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Chapter 599 take care

There had been arrangements in advance, and people from the Yamen quickly came to take away the assassins.

The reunion of old friends was interrupted, and Zhou Yu had to temporarily leave with apologies to interrogate the assassins.

Nowadays it was not peaceful, it was getting late, and it was time for the teahouse to open its doors. Yunjing did not embarrass the shopkeeper, he paid the bill and left to find an inn that was still open for a night's stay.

The inn that dared to open for business in such an uneasy world was naturally somewhat confident. After all, it only received travelers from all over the world, so it was not enough without a few brushes. But that had nothing to do with Yunjing, and there was nothing surprising about staying in the hotel normally.


Yun Jing was not very sleepy in the room, so he simply found a book and read it slowly under the oil lamp. He didn't really ignore Zhou Yu's side and was paying attention silently, but there was no need for Yun Jing to intervene in the subsequent development.


Zhou Yu's wisdom and strategies are not bad. He has some methods to gain a foothold in Yangfeng County for more than a year. After catching the assassin, he used it as a breakthrough to proceed in an orderly manner.

He interrogated several assassins in person. They dared to assassinate the imperial official, and their identities would not be revealed. It would be fine if they succeeded, but they were caught on the spot...

Zhou Yu knew one of them the day after tomorrow. Not only did he know him, he was also very famous in Yangfeng County. He was a very important figure, a scholar, and had a reputation as a scholar, but he did not have an official position.

This person was arrested and acted extremely unjustly at first. He said that he was just passing by, but he was attacked by someone and was taken to prison. Magistrate Zhou, you have to make the decision for me to find out the truth and arrest the thief.

, a thief came right away and shouted, "Catch the thief."

Zhou Yu responded to this with a smile. After all, the other party had the reputation of being a civil servant. Not only could he not be tortured, but he had to greet him with a smile. He even hired a doctor to ask what happened to him. He refused on the grounds that he was injured in a sneak attack.

Don't worry, please stay in the Yamen for now, that person will definitely not work. Zhou Yu will leave directly with the excuse of being busy and then talk about it later.

The identities of the other three late-acquired people were also quickly figured out. Two were from the Golden Wolf Dynasty and came across the border. The last one was a loose person in Yangfeng County who lived without a fixed abode. On the surface, he was a chivalrous and righteous person.

Everyone knows how many dirty things he has done behind the scenes.

The biggest breakthrough was the abolished innate master, who was also from the Golden Wolf Dynasty. He was quite famous in a certain area, but he had a bad reputation, and everyone wanted to beat him up.

He repeatedly jumped across the border, had many enemies, and was wanted by the officials of both countries. This kind of person has done all kinds of bad things and has no bottom line.

His cultivation was ruined and he became a useless person from then on. He probably wanted to drag people into trouble even if he died. After breaking the jar and throwing it down, he confessed everything he knew.

Through him, the truth of many things came to light, Zhou Yu also breathed a sigh of relief, and countless tangled things were solved.

This person has been a long-time partner of the Fang family, a prominent local family. The Fang family spent a lot of money to come to assassinate Zhou Yu this time. Such cooperation has been carried out countless times over the years. The previous magistrates of Yangfeng County

It was also the Fang family who hired him to cause various 'accidents' and died.

The Fang family has been rooted in Yangfeng County for more than a hundred years. On the surface, it does not have much notoriety, and sometimes it has even done many good deeds. However, through the mouth of the innate master who was wasted, many dark things about the Fang family were revealed.

People, you can't just look at the surface. Many times, no matter how glamorous a person is on the surface, they are just as dirty behind the scenes. The darker the person, the better they hide it. He needs a lot of things to cover up his true colors.

The Fang family is a century-old prominent family in Yangfeng County. No matter how many relationships he has established and how many connections he has, just by assassinating the imperial official, he has broken the taboo and no one can save his family!

Every circle has its own rules. It doesn't matter if you play normally. You rely on your own methods. However, when you break the rules, the whole circle can't tolerate you.

Your Fang family dares to hire someone to assassinate him today. Even if I have a good relationship with you and am even your patron, will you do the same to me at some point?

It doesn't matter how the game is played within the rules. When you break the rules, no one will be able to tolerate you!

After grasping some clues through the confession of the Fei Xiantian master, Zhou Yu quickly sent people to obtain evidence. After obtaining the personal and physical evidence...

The second half of the night in Yangfeng County was very lively. Soldiers, officers and policemen were running around, the fire was swaying, and the Fang family courtyard was immediately surrounded!

Originally, the Fang family relied on the local noble family's integrity to lead Zhou Yu here. Under the premise that the Fang family had produced officials and even had several famous scholars, they almost scolded Zhou Yu bloody.

However, Zhou Yu didn't accept this trick at all. In order to check the disaster relief food funds, he had already obtained the warrant from his superiors. Regardless of whether you are the Fang family or the Li family, you actually refused to cooperate and just took it!

The Fang family still wanted to resist, but it was useless. Zhou Yu took action personally, and the situation quickly calmed down. Under the premise that the Fang family did not have any masters for the time being, those who should be arrested were arrested, and those who resisted were killed.

At this point, the Fang family, which had been rooted in Yangfeng County for more than a hundred years, fell overnight.

After a busy night, before dawn, Zhou Yu led a group of soldiers out of the city again and returned in the afternoon. Even though they were tired and exhausted, the atmosphere was high.

Zhou Yu, who brought people back, not only brought more than a hundred heads of horse bandits, but also hundreds of carts of food, and the follow-up shipments are still coming...

Yun Jing paid close attention to these matters silently and did not interfere in the slightest, but he could not help but be surprised by Zhou Yu's vigorous and decisive actions.

As an official of the imperial court, he has been in Yangfeng County for more than a year and has already established a firm foothold. He has dealt with all parties and knows who they are and what kind of people they are. He has prepared orders from above in advance, and with the general trend, he can get it done as soon as he launches it!

The overall situation is stable for the time being, but there are still many things to do in the future, but there is no need to rush, just take your time, the overall situation has been decided anyway.

One day and two nights later, at noon, after taking care of the urgent matters at hand, Zhou Yu took the time to go out in casual clothes to see Yun Jing again.

The two met at a small restaurant, with two plates of side dishes, a bowl of porridge, and not even wine. It was not that Zhou Yu was extravagant and wasteful to avoid suspicion, but that the small restaurant had no other good things, especially during a disaster, food was

There's not enough food, and there's definitely no wine. If you dare to use grain to make wine, it's a death penalty!

"Brother Yun, I've been busy with things these days and I've left you out in the cold, so I'd like to apologize to you first." After meeting again, after a brief exchange of greetings, Zhou Yu said extremely apologetically.

Yunjing waved his hand and said, "Brother Zhou, there is no need to do this. Business is important. I understand. Don't worry about me. I'm sorry for delaying Brother Zhou."

After saying this, Yunjing paused and asked, "How is Brother Zhou's matter handled?"

Although Yun Jing had witnessed many things in the past two days, it was another matter to hear them from Zhou Yu's mouth.

After hearing this, Zhou Yu's expression changed, he pondered for a moment and said in a complex tone: "Thank you to Brother Yun for taking action this time, otherwise many things would be really difficult and extremely tricky."

After a pause, he gritted his teeth and said, "Who would have thought that the Fang family, a century-old local family with a glamorous appearance, would actually be the biggest cancer in the country!"

"Over the years, the Fang family has done all kinds of bad things. They have used various means to annex the poor people's land, abducted women and children, raised bandits to make trouble, and even colluded with foreign enemies to harm the imperial officials. Each one of them is so outrageous that it is difficult to describe."

Yun Jing paid a little attention to these things during Zhou Yu's investigation. Naturally, he knew it clearly. Even a lot of the evidence was quietly found by Yun Jing and placed in certain places where Zhou Yu happened to get it. Of course, this kind of thing is

There's no need to say it out loud.

In response to this, Yun Jing also shook his head and said angrily: "This Fang family is really disgusting. They still farm and study to inherit the family. It is an insult to the word scholar."

"No," Zhou Yu shook his head, and then said with red eyes: "Brother Yun, do you know what I took people to find from Fang's house? A total of 530,000 taels of silver, various antiques, calligraphy, gold, silver and jewelry.

It’s worth more than 200,000 taels, and the grain is more than 3 million jins!”

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Yu said angrily: "What a terrifying figure. It should be noted that the total tax revenue of the entire Yangfeng County for a year is less than 30,000 taels, and the Fang family's current wealth and food are ten times that

A hundred times that, let alone other real estate, this century-old family is really a ruthless way to make money!"

Yunjing was shocked by the data Zhou Yu mentioned, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn't feel too surprised.

It should be noted that the Fang family is a local prominent family that has been around for a century. Unexpectedly, many members of the Fang family are famous and do not need to pay taxes. With various shady means, it is not an exaggeration to accumulate such wealth with a century-old foundation. Among them, the wealth obtained through shady means is definitely

It takes up most of it.

Especially since the Fang family also owns mines and conducts secret smuggling across the border.

In short, there are many things that you don’t know about, which can shock countless people’s eyes when revealed.

There is a saying that the wealth of the Fang family is still far away from being rich and famous, but in a place like Yangfeng County, it can be said to be a veritable wealth. With the living conditions here, even if the family is not wasted, ten generations of people will be able to live in nothing.

Not finished!

"In a sense, the Fang family is quite capable," Yun Jing said half melancholy and half jokingly.

Zhou Yu nodded and said: "Yes, who would have thought that the famous family could be such a big cancer?" Then he said angrily: "Especially now that there are countless victims, it is hard to find a porridge, and many people even lose their roots and bark.

They didn't have anything to eat and starved to death, but the Fang family had more than three million kilograms of grain piled up and it was almost moldy. How cruel are they? It's ridiculous. Some time ago, I had the nerve to ask the big families in the city to donate money and grain for disaster relief.

, the Fang family is the one who complains the most, how disgusting it is!"

"You know people but don't know their hearts," Yun Jing said silently. It's probably the same in all places. The richer the people, the more stingy they are. It's harder to get some free benefits from someone's hands than to cut his flesh.

Waving his hands, Zhou Yu said: "All this has passed. The Fang family has become a thing of the past. I think the people's lives will be much better in the future..." When he said this, he thought of the current disaster, stopped decisively, and changed his words: "But fortunately

Yes, evidence of raising bandits was found from Fang's house. The dens of the bandits and their transfer routes at critical moments are all clear. It is precisely because of this that I was able to quickly lead people to kill them all yesterday, especially the batch of disaster relief food.

It was not transported away, but was hidden in a separate courtyard of the Fang family. It was rescued in time. I don’t know how many victims can survive because of this."

Three sentences: Don't forget the people. Zhou Yu is sincerely serving the country and the people. Yunjing admires these actions. This is the responsibility and responsibility that a scholar should have.

Why did the scholars of the Dali Dynasty have a transcendent status and receive such good welfare from the state? It was precisely because there were many people like Zhou Yu among them.

Yun Jing said sincerely: "Brother Zhou cracked the big eucalyptus and brought benefits to the people. He can be said to be the great master of the sky. After this incident, he will go straight to the top."

"I would rather this never happened. What a master of Qingtian. Yangfeng County has had a cancer like the Fang family for hundreds of years, and now it can be eradicated. It is simply ironic. As for the rise of the sky, hey, although the Fang family is evil, they have been able to manage it for many years.

There are still people out there, just don't cause trouble for me. Besides, how can we rest assured that the city is full of disaster victims?" Zhou Yu shook his head and said.

Thinking about it, Yun Jing did not dwell too much on these matters and changed his words: "What will happen to the Fang family next?"

"I'm not afraid of Brother Yun's jokes. I'm just a county magistrate. I can't judge his family. However, the truth about what the Fang family did is revealed. There are witnesses and physical evidence. It's only a matter of time before he is deprived of his reputation and beheaded in public. No one can guarantee it. It will happen soon."

Escorting the boss, that's not something I can control." Zhou Yu shook his head and smiled.

Assassinating court officials, raising bandits, and instigating the robbery of money and food for disaster relief... these crimes were all considered minor by beheading the entire Fang family.

This matter has finally been settled, the cancer of the Fang family has been eliminated, the disaster relief money and food have been recovered, and so many things have been found from the Fang family...

Yun Jing said: "What are Brother Zhou's plans next?"

"What else can I plan? The most important thing right now is to relieve the victims. But having said that, the money found by the Fang family must be handed over, but as for the food, I will try my best to keep it, even if I go to the superiors to cry, it really depends on me.

Watching the victims starve to death is as heart-wrenching as a knife," Zhou Yu said thoughtfully.

Yunjing understands this, but I think it will not be easy for Zhou Yu to keep the food he found from the Fang family. After all, there is a shortage of food everywhere. In the face of disaster, it is something more precious than life. Food is not only

It’s not just food, it’s also the political achievements of many officials. This is the reality and there’s nothing we can do about it.

"Everything will be fine," Yun Jing said, but it never rained. Can it really happen?

Curse, every time he thinks of these two words, Yun Jing feels a deep sense of powerlessness. It is not directed at a certain person, but at the entire human civilization. How to break it?

If the curse is not solved, the current drought is just the beginning, and it will only become more serious in the future. Yunjing cannot imagine that anything more terrible than the drought will happen.

Just as Zhou Yu was about to say something, his confidant Hou Duofu came in a hurry, saluted Yunjing, and quickly whispered in Zhou Yu's ear.

Hearing Hou Duofu's words, a look of surprise and surprise flashed in Zhou Yu's eyes, and he immediately asked Hou Duofu to leave. He looked at Yun Jing and said with a smile: "It's true that good things happen one after another, and surprises often come too suddenly."

Yun Jing smiled and asked, "Why is Brother Zhou so happy?"

"I want Brother Yun to know that after the Fang family was taken down, those big families in the city who had nothing to lose a few days ago actually approached the government and wanted to donate money and food to help the victims. They were all scrambling. Isn't this a good thing?" Zhou Yu said cheerfully.

This is really a good thing. Obviously, the fate of the Fang family has frightened many people. It is better to kill a chicken to scare a monkey than to kill a chicken to scare a monkey.

So what if there is a disaster? It is only the people at the bottom who suffer. Many well-to-do people still live a comfortable life. Now, in fear, they have no choice but to bleed for peace of mind.

Yun Jing smiled and said: "That's a good thing. Congratulations to Brother Zhou. Business is important, so I won't disturb you anymore. There is no such thing as a banquet in the world, so it's time for me to leave."

"Brother Yun is leaving?" Zhou Yu immediately put away his smile and said, obviously a little reluctant to say goodbye. It should be noted that in this era, it is impossible to see each other again after we say goodbye.

Yun Jing said: "Yes, after being out for a few months, it's time to go back. The days are long. This separation between you and me is the beginning of our next reunion, isn't it?"

"That's true. But after this separation, we are far apart. Alas... I haven't been able to entertain Brother Yun properly. I feel so guilty." Zhou Yu sighed.

The reunion comes suddenly, and the parting is even more sad, but everyone has his own life, parting is inevitable, and the time is always unsatisfactory.

"Brother Zhou, please don't say that. Coming here to see what you have done to the common people is better than any kind of hospitality. It is like drinking fine wine. I have benefited a lot. This trip is worthwhile," Yun Jing said sincerely.

Every journey, every person, and the story experienced will be stored in my heart. Looking back later, I will always gain something, and everyone has something worth learning.

Zhou Yu opened his mouth and said reluctantly: "When will Brother Yun set off?"

"The time is right, let's just say goodbye," Yun Jing said casually. He is an action man, so there is no need to be pretentious.

Zhou Yu nodded and said, "Then I'll give it to you."

Yunjing did not refuse, nodded and stood up to pay. The two of them walked away together, passing through the streets and the people, and arrived outside the city. When the two left the city gate, Hou Duofu came from nowhere and appeared beside them.


Zhou Yu sent Yunjing three miles away. Yunjing stopped and said, "Brother Zhou, stop here. You still have so many things to do, so I won't delay you."

We have to say goodbye after a long journey, and parting always makes it hard to leave. When will we meet again?

Feeling unhappy, Zhou Yuqiang smiled and said, "Send it here." After saying this, he took a package from Hou Duofu and handed it to Yun Jing, saying: "I feel guilty for not being able to entertain Brother Yun well.

In exchange for dry food and a little kindness, Brother Yun must not refuse. I should have given you a good horse, but the current situation... Hey, I hope Brother Yun understands."

The relationship between friends in this era is so pure. When you come, I will entertain you warmly, and when you leave, I will also provide you with the expenses. It is a courtesy rather than a show off, and vice versa.

Yun Jing shook his head and said: "Brother Zhou understands what he means. There is no need for this. I don't lack these."

"I know Brother Yun doesn't lack these, but I'd better accept it, a little kindness. Although there will be a road from now on, it will be rare to see each other again," Zhou Yu insisted.

Yunjing no longer delayed, took the hand and nodded: "Then I will accept it shamelessly. Brother Zhou, please go back. I will wait for your arrival in the future, and I will sweep the bed to welcome you."

"Well, brother Yun, go ahead and I will go too."

"Take care of yourself……"

Yunjing turned around, waved his hand, and strode away. If he continued to be entangled, he might find it difficult to move forward. The less we get together, the more separation we have, this is life.

After watching Yun Jing leave, until his figure disappeared on the road, Zhou Yu finally looked away, feeling extremely unhappy, and they still had to say goodbye after all.

Taking a deep breath, he said to Hou Duofu: "Let's go, we will go too."

The parting after a brief reunion witnessed only the sky full of dust and weeds. When we meet again as old friends, our faces are full of wind and frost...

Not long after, Zhou Yu returned to his residence. He immediately couldn't laugh or cry, and said to himself, "Yun Shouxin, you are serious."

There is a prescription on his desk. It contains some common medicines that can be found everywhere. This is a nourishing prescription for regulating the body. It uses the most common medicines to achieve the effect of nourishing the body. Zhou Yu's insight is still


He knew that this was left by Yun Jing, and he didn't worry about how to send it to him. That night he saw Yun Jing's destructive means of defeating innate masters, so it was not difficult to send the pair of Yun Jing silently.

He knew his situation very well. If he could not get food to replenish his cultivation in the later days, he would be wasting his life. Although Yun Jing only mentioned it in passing, he kept it in mind and specially sent this prescription.

Between friends, there is no need to talk about many things, right?

This prescription is not only a friendship between friends, but also a prerequisite for taking good care of your body and being able to have more energy to do things for the people...

Walking on the road, Yunjing looked at the package given by Zhou Yu before leaving, with a sad and warm smile on his face.

There were not many things in the package, including a pair of shoes, a dozen taels of broken silver, and more than twenty bowl-sized pies.

The shoes are new, not very good, but they can be worn on the feet. He doesn't have much money. With Zhou Yu's frugal life now, he may have to save it through his teeth. As for the pie, it is actually filled with meat.

I'm afraid he is reluctant to eat it on weekdays.

Picking up a piece of pie, Yunjing took a bite. It was very delicious. He ate it all in one bite, not wanting to waste any leftovers.

'I still say the same thing, Brother Zhou, you are a good person, but you only care for others regardless of your own health. In a sense, you are not a good official. After all, how can you govern and help the people when your own health is not good? I hope that prescription can help

It's up to you'

With this thought in his mind, Yun Jing looked back in the direction of Yangfeng County, waved his hand, said "take care" secretly, and flew up silently, quickly disappearing into the horizon.

I gained a lot from this trip. Not only did I understand the method of arranging the magic array, but I also reunited with my friends and had a wonderful conversation. I witnessed that the cancer in the land was eradicated, and the suffering of the people was extremely unpleasant.

The journey of life, keep going, watch, and cherish.

But what should we do about the curse that the human race has been burdened with? Now it is just a drought, the cloud scenery is not affected, and we can still help the surrounding and limited people to the best of our ability. What can we do after that?

"There is always a way, there is always a way," Yun Jing said in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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