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Chapter 41: Fear After

A group of villagers ran more than two hundred meters away, and only after reaching a bamboo forest did they dare to look back. However, this location still didn't seem to give them much sense of security, and they were tempted to run for a while.

It must be said that the safety awareness of these villagers is really good. When encountering a dangerous incident, the first thing they think of is not to watch but to stay away.

At this time, Yun Jing noticed that one of Yun Xiaofu's shoes was missing, but he still held the cage with the chickens tightly in his hands...

"What happened?"

"Didn't you hear? Killing people, God, this world is becoming more and more uneasy."

"When I saw you running, I ran with you..."

“The government is arresting the criminals, but they don’t know what they have committed.”

Seeing that something was wrong, the villagers fled thousands of miles away. They were discussing in the hidden bamboo forest and craned their necks to look at the road.

At this time, there was already a scene of chaos there, with many people screaming and running around faster than if they were chased away by a dog.

Yun Jing looked over there and his pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw a man running out of the town. The man was about 1.9 meters tall and extremely burly. He was dressed in short black clothes and was bulging with muscles. He was holding a metal rod as thick as an arm.

Due to the distance and the man's rapid movement, Yunjing couldn't see his face clearly, but he could vaguely see the bright red blood on his face, hands and long metal stick.

The man was extremely fast. He could reach a distance of four to five meters in one step. Each step seemed to make the ground shake. It could be described as a true gallop. His speed refreshed Yun Jing's three views.

Simply inhuman!

At this moment, Yunjing couldn't help but think of the stories he had heard from his grandfather.

It turns out that those chivalrous knights who come and go are real!

But it was obvious that the person he saw at this time was not a knight, but a thug!

He ran out of the town. When he met someone who was blocking his way, he would either reach out and pull the person out several meters away without caring about the person's life or death, or he would directly sweep them out with a stick, beating the person who couldn't avoid them until they had broken bones, broken muscles, vomited blood, and fell.


His extremely vicious behavior is frightening.

In the ten seconds or so that Yun Jing looked at him, the man had already sprinted hundreds of meters away from the town. At least ten people were attacked by him because they couldn't escape, and many of them were directly beaten to death by him!

Those passers-by were so innocent that they became unjust ghosts.

Following that man, there were about a dozen men in black who came out of the town, wearing uniform clothes, some holding cold long knives, and some holding crossbows.

Yunjing estimated that they were so-called police officers. They were actually equipped with bows and crossbows. From this, it could be concluded that the police officers here were probably a high-risk profession.

Compared with the person in front, the speed of these black-clothed policemen was much slower. There was a gap of tens of meters between a dozen of them.

However, one of them is particularly eye-catching. He is at the front of a dozen black-clothed policemen, and his speed is not much slower than that of the thug in front. The one who follows him is only ten or twenty meters behind the thug.

Compared to the thug in front who could make a lot of noise with every step he took, Yun Jing, who was probably the most popular person in the past, moved much more gracefully. He moved quickly and stepped very quickly.

But there wasn't much movement.

"You can't run away!"

Wang Baotou, who was following the thugs, said coldly after arriving at the open area outside the town.

But the thug laughed loudly and said: "Wait until you catch me. Mr. Wang, as long as I escape from you imperial lackeys today, I will definitely kill your whole family in the future!"

As he spoke, he whipped out his stick again, killed an innocent passerby on the spot and ran away quickly.

Wang Captou, who was behind, said nothing. He glanced around and saw that there was no one on the road. He immediately put aside a lot of worries and waved to the people behind him.

Then, the policemen behind them slowed down a little, and after gathering, they raised their crossbows and started shooting at the fleeing thugs ahead.

Whoosh, whoosh, a harsh sound broke through the air, and sharp crossbow arrows quickly struck at the back of the thugs.

"Damn it!"

The thug cursed loudly, and being extremely alert, he immediately rolled forward and dodged most of the crossbow arrows, but he was still hit by arrows in his shoulder and left thigh.

His skills are not high enough to dodge many sharp weapons in the military, especially when facing away from him.

An arrow hit his leg, greatly reducing his mobility.

In such a situation, it was impossible to run away. He simply stood up, faced the policeman behind him and said coldly: "Since you want to die, I will help you!"

With that said, he not only stopped running, but also ignored the pain after being hit by the arrow, and instead rushed towards the group of policemen.

However, Wang Baotou, who was chasing him closest at this time, had stopped and sneered: "Are you sick?"

To put it bluntly, he called the guy stupid.

If the other party ran away, he would still have to go through a lot of trouble, but turning back now was no different than seeking death!

As he spoke, he waved to the people behind him again, and the sound of crossbow arrows piercing the air sounded again!

Puff puff……

The thug who was shot in the leg was unable to evade due to lack of movement, and was hit by arrows in the abdomen, leg, shoulder and right chest.

This person's skills are not unskilled. An ordinary person would not be able to withstand a slap in front of him, but he still does nothing in the face of many sharp weapons such as bows and crossbows.

The thug was also a very good person. He knew that he was going to die, but he still had to hold on to his back. He endured the severe pain and threw the long metal stick in his hand forward like a javelin. The long stick cut through the air and made a slight buzzing sound.


In the blink of an eye, a long metal stick appeared in front of a policeman holding a crossbow. He wanted to dodge, but was too late. The long stick pierced his chest and was nailed to the ground. He was vomiting blood and obviously would not survive.

"Damn it!"

Wang Captou cursed angrily. It was almost over and his colleagues were injured and killed. He was furious. Seeing that the villain was at the end of his weapon, he immediately stepped forward and slashed the cold knife across. With a pop, the gangster's big head was gone.

Roll off!

"Save people and appease the people"

After ending the thug's life, Captain Wang immediately ordered the police behind him, and he went to see the condition of his colleague in person, but at this time the man had already died...

In the distance, the villagers of Xiaoxi Village who witnessed all this were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and many of them were even trembling slightly. They were just a group of honest farmers. How long had they ever seen such a violent scene?

In broad daylight, everything is clear, so cruel!

Don't talk about them. Even Yunjing thinks he has a strong psychological quality, but his hands are shaking after seeing what happened over there. In his previous life, he was just an ordinary person, and the matter of fighting and killing was too far away from him. Now

Only when I witnessed it with my own eyes did I realize how terrifying this kind of violent and bloody incident was.

How much time has passed, and how many innocent souls have appeared on the road?

The cries and screams are still there, life is too fragile!

Especially in the eyes of those skilled thugs, the lives of ordinary people are simply not fucking lives. What is the difference between them and ants?

"Scared me!"

"Fortunately we ran fast, otherwise..."

The violence there subsided, and after a while the villagers came to their senses and talked about what happened before, trembling.

Then Yunlin belatedly covered Yunjing's eyes and comforted him: "Don't look at it, Xiaojing. It's okay. It's okay. Don't be afraid. Grandpa is here."

Yunjing pursed his lips tightly and said nothing. What happened before was really too exciting for him, and at the same time he became more aware of the unevenness of this world.

He warned himself over and over again in his mind that he should keep a low profile in the future, don't antagonize others, and live an honest life, because if he doesn't pay attention, people will die!

Fight and kill to find excitement in life, whoever you love can go...

"Okay, folks, don't be afraid, the bad guys have been killed, it's okay."

"The villain's name is Zhang Quan. He has practiced martial arts. He used his martial arts skills to sneak into the Liu family to steal money. After he was discovered, he went on a rampage and killed people. His behavior was outrageous. We received the report and pursued him as soon as possible. Now

It’s okay, everyone should do whatever they need to do, the court will not let such villains go unpunished, so don’t be afraid..."

The innocent people affected on the road over there were saved if they could, and those who couldn't be saved were quickly taken away, and then the police officers dispersed around to calm the people.

After hearing that the incident was over, the villagers in Xiaoxi Village breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon after, other villagers also came here to meet, and when they were all gathered, they all headed towards Xiaoxi Village. The people who came behind didn’t know what happened, so the villagers who saw it were frightened and told vividly what happened before.


On the way back, Yunlin was silent. Witnessing what happened before made him deeply realize that money is the root of disaster. The thug went to steal the money, and then the family that was stolen suffered disaster.

What if something like this happened to me?

I’m afraid the outcome will be no different!

Thinking of this, Yunlin made up his mind to try not to make maltose and sell it for money in the future. For a small family like him, having too much money would be a disaster rather than a blessing. The bloody example is right in front of him.

In fact, Yunlin was a little scared at this time. It was a bit hasty to bring maltose to town to sell this time. He was not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid of the worst. If someone knew that this thing could be made at low cost, he could not imagine what kind of trouble would be caused.

of disaster.

"I haven't come to town in the past few months, so as not to be noticed by others," Yunlin said in his heart. Being uneducated, he could only use this simplest method to minimize the risk...

This chapter has been completed!
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