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Chapter five hundred and eighteen the end of the exam

Everyone understands the importance of the military to a country. Every country will find ways to improve the combat effectiveness of the army, equipment, martial arts, food and grass, military merit, military regulations, battle formations, intelligence...etc., everything that ordinary people can think of.

All of them have been put into practice. In terms of improving military combat effectiveness, Yunjing really has nothing to describe. Every country has achieved the ultimate, so he found another way to teach discipline.

To this end, he also gave examples to illustrate the importance of discipline to the military. For example, if two armies fight with the same number of people, the same equipment, and the same combat effectiveness, the side with better discipline will have a greater chance of winning. On the side with better discipline, a small number of people are not afraid of death.

It is worthwhile to take the initiative to create opportunities for others with your own sacrifice, so as to use a small number of people to create the final victory. However, if discipline is not good and a small number of people dare not step forward, then the battle between the two armies will inevitably fall into a stalemate.

The war could not be ended victoriously despite greater casualties.

Then Yun Jing gave a simple example: a well-disciplined army treats the people well. In this way, during a war, the people will be grateful for the army's good deeds, and they are likely to take the initiative to help. With the help of the people, if they make good use of it, this

This virtually increases the combat effectiveness of the army...

Of course, military issues are definitely not that simple. They involve all aspects and are difficult to explain in one sentence. However, if combined with Yunjing's previous prosperity of people's livelihood, then the military discipline he discussed is remarkable. This is why Yunjing took the lead in describing people's livelihood.


If the people are rich, the country will be rich. When the country is rich, it can cultivate a strong military force. This emphasis on discipline is the icing on the cake.

Moreover, the title of this question is long-term peace and stability. Yunjing has not forgotten the core idea. Good military discipline and loyalty to the country will reduce many riots and rebellions, and only then can the goal of long-term peace and stability be truly achieved.

This policy topic, Yun Jing's content can be described as link by link. There is no eye-catching description of swordsmanship and dangerous maneuvers, and there is no fancy stuff about soldiers' dangerous moves. The article is quite satisfactory up to this point.

But after careful consideration, people are still left with unfinished thoughts. There is a calmness and atmosphere within the rules. It is impossible to write such an article without some wisdom and strategy. If the overall situation and the core idea of ​​long-term peace and stability cannot be taken into account, just what he described before will make people feel uncomfortable.

It's a bit petty, but what he describes combined with the overall situation gives people a grand atmosphere that takes into account the overall situation from the details. People without a bit of wisdom will not be able to see the brilliance of this article.

Yunjing believed that people who could serve as graders and examiners were by no means mediocre. Anyone with some discernment would not have buried his article. But who could say clearly about this kind of thing? He could only try his best to write a good article and get a good one.

Once you get the result, do what you should do first, and leave the rest to the examiner for judgment.

After explaining the military aspect, Yun Jing began to describe the law again.

The law can be said to be the foundation of a country, and everyone knows its importance. The Dali Dynasty has a history of more than 800 years, and the law has been revised and improved countless times. You can imagine how difficult it is to write brilliantly in this regard.

If it is not good, it will ruin Yunjing's previous discussion on people's livelihood and military affairs, and make the entire article inferior.

But regarding this aspect, Yunjing is quite confident. After all, he has the memory of his previous life. Regarding the law, he still has some advanced suggestions, but they cannot be too advanced. They need to be combined with the current background of the times. After all, there is a saying called pace.

It’s easy to get distracted when you get older, and anything that is too subversive will only make people think that Yunjing is talking nonsense.

Regarding the law, Yun Jing first emphasized the four words "law is not merciful". This kind of thinking is also the current mainstream. It doesn't matter what people who exercise legal rights do behind the scenes, but at least it is like this on the surface.

Then he perfected the discussion in this aspect bit by bit, using morality as not overriding the law as the starting point, and even gave examples to explain the pros and cons in this regard, whether the law is greater than emotion or morality comes first. Yun Jing quoted this point.

The example from the initial exchange with Master Deng set the starting point for this point. If morality is too much considered in the process of casting spells, what is the difference between the law and a piece of paper?

Regarding the conflict between morality and law, it can be said that it has existed since ancient times. In many cases, the saying "extenuating circumstances" will appear. However, in Yunjing's discussion, those who break the law will be punished by the law, even if

Things happen for a reason, and we must first maintain the dignity of the law, and then consider the moral issues involved. They cannot be confused.

In fact, Yun Jing's writing about legal matters is just talking nonsense. After all, these things are commonplaces, and if they are said, they are not said.

The length of these descriptions he describes is very short, more than a hundred words can be said to be written in one stroke. Well, the world today is ancient after all, and articles are written in various styles of classical Chinese. A simple sentence can express a lot of meaning.

The key point is the following content. Yunjing focused on the word 'change' in describing the law. He emphasized in the article that the law also needs to be adjusted frequently according to the actual situation. The law is dead, but people are alive.

, the world is changing, and the law cannot remain unchanged.

He gave examples of what kind of laws should be exercised under what circumstances. For example, in times of war, strict laws are needed, while in times of peace and prosperity, laws need to be relatively benevolent.

Regarding the law, at the end of the article, Yun Jing mentioned that the dynasty should often send people to investigate the situation in various places and adjust the law appropriately according to the current situation, and the law should not be generalized. After all, the Great Li

The territory is huge, and the customs of each place are different. Adjustments can be made appropriately according to the conditions of different places, and the laws also need to be tolerant to a certain extent.

In short, the whole article focuses on one word change, which is not subversive, but adjustment.

Yun Jing was not stupid enough to point out which law was inappropriate and how to adjust it. That was undoubtedly a "seeking death" act. It was enough to express what he wanted to express clearly.

The topic is long-term peace and stability, people's livelihood is the foundation, the military is the force to maintain the foundation, and the law is the neutralization of everything. Yunjing's article can be said to be step by step and closely follow the core ideas, with traces to follow, and no nonsense.

Previously these were all internal, then the final diplomacy is external. Once you have a good internal situation, you have to look to the outside world. At this time, the importance of diplomacy is reflected. After all, if diplomacy is not done well, it will matter

For the future of a country, many times the country's decline does not come from within, but from the outside. It is very likely that a diplomatic incident will trigger a war, so diplomatic matters must be extremely cautious.

Yunjing believed that the Dukes in the court knew better than him what kind of foreign policy should be adopted for which country under what circumstances. In this regard, he did not show off his shame in the article. He had the experience of exchanging diplomacy with Master Deng.

Jing starts from this aspect to elaborate.

He did not cite the cultural invasion diplomacy method he originally proposed, but instead used the term "cultural export" to describe it. Diplomacy is not a competition of national strength and military. When you are unable to gain more diplomatic say by becoming stronger, why not export your own culture? Let's

The hearts of other countries are eager to take the initiative to approach and break out of conventional means to achieve the goal of "conquering the enemy without fighting"!

If diplomacy is done well, there will be no war in neighboring countries, the borders will be stable, and the country will be at peace, how can there be no long-term peace and stability?

Throughout the article, Yun Jing's description of diplomacy is unremarkable, but it is the core key, and its importance is even more important than the previous people's livelihood, military and law!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, even if it is a small and weak country, if its diplomacy is done well, it will not only stabilize itself, but will also take the initiative to help others. This is the "power" of diplomacy!

But Yunjing's article is not about trying to please other countries, but about exporting culture to highlight its own characteristics and let other countries take the initiative to get closer. From this perspective, it can achieve the desired goal of diplomacy. As for how to operate it, there are many methods.

The 'cultural invasion' proposed by Master Deng is only one aspect.

The people's livelihood, military, law, diplomacy, and cloud scenery were described by grasping the core idea of ​​long-term peace and stability. They were progressively linked and linked together, with more than 10,000 words. I wrote from noon to evening before stopping.

After finishing writing, Yunjing read the article himself and was still very satisfied. Although there were many restrictions on writing due to the background of the times, he really tried his best to write this article well.

To be honest, the article has been written, but Yunjing can't guarantee what kind of results it will achieve in the end. He just hopes that it is not too bad. After all, this is what he wrote based on his own experience and knowledge in this era.

, rather than grabbing a "Wang Zha" and copying an article at random and confident that you can defeat everything.

After reading it carefully, Yunjing put it down for a short rest and had something to eat. He could vaguely hear the sound of people scratching their hair and grinding their teeth from many exam rooms around him. He didn't know how other people did in the exam. Yun Jing

Jing also had no intention of using his mind to watch it, he just had to be himself.

Yun Jing wrote a more than 10,000-word strategy on more than a dozen pieces of blank paper, but at present this is just the first draft. Next, he will revise and polish it, and write an article. Yun Jing is serious about it.

After eating and resting for a while, after the sky darkened, Yunjing revised the first draft under the light of the lantern. He deleted some things and adjusted some wording and tone. The text was reduced to less than 10,000 words, but it was more concise and more concise than

The previous draft was improved a bit.

This is just the first revision of the draft. Yun Jing will have to think over it again and again in order to achieve the best he can do. This process is undoubtedly boring. People with a bad mentality are likely to have confused thinking during the revision process.

After all, people's mentality changes all the time, and content that seems good one moment may be rejected the next moment.

Fortunately, Yunjing's mentality has always been stable, and such a situation will not happen. After all, he is used to revising over and over again when writing articles until there is no more changes. He does not find it boring, but likes this rigor.

attitude, every bit of progress makes him feel happy.

After the first revision, it was completely dark. After all, it was revision, which was different from writing an article. There was no need to think and write at the same time, and it was undoubtedly much faster.

While it was still early in the day, Yun Jing made a second revision, and streamlined some of the wording and tone. The word count of the article was further reduced, but the content was more rigorous and refined. The content was still the same, but it did not make people feel that Chen Chang was verbose when reading it.

After the second time, Yunjing stopped revising the manuscript and took a rest. There was still one day of exam time left, and there was plenty of time. He was not in a hurry. He took a night's rest and adjusted his spirit, which would be more conducive to the examination the next day.

Fix leaks.

There was no calm in the examination room that night. Some people couldn't help but tried to cheat by special means and were taken away quietly after being discovered. Some people had not accumulated enough knowledge to face some contents of the test paper and were helpless and collapsed on the spot, which would inevitably affect the order of the examination room. This

Some of these candidates were warned and adjusted to stay, while others were expelled from the examination room.

For many people, the imperial examination is a fateful decision. After all, if you fail once and have a failure experience, it will be difficult to face it again in the future without leaving a shadow. Mentality is also part of 'strength'


After a night, Yunjing continued to take the exam seriously the next day. He started revising yesterday's article early in the morning. He was so focused that he didn't even glance at the soldier examiner who was patrolling the exam room.

Until noon, Yunjing revised the article that had been revised twice yesterday five times in a row. The word count had been reduced to less than 6,000 words. The content was refined and substantial, and every word was sonorous and powerful. At this time, Yunjing could no longer change anything.

To the extreme of what you can do!

Seeing that the exam was about to end in half a day, Yunjing did not rush to finalize the article and copy it into the test paper. Instead, he calmed down and carefully checked all the test papers he had done from scratch.

After three times in a row, Yunjing didn't find any mistakes or omissions. Of course, this was just the result of his own inspection. The examiner would make the final judgment on whether there were really no mistakes or omissions. Anyway, Yunjing had done his best.

Try to do your best.

After checking the test paper, he began to copy the final article. The font was correct and neat, and he did it in one go without any pause.

When the last stroke is made, it will be revealed in half a month that Yunjing will finish the exam and what kind of results he will achieve and whether he will be on the list.

The results of the examination will be released half a month later. After all, so many test papers need to be copied anonymously before the final marking can be carried out, which requires a lot of manpower and time.

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Although he had finished the exam and there was still some time before the end of the exam, Yunjing did not rush to hand in the paper and leave. Instead, he went through the test paper again and checked it over and over again. Although it didn't make much sense, it was

Yunjing's serious attitude.

In fact, let alone him, no one in the entire examination room handed in their papers and left in advance. Of course, there were no such "crazy students", but they did not appear in this examination room.

As the sun set, after three loud bells rang, a majestic and powerful voice spread throughout the examination room.

"The exam is over. Candidates should stop writing, stay where they are, mute their voices, and wait until the papers are collected before leaving!"

When this voice appeared, the atmosphere in the entire examination room condensed, but it was still quiet. No one was making any noise at this time. It didn't matter whether the exam was good or not. After all, it was the last moment. The efforts before making a mistake

It's all in vain.

Yunjing organized the test papers, put the drafts neatly aside, and quietly waited for the papers to be collected.

Just like when you came, when you leave, you cannot take away any piece of paper except your clothes and your student status.

Gu Yunjing, the person collecting the papers, understood that they were all illiterate. When they collected the papers, they covered up the names on the papers and stored them on the spot. At this time, Yunjing clearly felt that there were sharp eyes scanning the examination room, presumably to prevent them.

Fraud occurred at the last moment, and no one dared to make unnecessary moves at this time. The candidates sat quietly, and the people collecting the papers performed their duties without saying a word.

The whole process of collecting papers lasted for half an hour. When the examination papers were taken away by heavy security guards, the examiner's voice finally sounded and said: "This imperial examination is over and the candidates can leave the examination room. I wish you a bright future and be on the list."

When these words were spoken, the entire examination room suddenly became lively, and the previous depression suddenly erupted, making it look like a vegetable market.

Candidates have been suppressed for so long, and they always need to vent. Some people are yelling wildly, some are calling friends, and some are breaking down and crying. It is probably because they failed the exam...

Yunjing was still calm. He straightened up his manners and walked towards the exit. After a few days of exams, although he was still clean and tidy, he was eager to go back and wash up. He was not a mysophobia. Anyway, he felt uncomfortable without washing for a day.

What's more, it took three whole days.

Not to mention anything else, the smell of ink on my body is too strong, especially the ink provided by the government is not good quality. Not only does it not have the so-called fragrance of ink, it actually smells a bit...

After leaving the examination room and seeing the light of day again, the outside was even more lively, with countless people swarming in to greet the candidates, and the scene was quite chaotic.

All living beings can be seen at a panoramic view. Some family members who took the exam asked ardently how they did in the exam. Faced with such questions, some looked confident and proud, some remained silent, and I don’t know whether they were low-key or unsure, and some cried.

Of course, more and more people are working hard to find the answer.

This scene was similar to that after every exam in Yunjing's previous life, but the imperial examination here was much more important than the exam in his previous life.


"Someone fainted..."

There was a commotion. Yun Jing looked up and felt very sad. The person who fainted was an old examinee with white beard and white hair. He didn't know whether it was because he didn't do well in the exam, he was too stressed or because he was in poor health. He fainted immediately after leaving the examination room.


Even though he is still in his 80s and has not given up, Yunjing can only lament that the imperial examination...

"Master, this way"

In the chaotic crowd, Yunjing quickly discovered Song Yan. He was walking among the crowd and waving to Yunjing.

After the master and servant met, Song Yan didn't say a word about how Yun Jing did in the exam, but said: "You have worked hard, young master. I have prepared meals and bath supplies. When I get back, young master will eat and drink enough and have a good rest."

"Let's go back. The imperial examination is over. It's time to relax." Yun Jing smiled and nodded.

No matter what the result is, it has passed. Although I will continue to study in the future, I don’t have to hold on to the papers as before, and I can take my time more leisurely.

To be honest, Yunjing was a little unaccustomed to this relaxation.

Yunjing didn't have many friends in Qingjiang City, so there were no unnecessary pleasantries. After returning home, Yunjing washed up, ate and drank, and went to bed.

Qingjiang City was extremely lively that night, especially the brothels, which were packed with guests. After all, the exams were over. The candidates had been nervous for so long and they always needed to indulge.

Although Yunjing can go home immediately after the exam. If he is admitted to the Juren Government Office, someone will naturally come to announce the good news, but Yunjing still plans to stay for half a month. After all, it is years of hard work, and he also wants to know the results as soon as possible.

Yunjing has already decided whether to participate in this year's Jinshi examination. He doesn't plan to participate. First of all, he has no intention of getting the Jinshi title in one year and being in the limelight. Furthermore, Jinshi is not something he wants to take.

Those who can pass the exam are not prepared enough after all. Then, after preparing for the Juren Exam for so long, he also wants to relax for a while.

Next time, or next time, he is still young anyway, and becoming an official in the imperial examination is not Yunjing's purpose, it is just a process for him to make his family happy.

Then Yunjing was thinking that with his father's character, he would like to be an official or a high official in the future, and then he would be famous. After all, he hopes his children will succeed, and Yunshan is no different from other people.

But Yunjing has no intention of becoming an official, so this is a headache.

In the future, I can obviously be an official, but I am willing to be an idle cloud and wild crane. I am afraid that my father will beat me with a stick, and I will be a waste of money...

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, let’s talk about the future later. Anyway, as long as your thoughts don’t slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties. There will be plenty of ways to deal with your family when the time comes.

Half a month is not a long time, and suddenly without the 'pressure' of the imperial examination, Yunjing becomes a little idle. On weekdays, he occasionally walks around Qingjiang City, and sometimes goes to see the giant python.

After this period of time, the giant python has almost completely recovered from its injuries under the nourishment of the spiritual energy gathered by the spirit gathering array, and its aura has become thicker and stronger. It is estimated that there is still room for growth.

Because he felt relaxed, Yunjing became more diligent when he went to Bai Zhi's place.

The results of the imperial examination have not yet come out, and there is no mention of Yunjing's performance on the blank sheet of paper, for fear of bringing pressure to Yunjing, but he serves and gives everything he wants. It's hard to describe the feeling. In short, it is very beautiful, especially for a certain person.

One night, Yunjing drank some wine, and in good spirits, he took Bai Zhi up to the blue clouds, and saw the joy rolling in the white clouds. Gee, that kind of happiness is something that most people can't experience. It's really wonderful.

Although Song Yan, who was a book boy during this period, did not ask Yun Jing how he did in the exam, he was silently making preparations and exchanged two large frames of copper coins, and then some broken silver ingots.

Needless to say, he was preparing a reward. The person who wanted to congratulate you would have to give you money. If someone came to congratulate you, even a beggar would have to express your disapproval.

Although he didn't say it, Song Yan believed that his young master would definitely be on the list.

Half a month passed quickly, and the time passed in peace. It can be said that in the blink of an eye, it was the day when the results were released.

The result of working hard for so long is about to be revealed. Not to mention, Yun Jing is a little nervous.

This chapter has been completed!
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