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Chapter 255 What do you understand?

It was completely dark. There was a crescent moon tonight, and the dim moonlight shone on the river. The water rippled, and the river surface was like mercury flowing. The night was quiet, and you could hear the chirping of insects.

The bonfire was swaying, and Jinshan took off his tattered clothes. His body was bruised and bruised, and he grimaced in pain whenever he made any big movements.

Yunjing hurts just looking at it.

This guy is a bit thin and looks weak at first glance.

As the other party was a scholar, Yunjing didn't see any traces of martial arts training on his body. He guessed that young men from wealthy families didn't like to endure hardship. After all, if you have money, it's not easy to ask a martial arts practitioner to protect you for safety.

When he was applying the medicine, Yunjing couldn't help but ask: "Brother Jin, it's too miserable for you. Even if you don't have money to spend money on the ship, why would they beat you like this? Your family is rich, write

Wouldn’t an IOU be enough?”

There must be a reason for wearing leather pants over cotton pants.

Jinshan's face twitched with pain, and he said depressedly: "That flower boat is a long-distance boat. It sails along the Li River and enjoys the mountains and rivers slowly. It takes half a year to go back and forth. They are doing business on the water and rarely dock. So

You can’t pay on credit. As for why they beat me so badly, isn’t it because I slept with the oiran on the flower boat for so long, the most beautiful and talented one? I have no money, so it would be strange if they don’t beat me up.”

It was considered elegant for a scholar to visit a brothel, so this guy was not embarrassed at all when he said that he slept with someone else's oiran.

It is indeed a ‘water’ business…

"Then you must have spent a lot of money," Yunjing said speechlessly.

Jinshan seemed to have some aftertaste and said: "Yes, I spent a lot of money, and the tens of thousands of taels of silver are gone."

Another big dog owner, Yunjing suddenly didn’t want to talk.

Is it true that the money of wealthy families is brought by strong winds? They scatter coins easily. This is true for Huang Tao, and the same is true for Jinshan.

Standing up and opening the bookcase, Yunjing took out a few pieces of bamboo and quickly assembled them into a rectangular frame. There were gaps in those bamboo pieces, so he took out a few pieces of white paper and stuck them in the gaps, and then a simple assembled lantern was created.

Tidy work.

Light a candle and put it in the lantern, hanging it on a nearby tree. It will be enough to illuminate the whole night, but the light will not be very bright.

The lantern is a gadget made by Yunjing himself. Anyway, it is convenient and easy to make.

After seeing Yunjing's actions, Jinshan always felt that Yunjing was not on a study tour, but on an outing. Who brings seasonings, lanterns and the like during a study tour?

Ignoring him, Yunjing picked up his long sword and went to the nearby woods. Instead of going to relieve himself, he quickly cut down a thigh-thick tree and dragged it over.

Jin Shan, who was applying medicine and drying his clothes by the campfire, looked at the tree in Yun Jing's hand, especially the smooth cut without any burrs. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother Yun, you seem to be good at martial arts."

It wasn't that he had never seen a master before, but he wasn't too surprised.

"I understand a little bit, but I can't get on the stage," Yun Jing said calmly, moving his hands non-stop.

The tree was about ten meters tall, with small and dense leaves. Yun Jing used his long sword to cut the trunk and branches into corresponding small sections.

When Jinshan thought Yunjing was preparing a bonfire for the night, he was wondering if the wet wood could burn. As a result, Yunjing slowly built a simple bed about a foot above the ground using pieces of whittled wood.

"There is a lot of moisture on the ground. Making a bed to sleep on can isolate the moisture. This way, you will be less likely to get sick when you get old." Yun Jing saw the other party looking at him, so he smiled and spread the remaining leaves on the bed.

Jinshan: "..."

You are so thoughtful. Although you are a little moved, you are not embarrassed to ask Yunjing to help him get one done.

At this moment, Jinshan saw the benefits of practicing martial arts from Yunjing's behavior. It was so convenient to do things. He wanted to practice martial arts, but he didn't know if it was too late at his current age.

In the end, Yunjing used the remaining materials to make a simple bed for him. As the same saying goes, things that cost nothing are within your ability. Yunjing is still very generous. Even when you are away from home, you can help each other.

"Thank you very much," Jinshan said with sincere gratitude.

He has never practiced martial arts, his physique is not good, and he has some minor injuries. He will probably get sick if he lies on the ground for a night. Although the word "thank you" seems very light, Jinshan really understands that when he is down and out, he gets help from others.

The help was hard-won, and he was even more touched than when his friend lent him tens of thousands of taels for prostitution.

Seeing trouble in times of need...well...the icing on the cake is not as good as providing help in times of need.

Yun Jing said calmly: "It's okay. Anyway, don't worry about easy things."

Just write it down in your notebook...

After finishing, Yunjing opened the book box, then took out pen, ink, paper and inkstone and started writing travel notes.

The day passed like this. In fact, it was quite ordinary. It was the encounter with Jinshan that made Yunjing write a few more words in his travel diary.

It's late at night, go to sleep.

Late at night, Yunjing kept hearing the snapping sound coming from the golden mountain on the simple bed beside the bonfire not far away...

As a result, early the next morning, Jinshan's injuries were still not healed, and many red envelopes reappeared on his face and arms. He was bitten badly by mosquitoes in the wilderness last night, so this guy woke up very early and couldn't sleep.

Jinshan probably suffered all the sins he had never suffered in his life in these two days.

Watching Yunjing take a toothbrush and towel and go to the river to wash up, Jinshan secretly thought that Yunjing was too good at living. At the same time, he couldn't help but asked depressedly: "Brother Yun, why don't mosquitoes bite you? They only bite me."

As he said this, he kept scratching his body and it was extremely itchy.

After pondering for a moment, Yunjing said, "Maybe mosquitoes also like rich people like you?"

Is there any such thing?

Ignoring him and washing up, Yunjing lit the bonfire again, then took out a few hard steamed buns from the bookcase and grilled them on tree branches. He would eat grilled steamed buns in the morning.

Jinshan squatted by the fire and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Yun, don't you have fishing tools? Why don't you continue to eat grilled fish?"

He missed the taste of the grilled fish he had yesterday.

Yunjing flipped the toasted buns and said, "Fish is a cold food. If you eat it in the morning, you will easily get cold."

"Gong Han?" Jinshan was confused on the spot, what the hell is this.

After coughing dryly, Yunjing said: "Actually, it's because I don't have much seasoning. The grilled fish doesn't taste good without seasoning. It smells fishy. Well, that's it..."

The two of them each ate one or two toasted buns, and then Yunjing began to pack his things, glancing at the river from time to time, hoping that a boat would come.

Unless absolutely necessary, Yunjing did not want to use his flying ability to study abroad. He did not forget his original intention of measuring the earth with his feet.

Before the boat arrived, Yunjing looked at Jinshan and asked, "Brother Jin, what are your plans next?"

"Go home, learn business from your father, make more money, and become bigger and stronger. Now I understand that you are the boss if you have money, and you are nothing if you don't have money," Jinshan thought for a while.

Giving a thumbs up, Yunjing said: "If you are ambitious, I wish you a lot of money in advance, and then don't you want to go home? Are you still not leaving?"

"Where can I go now? I am helpless in the barren mountains. If I encounter bad people, let alone go home. I guess being caught and sold in black mines as a coolie is the best destination." Jinshan said depressedly.

Doesn't this guy want to rely on me?

After thinking for a while, Yunjing said: "I really don't have money to support you, and since I'm going north, we probably won't be able to go the same way."

"Brother Yun, what are you thinking about? I'm waiting for the ship. No matter what the ship is, as long as it allows me to go to the town, I can go home. As for how to get on the ship, I don't bother Brother Yun. I am a scholar after all. As long as I am not

I think it’s not a big problem for people who are snobbish about long-distance flower boats.” Jinshan couldn’t laugh or cry.

That's okay.

Although Yunjing looked like he was afraid that the other party would rely on him, in fact, if he could do it within his ability, Yunjing would not mind helping him when it was really necessary.

As a human being, you should be more open-minded. It is meaningless if you are too small-minded.

Of course, it's best not to trouble yourself.

When he had nothing to do, Yunjing gave him some advice and encouraged him: "Brother Jin, everything has two sides. You might as well think of it this way, so what if you meet a bad guy? Didn't you say that your family is rich and your background is tough?

Isn't it good to meet bad people? Just ask the other party to send you home and give you a large sum of money. What is the purpose of almost all bad people in the world? It is not for profit. As long as there is profit, bad people can take advantage of it.

For big things like sending you home, as long as the price you offer is enough, people will probably treat you like a master along the way."

After hearing what Yun Jing said, Jin Shan was stunned and fell into silence.

At this time, he was thinking about Yun Jing's words over and over in his mind. Can bad people accomplish great things if they take advantage of it?

Can you understand it this way? The bad guys’ ideas are actually very simple and direct. Profit comes first. If you give enough benefits, they will do it for you. If you can’t do it, you have to find ways to create conditions to do it!

Everything has two sides, and people must learn to use their brains.

If I applied this idea to business...

With his heart skipping a beat, Jinshan suddenly felt that he had an epiphany and found some way to get rich. Everyone in the world was interested in profit, and money could make the world go round...

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and he finally concluded that if you use profit to drive people's hearts, if you do it well, you will probably be successful in everything you do.

Interests are not just simple money, but can also be things that people desire and cannot obtain, such as beauties, such as martial arts secrets, such as magical weapons. Anyway, as long as you are good at grasping people's hearts, you can use others to your advantage.


Jin Shan, who had thought a lot for a while, took a deep breath, looked at Yun Jing seriously and said, "Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading. Jin understands."

Yunjing, who had seen Jinshan silent before and was bored, looked towards the river to wait for the boat. He had already seen a boat coming this way in the distance. He was so happy that he didn't know that Jinshan suddenly said such a sentence.

So he turned around and said doubtfully: "Brother Jin, what do you know?"

"Haha, brother Yun, there is no need to say more. Today's gift will be rewarded by Jin in the future. We will meet in the mountains and rivers. I will find a way to find you in the future. Farewell."

After saying that, Jin Shan stood up, bowed his hands to Yun Jing, and then walked towards the distance without looking back, as if the road ahead was smooth rather than dangerous.

What's wrong with this guy? Aren't you going to take a boat? Aren't you afraid of meeting bad people on the land route? Why did you just leave?

Yun Jing scratched his head, not understanding.

Forget it, it was just a chance encounter, everyone left so calmly, no matter what, the boat is coming over there...

This chapter has been completed!
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