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Chapter 0830 Suspicious Zhu Youxiao must make Zhang Haogu and Huang Taiji both losers

The emperor looks more and more like Emperor Sejong.

Wei Zhongxian looked at Zhu Youxiao worriedly, and this was the first thought in his mind.

Of course, he is becoming more and more like Emperor Sejong. At best, to put it bluntly, he already has the potential to be half crazy.

But Emperor Sejong did not cultivate immortality and become insane; he took drugs and became insane.

As for Zhu Youxiao, he was purely trying to scare himself.

However, since Zhu Youxiao came to the throne, he has encountered many various methods, including poisoning the imperial dining room and almost killing Zhu Youxiao, and the chief minister personally letting the Tartars enter the pass and trapping Zhu Youxiao in Zhending.

As for other assassinations and drugging, Zhu Youxiao has experienced all kinds of methods.

But there were people around Zhu Youxiao at that time. The Jin Yiwei were all reliable people, and Zhu Youxiao usually stayed in the palace. Zhang Haogu was in charge of things outside. With Zhang Haogu protecting him from the wind and rain, Zhu Youxiao was actually very safe.


But now Zhu Youxiao himself has forced Zhang Haogu away. Since the relationship between monarch and ministers has broken and there is a rift, it is impossible to restore trust between people. A rift is a rift.

If a brick is broken, even if you put it together, there is still a crack.

Even if you apply rice paste and stick it back together, there will still be a scar.

No matter what, this brick is no longer what it was before.

Things are like this, let alone people?

Even if Zhang Haogu says that he is willing to get back together with Zhu Youxiao, Zhu Tianxiao himself will never trust Zhang Haogu as before. The human heart is like this. Once you have doubts, you can never go back.


Now that the leader is weak and the ministers are strong, and Zhang Haogu is still leading troops outside, Zhu Youxiao would not dare to take action easily even if he wanted to clean up the new party forces in the capital.

What if Zhang Haogu did not lead the new army to fight against Huang Taiji, but the Liaodong soldiers were integrated and the Qing emperor wanted to side him? "Wei Banban, now that Zhang Haogu has subdued the Liaodong soldiers, what if he turns around and comes to find me?

"What can I do?" Zhu Youxiao only felt that he was very powerless. He originally wanted to let Zhang Haogu and the Liaodong warlords fight in a stalemate so that he could reorganize the court later. After all, the Liaodong warlords were restraining Zhang Haogu.

Gu did not dare to return to the army easily.

But now that the Liaodong warlords are all gone, now it’s me who is the one to turn against the rat!

Wei Zhongxian hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, how about asking Zhang Haogu to go to war with the Manchu Huang Taiji immediately on the grounds that the court is short of money and food and the world is in urgent need of stability?"

Zhu Youxiao thought for a moment: "Let's ask Liu Aiqing and Ji Aiqing to come and take a look."

Soon Liu Guangtong and Ji Min arrived. After hearing what happened, they realized that the situation was somewhat dangerous.

Immediately Ji Min said: "Your Majesty, the most urgent task now is to let Zhang Haogu hurry up and start a war with Huang Taiji as Eunuch Wei said."

"Only when they fight, and neither of them can spare their energy to take care of other aspects, can Your Majesty take advantage of the opportunity to draw chestnuts from the fire."

Liu Guangtong also said: "That's right, Your Majesty. The current situation is critical. Zhang Haogu is currently leading troops outside. The troops he leads in Liaodong and Liaonan are no less than 200,000! Not to mention the new army, Liaonan and Liaodong.

The soldiers who guarded the borders and fought against the Tartars were all rare elites.

Now that Zhang Haogu has such a powerful army, if he plans to plot something against His Majesty, the weather will be stormy tomorrow. For this plan, the two tigers should fight each other."

Zhu Youxiao sighed and sat on the dragon chair with some dejection: "I don't know that now only by letting the ruthless tiger Zhang Haogu and the evil tiger Huang Taiji fight can the world have a chance of survival. But Zhang Haogu leads the world.

The army is outside, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are all his followers. Now I am walking on thin ice, how can I force him to send troops?"

Ji Min thought about it and said: "Your Majesty, although Zhang Haogu is a traitor and a traitor, he obviously still cares about his reputation and face. How can he directly resist and disrespect your Majesty's decree? Don't mention the people of the world at that time, he will

The morale of the soldiers and horses under your command will be unstable."

"What's more, how many soldiers and horses does the imperial court have now? He holds nearly one-third of the world's soldiers and horses, how can he not arouse people's fear and make people around the world talk?"

Liu Guangtong continued: "Your Majesty can also have people cut his food supply, forcing him to go to war with Huang Taiji!"

The meaning of these words is almost direct.

He said that he deliberately let Zhang Haogu lose the battle and ruin the 200,000-strong army.

Wei Zhongxian looked at this scene and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. The emperor and the court ministers were discussing how to harm the court's soldiers and horses, or in external wars. If this spread, what would the people in the world think?

Zhu Youxiao thought for a moment and then said: "There is no way to go to the cabinet. I will directly issue an edict to force Zhang Haogu to fight Huang Taiji as soon as possible, otherwise I will cut off his money and food!"

Liu Guangtong and Ji Min immediately bowed their heads: "Your Majesty is wise."

Yes, now that Zhang Haogu has just conquered the Liaodong soldiers, the morale of the army has not yet stabilized, and the supply route has not been opened. At this time, if Zhang Haogu is allowed to fight quickly, not only will the food route be in danger, but the newly attached soldiers and horses will also become suspicious, for fear that

He was treated as cannon fodder. As a result, the morale of the army was unstable and the generals were suspicious. Zhang Haogu could not win this battle even if he was a god.

At that time, the imperial court can use the reason of Zhang Haogu's defeat to attack his prestige, and the New Party, which has lost troops and generals, will also be severely weakened, and Zhu Youxiao will also have the opportunity to take advantage of Zhang Haogu and the New Party.

Soon, eunuchs received the imperial edict and hurried out of the city towards Liaodong with their imperial guards. Naturally, this scene could not be hidden from everyone in the capital.

In the cabinet, Zhang Ruitu looked at Lu Xiangsheng, who was in charge of raising logistics for the army and acted as the general manager, and asked calmly: "Prime Minister Lu, do you know that your Majesty ordered people out of the city in a hurry last night?"

Lu Xiangsheng's hand holding the pen paused: "Where did you go?"

"In the direction of Liaodong, I heard from people in the palace that Liu Guangtong and Ji Min persuaded Your Majesty to force Duke Ming to go to war with Huang Taiji," Zhang Ruitu said.

Lu Xiangsheng snorted coldly: "Liu Guangtong, Ji Min, these two villains, wait until Duke Ming comes back to deal with them!"

Zhang Ruitu sighed softly: "Ming Gong has just conquered the Liaodong soldiers and horses, and is now intensifying training. At this time, the soldiers and horses are not yet skilled, and the Eight Banners soldiers under Huang Taiji were born in the white mountains and black waters, occupying a favorable location."

"What's more, this battle is a battle between the Ming Dynasty and the Manchu Qing Dynasty to destroy the country. The Manchu Qing Dynasty will definitely resist desperately. Let Ming Gong bring his untrained soldiers and horses to a decisive battle with Huang Taiji. Is this because I want to sit back and watch Ming Gong's defeat?


"If Duke Ming loses, we will be in danger."

Lu Xiangsheng nodded: "Xiang Zhang is right, soldiers are a major issue for the country, and the way of survival in the land of life and death must be observed. Now that our army has the advantage, we must make every move and encroach every inch. How can we be in a hurry about the battle?"

"We still need to send a letter to Duke Ming, so that he can concentrate on the war ahead, and we will be at the center of the court to deal with it."

Zhang Ruitu smiled and said: "This is the best. Duke Ming leads the army outside, and we can sit back and relax."

Soon Zhang Ruitu and Lu Xiangsheng jointly edited a letter and sent people to Liaodong quickly.

At this time in Liaodong, Zhang Haogu was having a meeting with Cao Wenzhao, Yuan Chonghuan and others.

"Right now, our army has added 60,000 regular soldiers. Among them, the 20,000 Guan Ning cavalry are easy to say. They are fully equipped with horses, armor, and can kill the enemy when they go into battle.

But the remaining 40,000 soldiers still need weapons and armor, otherwise they will die on the battlefield with the mandarin duck war jackets and tattered firearms and swords allocated to them by Liaodong."

Huang Zongxi took charge of the logistics of the army very well and was explaining the situation to everyone at this time.

Zhang Haogu nodded: "Forty thousand sets of ordnance and equipment, don't worry about this issue."

"Before the war, the imperial court was already stockpiling arms and armor. Not to mention 40,000 sets, but 100,000 sets, the court also had them.

Then I’ll put a note on it and let it be transported up later.”

Yuan Chonghuan said: "Ming Gong, I am afraid that the imperial court will blame you."

Doesn't Yuan Chonghuan know those officials in the imperial court?

The 100,000 taels of military pay agreed upon were allocated as soon as they were released. After leaving the Ministry of Household Affairs, it was 80,000, and after leaving the Ministry of War, it was 60,000. Then it was handled at each level, and when they got to the front line, they still had 40,000, even if they had a conscience.

As for the ordnance and equipment, there is even more blame-shifting, and it is common to pass the bad off as good. Even the equipment of the frontier army is half defective.

It was only after Zhang Haogu took charge of the center and cleaned up the court several times that this kind of thing disappeared.

But now Zhang Haogu is away, and there is a conflict with the emperor. If the emperor deliberately delays, and the old party

Shifting the blame creates a stumbling block, and anything can happen.

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "Prime Minister Sun is not a fool. Others don't know what this battle means. Doesn't he also know what it means? If the frontline war is delayed, then the Manchu Qing Dynasty may really trap the dragon and ascend to heaven."

"Don't worry, even if Prime Minister Sun is stumbled, the weapons, money and food will not be cut off."

Zhang Haogu was so confident that Yuan Chonghuan felt relieved.

Cao Wenzhao said again: "Ming Gong, what do I need to cooperate with in this battle?"

Zhang Haogu smiled and reassured Cao Wenzhao: "You are the governor of Mongolia. The most important thing for you in this battle is to sit in Chahar and prevent the Mongolian ministries from having inappropriate thoughts."

"Look at the map, the elements, and talk about the current situation."

Yuan Chonghuan went to the map and began to introduce: "Everyone, look."

"According to the detective reports from the Jinyi Guards in the Shenyang area and the information obtained by our army, Huang Taiji's current strength is not weak."

"In the past two years, my Ming Dynasty has been engaged in foreign trade, focusing on Nanyang and Dongyi, while Huang Taiji took the opportunity to reorganize his troops and regain his strength. In addition, some Mongolian tribes had already joined him, allowing Huang Taiji to regroup.

The Manchu Eight Banners and the Mongolian Eight Banners."

"Since he learned last year that the Ming Dynasty was preparing to conquer Liaodong, Huang Taiji once again expanded his troops to prepare for the war. On the one hand, he captured the wild Jurchens, and on the other hand, he forcibly recruited soldiers."

"Now the Manchu Eight Banners have recovered to more than 180,000, and the Meng Eight Banners have no less than 40,000."

"Now Huang Taiji sent Abatai to lead the Zhenglan Banner to guard Anshan and garrison 20,000 troops; he sent Duoduo to lead the Xianglan Banner and the Mongolian Banners to guard Liaoyang and garrison 40,000 troops; Mandahai led the Xianghong Banner to garrison Benxi and garrison 20,000 troops.


"Anshan, Liaoyang, and Benxi formed a triangular defense line, firmly protecting Shenyang of the Qing Dynasty in the rear. These three points combined have more than 60,000 bannermen and 20,000 Mongolian soldiers, including no less than 40,000 cavalry.

They can support each other as horns. Once one area is attacked, the other two areas can quickly rush to support."

"Especially Duduo, who guards Liaoyang with 40,000 soldiers and horses, is the center of the three towns and can be centrally dispatched."

"In the rear, Saharian led 20,000 red banners to guard Fushun. His eldest son Hauge led 10,000 Mongolian troops to guard Tieling as a retreat. He and Dorgon personally led 60,000 troops to Shenyang with two yellow banners and Xiangbai banners. .”

Everyone's expressions became serious as they watched the soldiers carrying the Eight Banners flags being placed in Anshan, Liaoyang, Benxi and other places.

One hundred and eighty thousand bannermen and 40,000 Mongolian soldiers, this strength is really not weak.

Zhang Haogu picked up a soldier with a bright sun and moon flag and placed it at Haicheng: "In the area from Haicheng to Fengcheng, there are three towns in southern Liaoning."

"Now the three Mongolian towns are in Yizhou and Beizhen, and they can approach Liaohetao at any time."

"With the addition of the Chinese army's four towns and 60,000 Liaodong soldiers, our army has many more soldiers and horses at its disposal than Huang Taiji."

While everyone was talking, suddenly a guard outside reported: "Commander, the imperial envoy has arrived."

"Messenger from the imperial court?"

Everyone was suspicious and then looked at Zhang Haogu.

"See what I am doing? Call the messenger in."

Zhang Haogu said with a smile that he also wanted to see what the imperial envoy meant.

Soon, the eunuch who delivered the order came in. This eunuch who delivered the order had to come. After arriving in Liaodong, there were training soldiers and cavalry everywhere, and the entire Jinzhou was under martial law, and the streets were full of armored soldiers. Elite soldiers patrol.

I arrived at the Governor's Mansion with great trepidation, and I was even more frightened when I saw that the hall was full of armored generals.

Eunuchs are not fools. Who doesn't know that the situation today is no better than before. In the past, when the monarch and his ministers were harmonious and Prime Minister Zhang was in charge, the world was at peace. As a chamberlain in the palace, he was respected wherever he went.

As for now?

When the eunuch saw Zhang Haogu, he immediately said, "I have seen Prime Minister Zhang."

Zhang Haogu was very kind: "What are you doing here, father-in-law?"

The eunuch took out the imperial edict and smiled along with him: "Master Zhang, I have your Majesty's will."

Instead of playing with bathing and burning incense, the eunuch kneeled down to receive the edict. The eunuch directly delivered the edict to Zhang Haogu. Zhang Haogu spread it out and took a look.

I couldn't help but laugh: "Your Majesty."

Seeing everyone's doubts, Zhang Haogu passed on the imperial edict: "Everyone, let's take a look."

Yuan Chonghuan became angry as soon as he saw the imperial edict: "This battle is a battle to destroy the country. It is bitterly cold in Liaodong. The army needs to advance slowly to avoid setbacks. How can we easily fight against Huang Taiji?"

"What's more, the training of the new army is still very familiar, and the officers and soldiers do not know each other. Wouldn't it be inevitable to fail if we go to the front line to fight like this?"

Cao Wenzhao was also suspicious: "How can your Majesty know the battle ahead when he is in the palace? The general should adapt to the situation in this battle."

The eunuch couldn't help but tremble when he saw these generals questioning the imperial edict, while Zhang Haogu comforted him and said, "Father, don't be afraid."

"The imperial edict is not sealed by the cabinet. This edict is a false edict. What's more, if the foreign emperor's order is not accepted, please report back to your majesty. Your majesty will not have to worry about the frontline war."

The eunuch hurriedly said: "I know, I know. But Mr. Zhang, His Majesty also said that there is insufficient money and food in the court this year, and I am afraid that it will not be able to support the protracted war on the front line. Let Mr. Zhang make a quick decision."

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "I know, I know."

After seeing off the eunuch, Zhang Haogu put the imperial edict aside and said, "Your Majesty is still so impatient. He has only been away from the capital for a long time, and he already can't wait any longer."

Yuan Chonghuan said: "Ming Gong, your Majesty forced our army to hastily engage in a decisive battle with Huang Taiji. He obviously had an inside story. Your Majesty is not an ignorant person. If you rush into a decisive battle like this, wouldn't you put our army in danger?"

The other generals also said:

"Yes, now Huang Taiji has made arrangements and is planning to wait for work. If our army underestimates the enemy and rushes in, it will surely suffer a heavy blow."

Huang Zongxi even said bluntly: "Ming Gong, the emperor has bad intentions."

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "I can still guess a little bit of His Majesty's thoughts.

But he was right about one thing, that is, we don’t have much time to delay, otherwise we would give Huang Taiji more time to raise funds.

If we are not prepared, then our losses will be greater.”

Just as he was talking, another guard outside the door reported: "Commander, Mr. Lu sent someone to deliver a secret message."

"Call someone in."

Soon a knight came in and handed over a secret letter: "This is a secret letter from Prime Minister Lu and Prime Minister Zhang. I ask Yuan Fu to read it personally."

Zhang Haogu nodded and ordered the knights to go down to rest. After tearing open the secret letter and checking it, he said to the curious people: "Xiang Lu and Xiang Zhang said that your Majesty has recently been close to Liu Guangtong, the deputy capital minister, and Ji Min, the minister of war.

People have been conspiring with His Majesty to do harm to us."

"This time His Majesty forced our army to fight Huang Taiji. It was these two people who came up with the idea. They wanted both us and Huang Taiji to suffer losses."

Yuan Chonghuan's expression changed: "This is a national war. We are climbing on the ice and snow to fight Huang Taiji on the battlefield for the sake of the bright future. And your Majesty actually wants to make us and Huang Taiji both lose, and is even happy to see us fail?"

Then why are we fighting for our lives with the soldiers on the battlefield?"

"Your Majesty himself doesn't want the power of Ming Dynasty anymore?"

Huang Zongxi sneered and said: "Governor Yuan, it's not that the emperor doesn't want his empire, he only wants his family's empire.

Huang Taiji cannot enter the border and cannot affect his throne. In the eyes of the emperor, we are a threat. If we can use this to weaken both us and Huang Taiji, the emperor will naturally be happy.

As for how the people in the world feel, what do the people in the north who have been tortured by the Tartars for many years feel like, does the emperor care?"

As soon as Huang Zongxi said these words, the expressions of the generals changed. Apparently they did not expect that they would have to fight bloody battles in the front for the Ming Dynasty, but the Ming Emperor had already planned to kill them.

The king treats his ministers like enemies and bandits, how should the ministers treat the king?

Looking at the aggrieved generals, Zhang Haogu looked calm and said: "Everyone, calm down!"

"Whenever a major event occurs, you should remain calm and calm in the face of danger."

"What does Your Majesty think in the palace? Can you control this front line?"

"What's more, the sky can't be stepped down, and His Majesty's pressure can't be given to you. I'll bear everything."

Yuan Chonghuan said

"Ming Gong, if we don't obey the imperial decree, we will be rebellious. But if we obey the imperial decree, we will be following the wishes of those female thieves and will be in danger."

Huang Zongxi said: "Ming Gong, if you are a student, it is better to lead the teacher back to the court!"

Zhang Haogu glanced at Huang Zongxi, and then looked at the map in front of him: "What am I waiting for? To pacify the Tartars. Will we go back if our purpose is achieved?"

"The pressure from the central government cannot be applied to the front line, and you don't have to worry about supplies, food, and wages. I started preparing for these things as early as the year before last. Do you really think that the imperial court has been preparing for this battle for a year?"

"Zhili, Shandong, and Liaonan have enough food, grass and ordnance to support this battle, which is enough for our army to fight for more than two years."

"Besides, who says we can't win?"

"Don't forget, everyone, there is a million-strong army of our Ming Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty under Huang Taiji."


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