Songjiang Prefecture."

"Okay, okay," Zhu Youxiao nodded with satisfaction, "Speaking of which, I haven't gone to the private sector for a while."

"If you don't go out for a walk and take a look, you will never know whether it is true or false if you just listen to what others say. I plan to go out for a walk and see how much better the people of Ming Dynasty are now."

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "In that case, your Majesty might as well go to Xishan for a walk first. I heard that there has been new progress in research there."

Zhu Youxiao smiled and said: "Yes, let's go to Xishan."

Xishan, naturally the west side of the capital, is called the right arm of the capital.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, this place was not only a royal garden and school grounds, but also a military camp.

Tomorrow the Qi Dynasty will have many soldiers and horses stationed in Xishan.

In this Xishan, half of the Ming Dynasty's troops were stationed. More than five thousand people were stationed here, guarding the most important Xishan test site in Xishan.

When Zhu Youxiao and Zhang Haogu arrived, a heavy cannon was being hung by several cantilevers and slowly moving in the Xishan Test Site.

This heavy cannon made of steel is completely different from the bronze technology used in the Ming Dynasty.

After all, bronze cannons not only have good performance, but also have a long lifespan. They are much easier to use than ordinary iron cannons. Iron cannons have no advantages except being cheap.

Since the Ming Dynasty was not short of money, it was natural to choose bronze cannons with better performance and longer life.

But Zhang Haogu knew very well that the future still belonged to steel cannons, so bachelors from the Academy of Engineering Sciences were constantly studying to conquer the quality of steel, and this led to today's giant cannons.

This huge cannon was a breech-loaded cannon, with a cold steel glow all over its body. Zhu Youxiao estimated that its weight must be tens of thousands of kilograms.

Those three-thousand-jin or five-thousand-jin big guns seemed too small in front of this giant cannon.

"Is this a heavy artillery piece that is expected to be installed on an armored ship?" Zhu Youxiao asked.

Zhang Haogu nodded: "Exactly, this giant cannon weighs 25,000 kilograms, which is extremely heavy, but it is also very powerful. Your Majesty, please take a look."

As the cantilever dropped the heavy cannon on the preset track, a group of people immediately came forward to check and confirm, load the cannonballs, insert gunpowder, and close the bolt door.

Following a deafening explosion, a roar like a thunderous explosion rang in Zhu Youxiao's ears. In an instant, his ears were buzzing, and his whole body felt some invisible impact, and his chest felt a little tight.

But these are not important. Zhu Youxiao watched the muzzle of the giant cannon erupt with dazzling fire, and then a specially fixed blessing ship in the distance was instantly blown to pieces. Broken wood and iron armor were scattered everywhere, and the shells were fired in an unparalleled manner.

Under the power, the hull of the lucky ship was directly destroyed and cracked. If it were on the sea, the ship would have started to sink.

After a long time, Zhu Youxiao finally breathed out a breath of turbidity, and all the internal organs in his chest seemed to be shaken and dissipated: "Go and have a look."

When he arrived at the lucky boat, Zhu Youxiao looked at the thirty-foot-long lucky boat, and even went inside to observe and touch the broken parts of the hull. After many years of experience as a carpenter and twelve years of investigating objects, Zhu Youxiao

It can be confirmed by the school that this lucky ship is definitely an excellent warship of high quality.

The hull is made of high-quality wood such as huanghuali and iron pear. After it is built, a layer of iron armor is specially reinforced inside.

But even so, the hull of the ship was still cracked by one shell from the cannon. This has to be praised for the performance of the cannon.

The military engineers on the side carefully introduced: "Your Majesty, we have adopted the latest cannon-making steel technology, coupled with a new shell design and improved gunpowder, so that it can shoot for more than fifteen miles and destroy all wooden warships today.


"We have tested the warships of the Dutch, the French, and the English. It only takes one cannonball to hit the enemy ship, and the enemy ship will not sink but will be disabled."

Zhu Youxiao nodded with satisfaction, returned to the cannon, looked at the heavy cannon that was nearly three feet long from beginning to end, and stepped forward to touch the still warm cannon body: "It's really a sharp weapon."

"With this weapon, our maritime trade in Ming Dynasty will be safe."

This chapter has been completed!
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