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Chapter 86: Farewell Yiyi

After a short period of hustle and bustle, the day will eventually return to calm. At noon, the guests who are drinking and chatting happily will wait until they are tipsy, and it is time for the guests to leave.

Outside Niujiao Town, Li Qiu took Yunjing and his family to say goodbye to relatives and friends.

Yiyi when we say goodbye.

Now that we are far away from each other, we have to say goodbye. I don't know when we will see each other again. I am reluctant to say goodbye, but I can only say "treasure".

There is no so-called ancient pavilion road in the real farewell, and there is no urging you to drink another glass of wine. On this ordinary day, on the ordinary roadside, they met briefly, leaving behind the memory of drinking and talking happily. From then on, this will be remembered.

A memory remains in yesterday.

Since parting is so sad, why not stay longer and be happy together?

Ha..., this is life, everyone has his own life.

We will meet again someday, and I hope your farewell will be in vain.

Yun Jing, who was accompanying Li Qiu, could clearly feel the reluctance of his master when he said goodbye to his relatives and friends. After all, in this era, the opportunity to gather together like this is really rare in a person's life, but no matter how good it is,

Relationships always require separation.

The separation is for a better encounter next time.

Let’s talk about it later...

Next, it was "family" time. Li Qiu invited Yunjing's family to his home to chat and communicate, deepening the relationship between the two parties.

Yunjing's family are all honest farmers, and they are very reserved when communicating with Li Qiu. However, their family is from a scholarly family, and they are very good at dealing with others and take good care of their self-esteem. Therefore, the situation is not embarrassing. In Li Qiu's case,

Under the deliberate guidance of Qiu and others, Yunjing's family gradually became more natural.

At Li Qiu's house, Yunjing met the families of his senior brothers and sisters.

Although the two senior brothers are only in their early twenties, they already have children respectively. The elder brother has two children, the older one is three years old and is not much different from Xiao Yundong, but they got to play together very quickly.

Senior Sister is not pregnant yet, so Master and Master seem a little anxious when mentioning this matter. Although Senior Sister is only eighteen years old, there is also a saying in this era that "the three most unfilial consequences are not having children". They have been married for almost a year, and their stomach is full.

The so-called hens that don't lay eggs are frowned upon. Parents see this in their eyes, so how can they not be anxious?

The senior sister's husband is also a scholar, but he seems to be not very talkative and a bit boring, but he has all the proper etiquette.

In the afternoon, Li Qiu's family prepared a sumptuous meal for Yunjing's family.

After dinner, Yunlin and the others proposed to say goodbye. Although Li Qiu's family had many requests to stay, they also knew that the farm family's time was precious, so they no longer pressed for it.

So, it was time for Yunjing to say goodbye to his family.

In the more than six years since he came to this world, Yunjing has never been separated from his family for more than a day, but from now on, he spends less time with his family and more separation.

The feeling of parting is always so unpleasant. However, when a young bird spreads its wings and wants to take flight, people often leave home. Therefore, this person always has to grow up and slowly adapt to the life of being alone.

Outside Niujiao Town, under the archway, Yun Jing respectfully kowtowed to his family members.

"Grandpa, dad, mom, take care of yourself all the way," Yunjing said with red eyes.

Jiang Susu quickly pulled him up, with red eyes, patted the dust off his body and choked with sobs: "Get up, the ground is dirty, you follow the master and study hard, listen to the master, come back to see if you feel homesick, mother... go home


"If you can't learn well, come back and see how I'll beat you!" Yunshan glared, then turned around, not wanting Yunjing to see his red eyes.

Yun Lin said nothing and remained silent. He touched Yun Jing's head and turned around silently.

After opening his mouth, Yun Jing couldn't say a word. He could only blur his eyes and watch his family members gradually go away under the escort of the Li Family Nursing Home.

"Brother...brother...go home...go home..." Xiao Yundong called, and his voice gradually became inaudible.

On the carriage, Jiang Susu was always at the window, looking at the cloud scenery. Tears blurred her eyes, and she covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying.

From then on, she could no longer see her own children, her own cubs, and the lumps of flesh that fell from her body every day when she opened her eyes. This feeling of separation was even more uncomfortable than cutting off two ounces of flesh from her body.

"Mom, I will go back to see you from time to time..."

Yunjing said silently in his heart that he wanted to call out to his mother countless times and rush to go home with them desperately, but he held back and could only watch them leave until he could no longer see them.


He stayed under the archway for a long time, always looking in the direction of his home, as if the next moment, his family would appear in his sight again.

But my family has already gone back, and I don’t know when I can see them again.

In Yunjing's arms, only the package his mother gave him when she left was left, which contained the clothes her mother had sewn for him stitch by stitch...

The archway outside Niujiao Town has been there for who knows how many years. Its surface is covered with mottled marks. The bottom part has been touched by many people and has become smooth and patinated.

It doesn’t know how many separations it has witnessed. The separation between Yunjing’s family is not the first, nor the only, nor the last it has witnessed.

If the archway could speak, if people could understand it, perhaps it would tell the story of countless sad farewells witnessed with "personal eyes"...

Li Qiu has always been by Yunjing's side, just like Yunjing was by his side when he bid farewell to his relatives and friends. He knows what this kind of separation feels like, let alone Yunjing's separation from his family at such a young age.

But he did not say anything to comfort or urge him. He only said kindly after Yun Jing withdrew his gaze: "Jing'er, let's go back with our teacher. Our teacher's home is also your home."

"Yes," Yunjing lowered his head and replied, wiped away his tears, took a deep breath, and followed Li Qiu to 'go home'.

Home is still there, it’s just a temporary separation, the water in hometown, the clouds in hometown, everything in hometown is still there, it’s just that I am missing temporarily...

Under the setting sun, Yun Jing and Li Qiu walked slowly, and the sunlight lengthened their shadows.

On the way, Li Qiu said to Yun Jing: "Jing'er, please relax for the next two days. In three days, my teacher will officially start teaching you. Don't think about anything these days. My teacher will arrange everything for you."

, from now on, just study with peace of mind."

"Everything must be obeyed by Master," Yunjing nodded.

Smiling, Li Qiu said: "Jing'er, although I will officially teach you three days later, I will teach you your first lesson now."

"?", Yun Jing looked at him confused.

Li Qiu said: "Jing'er, you are still young now, so you may not understand the meaning of what I am saying next. Just listen to it for now and keep it in your heart. You will understand it slowly in the future. Please listen carefully. What I want to say as a teacher is

What it says is, 'Parting is actually not painful. What is painful is that we will never see each other again after parting.' I'm afraid you wouldn't have guessed that this would be the first lesson I teach you, haha..."

After speaking, Li Qiu smiled, but there was a hint of sourness in his smile.

He said that sentence to Yun Jing, and I'm afraid he also said it to himself. Or maybe he just said it out of emotion because he had seen so many farewells today.

This was Li Qiu's first lesson, and Yunjing kept these words in mind.

Parting is not painful, but the pain is not seeing each other again...

This chapter has been completed!
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