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Chapter 0817 The people rebelled, calm down or appease?

Brother Ergou, why are you standing there in a daze? Catch the King of Shu quickly!

A rebel man behind Wang Ergou shouted anxiously.

The King of Shu is not inside!" Wang Ergou's voice was a little confused. Why?!"

Several rebel men were stunned. They hurriedly went over to take a look. Sure enough, the empty carriage contained incense burners, cushions, screens and other items, but the only thing missing was Shu King Zhu Zhishu!

That damn Zhu Zhishu ran away long ago!" a rebel man said through gritted teeth.

When this happens, these rebel men still don’t know what happened?

It must be that fierce and cowardly guy Zhu Zhishu who just took advantage of the bad situation and ran away!

Leader! Zhu Zhishu has run away, hurry up!" Wang Ergou shouted loudly

When these words were shouted, both the rebel warriors who were desperately fighting against the palace defenders and the defenders who were struggling to resist were stunned.

Zhu Zhishu ran away?

He actually ran away?!

So what is the reason why so many of you are here fighting in a bloody battle, and your comrades are suffering heavy casualties?!

Several rebel leaders looked at me and I looked at you. One of them, dressed as a scholar, immediately shouted: "Why are you still standing there? Where could Zhu Zhishu go even if he ran away?"

Light up torches and search around. Whoever finds Zhu Zhishu first will win."

When everyone came back to their senses, they immediately ordered their brothers to spread out to look for Zhu Zhishu. They were too lazy to fight with the guards of the palace. The guards of the palace also ignored the people in front of them and hurried to find Zhu Zhishu.


After all, on the battlefield just now, both sides were going back and forth, shotguns, fire, and bows and arrows were constantly coming. No one could guarantee that any place was safe under such dense and chaotic attacks.

Zhu Zhishu indeed ran away early. When he found himself surrounded by those rebellious mud-legged people, he wanted to run away. Obviously he knew that the more people there were, the more likely he would be exposed, so Zhu Zhishu took advantage of the opportunity

While fighting for their lives with those mud-legged men, the guards took off their outer python king uniforms, hurriedly put on a coarse cloth outfit that had been prepared long ago, and slipped out of the carriage to run away.

This coarse cloth outfit and the cover of the night did hide the attention of many people. Zhu Zhishu originally thought that he could run away, but who could have imagined that the people on both sides were already red-eyed, and the fire-tong shotguns kept firing.

The bows were made of lead, and the bamboo hunting bows even scattered arrows in pieces.

Under such a rain of arrows, Zhu Zhishu's fat body was hit by a cluster of arrows not long after running.

In fact, an arrow cluster could not cause much harm to a fat man like Zhu Zhishu. What's more, although Zhu Zhi was wearing coarse cloth outside, he was wearing soft silk armor inside. The arrow cluster was just hanging on Zhu Zhishu's body.

It's just on Shu.

But when he was shot by this arrow cluster, Zhu Zhishu's already tense nerves were completely shattered. He was frightened all the way. He thought he could escape, but he met the mob again.

Zhu Zhishu never expected that he might die here. He was so frightened by the arrows that he lost his mind and ran away desperately. However, in the dark, Zhu Zhishu couldn't tell the direction at all.

The majestic King of Shu always travels in a carriage and has a full set of ceremonial guards. So he still needs to walk to know the direction?

What's more, it's night now, and there are people fighting all around. Wherever there are lights, there are bound to be shouts of death and wailing. This makes Zhu Zhishu even more afraid to approach easily, and can only be confused all the way.

He ran away, and in the end Zhu Zhishu didn't even know where he ran.

There were no lights and no fire, and there were swords and soldiers everywhere. Zhu Zhishu ran around without thinking and stepped on the air, disappearing into the dark night.

At this time, the rebel army and the government army were still fighting. The two sides fought desperately and sent out their manpower to find traces of Zhu Zhishu. However, the two sides were in a stalemate all night, and even after dawn, they could not find Zhu Zhishu's traces.


Let alone the rebels now, the prefect of Chengdu is already stupid.

He couldn't hide such a major event as the disappearance of the King of Shu. Now he could only write a letter and send a knight to report it to the court immediately.

The beginning of the 14th year of the Weather Year began with the uprising of the people of Sichuan and Shu and the disappearance of Shu King Zhu Zhishu.

When the eunuch from Shuntian Prefecture took Jin Yiwei all the way to the land of Sichuan and Shu, they got

The news is that the people in Sichuan and Shu have rebelled, and the king of Shu, Zhu Zhishu, has disappeared!

After learning the news, the eunuch Wang Baoren, who was an angel, was stunned.


The King of Shu is missing?!"

Hundreds of thousands of people in Sichuan and Sichuan rebelled?!"

Looking at the confused Wang Bao, the Jin Yiwei also looked helpless. Wang Bao couldn't help but be confused. They were also confused. What else could they do in this situation? Baihu, who led the team, said: "Wang Naijian, something big is going on here.

How do we make a decision? Let’s hurry back and report to His Majesty -?

Wang Bao came to his senses: "Yes, yes, yes, return to the capital, return to the capital quickly!

At this time, there are hundreds of thousands of people in Sichuan and Sichuan who are rebelling. If you go there at this time, wouldn't you be seeking death?

So Wang Bao immediately took the royal guards and ran to the capital. As for the land of Sichuan and Shu, he would not go to Sichuan or Sichuan. At this time, in Shuntian Mansion, Colonel Zhu You was reviewing the army with great satisfaction.

At this time, in the capital camp, the new army officers and soldiers from the two towns who had completed the latest establishment were being reviewed by the emperor.

Zhu Youxiao is now wearing a dragon-patterned battle armor that represents the identity of the Emperor of Heaven, a six-petal dragon-patterned Mingwang helmet, and a bright red battle robe. He is riding a horse presented by the grassland, which is as black and elegant as a dragon.

Reviewing the army.

It is now the beginning of the new year. The new armies of the two towns, with more than 33,000 soldiers, are fully armed and lined up in neat rows. The dragon, tiger, sun and moon flags, the four elephant flags and other flags are fluttering. The soldiers are brightly armored and have spears like a forest.

The Ming army is mighty!

The Ming army is mighty!

The Ming army is mighty!

The shouts of the soldiers were like thunder, accompanied by the sound of metal and iron clashing, and a sense of murderous intent rushed towards them.

Looking at the hundred battle elites in front of him, Zhu Youxiao felt that the blood in his body was boiling!

For the battle in the second half of this year, in order to completely unify the mountains and rivers and destroy Zhu Youxiao of Liaodong, he has paid a lot, but now Zhu Youxiao feels that everything is worth it!

Riding a war horse, Zhu Youxiao said with emotion to the officials and ministers behind him: "Since I inherited the great cause, I have followed the aspirations of my ancestors, adhered to the destiny, obeyed the people's people, and worked diligently for thirteen years.

Tomorrow, the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe.

Nowadays, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the four seas are unified, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and all nations come to visit from all directions.

I have pacified Monan, destroyed Jiaozhi, secured Nanyang, and subdued the Yi in the east, but there are still captives in Liaodong!

Dear friends, please unite sincerely and work diligently together. This year, I will plow the court and clear the holes to completely unify the world!

All the officials and ministers bowed in unison: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live my emperor.

Zhu Youxiao drew his sword and pointed it directly at the sky. All the soldiers raised the troops for a thousand days and used them for a while. Now you are training hard. In the autumn, you will follow my horse to Liaodong, sweep across the Tartars, and leave your name in history!

At this time, more than 30,000 soldiers also shouted loudly: "Mighty me!"

Your Majesty is mighty!

Be mighty!

When Zhu Youzheng was feeling proud, suddenly an internal prison officer came running quickly: "Your Majesty, urgent report from the southwest!"

Zhu Youxiao glanced at the eunuch and saw his hurried expression. Knowing that something was going on in the southwest, he immediately shouted: "Reward the three armies. At the beginning of the new year, we should give wine and meat so that the soldiers can eat and drink well!"

Generals Zhou Yuji, Wang Dashan and Han Yaowei immediately bowed to him: "Thank you, Your Majesty!

After leaving the military camp, Zhu Youxiao immediately shouted: "What happened in the southwest?

Chengdu Prefecture was rushed eight hundred miles away, the mob rebelled, and the King of Shu disappeared!"

What did the inmate say in a trembling voice?!"

Zhu Youxiao's face suddenly turned dark, he snorted coldly and rode away. The guards behind him immediately followed up and escorted the emperor towards the palace.

The young eunuch turned pale with fright and knelt on the ground trembling, but he breathed a long sigh of relief. He had finally passed this test.

After riding back to the imperial city, Zhu Youxiao dismounted and threw his riding whip to the eunuch on the side: "Inform me of my decree and ask all the cabinet ministers to come to Wuying Hall to see me!"

The eunuch nodded immediately and hurried to deliver the order.

Soon, Zhang Haogu, Zhang Ruitu, Lu Xiangsheng, Huang Liji, and Qiao Yunsheng came to the cabinet, and what they saw was that they were wearing iron

Zhu Youxiao sitting on the dragon throne with a golden sword in Jia Dama.

I will see your Majesty.

Dear friends, please keep me safe.

Zhu Youxiao was still able to suppress his anger at this time. He pointed to the folder on the table and said, "Wang Tiqian, please read this to all of you.

Wang Tiqian picked up the paper and read aloud: "I, Liu Liangyong, the prefect of Chengdu, report to your majesty that at the beginning of the 14th day of the twelfth lunar month, a mob totaling more than 100,000 people from Chengdu Prefecture, Tongchuan Prefecture, Jiading Prefecture, and other five prefectures openly rebelled and besieged them.

The mob in Chengdu Prefecture is huge, but in just a few days, more than half a million people have gathered!

The mob brazenly attacked Chengdu. King Zhu Zhi of Shu went out of the city at night to avoid trouble and was besieged by the mob. He disappeared during the night.

After Wang Tiqian finished reciting, he quickly stepped aside. Zhu Youxiao breathed heavily and his eyes were a little red: "The mob rebelled and gathered more than 500,000 people in just a few days! What do you think?

Huang Liji and Qiao Yunsheng looked at their noses and mouths, pretending to be clay sculptures of wood.

Zhang Ruitu and Lu Xiangsheng looked at each other, and Lu Xiangsheng stood up and said, "Your Majesty, since the New Deal was promulgated, great achievements have spread far and wide, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the world is at peace.

Why did the people suddenly rebel? There must be a hidden reason.

Zhu Youxiao looked at Lu Xiangsheng: "What Mr. Lu Ge means is that there is a problem in Sichuan and Shu?"

Lu Xiangsheng nodded and said nothing.

Zhu Youxiao nodded while holding back his anger. It was impossible for Chengdu Prefecture to believe everything that the mob said about rebellion. After all, he had personally conducted a private interview incognito. People are good at being patient. If they were not pushed to the point of desperation, there would be no way out.

Don't take risks because of your misfortune.

Five hundred thousand people!

Wei Banban." Zhu Youxiao regained his composure.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly stepped forward: "My servant is here.

Go, go and investigate for me. Investigate everything about Sichuan and Shu. I want to know clearly why the people rebelled and what happened in Sichuan and Shu."

Zhu Youxiao's tone was calm, but the killing intent in it made Wei Zhongxian shudder.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly ran down to do some errands to investigate the information. There really was no one more professional than their Dong Factory.

The Cui Ri court meeting was held, and Zhu Youxiao went to court. All civil and military officials already knew about the major events that happened yesterday.

Zhu Youxiao had just come to court, and officials immediately came out: "Your Majesty, I have this memorial."

A mob of 500,000 people rebelled in Sichuan and Sichuan, shaking the southwest! Once the news spreads, the world will be in an uproar. I sincerely request your majesty to deal with it with thunderous means!

After the official finished speaking, another censor came out immediately: "Your Majesty, I agree with Lord Sun's opinion."

If the mob rebels, where is the majesty of the imperial court? In the southwest, there are unruly people from the poor mountains and rivers, and the chieftains and seedlings are alienated from our Ming Dynasty. Now that there is a mob rebellion, it is inevitable that these chieftains and seedlings will not move with the times.

If the imperial court cannot put an end to the chaos in time, chaos will inevitably break out everywhere in the world!"

After hearing what these people said, Zhu Youxiao agreed very much in his heart.

Yes, half a million people have rebelled, no matter what the reason is, they have rebelled

To rebel is to slap Zhu Youxiao in the face, and to slap the imperial court in the face!

We just said that the Ming Dynasty was peaceful and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Now there are half a million people rebelling. Doesn't this mean that Zhu Youxiao is not good at governing the world, and that his apocalyptic era is a joke?

With so many people rebelling, if they are not suppressed quickly, the entire southwest will definitely be in chaos!

As the emperor, Zhu Youxiao's most important thing is the stability of the country. He cannot sit back and watch the chaos in the southwest of the Ming Dynasty, let alone allow this incident to affect his country of the Ming Dynasty and affect his plan to conquer the Liao Dynasty.

The people in Sichuan and Sichuan are rebelling. Troops from Yunnan and Huguang will be mobilized, and they should be able to quell the rebellion in more than a month.

After making up his mind, Zhu Youxiao asked: "What do you, dear friends, think?"

Soon, many imperial censors, civil and military officials came out to express their approval of sending troops to quell the rebellion. Obviously, they didn't care why the 500,000 people in the southwest rebelled. They only wanted to suppress these people who dared to rebel.

Seeing that the general trend is about to come true, Zhu Youxiao is ready to take advantage of the trend. Lu Xiangsheng has stepped forward as a minister, and he does not agree with it!"

"Zhu Youxiaomei

His head wrinkled slightly: What can I say?

Lu Xiangsheng saluted: "Your Majesty's remarks asking your Majesty to send troops quickly are really nonsense!

There is chaos in the southwest, and the people are revolting. Why are the people revolting? What is the reason? You are indifferent and only think about suppressing it. Is this the way to be a minister?

Half a million people, what exactly is Pengci in your eyes?

Your Majesty, it is easy to send out troops to quell the chaos, but once the army is sent out, blood will be shed in Sichuan and Sichuan. How will all the people in the world regard your Majesty?

Soon someone else came out and said, "I cannot agree with this statement of Prime Minister Lu!

If the Sichuan-Sichuan rebellion is not put down quickly, all the people in the world will despise the imperial court. Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven and the father of all peoples. The thunder and rain are all a sign of your grace. Now that the people in the southwest are rebelling, they have no king and no father. They are unfaithful and unfilial. Your Majesty sends troops.

If the chaos is quelled, all the people in the world will only become more submissive.

If you just sit back and watch that mob bring chaos to the entire Southwest, how will your Majesty handle your plans? How will all the people in the world view the imperial court? And how will all the countries from all over the world remain in awe of me, the Ming Dynasty?!"

Next, the chaos in the southwest must be put down quickly, otherwise there will be suspicion!"

Soon, the court was divided into two factions. One faction supported the rapid dispatch of troops to quell the chaos and eliminate the disaster in the southwest:

One group believes that we should find out the cause and see if we can appease the people and let them go back to farming. After all, if half a million people are killed at the request of the people, the entire southwest will be in pain.

Those who support quick counterinsurgency are mainly from the old party, while those who support investigating the cause first are mainly the new party.

Zhu Youxiao keenly discovered that the ideas between the old party and the new party were completely opposite.

The Japanese Party supports the protection of the rights and interests of the existing powerful and gentry, and at the same time safeguards the imperial power. On this basis, nothing cannot be sacrificed. How about a rebellion of 500,000 people?

Just kill them. Anyway, if you kill 500,000, there will still be so many. Killing a few can bring peace to the world.

However, the New Party believes that the people are the most important thing for the country and the country. Everything must be based on the people. The world is not just for the emperor, but for all the people. We cannot sacrifice 500,000 people for the so-called world.

In order to achieve peace, the culprits should be identified to quell public anger.

The ideological differences between the two sides made Zhu Youxiao wary. He looked at the New Party officials who were arguing hard, and then at the cabinet ministers and six ministers standing at the forefront. Zhu Youxiao suddenly had a terrible thought.


Now that half a million people are in rebellion, these new parties can ignore the majesty of the royal family and the safety of the court for the sake of the people.

So if millions of people rebel, will these new parties really think that he, the emperor, is not good enough and need to change the emperor to quell public anger?

As soon as this idea came out, Zhu Youxiao suddenly shuddered. He looked at the officials from the two parties arguing endlessly, and suddenly felt a little tired: "That's it for today. I'm tired, let's dismiss the court.

Lu Yin returned to Wuying Hall with a sullen face. Zhu Youxiao didn't even take a few bites of the meal, obviously he was in a bad mood.

At the subsequent court meeting, the New Party and the Japanese Party argued more intensely over how to deal with the rebellious people in Sichuan and Sichuan, and some news spread about why the people in Sichuan and Sichuan rebelled.

Among them, there are all kinds of news that Zhu Zhishu imposed excessive taxes, abused people's power, oppressed the people, and wantonly killed people, leading to the destruction of people's families.

When the news came and some conclusive evidence was found, the New Party officials immediately became tough.

Your Majesty, the facts have been ascertained that it was not the people who wanted to rebel, but the King of Shu who was stupid and the people had no choice but to rebel. Your Majesty should implement benevolent policies and appease the people, so the people will inevitably disperse.

Japanese party officials immediately refuted why the people rebelled instead of suing the officials. Could it be that they were already rebellious?

Your Majesty has tolerated them this time, but if something goes against the will of these mobs next time, will they continue to rebel?

If anything goes against the will of these mobs, they can do whatever they want. How can the imperial court govern the world, and how can local officials let their herds go?

"Your Majesty, this kind of mob behavior cannot be tolerated and must be severely punished to set the record straight and show the dignity of the court!

New Party officials immediately refuted

The people had no way to appeal and were desperate to return.

What can be done?

The bureaucrats in Shu are corrupt and pervert the law. Together with the king of Shu, they squeeze the people and impose excessive taxes. All kinds of extortionate taxes and miscellaneous taxes are shocking. Looking at the Shu, what does the originally good land of abundance look like now? This is ***, what does it have to do with the people?"

Your Majesty, how can you use the blood of the people to demonstrate the majesty of the imperial court? The corrupt officials in Shu should be severely punished to rectify the hearts of the people. Only in this way can you demonstrate the majesty of the imperial court and your majesty's benevolent government. The people will surely remember your majesty's kindness and benevolence to all people in the world.


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