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Chapter 2362

"The news from Han Sheng is that these strange beasts are disobedient and are burning, killing and looting. Most of the branches of the Qiankun Merchant Alliance have been attacked."

Sun Fa grabbed his white hair with his hand.

Then he took out a flat iron wine bottle from the space ring, raised his head and took a sip.

"Haha, it has nothing to do with the Qiankun Merchant Alliance. How can we tell the intelligence of these animals? They are just pure savages. No matter who they are, they are going to take advantage of them."

Li Daoyi shook his head slightly, "Otherwise, let's do the same as the Yin-Yang Crusaders and get all the treasures to the headquarters for the time being."

"If it's just news about Han Sheng, there's no need for me to come in person."

Sun Fa took another sip of wine, and his eyes appeared faintly golden on his weathered face, "He's here."

Li Dao suddenly froze for a moment, then laughed, "Are you happy?"

"No, I just remembered things from the past."

Sun Fa shook his head slightly, "A trace of hatred came out of his heart."

"Girl, go back."

As soon as Li Dao put away his fishing gear, he shouted to Yao Lulu beside him, then stood up and left.


Yao Lulu washed her hands by the river, wiped them on her body casually, and then jumped up and followed Li Daoyi.

Sun Fa also turned around, drank wine, and walked deeper.

The southernmost part of the Southern Continent is one of the four major forces here and the most mysterious abyss.

Of course, at this moment, the Southern Continent has become one of the three major forces.

Only Longshan, Yun Huanyue's Demonic Forest, and the abyss are left.

The Abyss is located in the southernmost part of the Southern Continent. They never leave home and the territory they occupy is not large.

They do not accept visits from anyone, and they do not participate in anything in the Southern Continent.

Over time, other forces here also ignored his existence.

On a cliff in the south, there is a stone with two large red characters written on it.


Sun Fa walked past here and jumped into the endless darkness below.

Li Daoyi also grabbed Yao Lulu and jumped down together.

After reaching the bottom, Sun Fa's body flashed with golden light, and countless formation runes floated out.

These runes are all oracle bone characters.

Then, a circular light spot appeared in the surrounding darkness.

The three of them walked inside together.

Passing through the light spot, they appeared in a white world surrounded by thick snow.

Sun Fa slowly flew into the air and rushed deeper.

Li Daoyi also grabbed Yao Lulu and followed him.

When we reached the deepest part, a man was sitting on a stone bench.

He has gray hair and two deep nasolabial wrinkles on his face. He is dumbfounded and his eyes are looking ahead distractedly.

He is none other than Zhu Xie, who is both a Han native.

Next to Zhu Xie, there were two middle-aged men with short hair standing. They stood here very respectfully.

One of them was wearing a red robe and the other was wearing a black robe.

Apart from the three of them, there is only one running stream left here.

Located not far from them.

"Everyone else is in the formation, no outsiders will hear our conversation."

Zhu Xie said expressionlessly.

"Okay, let's get started."

As soon as Li Dao sat down, he smiled and looked at the two middle-aged men in front of him.

Sun Fa also sat down, raised his head and took a sip of wine.

As for Yao Lulu here, she is squatting in the distance, playing with the snow on the ground.


The two standing middle-aged men nodded respectfully and jumped into the torrent together.

"Guess what happened this time, you two?"

Li Daoyi waited until the two of them entered the torrent, then looked at Sun Fa and Zhu Xie with a smile.

"I have no idea."

Zhu Xie said expressionlessly.

"I can probably guess."

Sun Fa looked up at the sky and murmured softly.

At this moment, the two people from before appeared from Benliu.

The middle-aged man in red robe looked at the three people in front of him and said, "Dao Yi, Sun Fa, Zhu Xie, long time no see."

The middle-aged man in black robe said: "We already know about the alien land."

"Well, what can I do if you come here this time?"

Li Daoyi asked with a smile.

"I also understand the matter of the Qiankun Merchant Alliance. There is chaos in the alien land. I think we should also take action."

The middle-aged man in red robe looked at the people in front of him, "What do you think?"

"I have no ideas. My brain is too lazy to move. Just tell me what you want to do."

Zhu Xie said calmly.

"When alien beasts attack, they will most likely go to the other side to deal with us. I also think it's time to take action."

Sun Fa took a sip of wine and said.

"Haha, I think since we are all Han people, we don't need to show up to the public, but be the ones in charge behind the scenes."

Li Daoyi said with a smile, "Otherwise, let's let the Qiankun Merchant Alliance come to light."

Bang! Bang!

After the three of them finished speaking, the two middle-aged men jumped into the torrent again.

The two of them are just mouthpieces on the other side of the stream.

After a while, the two men appeared again.

The middle-aged man in red robe said: "Dao Yi is right. I also think it is not good for all Han people to come out directly. We only need a spokesperson."

The middle-aged man in black robe then said: "Otherwise, let Zhu Xie or Sun Fa go out. It will be more than enough to help Han Sheng."

"Trouble." Zhu Xie shook his head gently.

"I go!"

Sun Fa stood up and said, "These lowly animals deserve to die. As long as I am here, I will definitely drive them all away."

Li Daoyi glanced at Sun Fa and sighed helplessly, "Don't let hatred go to your head. You may as well go, it's time to see your daughter."


Sun Fa raised his head, and a trace of murderous intent flashed through his weathered eyes. Then, the murderous intent gradually calmed down.

"He is innocent." Li Daoyi reminded.

"Of course I know!"

Sun Fa took a few sips of wine and said, "I'm relieved. Everything is my fault. I can't tell right from wrong. I was deceived by that shameless woman."

Li Daoyi exhaled and said to the two people next to him: "Don't worry, you two, Sun Fa will go to the Qiankun Merchant Alliance. From now on, the Qiankun Merchant Alliance will replace everyone as Han people, go to the bright side, and overwhelm the heroes. "


The two men jumped into the rushing water again.

Feng Lin and others followed Xing Heng and Xing Nan and returned to the Xingyuan Clan.

Xing Heng did not forget to carry Shui Yuan's body.

Seeing this corpse, no one from the Xingyuan clan dared to object.

What's more, Fen and Xing Heng were also accompanied by Feng Lin.

During the period between Xingheng and Xingyan, I had been living on the other side and didn't know what was happening in the other side.

But many people present have heard of Feng Lin's name.

Dare to openly oppose the Sun Clan. The key is that up to now, he is still alive and well.

This kind of strength is far beyond what they can compare with.

You must know that the Sun Clan can send just one Golden Crow to destroy their Xingyuan Clan.

Feng Lin was invited to the living room.

Xing Heng and Xing Nan said that they had to clean their bodies first and let Feng Lin and others wait for a while.

In fact, they found the elders here and inquired about Feng Lin first.

They really couldn't believe that Feng Lin had reached this point in a short period of time.

After hearing the rumors about Feng Lin, both of them looked at each other, even more speechless.

"Feng Lin, come with me."

Xing Nan had taken off his black armor, washed his body, and put on a black dress.

She grabbed Feng Lin's hand and walked to the back of the living room.

Yaoyao and Ailian then stood up.

"Feng Lin, let them wait for a moment. I want to tell you a secret."

Xing Nan's eyes were as charming as silk and he murmured softly.

This chapter has been completed!
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