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Chapter 163 The Last Room

 A faint smile appeared on Gu's face.

On the contrary, Lao Zhang, three thousand years in the future, was so nervous that he broke out in cold sweat while listening to the chorus coming from the entire tower, and his heart seemed to jump out of his chest.

The red moon on the ceiling senses the deadly murderous intention coming from mortals.

Even ordinary people have a sixth sense. A demon that has not yet hatched will naturally have a similar sense.

It began to squirm and expand continuously, and in just a few minutes, it quickly covered the entire sky from the size of a meteorite.

The sun was blocked by the red moon, and sudden darkness enveloped the ocean. Only the 10,000-meter-high tower shined brightly.

Finally, as the countdown ended, the chorus also stopped.

Bright rays of light bloomed from every corner of the Pillar of Heaven, reflecting the 10,000-meter-high tower into a tower of gems.

An unimaginably huge extraordinary force gathered on the aqua stone.

In front of this vast power that was as vast as a star and could kill the devil, Zhang Ming felt horrified and his soul was trembling.

However, in this star-level power, there is an unspeakable flaw brewing...

This flaw is really too big.

Fear, countless fears of death!

After one billion fears gathered, a spiritual ghost was formed, bringing irreparable chaos to this vast power.

Zhang Ming swallowed, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and he felt like countless ants were crawling on his body!

Then in the next moment, tens of thousands of warriors were drained of their life force, leaving corpses on the spot.

These tens of thousands of brave men who are not afraid of death formed a new last wish at the moment of death to fight against this ghostly fear of death and make the final attack perfect.

Only ten seconds!

The countdown has begun.

Gu, sitting there expressionlessly, raised his head and looked at the red moon in the sky.

He has neither joy nor sorrow, and his body blooms with golden light.

Endless power is gathered into his soul!

At this moment, he saw the combined lives of one billion tribesmen. In the countless scars, he saw historical details one after another. In these star-like fragments, he saw the countless tribesmen in the past thousand years.

Steps forward in suffering, crying into the world, and then crying to complete the final wish.

"Thank you for your hard work." Gu said to himself, "We just have to take the last step."

Eight seconds left!

His soul began to disintegrate, bleeding from all his orifices, and a faint blue light bloomed on his fingers, containing terrifying heat.

This is the power to kill the devil!

Even three thousand years later, Zhang Ming was still shocked by the true power when he saw this blue light. He didn't even know how to describe this terrifying level of power.

If I had to describe it, it would be - a star.

He felt like he was facing a star!

The power of the last wishes of one billion people has produced some kind of qualitative change.

The little bit of blue light on the tip of "Gu"'s finger is a star.

Seven seconds left...

However, at this moment, "Gu" sitting in the middle of the room suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his expression suddenly became depressed!

"What happened?"

Zhang Ming's pupils dilated and he faintly heard the voice of an old man.

Gu, this power is not enough, far from enough!!

This power cannot kill the insects of time and space!!!

Gu, wake up, wake up in time!

Stop, stop attacking!

"Gu" vomited blood...

Six seconds left!

Endless last wishes are gathering in the aqua blue world will, and his soul makes the final attack.

However, at this moment, an accident really happened!

"Gu"'s soul has been impacted by a massive number of last wishes!

One billion people came to the world crying, crying to fulfill their final wishes.

Their fear of death was temporarily offset by the determination of 30,000 warriors.

The most perfect attack only lasts ten seconds.

But among those countless last wishes, another unique soul appeared.

"We...just want to...live!"

"We... really want to... live!"

The fear did disappear.

But...a will called "survival" appeared.

Who doesn’t want to live?

We...just want to...live...forever!

This strong last wish instantly dispelled "Gu"'s consciousness.

This hero who could defeat death and die generously lost his way when faced with the sudden "will to live".

The last wish of another saint served as temporary reinforcement and sounded the alarm.

Gu, you only have five seconds of safety time, you must stop!




In the almost endless light, under the will of survival of one billion tribesmen, under the eyes of travelers three thousand years later, with doubts and even extreme horror.

"Gu", who was bleeding from all his orifices, stretched out his finger and lightly pointed at his temple.

He is dead.

He killed himself to stop this imperfect attack.

His soul dissipated.

All that is left of his physical body is a shell, occupied by the so-called "last wish to survive".

Zhang Ming couldn't help but be moved. This accident was really terrifying. It was unexpected, but it was reasonable.

He vaguely thought of the so-called "disaster of the world": the Demon Sea does not allow the "world" to survive for a long time, and will always cause some inexplicable accidents at critical moments.

The so-called "luck" may be some kind of contest at a higher dimension.

But obviously, this thrilling story is not over, because Shimama’s spiritual fantasy has not stopped.

Even though this "imperfect attack" was eventually forcibly canceled by "Gu" himself, the red moon above the tower was still disturbed to a certain extent.

The emergence of a powerful threat, even if it only lasts for a few seconds, will have a huge impact.

The red moon...is waking up.

It had some kind of drastic change and began to break away from the tower!

A dark red luster spread over the ocean, dyeing the entire world's sea surface blood-colored. Countless marine creatures floated on the water after being stimulated, and in just a short moment, they decayed into lumps of dust.

When the blue crystal people on the Sea of ​​Demonic God saw that the attack on the tower had stopped, they also knew that some kind of accident had occurred.

Several "saints" in high positions felt the chill from the distance. This great fear of genocide went up the spine and went straight to the Tianling Cap. One of the old men couldn't help shouting: "Quick, everyone enters the space turbulence.

Evacuate this world!!"

"Hurry, as long as a person is alive, there is a chance to make a comeback!"

Due to the existence of space turbulence, the weather at this moment is extremely violent, with thunderstorms and huge waves.

They specially chose this day to complete all their plans.

However, this insurance is not enough!

Their ship is too big, and even with the blessing of supernatural powers, its sailing speed is still too slow.

Seeing the red moon struggling crazily on the top of the tower, it keeps waking up. After a while, it will wake up from the hatching state. Only the first few ships can escape, and the rest will be massacred by the "worms of time and space"!
"What happened? Why did it fail! Why! Why!!"

"The will to survive... among one billion last wishes, a spiritual will to survive was actually born."

"The will to survive, in order to prevent itself from disappearing, was specially hidden so that we could not discover it." The gray-haired researcher smiled bitterly, "How could there be such a thing... It is just to live and survive..."<


"This is the misfortune of the world. We can only implement the final insurance." An old man laughed miserably and his voice was high-pitched. "Everyone, there is nothing to say at this point... Sacrifice yourselves for the sake of civilization!"

"For civilization!"

"For civilization!"

Under the leadership of the old man, the last ship carried millions of Azurite soldiers, shouting slogans and walking into extremely huge machines.

Then the tails of these machines flashed with huge light!

"Boom" "Boom"!

Hundreds of rocket-like devices, with soaring flames coming out of their tail wings, soared into the sky and crashed straight into the direction of the red moon!

The red moon is really about to wake up at this time. The extremely terrifying red light seems to freeze the entire ocean. The temperature drops rapidly, and pieces of floating ice have already appeared on the sea.

Under the power of the devil, the entire Pillar of Heaven continues to emit golden light. It persists hard and seems to collapse in the next moment.

Even as a bystander, Zhang Ming watched the game between the tower and Hongyue with great nervousness even though he knew the final outcome.

"Did they launch a nuclear bomb?"

Then, the next moment, those rocket-like machines arrived!

It's strange that the red moon did not collide with the rocket, and there was no horrific scene of a nuclear bomb explosion.

At the moment of contact, the red moon swallowed these rockets directly.

After swallowing all the rockets, terrifying "human face protrusions" appeared on the red moon.

As the number of faces continued to increase, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of protrusions appeared on the surface of the moon in the blink of an eye. The violent red moon miraculously stopped chasing the blue crystal people.

"Quick, the insect of time and space has been temporarily stabilized by the last wish, hurry up!"

On the last ship, a group of elderly azure people looked at the tower and the crazily crawling red moon with tears streaming down their faces.

"Compatriots, remember this day,"

"The disaster of the world... we will not be defeated!"

"We did not fail!"

"We...will come back! We will definitely come back again!"

The remaining blue crystal people evacuated safely and entered the turbulence of time and space...

No one knows the final outcome of this race. Maybe they found a new world and survived safely.

Or maybe things are not going well.

All in all, they never returned here, never returned to this Pillar of Heaven, which was built at a huge cost.


As for Shimama's spiritual illusion, the history has almost come to an end at this point.

As the picture in his mind disappeared, Zhang Ming let out a long sigh, feeling sorry for the fate of the Blue Crystal Man.

Even Shimama seemed a little quiet, maybe she was upset about something.

This chapter has been completed!
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