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Chapter 367 How should I call you?

Outside Hongshan City, a floating building and ship hangs a hundred meters in the air, with soldiers and armor on them.

When Wu Qingmei traveled as an emperor, he was accompanied by the emperor's guard of honor. There were stoves, tripods, flags, cases, bottles, racks... and other ritual vessels on the ships. There were also palace maids and escort eunuchs accompanying him. Even if the imperial commander personally went to the expedition, everything would be kept simple.

Show the majesty of the emperor.

Standing on the bow of the ship, she looked deeply at the Red Shirt City, taking in everything in sight.

Her eyes lingered on certain places for a moment, and she said: "Let Director Zhong and General Ma come to see me and replace them with two men of equal strength."

"Follow the decree"

In an instant, there were two people behind Wu Qingmei who took the order and fled into Red Shirt City to rush to two places.

Soon there were two people in Red Shirt City rushing in this direction.

One of them was wearing a purple robe, an old man about sixty years old, with gray hair, a tough body, and a serious expression. He was a little embarrassed, with blood stains on his body, and he had obviously suffered some injuries.

The other man was wearing a dark armor and holding a spear in his hand. He looked to be in his forties, tall and bearded. His armor was broken in many places, and there were deep wounds on his back and shoulders.

These two people were Director Zhong and General Ma of the Apprehension Department as mentioned by Wu Qingmei. Previously, when dealing with the traitor organization, one was responsible for leading the arrest department and the other was responsible for leading the army.

They heard the announcement and came to see Wu Qingmei. Even though the current situation was special, they paid great attention to details. They handed the weapons to others first, then quickly tidied up their appearance before approaching Wu Qingmei.

The two stopped nine steps away, put their right fists on their left chests, bent down and saluted: "See your Majesty."

It is worth mentioning that the etiquette of various countries has great cultural differences, and the gestures and intonations are different on different occasions. However, one thing is somewhat similar, that is, except for special occasions and times, even when meeting the emperor, they usually do not

Kneel down and bow, and now is not a special time, so the two of them came to see Wu Qingmei and did not kneel down directly, even though she is the king of a country.

Nodding slightly, Wu Qingmei said calmly: "It's been a hard time for both of you, dear friends."

"Your Majesty is serious, we are responsible for our responsibilities, and we should not be lucky." The two people hurriedly said in unison, but hearing Wu Qingmei say this made me feel very happy. After working so hard, I have paid so much, and it is obvious that I have gained something.

His Majesty's approval.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Wu Qingmei said bluntly: "Two dear friends, you have participated in the entire incident here. Now tell me briefly how the situation is."

The two of them looked at each other quietly. After all, they were 'one of their own'. Even though it was Yunjing, the man from Dali who had forced the person to rape him from beginning to end, who was in charge of the overall situation, but what His Majesty asked first was


General Ma gestured to Mr. Zhong with his eyes, meaning that I am a rough soldier with a stupid mouth, so you can tell me.

So Mr. Zhong hurriedly reported in a concise and concise manner: "Back to Your Majesty, at first a large number of traitors gathered in Red Shirt City, massacring the people to attract the will of foreign evil spirits to come. Mr. Yun immediately made arrangements, and our troops blocked all directions.

After a hard fight, although there were heavy casualties, we fulfilled our orders and stopped the traitorous members. This time His Majesty led the crowd, they have no way to escape, and we will soon be able to catch them all!"

He reported the matter in a few words. Although it was brief, he probably described the situation clearly, and he did not try to take credit for taking credit, nor did he deliberately downplay Yunjing's credit for taking charge of the overall situation.

Are you kidding me? Isn't that something you can play with your mind? Not to mention that what Yunjing did is obvious to all, but senior Hongya is a well-educated person. Who dares to mess around?

Listening calmly, there was no unnecessary expression on Wu Qingmei's face, and he continued: "Before this, there was a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and us. How did our troops keep all the enemies behind?"

Although the fact is that almost all rapes are left behind, Wu Qingmei doesn't know the details, so she still needs to find out.

Regarding this question, both Master Zhong and General Ma had somewhat moved expressions.

Mr. Zhong quickly organized his words and replied: "Back to Your Majesty, after our troops arrived at the deployment location one after another, Senior Hong went deep into Red Shirt City to fight against the will of the foreign evil spirits. Soon after, Senior Hong took the foreign evil spirits away to a distant place. At that time

The traitor members who gathered in Red Shirt City wanted to leave from all sides, and most of them were concentrated in the west of here. As His Majesty said, we are outnumbered. Originally, we could not keep them even if we all died in battle, but with high

He secretly helped, and I am ashamed of myself. I am not belittling myself. I really have to admit that the expert almost turned the situation around by himself, and this was delayed until His Majesty brought people here."

When he said this, General Ma beside him had something to say, and said in a complex tone: "That master is so powerful, I am convinced. If it weren't for him, we would have died in the battle long ago, and we will not die after death."

I watched those rapists leave with a closed eye. I was able to drag so many rapists away with my own strength. I can’t even imagine how he did it!"

Hearing this, a different look finally appeared in Wu Qing's eyebrows. From the corner of her eye, she subconsciously glanced in the direction of Yun Jing. Although she was sure that the so-called master in Master Zhong's mouth was Yun Jing, she couldn't imagine that he was

How I did it shocked my heart.

It's incredible. If Yunjing was in the mythical realm, it would be nothing, but he only had the early stage of cultivation. It was simply a miracle.

The emotion was not shown on his face. Wu Qingmei narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the situation in the red shirt city and said: "I just heard Mr. Zhong say that we are outnumbered and there are many enemy masters. But now, it seems that the name is not worthy of the name.

, even if the addition of the manpower I brought resulted in a one-sided situation, it is still somewhat unreasonable. Can the two dear ladies help me solve my doubts?"

"Back to your majesty, under normal circumstances, even if your majesty brings men and horses now, it should not be a one-sided situation. The reason for this is because before the people brought by your majesty enter the city, most of the enemy's strong men

He suddenly died suddenly, and even if he was not dead, he had almost no ability to resist. We initially understand that such a strong enemy was caused by poisoning, and he was poisoned by a terrible poison!" Mr. Zhong took a deep breath and said.

General Ma next to him took a deep breath and said: "I have to say, it's really scary. There are dozens of enemy True Intention Mirror experts. Half of them are single old horses that I may not be my opponent, but they just died like that.

If not, it will be a hard battle now!"

Wu Qingmei subconsciously glanced in the direction of Yun Jing again, thinking of poisoning, but it was also his style of acting, to achieve the greatest effect in the most direct and effective way.

As for why Yunjing didn't poison her right away but waited until she was about to bring someone to arrive before using such a method, Wu Qingmei didn't hesitate. After thinking about it for a moment, she understood that if Yunjing poisoned her from the beginning, it wouldn't be possible at all.

If he couldn't delay it for such a long time, he would have scared away the rapists. After all, even if Yunjing poisoned them, he couldn't kill them all at once. He could only poison some key people. Doing that from the beginning would be detrimental to the overall situation.

does not play a vital role.

As for how Yunjing did it, Wu Qingmei decided not to think about it. He could fly, so what else could he not do? Well, I'm afraid he could only give birth to a baby himself, right?

In short, it can be said that the overall situation here in Red Shirt City has been decided, and the next step is just to tie up the finishing touches.

But the matter is not over yet. Unless the will of the alien evil spirit is eradicated, everything done before will be of little significance. It will always be a deadly sword hanging over the entire Sanluo and will fall at any time.

But that kind of existence is no longer something ordinary people can face. Now I just hope that senior Hong Ya can succeed. Although it is unrealistic to place all hopes on Hong Ya, this is the only way to think about it for now.

After a brief understanding of the situation, Wu Qingmei issued an order: "Destroy all the enemies as soon as possible, and then save people and count the casualties!"

"Follow the decree"

After Master Zhong and the others left quickly, Wu Qingmei looked at the brief silence in Red Shirt City. The halberd in her hand was buzzing slightly. You can imagine the anger in her heart.

Red Shirt City, which once had a population of tens of millions, is now almost completely reduced to devastated ruins, with not 80% but 70% of the dead!

Those are tens of millions of people. Not long ago, they were all still alive, but now, after all the chaos, half of them are dead!

I'm afraid it will be impossible for Red Shirt City to return to its past for at least a hundred years.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters have made it difficult for the entire Sanluo Dynasty in the past two years.

Withdrawing her gaze, Wu Qingmei looked in the direction of Yunjing, wondering what would have happened to her country if she hadn't invited him here.

And what can he do to show his gratitude for what he has done?

Wu Qingmei has never thought about such a thing, that he cannot express his gratitude because he is too grateful, but that he will become an enemy. What kind of courage does it take for anyone to be an enemy of Yun Jing, after getting to know him a little? What's more, there is someone standing behind him.

There are quite a few big guys...

In Red Shirt City, even though people were brought in to join, the situation was one-sided and rape of members was no longer a concern. Even if they were still resisting, they would not be able to cause any trouble in the end.

As the king of a country, arriving in person is already an extremely exciting thing. With Wu Qingmei here, the morale of the Sanluo troops is high, which invisibly improves their combat effectiveness. This is enough. There is no chance for Wu Qingmei to do it himself.


Others don't dare to let Wu Qingmei take risks easily. If it requires the king of a country to take action personally, then the country can almost declare it to be over.

Therefore, even at this time, Wu Qingmei was protected by at least ten top masters from the late stage of True Intention Mirror, both secretly and overtly. Her safety was not only about her personally, but also related to the entire country and the future.

Looking back, Wu Qingmei pondered for a moment, thinking about whether he should go over to meet Yun Jing at this time.

Although there is nothing to worry about this kind of thing, the question is in what way and identity do we meet? Emperor Sanluo meets the envoy of Dali? Or does the king meet his benefactor? What about the status of friends? But the problem is that it is not completely clear now.



With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Wu Qingmei suddenly wondered, with Yunjing's intelligence, could he already know his identity?

"No matter what, we have to meet sooner or later. Go and meet him. He has done so much for me, San Luo. I, the emperor of San Luo, cannot do without a little action to make people feel chilled."

With this thought in his mind, Wu Qingmei made a decision, so he said: "Always pay attention to the situation in all parties in Red Shirt City, and remember not to have any accidents. I went to see Yun Jing, the envoy of Dali, and the number of people should not be too large."

After she finished speaking, a personal maid next to her reminded her: "Your Majesty, why don't you invite Mr. Yun here? It's natural for a corporal to be courteous and virtuous, but inviting Mr. Yun here to receive you will better reflect your majesty's benevolence."

Of course Wu Qingmei was not someone who couldn't listen, but at this time she said: "No, I will go there myself!"

As the king of a country, it is natural for Yunjing, an envoy from Dali, to come over, but for her to go there in person is a matter of attitude, and there is an essential difference.

She had already made a decision, and others naturally did not dare to refute it and immediately made arrangements.

After all, Wu Qingmei's safety cannot be ignored when she is out. She said that in the past, the number of people seeing the cloud scenery should not be too large, but it must also be done under the premise of ensuring safety, but this kind of thing is not something Wu Qingmei should worry about.

Soon Wu Qingmei was ready. Someone unfolded a long roll of expensive carpet and extended it to the ground. Experts used their vitality to support it to form a staircase. Then Wu Qingmei stepped towards the ground surrounded by the palace maids' guards.

After she reached the ground, she was already waiting in the chariot, so she changed to the chariot and headed towards Yunjing.

Red Shirt City is too big, and the enemy where Yunjing is resting is still a long way from where Wu Qingmei stopped before.

Yunjing, who was extremely mentally exhausted, was quickly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to restore himself. At the same time, he was also paying attention to the movements of all parties. After all, the matter was not over yet. He couldn't just ignore everything all at once. He had to prevent major accidents from happening suddenly. After all, it was here.

What's the big deal if there's another accident at this time?

Wu Qingmei had also paid a little attention to Yun Jing's side before, but his main focus was not on that side, focusing on the elimination of traitors in Red Shirt City.

At this time, Yun Jing was no longer resting against the big tree. Song Yue, who refused to leave at all and wanted to protect him, made a recliner for him using local materials. Yun Jing looked like he was giving priority to Yun Jing with his eyes slightly closed on the recliner.

But the faint frown showed that he was not as comfortable as he looked on the surface.

Yunjing, who was resting and recovering with his eyes closed, noticed Wu Qingmei's chariot coming towards him. He closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows, thinking to himself, what is Empress San Luo doing here at this time? She shouldn't focus on the red shirt.

Does Cheng take charge of the overall situation? Although the current situation is more symbolic than practical.

Yunjing is not too entangled in this. At this time, Yunjing is thinking about how to get along with Wu Qingmei later. It is not suitable to be friends. After all, she is not Wu Changkong now, and she is a little entangled in the diplomatic envoy.

Not a formal occasion...

After thinking about it for a while, Yunjing decided not to do so much and just do whatever she wants. She can still eat herself.

After a while, Wu Qingmei's chariot arrived not far from Yunjing. When it was a hundred meters away, she stopped the chariot. With the help of the palace maid, she got down to the ground and asked the others to wait there while she was alone.

One person walked towards Yunjing, no longer holding the domineering halberd in his hand.

In response to Wu Qingmei's instructions, the palace maid's guards hesitated but did not say anything. They quickly dispersed to arrange protection matters, and did not even turn around to look in that direction. There were experts who blocked the area, no matter what Wu Qingmei and Yun Jing were communicating.

No sound will come out, and no mosquito can fly in.

Wu Qingmei, who was wearing a gold and red dragon robe, stepped towards Yunjing. Every step was as measured as a ruler. She didn't know why, but as she approached Yunjing, she felt a little uneasy. It was very strange. She had faced it in the past.

Mountains of corpses, seas of blood, and even various big scenes have never had such a mood.

"What's wrong with me?" Wu Qingmei couldn't help but ask herself as she stepped forward, and even resisted the inexplicable urge to lower her head and adjust her disguise.

Just kidding, when the emperor of a country goes to meet someone, he has to pay special attention to his appearance for fear of looking inappropriate?

Can't bow down!

The Wu Qingmei palace maid guards who had their backs to this direction were also puzzled at the moment. Although they did not turn around to see it, they could vaguely feel that His Majesty's majesty that people did not dare to look at in the past had inexplicably disappeared.


Why is this happening? No one dares to think deeply about this problem...

On Yunjing's side, when he saw Wu Qingmei's chariot stopped, Song Yue, who had refused to leave even a step away, actually told Yunjing that he would go to the side and left without waiting for Yunjing to say anything.


Is he afraid of Empress Sanluo Wu Qingmei? Or does he not dare to disturb the relationship between Yunjing and Wu Qingmei? Who knows.

As Wu Qingmei approached, Yunjing, who had recovered a little and felt better, could no longer lie down like the old man. Instead, he opened his eyes and stood up. Out of etiquette, he still wanted to tidy up his disguise out of habit.

After all, the other party is Empress San Luo.

However, Yunjing felt embarrassed all of a sudden. He was so exhausted before that he actually forgot that there were only a few strips of cloth left on his clothes. At that time, he wanted to fall down and sleep somewhere, but he didn't care about so many things.

Gee, what the hell is this?

When she was in the capital, Wu Qingmei transformed into Wu Changkong and was assassinated. At that time, she was still a man and her clothes were badly damaged. As a result, she now looks like this.

So it’s even?

Just kidding, it's hard to live in Yunjing. As soon as he thought about it, he found a suitable set of clothes from the Red Shirt City and quickly put them on. In a few breaths, he returned to his former composure. As for the clothes he changed, he directly

The corpses were destroyed and no traces were left.

Well, when I was changing clothes, I ran behind a big tree and didn't give Wu Qingmei a chance to take advantage...

Soon Wu Qingmei came ten meters away from Yunjing. She had a beautiful appearance and a tall and perfectly proportioned figure. Especially, she had a vague air of grace that no woman could possess.

When she reached this position, she stopped and stood tall. The gold and red dragon robe on her body was obviously tailor-made carefully. It was luxurious yet beautiful. It supported her figure just right. Her waist was slender and her chest was plump and firm.

The dress is tilted up, and a pair of long legs are hidden under the skirt.

In terms of height, Wu Qingmei is only about ten centimeters shorter than Yun Jing. It should be noted that Yun Jing is now almost 1.9 meters tall.

Although it was her true appearance when he helped her paint in Yunjing, Dali Capital City, Wu Qingmei now is almost the same person as she was then. 'Ye Ling' was more beautiful then, but not as beautiful as she is now.

In terms of magnanimity, Wu Qingmei at this time was simply breathtakingly beautiful, but it just gave people a feeling of being unmatched.

Looking at the cloud scenery not far ahead, a smile appeared on Wu Qingmei's face that she didn't even notice, which added to the color.

Her right hand was placed casually on her lower abdomen in front of her body, and her left hand was behind her back. The five fingers of her left hand behind her back were subconsciously moving gently under her sleeve. It seemed that her heart was not as calm as it seemed.

Yunjing on the opposite side immediately raised his hands and saluted: "Yunjing, the envoy of Dali, pays homage to Her Majesty Empress Sanluo."

I have specially studied etiquette, and have dabbled in the etiquette of various countries. This is the basic accomplishment of a scholar, and my words and deeds at this time can be said to be impeccable.

Wu Qingmei stared at Yun Jing quietly. A series of scenes after meeting Yun Jing flashed through his mind, and then a picture of Yun Jing's actions after he came to San Luo appeared in his mind.

The image that finally appeared in my mind was the scene of me standing in the palace silently staring at the painting on the wall countless times.

As a result, her vision became a little blurry, and she forgot to answer for a moment.

Originally, this situation was almost impossible to happen to Wu Qingmei, but it happened right now when facing Yun Jing.

Opposite me, Yun Jing was shocked, but he didn't react?

Then he spoke again, his voice slightly raised, and repeated: "Yun Jing, the envoy of Dali, pays homage to Her Majesty Empress Sanluo!"

Wu Qingmei finally reacted. The trace of unnoticeable panic on his face disappeared in a flash. He waved his right hand in front of him and opened his lips and said: "No need to be polite, Mr. Yun is safe."

Yiyan put away his polite gestures, but Yunjing said that something seemed wrong with Empress Sanluo. I came to see you as the envoy of Dali, but you called me Mr. Yun? That's a title for friends to meet, okay, but it just didn't happen.

To put it bluntly, the bull's head is not the same as the horse's mouth.

After guessing that something was wrong with him, Wu Qingmei said in order to cover up his embarrassment: "Master Yun, you traveled thousands of miles to help me, San Luo, rescue me. I already have a general understanding of what you did. I represent San Luo to you."

I would like to express my extreme gratitude. You are also lucky. I know that words of thanks are not enough to express what you have done. I will definitely not let you down with subsequent thanks."

Why are we getting involved here just after we met?

Yun Jing shook his head and said: "Your Majesty is serious, the chaos caused by the foreign civilization is not a matter of one family or one country, but the common enemy of our human race. It is only my duty to do my best, so please don't say any more words of thanks. In the face of this matter

No one can stay out of the matter, and the matter is not over yet, and the foreign evil spirits have not been eliminated, so it is too early to say this."

"In any case, Mr. Yun's arrival has given me, Sanluo, hope of victory. At the same time, countless people have been able to survive because of you. This kindness cannot be questioned at all," Wu Qingmei said seriously.

Well, once a woman becomes serious, she is really serious.

Yunjing did not dwell too much on this aspect, but said: "Your Majesty, the Empress, is busy with many things. At this time, she should be over there to take charge of the overall situation, but she came here in person and condescended to meet you. It makes me panic."

As he spoke, Yunjing couldn't help but mutter in his heart, this was the first time he saw a living emperor. He had seen countless scenes of such a person before. How can I put it, there didn't seem to be the kind of pressure in the legend. It seemed that

Quite relaxing?

"Master Yun, are you reminding me to always pay attention to the priorities of things?" When saying this, Wu Qingmei leaned forward slightly, with a smile at the corners of his mouth and narrowed eyes, looking very strong and oppressive.

Yun Jing helped translate her words in his mind. It probably meant, 'Are you teaching me how to do something?'

A bit too handsome.

Damn it, it actually has a different kind of excitement? It's a bit flirty. Your Majesty, you are so good at it. It seems that this kind of 'weak feeling' feeling is also good?

Bah, what the hell? Yunjing quickly gave up this terrible thought.

Before Yun Jing could say anything with a stunned expression, Wu Qingmei immediately put away his strong smile and said: "Master Yun, there is no need to worry about it. I have already made arrangements there, so there is no need to pay attention in real time. Moreover, Master Yun is the main contributor to turning around the situation in my sauna."

, I am not a heartless and ungrateful person, how could I be so cold-hearted to you?"

She was completely natural between opening and closing, and the speed of transformation was overwhelming. Yun Jing had to secretly say in his heart that he was worthy of being an emperor, and his sincerity was hard to fathom.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. I really don't dare to accept it," Yunjing said quickly.

There is a saying that although this kind of relationship between a monarch and his ministers is a different kind of experience, it is really a bit awkward for Yunjing. He is still as comfortable as before and doesn't care so much.

But now that Wu Qingmei is the king of a country, he can only communicate in this way.

What is Wu Qingmei's identity? What kind of person is she, the emperor of a country? I have never seen her. How could I not notice Yun Jing's awkwardness at this time? He immediately smiled and said: "Master Yun is not surprised at all when he sees me. Come to think of it.

I had expected it, could you tell me when you found out?"

She now had the same appearance as 'Ye Ling' before. Yun Jing was not surprised at all, so the question he asked was self-evident. It was a direct showdown.

At this time, Yunjing stopped acting with her. Even though the other party was the king of a country at this time, Yunjing also changed to the original way of communication, with a relaxed posture and said frankly: "In fact, from the very beginning when we were away from the capital,

I will probably understand your identity when I see His Majesty..."

Before Yun Jing could finish speaking, Wu Qingmei suddenly narrowed her eyes, stepped forward and approached Yun Jing and said in a deep voice, "So Master Yun has been watching my joke from the beginning? Is it funny?"

Wu Qingmei had only recently realized that Yun Jing had known her identity for a long time. It was still a bit embarrassing to point it out now, after having been a clown for so long?

This cloud scene is so abominable.

Her aggressive and angry look at this time was very threatening, as if she would be rude if Yun Jing answered poorly.

But Yunjing was not frightened at all. He could still feel whether the other party was really angry or fake, but it was just to cover up the embarrassment.

Then Yun Jing said with a smile: "How dare you make fun of me? Your Majesty's status as the king of a country is so important. In case something unexpected happens to Your Majesty, I don't dare to expose it and can only rot in my stomach. I hope Your Majesty will understand."

"Hmph, it sounds nice, but it can't erase the fact that you dared to tease me. Mr. Yun, tell me what crime you deserve?" Wu Qingmei approached Yun Jing again and said with a sneer.

Although accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, Yunjing knew at this moment that Wu Qingmei was just joking, so he said in a tone of voice as if I can't resist if you want to do whatever you want with me: "Your Majesty, whatever crime you deserve is not your fault.

Just one sentence?"

"Master Yun, what's your attitude? Are you talking back to me?" Wu Qing's eyebrows glared.

Although he knew she was joking, Yunjing still didn't dare to shout. He looked at the other party. Now that the showdown had been made, Yunjing simply changed the subject and said: "What should I call you? Miss Ye Ling? Brother Wu Changkong? Or?

Her Majesty the Empress?"


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