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Chapter 300 There is a problem!

This place is called Liangzhou, and it has a vast territory. Kitanozhou next door is close to the enemy, and the northernmost part has been a border battlefield that has been tense for many years.

The person Yunjing is looking for is named He Zhengdian.

This man is the governor of Liangzhou, a fourth-rank official, the head of a state, and a veritable official in the border areas.

His life is also remarkable. After he became an official in the imperial examination when he was young, he did not take the ordinary path. He gave up his writing and joined the army. He made a lot of achievements after many years of service. Later, he became a civilian general and became the second-in-command in a county.

Qi Qi, because of his experience in the military, his straight-forward style of conduct, and his hatred of evil, which could not be tolerated in his eyes. His rule was peaceful and peaceful, and he was appreciated by the emperor. After a few years of experience, he was transferred to Liangzhou as the governor of a state.

The folk customs in the North are fierce and fierce, and it is not far from the battlefield. It is suitable for a person like him with military experience to serve as governor. Someone with a softer personality may not be able to suppress the people below.

Yun Jing still knows a little bit about the governor's life history.

It’s not that Yunjing wants to understand the officialdom of Dali. It’s because there is so little entertainment in this world. Scholars don’t seem to have much to do except read books and learn about current affairs. Moreover, in this circle, they don’t even know what to do if they step into the officialdom in the future.

How else to mess around?

Yunjing doesn't think it will be a big problem to hand over those criminal information to this person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes.

"Why do I feel like a boy who gives away money? But what I give is not money but merit. The assassin of Dajiang and the meticulous work of the Sanluo Dynasty not long ago. From these two things, the people who handle them can get a lot of benefits afterwards, right?

As a result, I was working in vain in secret..."

Thinking of this, Yun Jing felt a bit dumbfounded.

How to hand over criminal information to He Zhengdian so that he can thoroughly investigate these criminals in the name of the eldest princess?

After thinking about it for a while, Yunjing still didn't plan to have a direct contact. He secretly placed the information on his desk, then put the eldest princess's jade pendant aside and gave him some hints. He would understand it later.

The eldest princess's jade pendant is a symbol of status. Both the material and the format are very particular. It is difficult to imitate it. Moreover, the jade pendant is genuine and there is no need to worry about He Zhengdian verifying it.

It doesn't matter to Yun Jing even if the eldest princess finds out about this matter later. Not long ago, the eldest princess even called him by name. Although they haven't met, it's just a layer of window paper. He has helped her family so much.

In her name, a thorough investigation of some woodworms in her house was still doing things for her house. She was probably not happy enough.

Therefore, Yunjing had also thought about his identity being exposed and He Zhengdian knowing that he was doing something secretly. After all, the jade pendant that can represent the identity of the eldest princess must have been recorded, and there are traces of where he went. With He Zhengdian's official position

It's not difficult to check if you want to.

But the eldest princess has more than one jade pendant, and there is also the eldest princess herself in the middle. If He Zhengdian knew what it was like, he would not dig deeper.

It's good to know some things tacitly. Yun Jing was able to help Da Li find out the detailed organization that the enemy country had hidden for many years. The eldest princess knew it. If He Zhengdian wanted to find out about himself through the eldest princess, not only would the eldest princess not know...

He just sits there and does nothing, and even takes the initiative to help Yunjing hide his identity.

Furthermore, even if Yun Jing's identity and methods are gradually known to a small number of people, it doesn't matter. Sooner or later, people will still know about it. At present, the eldest princess knows that her methods are special, and her master is also eyeing her...

Anyway, Yunjing didn't do anything bad. As much as he likes it, even if someone wants to target him, he is not afraid of trouble!

Taking advantage of the night, Yunjing arrived at the capital of Liangzhou.

He Zhengdian had returned to his residence after a busy day's work and was finishing his meal.

From Yun Jing's observation, He Zhengdian has thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is about sixty years old. He walks, sits and lies with a tough style. He eats as if someone is trying to compete with him. I guess people with military backgrounds are like this.

This person has an innate advanced level of cultivation, and his many years of civil service career cannot hide his murderous aura. He has fought in thousands of armies, and his aura is very terrifying, which is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary martial artists. Yun Jing estimates that martial arts practitioners of the same level can't hide it.

He can do several things!

After all, the military is the best place for martial arts practitioners to hone their martial arts, because if you are weak at all, you may die on the battlefield.

The criminal information was silently placed on the table in his bedroom, together with the eldest princess's jade pendant. Yunjing also left a note.

After that, he did not leave, but stayed to observe He Zhengdian's reaction secretly.

He Zhengdian finished his meal and took care of two urgent business matters. It was late at night, and then he strode towards the bedroom.

When he pushed open the bedroom door, he paused for a moment, his breath fluctuated, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped by three points. In a wide area centered on him, no insects or birds sang, and his breath

He was so frightened that many rats and bugs that were close to him were scared to death.

His breath calmed down quickly. When he saw a pile of papers appearing silently on the table, he sneered and stepped in. He was very curious about what kind of guy dared to do something in front of him.

When he came to the table, before he had time to look at the criminal information sent by Yun Jing, his eyes were immediately attracted by the eldest princess's jade pendant and a piece of paper underneath it.

With a focused look, he first picked up the clues of the eldest princess's jade pendant, its material, format, and the eldest princess's unique logo on the jade pendant, all of which explained that this jade pendant represented the unique eldest princess of the Dali Dynasty!

He couldn't lie, and in an officialdom, He Zhengdian still had some discernment.

Raising his eyebrows, He Zhengdian quietly put down the jade pendant carefully and looked at the note Yun Jing pressed under the jade pendant.

It says: "I hope Lord He will thoroughly investigate and rule the country, and bring about a bright future. The jade pendant will be left with you to facilitate the coordination of all parties, and someone will take it away afterwards."

After reading it, He Zhengdian frowned and looked at the jade pendant again.

"The eldest princess's jade pendant asked me to investigate the case? It seems that it was not the eldest princess who came in person, but someone in her name, who had the means to silently touch my bedroom without being noticed by me. Could it be an ant?

People from the building? But when did anyone in the building have such a good relationship with the eldest princess that they could get a jade pendant from the eldest princess..."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, He Zhengdian put this doubt aside for the time being. Since someone came to him with the eldest princess's jade pendant to do something, he must pay attention to it, whether it was to give an explanation to the eldest princess, or there was something wrong with his administration.

, can’t be careless.

Then he began to look through the pile of criminal information.

The more he looked at him, the darker his expression became, and the more he looked at him, the more frightened he became. In the end, he could no longer control the fluctuations of his breath. His clothes and hair moved automatically without any wind, and a strong wind blew out of nowhere in the room, making a loud noise.

One can imagine how intensely He Zhengdian's mood fluctuated at this time.

It took He Zhengdian half an hour to read through the pile of criminal information. Finally, he put the pile of information down, pressed it gently with his hand, and fell into deep thought with a frosty face.

Yun Jing, who was observing secretly, nodded secretly. It was a normal reaction for something like this to happen under his rule. Let alone him, even a person would be frightened after seeing so many criminal records.

The world is bright, there is so much darkness hidden under the bright sun. If one person is not good, he will be dismissed from his official position, even if it is a minor matter.

However, He Zhengdian's next operation made Yunjing stunned for a while.

After he calmed down, he cupped his hands in the direction of the capital and said, "I will not let the princess down."

Yun Jing guessed that he was saying this to himself. If someone could bring those things to him silently, then it would be normal for him to think that someone could pay attention to him secretly.

What was unusual was that after he finished speaking, he locked the pile of criminal information into a box.

Then he put the eldest princess's jade pendant next to him and went out, asking his servants to invite the chief arrester of the state capital. Even if he fell asleep, he had to go see him as soon as possible!

Not long after, Liangzhou's chief constable, who also had late-stage innate cultivation, quickly arrived.

When he arrived, he immediately asked in confusion: "Master He summoned his subordinates late at night and what orders did he have?"

"Two things. First, you secretly summoned your capable men and immediately secretly went to Pofeng County. I kept a close eye on everyone related to Mr. Yu Zuo and paid attention to their every move. But don't act rashly without my instructions. Second

Second, send someone to the capital immediately, go to the eldest princess’s mansion, and ask if anything is missing,” He Zhengdian immediately ordered.

The chief catcher was stunned and said: "Sir, Mr. Zuo's eightieth birthday is coming soon..."

"Captain Jiang, just go and do these two things, don't ask about the rest," He Zhengdian interrupted him immediately.

Jiang Baotou opened his mouth, a little confused, but finally nodded and said: "I obey, may I ask Mr. He if you have any other instructions?"

"No, you go ahead," He Zhengdian said with a smile.

Jiang Captou left, but He Zhengdian fell into deep thought, not knowing what he was thinking about.

After he saw the criminal information and the eldest princess's jade pendant, Yun Jing really couldn't understand this series of operations.

There seemed to be nothing wrong with his arrangement, but Yunjing always felt that something was wrong.

"He asked the police to go to Pofeng County to secretly keep an eye on Zuo Wangshan and others. He was obviously paying attention to the criminal information. Although the criminal information in that document was true and shocking, it still required investigation and evidence collection. The process was normal. He

He also asked people to go to the princess's palace in the capital to ask if something had been lost. Obviously he didn't dare to make blind conclusions about such a big matter, and wanted to confirm the authenticity of the jade pendant before taking any follow-up actions..."

After thinking about it, Yunjing still felt something was wrong.

"Mr. Zuo's eightieth birthday was coming soon. He asked the police to secretly keep an eye on it. However, how capable are ordinary police officers? There are countless capable people and strangers who came to pay homage to Mr. Zuo. How could they be blind? Another one, he never said anything

The purpose of asking the police to go quickly is to arrest the prisoner. It seems to be a little bit to alert the snake, and then send people to the capital. The round trip is more than ten thousand miles, is it just stalling for time? "

With his thoughts flickering, Yun Jing looked at He Zhengdian, feeling that there was something wrong with this guy!

Is this person really honest and honest and can't tolerate sand in his eyes?

I'm afraid I'm being hasty.

This chapter has been completed!
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