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Chapter 136 Amazing changes

Day after day, year after year, time flies by, and in the blink of an eye Yunjing is already ten years old.

In the past few years, studying still takes up most of his time.

The content of learning is still divided into three broad categories, etiquette, arithmetic, and poetry.

The gentleman who listened to the teaching said that the teaching materials are unified across the country and the same content is learned everywhere.

From the beginning to the end, since Yunjing first enrolled in school, the subject of etiquette has been throughout his study career. He guessed that as long as he still studies in a place like the school in the future, etiquette classes will always exist.

Etiquette is a very complicated subject. From the initial greeting ceremony, it gradually becomes more complicated from the simple to the deep.

Weddings and funerals, national etiquette, etiquette within the system, etiquette in the world, festival etiquette, and even foreign etiquette...

The etiquette can be described as vast and overwhelming.

Some of these things Yunjing has already been exposed to and learned, some are currently learning, and some will be exposed to in the future.

Arithmetic is not just as simple as addition and subtraction. Slowly Yunjing and the others began to learn multiplication and division, then geometry, even measurement, even drawing, etc.

Relatively speaking, this subject is the easiest for Yun Jing to learn. The content he has studied so far is probably the same as when he was a primary school student in his previous life.

As for poems and articles, they are all simple. There are articles left by sages and great figures, as well as articles and poems by famous contemporary figures, etc. They study, analyze, appreciate, and only explain the rare words when they encounter them. After all, it is a specialized literacy class.

They are long gone.

Generally speaking, they are currently learning some simple and basic things. Yunjing learns very easily. In the past few years, he has ranked first in every assessment, and his position as the top student in the class is as stable as Mount Tai.

It's a pity that their school is too small, and there is only one class with the same progress. Otherwise, Yunjing would definitely be the first in the grade or even the whole school.

Such results made their teacher Yang Yungong full of praise, saying that Yunjing was the best student at the same pace in his teaching career. This made Yang Yungong very proud. Every time he went out to visit friends, he would say how good Yunjing was and how he was.

The students who have been taught by them are more respectable.

Teachers also compare themselves with each other on the quality of their teaching.

There is more than one Niujiao town in Xinlin County, and there are seven or eight other towns. There are schools in those towns. Under Yang Yunchong's boast, Yunjing gradually gained a reputation in those schools.

Of course, Yunjing didn't know this. He hadn't been to other schools yet, and Yang Yungong wouldn't praise him in person, for fear that he would be proud, but was very strict with Yunjing.

Although the content he is studying so far is simple, Yunjing has not slacked off because of this. He still spends a lot of time practicing calligraphy every day to consolidate what he has learned before, and he does not aim too far to learn anything advanced.

He implemented his master Li Qiu's teachings thoroughly, striving to learn deeply, deeply, and solidly, rather than just superficially.

It's not that Yunjing Yumu's head has to be flexible according to the master's arrangements. In fact, he is now literate, and the biggest 'obstacle' in coming to this world has been almost eliminated. There is no need for him to be so eager for success. Anyway, he is already literate.

I'm still young, so take your time.

Ten-year-old Yunjing is about 1.5 meters tall, which is already outstanding among his peers. But what makes him different from most of his peers is that although many children of this age are tall enough, they appear thin and thin. He is not like this

, the figure is very well-proportioned, and she looks thin when wearing clothes but looks fat when undressing.

These are the benefits brought by Reiki. Although he has not practiced martial arts, he still has muscles on his body. He has a very well-proportioned and good-looking figure. He has four abdominal muscles, which he got from farming with his master every year.

I don't know whether it's the nourishing effect of spiritual energy or the strength of his mother's genes. As he grows up, the clouds gradually open up, and he becomes more and more beautiful, and his appearance is slowly developing in the direction of 'unremarkable'.

Yunjing is quite satisfied with this. It doesn't mean that he is arrogant and narcissistic. After all, who doesn't want to be handsome, and he is not as handsome as a 'little fresh meat'.

Well, after all, regardless of his age, Yunjing can be called a handsome little nugget. He is very popular with those older girls and younger wives when he walks on the street. He often encounters those older girls and younger daughters-in-law who peek at him secretly.

He covered his mouth and snickered.

He was thinking that maybe in the future, even if he was not good at writing or fighting, he would still be able to make a living by relying on his reputation!

Bah, bah, bah, what are you thinking about? Are we that kind of person?

The external changes are secondary, the internal changes Yun Jing himself is a bit stunned now.

He absorbs spiritual energy every day, and now, the range of his thinking and senses has reached a radius of almost a kilometer, and yet, he has not yet felt his limit!

And his body coordination is very good, so good that he can't believe it. Let's put it this way, although he has not specially exercised, he can easily perform some normal and difficult movements, such as doing the splits and bending over.

It is quite easy for him to touch his forehead to his knees, tilt his head back to touch his buttocks, etc. He can even turn his body 360 degrees and twist his waist like a twist, which is simply inhuman!

But this does not mean that his body is soft, in fact he is very hard.

Muscles and bones are very dense. Recently, he tried secretly and found that even an ordinary sharp knife could not cut through his skin!

This is a bit scary, after all, he has never practiced any horizontal kung fu at all, it is all brought about by the nourishment of spiritual energy over time.

Then his strength became very powerful, so powerful that he could jump more than ten meters high in one leap without much effort. He could easily lift a millstone weighing more than 100 kilograms with one hand and throw it dozens of meters away.

He can also smash a piece of bluestone the size of a chair with one punch without even breaking the skin of his fist!

Recalling the methods shown by the Fengdao Sect members who came to Xiaoxi Village to select disciples, Yunjing thought to himself that although he had never practiced martial arts, with his current physical fitness alone, he felt

I can hit ten!

Although he no longer minded the lack of qualifications, but occasionally thinking about that incident, Yun Jing still felt that when Wang Captou said that he was not suitable for martial arts training, it must be because he did not have enough vision.

Look, are we not suitable for practicing martial arts? Even if we practice martial arts, can we have such ability in one or two years?

All these are just his own conditions, and he has not yet been exposed to martial arts training.

In short, he is very balanced in all aspects. The softness of his body, the density of skeletal muscles, the strength of his organs, and the coordination of his senses, etc., all go hand in hand. It is not a deformity that is strong in any one aspect alone.

In addition, the weight of Yunjing controlled objects can now reach almost one kilogram, and it can multi-task and control multiple items at the same time!

With all these things, sometimes Yunjing himself wonders, what does this mean to him?

Are you secretly cultivating immortality?

Well, having said that, absorbing spiritual energy to nourish oneself is no different from cultivating immortals. Other than that, he doesn't know how to explain his own changes.

He hasn't been exposed to martial arts training yet, especially after he has changed so much, he doesn't care much about martial arts training anymore. Why should Mao go through the hardships of martial arts training if he can become stronger while lying down?

All in all, with these changes, his sense of security has been greatly improved.

He is very low-key and doesn't like to be aggressive and aggressive with others. He doesn't show off his integrity. No one knows what kind of destructive power he hides under his handsome appearance.

As Li Qiu, who got along day and night, he knew something about Yunjing's situation. He knew that Yunjing was very strong and well-coordinated, but he didn't know the details.

This kind of thing, after experiencing the thing where I could see things with my eyes closed, which even Master couldn't explain, Master didn't take the initiative to ask Yun Jing or tell him.

As the scope of his senses increases, Yunjing can control and absorb more spiritual energy. His physique increases faster than at the beginning, and it will get faster and faster. It is changing every day. What can he say? He is afraid of scaring the master.

As for what made Yunjing different from ordinary people, Li Qiu just told him not to fight easily with others, and that the focus should still be on studying. However, he told Yunjing that with such a physique, he would not be able to learn martial arts in the future.

You will save yourself a lot of hardship and get twice the result with half the effort.

This is just Li Qiu's euphemism. In fact, with Yunjing's current physique, once he comes into contact with martial arts, the force he unleashes will explode exponentially!

He didn't tell Yunjing this because he was afraid that Yunjing would be distracted and delay his studies.

Then, it is still thanks to the aura. Yunjing has been practicing calligraphy on the slate all year round, and the brush is worn out every two months on average. But now, there are no calluses on his hands, and his hands don’t look like


Where are the scholars who don’t have calluses on their hands?

His master's innate master still has calluses on his hands.

In the past few years, in addition to his own growth and changes, those around him have also been quietly changing.

Every time Yunjing goes back, he nourishes his family with spiritual energy. Anyway, from the first time until now, his family members have never been sick, and occasionally they recover faster than ordinary people if they are accidentally injured.

On the other hand, his family members are getting better and better. It can be said that they are getting younger as they live. Even his grandfather Yun Lin, who once had white hair on his head, has now turned black. He is very energetic.

His radiant face made people believe that he would have no problem living to be a hundred years old.

One time, Yunjing's family came to see him and met Li Qiu. Afterwards, Li Qiu told Yunjing that according to his observation, Yunjing's family members did not have any hidden diseases caused by hard work, and they were healthier than those who were pampered and well-off.

Qian’s family is fine!

One thing Yunjing is quite troubled about is that he often uses spiritual energy to nourish his family, but they still cannot retain and absorb the spiritual energy. He can't figure out the principle of this.

Does stumping really have something to do with the soul? The simpler and peaceful the mind, the closer it is to nature, and the more it is in line with aura?

He thinks it should be like this.

Tsk, take your time...

The wild chrysanthemum in the flower garden where Yun Jing and the others live has also changed a lot. Under the nourishment of Yun Jing's habitual spiritual energy, although the wild chrysanthemum cannot escape the natural law of withering and withering in the cold winter, it will sprout and bloom again every year.

Up to now, the wild chrysanthemum is no longer what it was before. The flowers are golden, the size of a bowl, and the flowers are extremely fragrant. The flowering period is very long. Yunjing seriously doubts that if this continues, the wild chrysanthemum may bloom for a long time in all seasons!

Li Qiu was very curious about that wild chrysanthemum. It was said that it was almost as precious as the rare varieties specially cultivated by many wealthy families in the capital. He didn't find out why, but he loved that chrysanthemum even more than Yunjing. It was so precious.

, and even made room for the wild chrysanthemum in the flower garden.

Dahei at home has become stronger and stronger under the nourishment of spiritual energy. He is smooth and smooth, and he is more humane. He is not tired for most of the day when plowing the fields. In the past, Dahei would be so tired that he would foam at the mouth when doing such heavy physical work. Now,

No, dragging the plowshare is not too easy, just like walking.

Once again Yunjing saw Dahei rubbing its horns against a tree, and the bark of the tree was torn off by its horns!

Xiaobai has also changed a lot. He has now grown to 1.2 meters tall, with wings spread three meters away. His claws are as sharp as knives. Once he caught a nearly five-meter-long python, but it was not injured. It seemed like it had become a python.

Sky Overlord.

Xiaobai was still very happy with the change in Yunjing. He felt that if he kept going like this, sooner or later he would be able to ride Xiaobai and soar in the sky.

Under normal circumstances, Yunjing would be able to fly into the sky on Xiaobai at this age, but with the nourishment of spiritual energy, although he is not fat, he is not light, and Xiaobai cannot stand up to him, so there is nothing he can do.

There was one thing Yunjing had a hard time judging. Is Xiaobai a male or a female? It was difficult to tell the gender of birds, especially eagles. He had never been exposed to them before, and he had never seen Xiaobai lay eggs...

The little turtle is no longer a little turtle. It has grown to the size of a washbasin, and its body is blue and black. The turtle shell even has a faint metallic luster. It is hard when knocked, and it is very tough and strong.

It has been living in the small pond where Yunjing and the others live, lazily every day, but if anyone thinks that the little turtle is slow, it is a big mistake. That guy is very fast, even faster than the average rabbit.

, every time Xiaobai comes, it will run quickly to the bottom of the water and not come out, which makes a lot of people timid. Of course, it can also be said to be a sign of intelligence.

The paperweight has not changed much, but Yunjing always feels that the thing is still changing. It is more comfortable to play with, and it seems to be stronger. One time Yunjing accidentally dropped it on the stone floor, but it didn't break at all.

In short, everything around Yunjing was changing quietly.

Originally, when he went home occasionally, Yunjing also wanted to nourish other small animals that he could call friends with spiritual energy. However, every time Xiaobai was around, they did not dare to come close. As time went by, Yunjing had never seen those animals again until recently.

A small animal that can be called a friend.

Nature has natural selection, so I guess they are no longer around.

It would be false to say that Li Qiu was unaware of these abnormal situations, but after Yunjing observed it, he found that his master did not act strange at all.

Is it because he is well-informed and sees strange things, or does it mean that he doesn’t care at all? Or maybe he knows that these strange phenomena are related to Yunjing, but he doesn’t expose them?

Yunjing himself preferred the latter, and his master probably guessed that these things were related to him, but he didn't care.

Li Qiu himself is also changing.

As Yunjing grew up, he could control more spiritual energy, and often helped his master gather spiritual energy, and then Li Qiu achieved a breakthrough in martial arts.

He was once in the early stage of Xiantian. The experience twenty years ago made him depressed, and his cultivation has always stopped at this stage. With the help of Yunjing in the past two years, he seems to have returned to the time when he was a genius. In just two years, he has become a genius.

Breakthrough to the middle stage of Xiantian!

After all, Yunjing had never been exposed to martial arts, and he didn't know much about martial arts. He didn't know the specific difference between the early and middle stages of innateness, but he found that his master had become menopausal.

Regarding his breakthrough, Li Qiu did not hide it from Yun Jing, but instead told him a little bit about the changes after the breakthrough.

The innate true energy in the early stage can be released to injure the enemy from a distance, and is still in the category of "qi". In the middle stage, in his words, the true energy is one step closer, like a liquid in nature, and the sharp edges released can be condensed without stopping.

It can be dispersed and even controlled freely.

He also said that if he further reaches the late innate stage, there will be no difference between true energy and essence, and it can exist for a long time when released, but he has not reached that step yet.

Generally speaking, although Yunjing himself and those around him have undergone so many changes, his life is still very peaceful and uneventful.

When he was ten years old.

In the spring, more than a month after entering the new semester, the teacher Yang Yungong said something very important to Yunjing and the others.

That is, they have learned almost the basics until now, and are barely qualified to take part in the first imperial examination!

He said that if anyone has confidence in himself, he can give it a try. Even if he fails to pass the Tongsheng test, it doesn't matter. He is still young and there will be a chance next year.

That being said, he still suggested that the whole class should give it a try. It didn't matter whether they passed the middle school entrance exam or not. It would give themselves a chance to practice and accumulate some experience...

This chapter has been completed!
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