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Chapter 263 Suggestions

The river is surging and does not look turbulent, but it is difficult for a heavy ship to move forward.

Not far away, the sound of chants was uniform and uniform, drowning out the sound of water. A thick iron chain was tightened and pulled by thousands of trackers, making a tooth-aching clicking sound from time to time.

The heavy cargo ship was slowly moving backwards on the river. The sails were bulging and the iron ropes were cold. The sun was rising and the light shone on the trackers. Their bodies were tight and veins were exposed, and they were all grinding their teeth and sweating profusely.

This situation, this scene, when you see it, actually gives people a different kind of mechanical beauty.

However, when people see such a scene, most people do not feel happy, but feel heavy and depressed inside.

Oh, where do I see mechanical beauty? It is clearly just two words: life.

Life is easy, life is easy, life is not easy...

"Damn it, I paid fifty taels for the boat ride, but it makes me feel unhappy and annoyed."

Luo Zheng, who was watching thousands of trackers on the shore pulling the cargo ship forward slowly, cursed and started to take off his clothes.

Seeing this, Yun Jing said: "Brother Luo wants to swim again?"

"Well, let's go swimming for a couple of laps to stretch out our muscles and keep our eyes out of sight and our minds out of mind."

"The water in this section of the river is relatively fast and there are undercurrents surging underwater. Brother Luo, please be careful," Yun Jing reminded.


With that said, Luo Zheng jumped lightly, drew an arc and plunged into Jiangzhou and disappeared.

This is also a person with a temperament. Yunjing knows it. He feels depressed when he sees the scene of those trackers pulling the boat. He wants to leave the cargo ship to relieve them a little pressure. Although his weight is useless compared to the big ship, the starting point is


"It was very noisy outside last night and I didn't sleep well. I'm going to take a rest." Bai Zhi looked at the trackers walking in a dense crowd like ants on the riverside and said softly, then turned and left.

It can be seen from her dress, words and deeds that her background is not good, and she has lived a hard life. She has a deep understanding of the hard life of those trackers, and she feels sad for her and cannot bear to look at it.

Yun Jing didn't leave, he still stood by the boat and watched silently.

It's not that he is cold-hearted and indifferent to people's suffering, but that he understands that this kind of thing happens every day, and escaping cannot change this fact.

In fact, looking at the work of these trackers from another perspective, it is a blessing that they can work hard on this stretch of river, earn some money and food, and be able to survive without starving to death.

It’s not easy to stay alive, so what does hardship mean?

"If we flatten the bottom of the river and widen the river channel, although cargo ships will no longer need trackers, it will deprive tens of thousands of people of a place to make a living. Even if we can find another job for the countless tracker families currently stationed here,

job, but trackers are needed here, and there will still be other people coming back to do this job in the future. It won't change anything. It's unrealistic to find ways to pay more for the passing ships. The market supply and demand relationship has its own laws.

Hastily intervening in the chain reaction will only add chaos. It is even more undesirable to find ways to ban gangs so that they will be less oppressed. Without gang restraint and management, it will only become more chaotic..."

Thoughts flickered, and the words "the purpose of the study tour" hit Yunjing's mind again.

What is the purpose of the study tour? Is it just to walk around and see?

Not seeing it is one thing, but seeing it is another. If you don’t know how others are doing, what can you do?

"Scholars, who enjoy such good welfare benefits from the country, even if they are not serving as officials, are still obliged to contribute to solving people's livelihood problems. Perhaps countless scholars have come here to see this scene. They have thought about helping, but they all

I just haven't thought of a way, and I can't force anything to change. I can only do my best to the best of my ability, but I want peace of mind and don't care about other people's opinions."

With this thought in mind, Yunjing put down the book box, took out pen, ink, paper and inkstone, thought for a moment, and started writing on the paper.

He is writing a proposal.

Since we cannot change the condition of the river and cause tens of thousands of people to lose their livelihood, nor can we disrupt the rules of the industry, nor can we rashly intervene in the order here, we have no choice but to make some suggestions from another perspective, hoping to slightly improve the conditions of those trackers.


Yunjing made only two suggestions.

First of all, if conditions permit, whether it is the government or the gangs that manage countless trackers, I hope they can organize manpower to widen the road along the river and improve the difficult road conditions along the twenty-mile river. In this way

First of all, although the trackers still have to work hard to pull the boat, at least the road is easier to walk, and they can suffer less. In this suggestion, he also proposed that on this 20-mile stretch of the river, they can choose a few

In this way, when the trackers are pulling the boat, they can fix the boat on the riverside and have a chance to rest and breathe, so that they will not pull the heavy boat in one go.

Complete this twenty-mile section of the river.

This suggestion is one of the best ways Yunjing can think of to help those trackers.

It is not that there are no better ways. For example, he can also propose a mechanical device such as a pulley block, which can be installed on the riverside and can pull a large ship with only a few people.

But this method is not advisable. Although the pulley block saves labor and requires fewer people, it will only reduce labor demand and destroy the jobs of many people, so it is not advisable.

All aspects must be considered in everything, and good intentions cannot lead to bad things. Therefore, when all aspects must be considered, some obviously good suggestions are not advisable.

Secondly, Yunjing also gave a suggestion to improve sanitary conditions, asking the government or the gangs that manage trackers to build as many public toilets as possible so that people can go to designated places to relieve themselves, thereby improving the sanitary environment, which can reduce the number of people to a certain extent.

The occurrence of infectious diseases.

There are many children there who are unable to do fiber drawing work. They can be organized to help clean up. The living environment will be improved. I think people will be in a better mood even if they live here.

Regarding the suggestions for improving the sanitary environment, Yunjing mentioned a little bit about disinfection measures such as using plant ash and lime, which can play a certain role in the spread of viral diseases. Don't drink raw water, take frequent baths, etc., just stop there, there is no depth.

Analysis, I only briefly talked about the importance of hygiene, so that people can understand the serious relationship. No matter how much I talk about it, people's awareness is not that deep yet, so it is in vain.

Of course, people are already suffering enough and few people would be in such a mood to spend time doing hygiene. In addition to explaining the importance of hygiene, Yunjing also briefly mentioned that hygiene can also bring benefits.

In terms of so-called health benefits, didn't the Dali Dynasty now promote farmyard manure? Let public toilets be built there so that people can defecate uniformly and collect feces for sale. In fact, many places now have businesses specializing in selling farmyard manure. Farmyard manure can increase

There can still be some meager profits from food production. In this way, sanitation should be improved, right?

After explaining these two suggestions clearly, Yun Jing checked it and found that there were no errors or omissions. Then he copied a few copies and extended his mind to find the main gang leaders and government garrison in the places where trackers gathered. Yun Jing avoided

The other person silently sent the proposal over.

To the best of his ability, he did everything he could without signing his name. He did not seek fame or fortune, but he sought peace of mind.

To be honest, although the suggestions put forward by Yun Jing are good and can bring benefits to all aspects, he doesn't know whether they can be implemented. After all, many times people believe that doing more is worse than doing less. idea.

"I can silently deliver suggestions to those who can make the decision. I guess this method can play a role in making them take it seriously, right?"

With this thought in mind, Yunjing was also silently observing the reactions of those people after receiving the proposal.

In fact, if he submitted the proposal in the name of some well-known people, he would probably be able to benefit the people very quickly. However, he did not do that, not because he was afraid of exposing himself, but after thinking about it, he felt that it would be counterproductive.

Think about it, the suggestions he made are closely related to those trackers and people who make a living here. Only by their willingness can they be implemented better. If they are implemented in the name of people with weight, I am afraid that all kinds of nonsense will happen.

, that is not beautiful, after all, doing it for others to see and doing it sincerely are two different things.

Again, Yunjing doesn't want to do bad things with good intentions. It's good to be able to help those people, but if it breaks their peaceful life or even makes it worse, that's not what Yunjing wants to see.

Under Yun Jing's secret observation, those who had received his proposal and were able to make the decision had mixed reactions.

One person was horrified by who sent the proposal and did not read the contents. Instead, he was worried that his head would be cut off and was frightened. Others scoffed at the proposal after reading it and asked people to investigate who was doing it.

At the same time, he just threw the plan aside because he didn't want to get into trouble.

However, not everyone is the kind of indifferent person who just muddles along and doesn't want to cause trouble for himself. Yunjing's proposal had a good intention and was meaningful, so it still attracted the attention of the two people.

One of them is a gang leader. After reading the proposal in detail, the other party felt that it was indeed feasible and decided to find someone to discuss and facilitate these two things. Building roads and improving sanitation do not need to be done all at once. Over time, they can always achieve the plan step by step.

As described.

The other one is the head of the government office stationed here. He is a scholar. After seeing Yun Jing's proposal, he studied it several times and even cried with joy. He said that not only would he try his best to implement the things in the proposal, but he would also

Please promote these two suggestions. After all, the Lijiang River is very long, and even in other rivers in the Dynasty, there are many places where the profession of trackers exists. We need help from the proposal, which will benefit hundreds of thousands, millions or even more.


Especially the importance of hygiene. As a scholar, he interpreted it in depth, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. If hygiene was done well and diseases and plagues were prevented, countless people would be saved. It can be said that the merits will be of great benefit to the present and the future!

Thinking of this, the man couldn't sit still and took action immediately...

Seeing this, a heartfelt smile appeared on Yunjing's face.

He has done what he needs to do. Some people pay attention to it, some people take action, and some people are promoting his suggestions. Maybe this requires a process, but as long as he can finally help the people he wants to help, then that's what he wants.

He only gave suggestions. Although he was not involved, he believed that the gold would eventually be spent.

Good suggestions will always be used even if the person who implements them does it for fame, profit or merit. As long as it can ultimately benefit the public, that's enough.

The cargo ship moved upstream little by little, and Yunjing withdrew his "eyes". He had done everything he had to do, but he had a clear conscience.

This chapter has been completed!
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