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Chapter 0896 Kidnapping Sun Chengzong and liberating Suncheon peacefully

"Mr. Qian Ge, originally we thought you would return to Changshu."

After listening to the visitor's words, Qian Qianyi smiled bitterly and took a sip of his drink. This drink, which originally tasted refreshing and mellow, left a fragrance on his lips and teeth after a sip, but now it was so bitter that Qian Qianyi's throat hurt: "I'm a deposed person.

Chief Assistant, although I begged for the bones, your Majesty does not agree, so how can I go home?"

Obviously, Qian Qianyi didn't want to go back to his hometown, he was forced to stay in the capital.

If Qian Qianyi could return to Suzhou, Qian Qianyi would definitely be one of the best in Suzhou based on his reputation and connections in both the government and the public over the years. The Qian family in Changshu is currently one of the largest families in Suzhou.

But Chongzhen obviously did not trust Qian Qianyi. Even though Qian Qianyi begged for his body, he still kept Qian Qianyi in the capital.

"Mr. Qian Ge, our visit this time is actually not based on the order of the chief minister."

The visitor's words made Qian Qianyi's eyes flash: "Oh? Isn't the chief assistant looking for me?"

"Mr. Qian Ge, you also know that the first assistant is someone who misses old friendship. The first assistant gave you and Eunuch Wei a way out, but none of you had any choice." Qian Qianyi blushed when he heard what the visitor said.

, Zhang Haogu initially left a way out for him and Wei Zhongxian, allowing them to go to Liaodong to live a prosperous and prosperous life, and even said they could continue to engage in politics, but they did not choose.

"Even so, the chief assistant doesn't want to trouble you anymore, but the situation is a little different now." The person continued.

Qian Qianyi narrowed his cloudy-looking eyes: "What do you want me to do?"

"Mr. Qian Ge, please look at this first." The visitor took out a map from his sleeve.

Qian Qianyi opened it and his eyes widened suddenly. It was a military map of the Datong Party. The content of the map was the Zhili area. There were circles marked on it, representing the imperial guards and the capital camps.


In the surrounding area, seven or eight red arrows were pointed at Shuntian Mansion from all directions.

"This is" Qian Qianyi's hands were shaking.

"This is the offensive that our Datong Party is about to launch against Zhili. The Northwest Front Army, Northeast Front Army, Monan Front Army and Shandong Front Army will all participate. We will divide the battlefield and then take Shuntian Prefecture directly."

"Mr. Qian Ge, our Datong Party is only targeting the corrupt imperial court, not the people, so we don't want to cause any damage to Shuntian Mansion. It would be best if the issue of Shuntian Mansion can be resolved peacefully."

After listening to what the visitor said, Qian Qianyi nodded: "Last question, who are you here on behalf of?"

"The General Staff Department is under the Central Military Council of Datong," the person said.

"I understand." Qian Qianyi nodded slowly.

After the visitor left, Qian Qianyi looked at the once bustling streets and the now depressed and lonely market, and couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, late Emperor, I am so ashamed of you."

At this time, outside Jinzhou City, groups of Datong soldiers were marching in formation. They had high morale, wore Datong cotton armor, and carried their own muskets. The bayonets on the muskets were extremely bright, with an intimidating edge.

Flags were raised high, dancing in the breeze.

As these flags flutter, you can see resounding names. Every association, every logo and even every school has made great achievements in battle and has gone through countless wars.

The first town in the northeast of Datong, the third town in the northeast of Datong, the fourth town in the northeast of Datong, the fifth town in the northeast of Datong, and the sixth town in the northeast of Datong. The soldiers from five towns set out from Jinzhou. Along the way, they passed through Ningyuan, crossed Suizhong, and finally crossed

Shanhaiguan enters Zhili.

This time, they are fighting back to Zhili and coming to liberate their hometown.

Cao Wenzhao and Fang Yunchu rode their war horses and looked at the long dragon advancing mightily. In the team, heavy firearms such as general cannons, flying fire crows, long snake formation-breaking arrows, etc. were being pulled by pack horses.

In the back, there are boxes and boxes of explosive bombs, fire dragon bombs, heavy rockets, thunderbolts and other killing weapons.

More than 80,000 elite soldiers, plus a full 40,000 logistics personnel in the rear, 120,000 people pulled out a long queue. Next to the groups of infantry, there were also a large number of cavalry passing by in a hurry. They were the vanguard.

Gather at Shanhaiguan.

"Brother Fang, this is a rare opportunity to command an army of 100,000 people. With our material reserves and logistics capabilities, there are not many opportunities to mobilize an army of 100,000 people, let alone to attack Shuntian Prefecture." Cao Wenzhao


Fang Yunchu also smiled: "Speaking of which, I envy Mr. Shi even more. He commands eight towns and an army of 130,000 people by himself, which is enviable."

Cao Wenzhao smiled and said: "The 130,000-strong army is true, but the real elites are still the original three towns in the northwest. At present, it is those three towns that can maintain a full range of firearms and heavy artillery. The remaining five towns still have firearms and heavy artillery.

Half a sword and half a sword, how can it be as good as the five elite towns like us?"

"Let's just talk about Mr. Zhou's side. He has four towns, but one of the four towns still has insufficient firearms. This is still close to Liaodong and can support across the sea. The northwest side doesn't have as much good equipment as we do.


Fang Yunchu was a little suspicious: "I heard that Mr. Shi complained to the chief about his poverty and asked the chief for equipment for three towns?"

"That's what happened, otherwise we would have expanded a few more towns." Cao Wenzhao was also a little jealous. After Shi Kefa's eight towns were established, would people still be short of ordnance if they had it?

"Let's not talk about that. We are the vanguard of the advance into Zhili this time. What's the use of their large numbers? As long as we advance into Shuntian first, we will be the first to succeed." Fang Yunchu smiled.

"That's right, whoever breaks into Shuntian first will be the first to win. Let the soldiers speed up the pace. We will work day and night to break into Shuntian!" Cao Wenzhao waved his hand boldly and was high-spirited.

At this time, in Taiyuan Prefecture, Shanxi Province, Shi Kefa was also mobilizing troops from various towns in the northwest.

"Have the equipment sent by the center been distributed?" Shi Kefa looked at the map and asked the staff aside.

"Mr. Shi, the central government has sent equipment for three towns and has been distributed," said a logistics staff officer.

"Well, that's good."

Shi Kefa threw down the charcoal in his hand as he said: "With the equipment of these three towns, although the artillery and heavy firearms are still a little behind, at least the basic muskets, tiger crouching cannons, sub-multiple cannons and the like are fully equipped.

With the strength of eight towns, I don’t believe I can’t defeat Shuntian.”

"Let each town be prepared. The fourth town, the fifth town, and the sixth town will go to Baoding, Zhending, and Shunde. The three fronts will be opened. No matter which line shows signs of breakthrough, the seventh town will immediately support. At the same time, the first town,

The second town and the third town go through Zijin Pass and go straight to Shuntian Mansion!"

Shi Kefa's tactics over the years were not in vain. From the beginning, there was a fierce offensive in three towns. It looked like a fierce attack, but it was completely to attract momentum. The real killer move still seemed to be to attack the three towns of Zijingguan.

But in fact, Shi Kefa can be said to be the main force among these routes. No matter which route makes a breakthrough, he can take advantage of the trend and send additional troops. With many cards in his hand, Shi Kefa has plenty of confidence.

As for Zhou Yuji in Shandong, his main task was to contain Zhu Chunchen's capital camp of hundreds of thousands.

With the failure of the imperial court's Liaodong offensive, 300,000 troops were lost in Liaodong, and the hundreds of thousands of Beijing troops in Zhu Chunchen's hands became the most important force in the Zhili region.

But Zhu Chunchen's army was pinned down by Zhou Yuji on the front line of Daming Prefecture and could not be mobilized easily. Although Hong Chengchou had tens of thousands of troops at this time, he encountered many obstacles when he wanted to reach Shuntian Prefecture. He had already broken into Zhili's army.

Datong Northwest Front Army encountered Hong Chengchou in the Sixth Town.

If Hong Chengchou did not break through the defense line of the Sixth Town in the northwest of Datong, he would not be able to enter Shuntian Mansion.

At this time, Shuntian Mansion was completely panicked when they learned that Datong's army was coming.

Emperor Chongzhen could no longer sit still, and the ministers in the court could not sit still either. They all asked Chongzhen to hunt for Yingtian in the south.

Chongzhen also knew the critical situation at hand and immediately ordered the south to hunt Yingtian.

Soon the entire Forbidden City began to prepare, the emperor's ceremonial guards were prepared, and the eunuchs and palace maids and guards took large and small bags and soon followed Chongzhen out of the capital.

When Chongzhen left the capital, he looked at the dilapidated and depressed scene of the capital and the sparse and numb residents on both sides of the streets. Chongzhen felt indescribably uncomfortable and aggrieved.

This is the capital of the Ming Dynasty and the home of the old Zhu family. Now that the majestic emperor of the Ming Dynasty is being forced to abandon the capital, this is simply a great shame!

The numbness of the people in the capital made Chongzhen feel aggrieved even more. The people have become like this. The people in the capital have already reached this state. Has the world of Ming Dynasty been corrupted beyond control?

He is not convinced!

The convoy left the capital in a mighty manner. All the civil and military officials of the capital, as well as the remaining merchants and gentry, followed the convoy and left. They wanted to flee to the south of the Yangtze River, where there is the Yangtze River Gorge and the Nanying Sky, which is another home of the old Zhu family.


What's more, in Henan, there are hundreds of thousands of troops of Duke Cheng Guo. With hundreds of thousands of troops there, the safety of this long escape team will be much higher.

Chongzhen ran away, and so did the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, but Qian Qianyi did not run away, and neither did Sun Chengzong.

Sun Chengzong has seen all this. He just wants to die in the capital as a simple minister of Ming Dynasty.

For this reason, Sun Chengzong took the initiative to take over the heavy task of defending the capital. He led the remaining troops of the capital and was responsible for resisting Datong's footsteps. Sun Chengzong wanted to attract Datong's troops to Shuntian to prevent those troops from pursuing them.

Chongzhen’s motorcade.

When Sun Chengzong accepted this task with a desperate heart, Chongzhen couldn't help but sigh that there were still loyal ministers in the Ming Dynasty. He immediately appointed Sun Chengzong as the governor of Zhili, leading the five-army governor's office and responsible for the safety of the capital.

In fact, Sun Chengzong was regarded as his backer.

Not long after Emperor Chongzhen fled, Datong's Northeastern Front Army advanced into Zhili, and at the same time, the Monan Front Army also began to advance towards Zhili.

The armies from the Northeast, Northwest, and Monan marched together, with long dragons and flags. The Datong soldiers used high morale and full spirit to tell the people of Zhili that their Datong Party was back.

Not leaving!

Singing military songs and filled with joy, the soldiers of the Datong Party marched all the way into Zhili. They encountered very few obstructions from the imperial officers and soldiers along the way. On the contrary, the people the soldiers of Datong encountered most were the common people.

Who among these Zhili people does not miss the good days of the Tianqi Dynasty, and who does not miss the scene when the New Party was in power?

Now the New Party is back with a new look, but the New Party is still the same New Party, and Zhang Shoufen is still the same Zhang Shoufang.

The cadres of the Datong Party have long been propagating in various places in Zhili. When the Datong Party comes, there will not be so many excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes; when the Datong Party comes, there will be no corrupt officials to oppress the people; when the Datong Party comes, the people will have

There is land for food

Abolish all exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, divide the land equally, rectify the administration of officials, and clean up the place. This is the answer given by the Datong Party to the people.

The people are not stupid. Although the people are honest, they also know who is good to them.

Facing the returning Datong Party, the people gave them the most sincere and warm welcome.

"You are finally back. We have been looking forward to seeing you so much."

"You won't leave after you come back, right? Don't leave. We haven't had enough of our peaceful days, and our children haven't had a good life yet."

"You must be thirsty or hungry after this journey. Folks, please bring out the water and food quickly so that the soldiers can eat and drink enough to be strong enough to go to the capital to settle accounts with those corrupt officials!"

A real welcome along the road, a real meal in the basket. The common people looked at the soldiers of the Datong Party happily by the road. They felt happy when they saw the spirit of the soldiers. There were many acquaintances of them, maybe neighbors.

The second dog in the family may be the eldest child from the neighboring village, but what remains the same is that they are all people who came out of the common people.

These people are now all soldiers of the Datong Party, and they are the main force who came back to liberate their hometown.

They wore brand-new cotton-padded armor and carried flintlock guns with bayonets stuck in them. They were all smiling and high-spirited. They not only held the belief of the Datong Party, but also the excitement of liberating their hometown, watching the villagers eagerly

With his gaze, the soldiers couldn't help but straighten their backs even more.

The artillery pieces of various sizes at the rear and the horse-drawn carriages loaded with firearms also made the people exclaim. With such an army and so many firearms, let alone conquering Shuntian Prefecture, nothing could stop them north of the Yangtze River.


Cao Wenzhao and Fang Yunchu looked at the people around them with smiles. They were also happy to see such a scene where the military and civilians were harmonious. Why was a famous general who left his name in history?

Isn't this the treatment that famous generals who have left their names in history have?

Datong's armies really marched victoriously without any obstacles.

Every pass was opened, the city gates were opened, and the red flag of Datong Society was replaced on the city head. Wherever the army went along the way, the people warmly welcomed them and took the initiative to eat pots of pulp to welcome these hometown soldiers.

Along the way, the army moved very quickly and arrived at Shuntian Mansion easily.

At this time, in Shuntian Mansion, there were not many civilians left in the entire capital. Only tens of thousands of defenders defended this lifeless and hopeless capital.

Sun Chengzong silently arranged the city defenses and troops. He didn't know if there was any point in doing all this.

But he is a Ming minister, a Ming minister who has gone through several dynasties, Wanli, Tianqi, Chongzhen, a veteran minister of three dynasties. He has always been a minister of the Ming Dynasty. He has been loyal to the Ming Dynasty all his life and does not want to lose his integrity at the end of his life.

Qian Qianyi looked at everything arranged by Sun Chengzong and sighed with emotion. Unexpectedly, he stayed in the capital in the end and wiped Chongzhen's butt as a scapegoat. It turned out that he and Sun Chengzong, the two ministers who had been abandoned by Chongzhen, were the ones like them.

Two ministers of Gu Ming were left to Chongzhen by the late emperor Zhu Youxiao.

Speaking of which, if Chongzhen really did what the late emperor said and did not have his own way, what would the Ming Dynasty look like today?

In any case, this will definitely not be the case now.

The situation in the Ming Dynasty was not sustained by Chongzhen. Now that the edifice of the Ming Dynasty is about to collapse, it is not something that Chongzhen can stop.

After setting up the city defense for a day, the tired Sun Chengzong returned to his home and sat on a chair tiredly. He had a hunch that the city defense he had deployed would not be able to stop the Datong Army for too long.

Because the Datong Army has high morale, many elites, support from the people, and various resources and firearms.

As for the people left behind in the capital, there are only tens of thousands of old, weak, sick and disabled people. The capital has too few firearms. How many days can it be defended?

Chongzhen said that if he could not hold on, he would allow Sun Chengzong to retreat on his own, but Sun Chengzong had no intention of retreating at all. As for setting fire to the city as Chongzhen said, Sun Chengzong had no intention of doing it.

He just wants to die here, that's all.

One day later, the red flag of Datong Society appeared outside the city. It was a cavalry team.

There are about five hundred people, a very standard battalion of knights.

This cavalry battalion is the vanguard sent out to explore the enemy's situation and open up roads.

The cavalry camp arrived outside the capital, indicating that the main force of Datong was about to arrive.

Sun Chengzong stood on the city wall and looked outside the city. Sure enough, in just a moment, a large amount of dust was flying, and the black cavalry was approaching quickly, with red flags fluttering in the wind and making a hunting sound.

These armored cavalry are clearly the elite knights of Datong. At a glance, they almost cover the entire wilderness. They are a torrent of more than ten thousand cavalry. Just by looking at them, you can feel their unstoppable and terrifying momentum.

Soon, with the arrival of the cavalry, a large number of infantry marched into the suburbs of the capital. A large number of Datong troops appeared not only in the east, but also in the west and north at almost the same time.

These troops with red flags surrounded them from three directions, leaving only the southern city wall. This was a standard siege of three and one missing, and it was also the standard start of the siege.

As a large number of Datong troops arrived, large flags also appeared outside the capital city. Shi Kefa, Cao Wenzhao, Fang Yun came out, and Han Yaowei's general flags appeared outside the city, as well as the general flags of the commanders of various towns. These familiar big flags

The title of general made the old, weak, sick and disabled people guarding the city feel even more desperate.

Just looking at the dark Datong army outside the city and the heavy cannons made them feel powerless, let alone these powerful generals.

On that day, the Datong Army did not launch an attack on the city. They just sent people to tell the soldiers guarding the city that they still had a chance. As long as they opened the city gate and chose to surrender, they could survive and go home and be ordinary people; and Sun Chengzong also

You can go home to take care of your old age, and the whole family can take care of themselves.

But Sun Chengzong chose to refuse. He wanted to die to show his determination, and he wanted to serve the late emperor.

At night, many generals came to Qian Qianyi's residence. These were the commanders who commanded the troops defending the city. Even if Sun Chengzong could command every army defending the city, these armies still needed people to lead them.

Obviously, these commanders did not want to accompany Sun Chengzong to death. They did not want to fight this meaningless losing battle, not to mention that they were abandoned sons abandoned by Chongzhen.

"So, you are all ready to wake up?" Qian Qianyi looked at these generals.

"Mr. Qian Ge, we are willing to listen to you!"

"Yes, we are willing to listen to you!"

Seeing the statements of these generals, Qian Qianyi nodded with satisfaction: "We will act tonight, tie up Mr. Sun Ge, and open the city gate early tomorrow morning. Since everyone is willing to believe me, I will lead you to survive."

Early the next morning, the city gates of various places in the capital were opened, and Sun Chengzong was tied up and sent to the Datong military camp.

Capital, peaceful liberation.

This chapter has been completed!
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