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Chapter 1271

"It's just, what's there to see?"

Feng Lin nodded, but did not move his eyes away from Chi Jinghong.


Ailian jumped on Feng Lin's back and covered his eyes.

"Okay, I won't read anymore."

Feng Lin pushed Ailian's hand away, "Mainly, I've never seen her dressed like this."

The first time always feels novel.

He walked towards Chi Jinghong and Chi Qing, "There is a hot spring on the top of the mountain. You can relax at night after being trapped for such a long time."

"That's right! Feng Lin can become invisible!"

Ailian said on Feng Lin's back, "Be careful."

"What the hell?"

Feng Lin looked unhappy and said, "Ellen, what do you think of me? Am I that kind of person?"

"I didn't doubt you, I just wanted to remind you."

Ai Lian jumped off Feng Lin's back.

Just as Feng Lin said.

In the past few months, Chi Jinghong and Chi Qing had been on edge all day long.

It's time to relax.

The two of them went to take a bath in a hot spring high up there.

Feng Lin didn't take a peek either. It would be okay if Chi Jinghong was the only one.

The key is Chi Qing.

Feng Lin still has professional ethics.

If you are not your own person, you will never do anything inappropriate.

Tonight, Feng Lin took a few people to have dinner at another ruins.

Then I went back to the villa and had a good sleep.

The ruins this time really made everyone physically and mentally exhausted.

Early the next morning.

Feng Lin opened his eyes.

He shook his wrist slightly, and he was almost recovered.

When I arrived at the living room of the villa, I noticed that Chi Jinghong and Chi Qing were already sitting on the sofa.

What is surprising is that Chi Jinghong is still wearing the same outfit as yesterday.

As for Chi Qing, she changed into a black sportswear.

Her slightly baby-fat face looks similar to that of an ordinary high school student.

"Feng Lin, when are you going to rush to the other side?"

Chi Jinghong asked calmly when he saw Feng Lin coming downstairs.

"Just now."

Feng Lin took out his cell phone and looked at it. It was nine o'clock in the morning.

It should be just right to drive to Lanhe.

He went back upstairs and opened Elaine's room.

"Ellen, I'm going to Jiang City, will you go?"

Feng Lin asked.

"Don't go..."

Ailian's voice was drowsy, and she was obviously half asleep and half awake.

"All right."

Feng Lin closed the door again, went downstairs and said, "Let's go."

After the three of them came outside, Feng Lin used the formation to modify their appearance to turn their hair color and eyes into black.

In the eyes of outsiders, they have become standard Chinese people.

But Chi Jinghong's unique aura is still very obvious.

Just by looking at his height and figure, walking on the street will give you a glimpse of everything.

Feng Lin drove Wuling Hongguang and took the two of them to find Lan He.

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

Feng Lin parked the car in front of Lan He's house.

He led Chi Jinghong and Chi Qing into the manor.

The guard naturally knew Feng Lin and bowed his head gently to him.

However, they were still attracted by Chi Jinghong at a glance.

Women over 1.8 meters tall are rare in China.

There are very few women of this height and beauty.

Even if she is beautiful, she is extremely rare if she has such an explosive figure.

"Old Man Lan."

Feng Lin said hello from afar.

Lan He was lying on the rocking chair in the yard as usual.

There is a radio and wolfberry water on the table next to it.

"You're finally here. I originally planned to call you and ask you to pick it up."

Lan He threw Hou Yi's bow under the table, "I'm afraid I'll lose it or someone will snatch it away."

"Who dares to rob you?"

Feng Lin smiled and took Hou Yi's bow and put it on his body, "By the way, Old Man Lan, you really can't kill Xu Xianfan?"

He remembered Lan He's first fight with Xu Xianfan.

One blow made her vomit blood.

"That is the most mysterious master of the Xu family. So far, the country has almost no information about them."

Lan He picked up the water glass and said, "Let's have a 50-50 fight with her. If we both die together, we should be able to kill her."

"What about a piano solo?" Feng Lin continued to ask.

Chi Jinghong and Chi Qing also looked at Lan He, more interested in this matter.

"Youqin Solo was a big shot thousands of years ago. He must have his own methods."

Lan He took a sip of water and said, "Let's go 50-50 with him. I should be able to die together with him."

Feng Lin rolled his eyes, "What about the old man?"

"I have long said that Xiao Ji is a genius. He is only in his early 100s and his body has not aged yet."

Lan He put the water glass back on the table and said, "He and I will be at a 50-50 ratio. If we risk our lives, we should be able to pull him down."


Feng Lin was a little confused.

How come you are 50/50 with everyone?

"Old man Lan, the old man can hold Xu Xianfan down steadily. Since you can even fight him, how come you can't beat Xu Xianfan?"

Feng Lin asked strangely.

"Boy, I'm already old. I can't beat them in a normal fight, so we can only die together."

Lan He paused and explained, "You can use me as a explosive bag. I can blow up anyone, but I will also be shattered into pieces."

Feng Lin nodded secretly, roughly understanding.

It should be similar to the seven fatal needles taught by my father.

My father once said that the last of the seven fatal needles will cause the meridians to go crazy.

Can be a real man for one minute.

But afterwards, the meridians of the minor cases burst, and the severe cases died on the spot.

"By the way, I have one more thing to do when I come here this time, about the alien flow."

Feng Lin turned around and pointed at Chi Jinghong, "Jinghong has reached the seventh level. If you want to progress faster, going there is the best choice."

"The Jiuli people have a hard time living there, especially for such a beautiful woman."

Lan He glanced at Chi Jinghong.

"I'm not afraid!"

Chi Jinghong said in a deep voice, "I'm not afraid even if I encounter the ninth level."

"What if it's the sublimation realm?"

Lan He looked at Chi Jinghong, "My suggestion is to at least get a token of Feng Chen. If you are really in trouble, and they want to touch you, you have to think twice."

Feng Lin suddenly remembered the token given by his father.

Take some time and let him get a few more to defend Chi Jinghong.

"By the way, can I let Jinghong go for a spin on the other side of the nearby torrent first?"

Feng Lin suddenly asked.

"Yes, you can, but be careful."

Lan He explained, "Do you know why this rushing river is unguarded?"

"have no idea."

Feng Lin shook his head.

"It's similar to our place. It's hard to find the other side of the river. Not everyone can find it."

Lan He explained, "There was a lot of noise when we moved there. If people know that there is a torrent there, our place will be lively from now on."

Feng Lin nodded, "Then let's change places."

"No, that's it."

Lan He stood up from the bench with a smile, "Just in time to take a look at the situation over there."

"No, Old Man Lan, I'll ask my father to get something good for Jinghong first."

Feng Lin thought he would let Chi Jinghong leave now.

"What are you thinking about? Go there and come back."

Lan He stepped forward and said, "Let's go."

The mountain peak behind Jiangshi University.

Feng Lin and others came to the other side of Benliu.

Chi Jinghong looked at the rolling yellow spring water, still a little afraid.

This chapter has been completed!
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