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Chapter five hundred and eighty seventh eighteen

Time passed day by day, and finally there was no more white snow messing up the world.

The warm winter continues, the sky is cloudless all day long, the wind is blowing coldly, the air is so dry that it is depressingly dry, and even a piece of soil particles picked up from the ground can be easily crushed into dust.

In such an abnormal season, everyone feels that something is wrong, and it is self-evident what it foreshadows.

Especially for farmers who dig food in the fields, such an abnormal season brings great fear to them. Even in a remote place like Xiaoxi Village, where the villagers have not yet had to pay taxes, they are still panic-stricken.

An invisible haze hung over the entire village, and the atmosphere was so depressing that it was almost suffocating.

After all, they are low-level farmers with little knowledge. The villagers were confused. Knowing that Yunjing was at home, they ran to ask him if something big would happen. They did not dare to mention the word "severe drought". They really did not dare, because as long as they thought of those two

The word is a bit despairing.

In response to the villagers' inquiries, Yunjing finally told them calmly that it was okay, there was no need to worry, and nothing they were worried about would happen.

People's emotions are contagious. The more relaxed Yunjing is, the more confident the villagers will be. Because Yunjing is a scholar and the most capable and knowledgeable person in the village. If he says it's okay, then it must be okay.


If you are ignorant, you are stupid, and you are right to listen to smart people.

Appeasing the emotions of the villagers has become Yunjing's daily routine during this period. On the surface, he is calm, but on the inside, he is not at all relaxed than the villagers.

Although even if there is a severe drought and there is no harvest in the ground, it will have no impact on his cloud scenery and cannot starve him, but the general environment is like this, and the overwhelming depression is sweeping over him, and even he cannot remain indifferent.

Xiaoxi Village is soothed by the cloud scenery, and people's emotions are still stable, but bad things have happened in other places.

Many farmers went to guard the county. They went to the government to ask if there would be a major drought and what to do if it happened. For the people at the lowest level, if there is a major disaster, the only one they can count on is the government.


The government naturally focuses on stability, calming the people's emotions, telling them that such a thing will not happen, and trying their best to persuade them one after another. However, people still come to consult in a steady stream. All day long, the government is trying to cope with the situation.

The people were extremely busy.

The government is also afraid now. What should we do if there is a severe drought? Especially as government officials know more than the people at the bottom, they know that the entire country and even several surrounding dynasties have very little snow and precipitation today, even almost

Yu Wu!

This is no longer a matter of one state or one place. If a severe drought occurs and the whole country suffers, it is likely to be a severe drought all over the world...

The heavy pressure makes one's scalp numb and dizzy, as if the sky is falling and the earth is falling. The invisible horror cannot be described in words.

According to Yunjing, the price of food on the market has quietly skyrocketed recently. The latest situation is that the price of food has doubled compared to normal times in previous years, and the trend is likely to continue.

Everyone is afraid. When encountering such an abnormal season, they rush to buy and hoard food. After all, they don’t panic when they have food in hand.

This momentum has been unstoppable. Given the general trend, even if the government develops some warehouses to calm grain prices, it will not help. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a drop in the bucket.

There are always cold-blooded people in the world, especially some businessmen. Seeing the opportunity to make money and seeing the skyrocketing food prices, they have been trying to make money. They either raise food prices, or they ship less goods and wait and wait for food prices to continue to rise. Some simply close their doors and go overseas.

, waiting in the grain warehouse to make a fortune when grain prices peak. Now anyone with any brains can see that the rise in grain prices is just the beginning...

Naturally, the government cannot just sit idly by and do nothing about such disgusting merchants. They have issued a series of regulations to deal with them, but the effect is not very effective. Everyone is doing this. If they want to make a fortune in food, they can't just arrest and kill them all, right?

And all this is just the beginning. After all, the severe drought has only shown some signs and has not really arrived yet. It is impossible to imagine what the situation will be like when the real drought comes and people have no food.

When the price of food rose to 50% higher than normal in previous years, Yunjing had already ordered Song Yan to stop buying food. There was no point in continuing. The whole world seemed to be in panic. His little food What's the point?

With limited manpower, Yunjing could only try his best to do what he should do. No matter how much he did, there was nothing he could do.

Sometimes I think about it, I actually want to do more, but my ability may be limited, which makes me feel really uncomfortable.

Who in this world doesn’t want to be a master and help the world? But the world is too big, and one person is too small...

Throughout the day, Yunjing mostly stayed in the village, accompanying his family, usually reading, and mostly writing and drawing on paper. Occasionally he looked up at the sky, with worries getting deeper in his eyes. But when facing his family, he Always with a calm smile.

This family, with him, is peaceful.

As a man, the sense of accomplishment that can be carried by a family cannot be expressed in words. But if a small family can carry it, what about us? We can only do our best. Without a small family, where would we come from?

Time passed little by little in this increasingly depressing atmosphere.

Yunjing learned from Lin Xingyu that the three sects in Xinlin County finally merged together and became a brand new force, led by the original Liuye Sword Sect, which was considered inconspicuous in the entire world. A small fish.

Everyone's life is different, and the things they have to face and experience are also different. Just the changes in the three Jianghu forces in Xinlin County are not worth the trouble in the world, but for many people who are involved in it, , but it is an extremely important part of life.

On this day, Yunjing was reading at home, and his parents came back from outside. Yunshan was carrying a bucket on his shoulder, and Jiang Susu was carrying a wooden basin on her waist.

After they came back, they no longer had the usual smiles on their faces. They glanced at Yun Jing who was reading in the pavilion and hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything. Yun Shan went to pour the well water he brought back into the tank, feeling a little lost in thought. Standing there, Jiang Susu quietly dried the washed clothes.

Yunjing noticed the reaction of his family members immediately and immediately put down the book and asked: "Dad, mother, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, Xiaojing, read your book." Jiang Susu turned around and said with a forced smile, a sad look on her face.

Yunshan thought for a while and said: "Xiaojing, the small river in the village is almost drying up, and there is not much water left in the well. Your mother can hardly find a place to wash her clothes, and I have to carry water with her. Others are queuing up, what will happen if this continues, there will be no water soon..."

Hearing this, Jiang Susu turned around and glared at Yunshan and complained: "What are you talking about to Xiao Jing? Don't delay Xiao Jing's reading. I won't do it if it delays my son's studies."

In Jiang Susu's view, what's the use of telling Yunjing these things? If there is no water, that's God's business. Yunjing can still produce water. In her simple concept, Yunjing's study and learning are the most important. of.

"... Pretend I didn't say it," Yunshan opened his mouth and shook his head, looking at the water tank with only half a tank of water in his eyes with worry.

Yunjing's house has "tap water" installed, but the problem is that the streams are almost dry now, where is the water flowing through the bamboo pipes? The family has no choice but to pick up buckets to carry water.

It has not snowed or rained for several months, and various problems have become serious. The drought will not only affect whether crops can be planted in the coming year, but also the impact on people's daily water consumption has also been highlighted.

The importance of water is self-evident. You can survive seven or eight days without eating, but it is difficult for a person to survive three days without drinking water!

Hearing what his parents said, Yun Jing's eyes flashed with solemnity, but he raised his head and said with a smile: "Mom and dad, what do I mean? Don't worry, maybe there will be water tomorrow."

"As you said, water can still fall from the sky. Well, it seems to have really fallen from the sky. Forget it, I went to carry water. The water tank is not full and I always feel unsteady." Yun Shandu muttered,

Immediately he picked up the bucket and went out again.

There was nothing much to do in the winter, and as a farmer all his life, he always felt out of sorts unless he found some work.

Jiang Susu turned back and said with a smile: "Xiao Jing, please read your book. Don't worry about things at home. Is the water issue like this in our family?"

Yun Jingxin said that it was worrying that everyone was like this, but he said: "It's only temporary. It's not like we don't have any water at the moment. Maybe water will appear on its own one day."

Jiang Susu didn't take it to heart and continued to dry the clothes.

Water, is it imminent, but it doesn’t rain or snow...

After pondering for a moment, Yunjing continued to read, with various thoughts flashing through his mind.

In the afternoon, grandpa Yunshan came back with Dahei, accompanied by Yun Dong and Yun Xi. The three of them went to herd cattle for a day. At this time of the year, there was nothing for the cattle to eat in the wild, but this did not mean

It prevents the cow from being taken out for a walk.

After coming back, Yun Dong and Yun Xi brother and sister played carelessly, but there was no smile in Grandpa Yun Lin's eyes. He has been a farmer all his life, and a look of fear often flashed in his eyes recently.

Rather than going to herd cattle, he went to look at the fields. The fields were already dry and cracked, and the cows' feet could sink into them. The soil was so dry that dust flew up when the wind blew. He knew what this meant and did not dare to

He didn't dare to say it, and he felt scared just thinking about it. Even though his family no longer relied on the fields for a long time, how could something that had been engraved in the depths of his soul for a lifetime be easily changed due to changes in family conditions?

At night, the whole family fell asleep, and Yun Jing left home silently.

Perhaps it was Xuanzhiyouxuan's blood induction. When Yunjing left home, Jiang Susu subconsciously woke up, opened her eyes, and murmured: "Everyone's life is the same, don't show off..."

"What are you talking about, sleep?" Yunshan muttered in his sleep.

The moonlight at night was beautiful, but there was no smile on Yunjing's face. After leaving home, he first went to see the wells where the villagers used daily water.

There is still water in the well, but it is not as turbulent as usual. Although there is still water coming out, it looks lifeless and may dry up at any time.

After staying here for a while, Yunjing took another look at the small stream in the village. Just as his father Yunshan said, it was almost drying up. The rocks in the river turned white under the moonlight, which made people feel chilly.

The occasional pool of water in the stream is also lifeless. It is cold at night, and frost has condensed on the edges...

Along the stream, Yunjing looked upstream, pondered for a moment, and then flew upstream along the stream, until he reached the mountains dozens of miles upstream.

There is no water upstream...

Standing at the source of the stream, Yunjing stayed for a while. He had some concerns in his mind. Instead of rushing home, he went to other places and observed many places in the county. After a while, he found that the situation was not optimistic.

Throughout the county, streams and rivers of all sizes were short of water, and many places had completely stopped flowing. This situation made Yunjing extremely depressed.

In the end, he even ran to the Li River to take a look, and his heart became more solemn. The Li River, which was dozens of miles wide, was originally majestic, but now it was a little lifeless, like an old man in his twilight years. The water level dropped by two or three meters. It should be noted that this is a wide area. The Lijiang River, which is tens of miles long, what is the concept of a drop of two or three meters in water level? Shipping and both sides of the river will be greatly affected!

Small rivers have no water, large rivers have no water, and there is no source of living water. How can the Li River maintain its former majesty?

Something big is going to happen!

Standing on the edge of the Li River, the cloud scenery lingered for half a night, his thoughts were filled with endless boredom, and he finally went home. What could he do?

Two more days passed, and two days later, Yunshan came back happily with a bucket, saying that the river in the village had water again, almost as usual, and the water in the well was also overflowing, and the villagers no longer had to worry about running out of water.

While he was happy, he also wondered why the creeks and wells that were almost dry suddenly had water. He was puzzled.

In response, Yun Jing joked that it was God who made a joke to scare people a few days ago.

All in all, there is water, and it seems that the previous situation will not happen in the short term. The depressed mood of the villagers has also relaxed a lot.

There is water in the village again. Of course, it was Yunjing who quietly opened up the underground water veins and the ground water gushes out, which naturally solves the problem of lack of water in the village.

He has carefully observed that the underground water supply is abundant, and Xiaoxi Village will not worry about running out of water in the short term, and even farming will not be affected after next spring. The villagers' concerns will naturally be resolved.

But the question is, if the drought continues, how long can the groundwater last? How many months? Half a year or a year? There will always be a time when it will be exhausted...

I just hope God opens his eyes before the groundwater depletes.

The problem in Xiaoxi Village has been solved, but what about other places?

Yunjing is very busy. He takes time every day to travel around, starting from the nearest place, helping to connect the groundwater of villages and towns that are seriously short of water. He does what he can, and he doesn't mind helping those in need.

But the question is how much can he help alone? There are too many people and places in need of help, so he can only do his best.

Moreover, groundwater does not just need to be opened up, there are many issues to consider, such as the abundance of groundwater, what kind of flow can be opened to maintain the water source to the maximum extent, for example, if the groundwater reaches a certain level, will it cause subsidence, so we choose to open it up. The place is very particular...

Again, how much can Yunjing do by himself? As much as he can do...

As a scholar, Yunjing still has some responsibilities. Even though he has never been an official, he has enjoyed national welfare after all. In the current situation, Yunjing also adopts the attitude of a scholar.

He seriously wrote a letter of advice and submitted it as a scholar, suggesting that the dynasty send strange people and strange things to help the people solve the water shortage problem. He originally wanted to suggest that the dynasty mobilize the people to build rivers, but he didn't write it because he thought about it.

If this involves the issue of corvee labor, many human tragedies may occur. People's lives are already becoming increasingly difficult, so why make it worse for them?

There are countless strange people and strange things in the world, and most of them are people who look for mountains and veins. If they go out to open the veins of the earth, or open mountains to divert water, they can naturally do it. Anyway, try to reduce the disaster and prolong the world as much as possible. I hope God will open his eyes.


I don’t know if it’s because of the dynasty’s actions or because of Yunjing’s own reasons. His words of advice didn’t turn out to be in vain, but the government took action. Anyway, soon after Yunjing goes out at night, he will accidentally encounter the innate stage or even the true artistic conception moving on the earth...

Maybe a big disaster is coming, and everyone must be united and united. It would be terrible if nothing is done.

However, everything is just the beginning, what will happen next?

Busy days always pass by very quickly. Apart from the busyness, various news also come in. Water shortages are serious in many places, which has affected the people's difficulty in drinking water. Some people have even started to leave their homes because of lack of water!

In addition, the Third Prince not only failed to suppress the rebellious group by the stream, but the loss of troops and generals made it even stronger, and even threatened to leave no one behind. The court was shaken, and more troops were sent.

Banditry in various places is also increasing day by day, people are panicking, and all kinds of rivers and lakes forces are also ready to take action. A sense of depression is filling the world...

In such an environment, one day Jiang Susu cooked a sumptuous meal and the family gathered together. Only then did Yunjing realize that his eighteenth birthday had quietly arrived.

The age of eighteen is a very important time in a person's life. In a sense, this is when he truly becomes an adult, and responsibilities and responsibilities will follow.

But Yunjing's past performance made people ignore this.

Yun Jing spent his eighteenth birthday very peacefully, spending time with his family, which can be considered a happy time.

Originally, given his status, it was not an exaggeration to do anything grand, and at least he wanted to celebrate with his close friends, but those things were omitted.

Unknowingly, I have been here in this world for eighteen years...

Grandpa Yunshan gave Yunjing a big red envelope and told him that when he grows up, you must take responsibility for this family in the future. Grandpa is old, and this family will depend on you in the future. It is difficult to express his joy and sadness.

Yunshan drank some wine and had mixed emotions. His son grew up, which meant that he was old.

Mother Jiang Susu is very happy because her son Yunjing will always be her pride, but her eyes turn red when she smiles because her son has grown up. When he grows up, will he no longer want his mother? It’s hard to express that feeling.


Yundong wrote a poem for Yunjing. Although it didn't make sense and was barely a limerick, Yunjing was very happy. Well, the two brothers were not good at writing poems. Anyway, if they were happy, they would be done.

Yunxi drew a painting for Yunjing, and Yunjing accepted it with great appreciation, saying that it was one of the best gifts he had ever received.

On the same day, Yunjing received gifts from Su Xiaoye, as well as gifts from Bai Zhi, Lin Xingyu, Wang Bolin and the others, and even his master and his wife. None of them had forgotten them, even thousands of miles away.

Ye Tiandu from abroad sent a gift on the same day.

Among them, the gift from Master Li Qiu only had two words. It was a calligraphy and painting, and only the two words "Shou Xin" were written on it.

Yunjing looked at those two words for a long time, and said to the master in the distance in his heart, he has never let down these two words...

After receiving the gift of calligraphy and painting from Master, Yunjing wrote a long letter back to Master. There was nothing that the master and apprentice could not say. In the letter, Yunjing focused on analyzing the current drought and its impact on the coming year. He hoped that Master

Can increase the dynasty's attention through its own influence.

In the letter, Yunjing proposed that although the water level of the Lijiang River has dropped, it is still unstoppable, so everyone should use the water of the Lijiang River. He reminded Master to use the power of the dynasty to build huge waterwheels on both sides of the bank, and then dig ditches to divert the canals to the maximum extent.

By diverting the water from the Li River to the distant land, the spring plowing on both sides of the Li River will be unaffected to the greatest extent possible.

Such suggestions are not Yunjing's fantasy. After all, there are countless talented people in the world. Take the construction of ditches and canals as an example. The effect of a true artistic conception is no worse than a pile of heavy equipment from his previous life.

It's not difficult to say. As long as you take action, I dare not say that it is possible to divert the water of the Li River to hundreds of miles in a short time.

How long is the Li River? It almost runs through Dali. The cultivation of hundreds of miles of land along the coast will not be affected, which will ensure immeasurable food production.

In addition to the Li River, this can also be done in other rivers. As long as there is water, make the most of it.

Yun Jing has told Master about methods such as waterwheels and siphons. Anyway, Yun Jing is doing his best to help more people.

His abilities alone are limited, and even if he is exhausted, it will be a drop in the bucket, so he can only use more power.

Sometimes Yunjing is also confused. Does what he has done have any significance to the overall environment? It certainly does, but with the current abnormal seasonal conditions, it is unknown to what extent it will develop in the future.

After the letter was written, Yunjing did not send it by mail, but flew it directly to the master. The master and the disciple met each other, and then separated after a brief contact.

As a feudal official, Li Qiu has to deal with far more things than Yun Jing imagined in the current situation. Meeting with Yun Jing was all taken out of his busy schedule.

After carefully reading what Yun Jing wrote, he patted Yun Jing's shoulder and was very pleased. He rejected Yun Jing's kind suggestion of sending a message and used Twin Flowers to communicate directly with the capital.

He, Yun Jing, and many people are trying their best to contribute.

In today's situation, drought is probably inevitable, and it is still a severe drought that affects the whole country. When a severe drought comes, there will be many problems involved, which are difficult to describe in a few words.

After Yunjing came back, he was already thinking about various problems that might arise during the disaster. The most inevitable point among them was that the epidemic had to be prevented, and then banditry and weapons and disaster relief were all Yunjing's limited abilities alone.

But he can try his best to provide opinions and suggestions.

Before you know it, this year will pass, the New Year Festival is coming, and after the New Year Festival it will be spring plowing!

This chapter has been completed!
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