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Chapter 0775 millions of waterworkers clothing and food belong to, the stock market fluctuates

At the beginning of the new year, from the Zhengdan Festival to the Lantern Festival, the Ming Dynasty was filled with joyful family reunions.

After the Lantern Festival, the atmosphere of the New Year gradually disappeared, and Ming Dynasty returned to busyness again.

The prosperous land needs careful cultivation, and the Ming Dynasty needed this even more.

Therefore, as soon as the New Year passed, the cabinet members held small meetings.

There was still a charcoal pot burning in the Wenyuan Pavilion for warmth. On the second floor, six people, Zhang Haogu, Zhang Ruitu, Lu Xiangsheng, Qian Qianyi, Huang Liji, and Qiao Yunsheng, were sitting laughing and talking about interesting things during the New Year.

As we chatted, we inevitably came to the main issues of this year.

"I also read the coupons handed over by Chidao Yamen. Yuan Fu, do you really think Chidao Yamen is planning to open a few new Chidao lines this year?" Qian Qianyi asked curiously.

Zhang Haogu nodded and said: "Chidao Yamen and the Academy of Engineering have come to see me. I hope there will be no new Chidao this year."

"This is not a bad thing to say. There are already six Chi Dao being built by the imperial court, and there are three more that have not yet been built. It will take time to build these. Now even if the wind is released to build new Chi Dao,

We don’t have that much manpower and energy, and we won’t be able to start work before the end of this year.”

"In this case, we might as well repair the current ones first, and accumulate experience along the way. There has been a technological breakthrough at the Academy of Engineering Sciences, and the improvement of steam engines is on the agenda. When the steam engines are improved, the imperial court's existing locomotives

They will all be replaced by new ones, and these old ones will definitely be refurbished, so why bother opening new ones and building those old locomotives now."

Qian Qianyi nodded and stroked his beard: "So that's it. This is a good thing. The Academy of Engineering has made a breakthrough in technology, and a new locomotive has been put on the agenda. This is a great thing. By then, the new locomotive will be available.

, and if we open a new channel, maybe the stock can rise again.”

Huang Liji added: "Speaking of Chi Road, the most important ones at the moment are the two Chi Roads connecting the grasslands, the two Chi Roads from Datong to Baliangadu and Shuntianfu to Chahar. The current construction progress is somewhat incomplete.

It’s so satisfying.”

Mentioning these two roads, all the pavilion elders couldn't help but sigh.

There is no way, it is really too troublesome to build a road on the grassland. The terrain of Monan is too complicated. Even if there are old people from Mongolia to lead the way, it will still be difficult to build.

However, the importance of these two Chi Roads makes it impossible for the Ming Dynasty not to repair them. After all, they are important passages to control the three thousand miles of Monan grassland in the future and deter Mobei and Zhungeer. It is impossible for the court to say that the current situation

The increasingly better Monan Mongolia was abandoned.

There are millions of herdsmen and tens of millions of cattle and sheep in the three thousand miles of Monan grassland. This is the largest horse farm in the Ming Dynasty and the main source of cattle and sheep in the Ming Dynasty. How could the imperial court ignore it?

Lu Xiangsheng was holding tea in his hand and said with a straight face: "I said last year that it would not be easy to build these two galloping roads, so we should focus on them first, but we were all blinded by the great situation.

With so many Chi Dao openings, it is not easy to allocate people from other places right now. If Chi Dao Academy wants to train people, it will take at least two or three years."

"There is a problem with the two Chili Roads in Mongolia right now, and the Ministry of Revenue has to spend money to solve it."

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "Xiang Lu, you don't need to spend more money on the Ministry of Revenue. There are already various difficulties in Mongolia. It's normal to repair it slower. It will only be able to open to traffic safely in the end. This area is worth spending money on."

It’s difficult to solve, so it’s better to look more at this side of the river.”

Lu Xiangsheng picked up a folder and looked a little unhappy: "It's very clear what the Hedao side is thinking. They are still clinging to the same old ways. They don't want to give up their special status, and they are unwilling to put things right.

If the imperial court lets you go, you not only want the imperial court's money, but also secretly do shameful things. How can there be such a good thing in this world?"

Rivers, or water transport, were important channels for survival during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Because the land of plenty and plenty of money and food was in the south, and the political centers of the Ming and Qing Dynasties were all in the north, all the officials and soldiers in the Zhili region needed money and food from the south to feed them.

The role of the canal is reflected here. Through water transportation, money, grain, and taxes from the south are continuously escorted to the capital. This not only alleviates the problem of poverty in the north.

The food pressure was an important channel for tax revenue from the south to reach the capital.

The tax money from Jianghuai Southeast and other places were transported to Beijing by water.

Of course, the current Ming Dynasty has completely switched to a gold and silver-based treasure banknote system, and there is no need for various places to escort treasure banknotes to the capital.

Nowadays, the role of water transportation in the Ming Dynasty is gradually decreasing. First, the increasingly developed overseas trade has made great progress in maritime transportation. Not to mention the southeast to the capital, even the thousands of miles of sea routes have not been traveled. In comparison, from

It is safer to walk along the offshore waters from the southeast coast to the north.

The second is the straight official road system and supporting Chidao that are constantly being built in various places. These are constantly squeezing the living space of the river. The importance of the river is getting less and less. The majesty of water transportation in the past is no longer there, and the imperial court has gradually no longer needed it.

Water transport was used to transport money and grain to relieve the pressure in the north. This made the water transport more and more dissatisfied and also gave rise to a new panic, fearing that it would be abolished.

Therefore, in the past two years, there have been some small moves on the river side, but they are all small moves, and the cabinet has ignored the river. As for the abolition of water transportation that is worried about, it is actually also a problem faced by the cabinet.

Because this canal, which connects the economic and political centers of the north and south of the Ming Dynasty, cannot be banned. Even if there is a Chidao, river transportation still plays an irreplaceable role. Even as a pure commercial river, it still has a sufficiently important position.

Therefore, the importance of the canal will not decrease, but the water transportation yamen will no longer have the prestige of the past, and the lives of those companies that control water transportation and those below will not be as easy as before.

Not being as important as before means that it will gradually be no longer needed, so it is normal for the river to jump up and down. The cabinet has also discussed whether to take some measures now, but it involves millions of water workers and a series of regions from north to south.

And officials, it is not easy to start this water movement.

Now the people on the other side of the river seemed to have noticed this, and began to call for help, jumping up and down, and kept handing out notes asking for money, hoping that the court could clean up the silt in the canal, allocate money to repair the embankments, and regulate the canal.

Just kidding, a canal runs from south to north. In which period during the Ming Dynasty was it not repaired and dredged?

Didn't they know how much food the river swallowed? Now they just announced a number and expected the government to allocate funds, and then they continued to eat and drink and wait to die. How could such a good thing happen?

So it’s no wonder that Lu Xiangsheng is angry. After dealing with government affairs these years, it is a process of continuous self-cultivation. Therefore, Lu Xiangsheng’s temper is much better than before. However, the twists and turns of water transportation are unclear to them or to others. Now they are holding

This talk is just to fool the devil.

Qian Qianyi smiled slightly. He also knew a little about the situation on the other side of the river, but he really didn't pay attention to those who transported water. Do you really think that without water transport, the Ming Dynasty would not be able to move?

What a joke.

"Ahem, Mr. Lu, don't pay attention to the other side of the river. Just refute their argument. These people are just jumping up and down just to let the court know their importance and then throw a trap. Even if the Ming Dynasty loses that river, it will still have no impact.

If they want to jump, let them jump." Qian Qianyi said with a smile.

Zhang Ruitu also said: "Yes, just to see how many people are dissatisfied with the imperial court and take the opportunity to cause trouble. I don't believe that they are involved on the other side of the river. There are people with interests involved up and down the banks of the river.

How many? They are all those who are unwilling to serve the court in a down-to-earth manner. There will be plenty of time to rectify them in the future."

Lu Xiangsheng also sighed: "That's all, I'm taking a look at the deal on the other side of the river. The food and clothing for millions of water workers is dependent on it. Ha, it's such a big name. I'm wondering if the allocation on the other side of the river this year will be slowed down or not.

Sow less. Now that wharves are popping up all along the coast, people are willing to find a living along the coast, and there are more subsistence jobs on the wharves. I have to say that the Libang on those wharves have more rules than the Caobang."

Zhang Haogu nodded slightly: "Over the water transportation yamen, the imperial court will first send people to check the situation up and down the river, whether it needs repairs, how much it should cost, and then check the internal problems of the water transportation in the past two years.

. Give them a warning first, and if they don’t obey, another group of people will come up. The water transportation will not have to be controlled by these people now."

"Not bad, the things from the imperial court are here now.

It’s their private property. It’s better to go and check it out and try to shake things up and make them calm down a little bit.” Zhang Ruitu agreed very much with Zhang Haogu’s opinion. The river course was too extensive. It’s not that the court couldn’t regulate it, but it just didn’t have any control at the moment.

There is no need to waste energy on this. After all, the importance of water transportation has been reduced, and their influence is constantly weakening. It will be very easy to control water transportation in the future.

"Let's just let them go as they go with the river. We'd better solve the Chidao problem first." Huang Liji also spoke.

After the cabinet deliberations were over, they paid little attention to Hedao. However, they still sent a censor to inspect the water transportation situation, and at the same time reviewed Hedao's files in the past two years.

At present, the focus of the imperial court is still on the north. Whether it is the establishment of nine-year education this year or the two galloping roads on the grassland, more people are concerned about it than water transportation.

Not long after, the censor sent out to inspect the river came back and reported that everything was normal in the river records, the water transportation was good, and there were no problems.

The cabinet also smiled at this and ignored it.

Nowadays, the court's stalls are very large, and there is a shortage of manpower everywhere. There are too many places to employ people, but not enough talents. This is why the court must make great efforts to continuously cultivate talents. There are too few professional talents, and it is troublesome to do things.

After half a month of calm, rumors suddenly spread from various places, saying that Chidao was a pretext for the imperial court to defraud money. In fact, Chidao was not as evil as advertised, and the train was actually a larger horse-drawn train, which was extremely inconvenient.

, it can’t carry much cargo and it can’t travel very far.

As for the two Chi Roads leading to Mongolia that are currently under construction, they have been stopped long ago. All these can show that Chi Dao is a money scammer, and the court will not care about it once it gets the money.

There was little market for these rumors at the beginning. As a joke, businessmen still don’t know whether Chidao is good or not?

Ordinary people have no use for Chidao. They don't care whether Chidao is good or not. They only know that Chidao is built at their doorstep and everyone benefits. This Chidao is beneficial to the people and families. How can this be said to be bad?

Just like last year's Double Eleven and Double Twelve, the imperial court paid merchants to sell goods at a discount, and the people bought some things cheaper than usual. Can this be said to be bad for the imperial court?

The person who spread these words is definitely out of his mind, or else he is jealous because Chi Dao has not cultivated to him at all.

So at the beginning, everyone didn’t take it seriously. Haha, right now, it’s said that this is a bad thing about Chidao and that’s bad. We’ll see when the Chidao is built at his door. He will definitely be the one who can boast the benefits and convenience of Chidao.

However, after some time, some people claimed with certainty that there was a problem with Mongolia's Chi Dao. In fact, this Chi Dao was not mature at all, and the imperial court was using people's money to conduct experiments.

Some people say that the construction of Chidao costs a lot of money. The money can obviously be used for other things that benefit the country and the people, but it is wasted on Chidao. There is definitely a hidden secret in this.

These rumors were so convincing that they caused some people to panic. Is there something really wrong with Chidao in Monan?

For a while, some people who couldn't sit still began to investigate continuously. After getting some news, they immediately hurriedly sold off the stocks in their hands. Regarding the two roads leading to Monan, except for the major chambers of commerce, some ordinary people took most of them.

People also followed suit and bought some.

Originally, these stocks were intended to be used as heirlooms, but now it seems that there is something wrong with Chidao. These people who have little capital and are just waiting for opportunities can't sit still anymore. One or two, they take the little money they have in their hands.

When you sell your stocks, you are afraid that the stocks in your hands will be worthless.

When some people are selling, others are blindly following the trend. Just like before when people bought in large quantities and the stock price rose, a large number of people blindly followed suit. Now there are people selling, and other people who can't sit still and don't know what the situation is are also starting to sell.

, they don’t know what’s going on, they just know what others are doing.

At this moment, a group of people began to sell Chidao's stocks, which directly caused the stock market to start to fluctuate, and Chidao's stock fell all the way.

Not only the stocks of the two Monan Chidao, except for the Beijing-Tianjin Chidao, the stocks of other Chidao under construction have fallen to varying degrees, and this has also caused more and more people to start selling Chidao in their hands.

Stocks, these retail investors started selling, which made big investors unable to sit still. Is there something really wrong with this?


This series of changes also attracted the attention of the cabinet. How could Chidao become a money-scamming project?

"The rumors about Chidao have never stopped. These remarks were just regarded as normal at first. No one expected it to get worse. But in just one month, it has developed to the current situation." Sun Fengqi said bitterly.

Zhang Haogu and others reported the situation.

He is Chidao Yamen, the top leader of Chidao Yamen. Chidao Yamen's stock price experienced turmoil and fell. Retail investors sold off one after another. Big investors also kept asking about the situation. Chidao Yamen was really at a loss. They had never encountered such a situation before.


Zhang Haogu closed his eyes and rested, Lu Xiangsheng was holding a tea cup and sipping tea slowly, Zhang Ruitu was holding a booklet and tapping his palms, Qian Qianyi was looking at a calligraphy and painting, and the atmosphere in the cabinet suddenly changed.

Somewhat subtle.

"As for the two Chidao roads in Balian Nadu and Chahar, what is the current situation? Chidao Yamen must give an explanation." Lu Xiangsheng said slowly.

Sun Fengqi said: "Xiang Lu, there are indeed some problems on the imperial road leading to Baliangadu and Chahar, and it is indeed suspended now, but this is normal. The north has just thawed, and the grassland is still there.

Unlike in the north, it is difficult to start construction without thawing. When the ground is thawed, the ground will mostly turn into small swamps and muddy areas, making construction troublesome. These are normal. When this period of time passes, Chidao will resume construction again."

Qian Qianyi nodded: "That's right, the grassland is no better than the Central Plains, with more Gobi deserts, swamps and rivers. Last year when it snowed, the grassland had more rivers and more swamps. If it freezes again next year, these rivers, swamps

Ah, it disappeared. It is normal for many rivers on the grassland to change their course, and the place where the Chi Road takes is the road that merchants and grassland herdsmen have walked over and over again. Basically, they will not encounter any major problems. It is freezing cold on the grassland now.

It is normal for it to be difficult to start work. The people are just being deceived by people with good intentions."

"Shilang Sun, please go back first. When the time comes, you can send out a few notices to Chidao Yamen, and the Ming Dynasty Newspaper will help you publicize it to let the people know what is going on, and then it will be over." Zhang Ruitu said with a smile.

After Sun Fengqi left, Zhang Haogu slowly said, "What do you think about this matter?"

"Humph, there must be something going on behind the scenes. The repair of Chidao is based on the times. Isn't this the case with the construction of not only Chidao, river channels, and official roads? Now, the cold weather in the grassland is used to attack Chidao, and ordinary people are not willing to do it.

Understanding the situation and attacking the stock market is not something ordinary people can do," said Lu Xiangsheng.

Zhang Ruitu frowned slightly: "The question now is, who did this? Is it the big businessmen who hold a large amount of stocks who want to clear the place, or is there someone else?"

I have to mention that Chidao stocks are really weird now. A large number of retail investors are following the trend and selling stocks continuously. Some small and medium-sized investors cannot bear the risk and sell a large number of Chidao stocks, which attracts others to follow the trend, but the large investors remain unmoved.


Neither selling nor buying, no one knows the thoughts of these large chambers of commerce and large groups. It is difficult to say which party has hit Chidao stock.

Maybe there are people who want to attack the imperial court, or maybe the big investors want to unite and swallow up most of the retail stocks. The reason why they are not moving now is just to let more people sell their stocks so that they can take advantage of it. By the way, there may be other opponents who can't bear it.

I also followed suit to sell, so as to defeat the enemy.

It is also possible that people from other areas want to attack Chidao stocks, such as shipping, and the competition between them and Chidao is fierce.

These situations are all possible. In many cases, it may just be someone who throws out an introduction. Others find the opportunity and take advantage of the situation, allowing others to complete their efforts. In the end, those who are determined achieve their goals, and others take advantage of the situation to complete their own goals.

The target is left in a mess, waiting for others to finish it off.

"Well, it's not easy to be calm. There are always some people who insist on causing trouble."

This chapter has been completed!
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