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Chapter 185: Return to Tranquility

I sat on the ground with my back against an old pine tree and Yun Jing, in this deserted corner, quietly gazing at the small mountain village not far away.

The bright moon rises, and the bright moonlight fills the earth, making the world hazy. The moonlight shines through the woods, the leaves sway, and casts swaying light spots on the ground.

A little rabbit came from nowhere and jumped to his side. It was not afraid of him and actively approached him, wandered around him, even stepped on him, and then disappeared into the grass at night.

Yunjing just kept sitting and looking at the small mountain village, feeling particularly peaceful.

The village is safe and sound.

It was late at night, but he still didn't move. The moon was high in the sky, fog had risen in the mountains, hazy and misty, and the dew gradually soaked his clothes...

After sitting there all night, Yunjing stood up and took in everything in the small mountain village until dawn and the morning light began to fade. He took a step toward the town.

“I’ve been feeling a little restless lately.”

On the way back to Niujiao Town, Yunjing said silently in his heart.

Maybe it's because of growing up, maybe it's because of the departure of the master, or maybe it's because of the experience in the town after leaving home a few years ago...

After sitting outside the village all night, he clearly felt that his state of mind was not as peaceful as before.

In fact, in retrospect, fame and wealth were not what Yunjing once pursued eagerly. At one time, he only wanted to be literate and live a peaceful life without worrying about food and clothing, which was already good.

But these years of experience, studying in school, competing for first place in exams with classmates, practicing martial arts, wanting to become stronger, and then wanting to make money... these things seemed to run counter to his original ideas.

It is undeniable that the things he has done over the years are not wrong, everyone has thoughts, but deep down in Yunjing's heart, he does not really like such 'noisyness'.

"Actually, everything I have done over the years has been moving towards my original goal. However, there seemed to be some deviations along the way. There is no need to worry about where the deviations were. The past has passed.

Why should you care? I am still me. No matter what kind of me I am, it is still me. From now on, I will be less impetuous and more indifferent. But for the life I once wanted, learning and martial arts are still indispensable, but there is no need.

It’s better to force it deliberately and let nature take its course…”

Thinking of these, Yun Jing felt particularly relaxed. It seemed that the mirror that had been quietly dusty at some point was wiped and became transparent again. It seemed that his mood had unknowingly improved to a higher level.

After sitting all night last night, Yunjing's mood was particularly peaceful. This was unprecedented in these years. Before that, he himself had ignored the subtle changes in his mentality.

Now that I have it again, it feels really good.

In fact, in the past few years, Yun Jing's state of mind was also very peaceful, but that kind of tranquility seemed to be like a pool of stagnant water, and underneath the stagnant water, there was an undercurrent surging.

Last night was different. The state of mind was no longer a pool of stagnant water, but became alive, like a clear spring in the mountains, gurgling and flowing, natural, lively, smart, and clear. It was natural tranquility, not a deliberately forced tranquility.

The morning light shines brightly in the distant sky, the red sun gradually climbs over the mountains, the sun shines all over the earth, and the whole world comes to life again.

"Actually, the world is still beautiful."

Taking a deep breath of the fresh morning air, Yunjing felt it was particularly sweet and seemed a little intoxicating.

"I am still me, and when time passes, I will still be me..."

Muttering in his mouth, he walked briskly towards Niujiao Town.

Returning to the small courtyard on the outskirts of the town, Yunjing put away his things. Time was still there. He was bathing in the morning sunshine and practicing martial arts. He no longer deliberately insisted on the lethality and pertinence of martial arts, and no longer pursued martial arts.

The effect and purpose of the method should be whatever you feel comfortable with, just follow your mood.

In this way, the effect is actually better, and the progress of martial arts is faster than before.

He didn't care, even though one morning's practice made more progress than the previous ten days combined.

Anyway, just be happy...

After all, the original idea was to practice martial arts just to have the power to protect yourself and live the life you want, not to kill.

After practicing martial arts, he still went to the school with a relaxed and happy mood. Today, he no longer cares about how profound knowledge he can obtain through learning. Learning, reading, and experiencing happiness and excitement from it are what he wants.

The laughter in the school and the beautiful poems in the book are not more joyful than just thinking about gaining fame through study?

To pursue fame wholeheartedly will put a layer of shackles on your soul and a heavy burden on your shoulders. What fun is there in that?

Looking back at the small courtyard in the suburbs, Yun Jingxin said that he must come here often in the future. In his free time, he would sit in front of the window with a book and a cup of tea, listen to the wind blowing the leaves, watch the rain playing the pipa, and watch the sun rise and the moon set. That is who he is.

The life you want...

The threat from the Dajiang Dynasty has been eliminated yesterday. As for the eldest princess, that is no longer something Yunjing can interfere with.

Aunt Xia is so calm, nothing will happen to her.

Where the small road meets the main road, Song Yan and the others are already waiting there.

The cloud scenery comes from the small road. The spring flowers on the roadside are blooming brilliantly, and the green crops in the fields are growing particularly pleasantly. The mist is misty and the sun is bright. The cloud scenery is like walking in a painting.

When Yunjing stepped onto the bullock cart, reclining in a very comfortable position and quietly reading a book, Song Yan couldn't help but said: "Master, you seem to be a little different today."

"Is there any?" Yun Jing raised his head and smiled.

After thinking for a while, Song Yan said: "Master, you are really different from yesterday, but I can't tell you what is different."

"I'm still me, what's the difference between yesterday, today, and tomorrow?" Yun Jing said with a smile, looking away from the book again.

Song Yan felt that Yun Jing's words were very profound, but with his knowledge and knowledge, he couldn't figure out the depth of that simple sentence.

"Master, you are really different. It's like I saw you for the first time. You seem to have returned to the past." Liu Dazhuang said suddenly.

Song Yan was stunned, back to the past? What was the young master like in the past?

"It would be great if we could go back to the past," Yun Jing shook his head and smiled.

This sentence comes from the heart. According to his current thoughts, if he could turn back time and do it all over again, he would probably choose to stay in the village, and the apprenticeship might not happen.

But it’s impossible to turn back time. What happened has already happened, so why bother worrying about it.

Well, it would be great if we could go back in time a little further and go back to our previous life.

Having said that, even if time could really be turned back, Yunjing probably wouldn't be able to let go of everything he has now. There are too many ties.

People, always live in the present...

Come to school, eat, and go to class.

At noon, someone in the school started discussing something, which made a fuss.

They were discussing something that happened yesterday evening, far away from Niujiao Town, and the news only reached here today.

They said that far away from Niujiao Town, yesterday evening, the mountains suddenly shook and a bright light flashed in the night sky, causing all the beasts to flee in shock.

The terrifying movement lasted for nearly an hour, and finally a terrifying big bird suddenly appeared in the sky. The big bird spread its wings and covered a piece of the sky. It was made of flames, as if it was going to burn the sky to the core.

Shortly after the big bird appeared, the tremors quickly subsided.

Some people swore that they saw it with their own eyes and were so scared that they peed their pants, making it sound like it was true.

He also said that someone ran to check the situation early this morning, but could not get close to the place. The surrounding area had been blocked by the government...

Hearing these discussions, Yun Jing probably guessed that the eldest princess and the others had taken action with people from the enemy country yesterday, and the commotion was really loud.

Moreover, although he did not see the process, Yunjing guessed that there was a high probability that the eldest princess and the others would win.

Why come to this conclusion?

There is still some basis for cloud scenery.

In the Dali Dynasty, in the previous life, Li is fire. Yesterday, the guard of the princess palace, Sister Mei, performed martial arts with fire. I still remember the terrifying sword lotus cloud scene clearly, and last night, the flames appeared in the sky in the distance.

Giant Bird, it’s hard not to let Yun Jing think that this is the eldest princess’s method.

This country takes Li as its name, so it’s normal to have more martial arts related to fire, right?

Especially after the appearance of the giant flame bird, the shaking of the earth disappeared, and the victory of the eldest princess and the others was considered a matter of course...

"Dali, Dajiang, tsk, think about it carefully. Yesterday, most of the martial arts of the people in the Dali Dynasty were biased towards the hot fire element, while Dajiang was from the cold water element. Is there such a thing? Maybe it's a coincidence.

Or these things should be like this, so what about the Golden Wolf Dynasty? They play beasts? What about the Sanluo Dynasty? Wood type? "

I don’t know if Yunjing has regained consciousness after last night, but he can think of so many things from the discussions between his classmates, but Yunjing feels that what he has thought is probably close to the real facts...

Whatever the situation is at the eldest princess's side, it has not affected the daily lives of the people here in Niujiao Town.

When there is no bad news, it is the best news.

Yunjing's life has become dull. He lives a happy life every day. It is the kind of joy and relaxation that comes from the heart. He is no longer obsessed with fame. Reading makes him feel happy. He is no longer obsessed with fighting after becoming a master of martial arts. Practicing martial arts makes him happy.

He is happy both physically and mentally...

A few days later, Zhang Changgui found Song Yan. Through Song Yan, Yunjing learned that Zhang Changgui had found a suitable place to open a store.

He didn't go to Yunjing directly because he was afraid of disturbing his study.

He gave Song Yan some money and asked him to give it to Zhang Changgui to buy the shop and then decorate it.

Now Yunjing is not short of money.

Regarding the decoration of the store, Yunjing put forward some requirements. It doesn't need to be fancy, it just needs to be clean and tidy. It is best to add some green plants and other decorations. Anyway, it just needs to make the store feel comfortable.

Originally, Yunjing wanted to open a restaurant, but now he changed his mind and decided to open a cake shop, take the high-end route, and make money from those rich people.

The cake is easy to make, and it tastes delicious. If you pair it with some drinks, I think it can lead a trend.

Sugar is needed to make cakes. Yunjing does not plan to make maltose himself. Instead, he will buy what is available on the market and extract white sugar and rock sugar.

In this case, the cost is so high, isn’t it too much to sell it for 100 million points?

And the whole thing is so fancy that even rich people will be proud to buy it back...

This chapter has been completed!
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