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Summary of the Azure Civilization Chapter

 Seeing that it was getting late, Lu Tuyu ended the topic, waved his hand, and left coolly: "Let's sneak away and buy some gifts for my daughter."

"Call me when the bottle arrives, and the two officials will chat slowly."

"Come to my house for dinner tomorrow!" Lao Wang called.


Without this humorous lubricant, Wang Fumin and Li Xianfeng fell into silence, not knowing what to talk about.

Although they live not far away, subtle conflicts in political stance always bring some obstacles to communication.

After a long while, Li Xianfeng said: "Recently, we once again captured the electromagnetic wave communication from the Sea of ​​Demon Gods. It is obvious that this series of electromagnetic waves was artificially emitted and has clear information."

"This shows that we humans are not the only ones with technological civilization in the Sea of ​​Demon Gods."

"The cracking of electromagnetic waves is almost completed..."

Even the technological system that mankind is proud of is not unique. This fact is indeed terrifying.

"I have also heard about this news. Counting the civilization that sends electromagnetic waves, three civilizations have been observed in the past ten years." Wang Fumin took a bite of watermelon and whispered, "Since the death of the demon god, the sea of ​​demon gods has

The density of organisms increased by more than 60%. According to what Zhang Ming said in the letter, it was the idealistic rules of the emptiness that brought a chain reaction to the world..."

"The power of the devil is truly unimaginable."

"But my opinion is to keep silent and not to have rash contact with alien civilizations. After all, our individual combat capabilities are indeed not strong. Once the earth world is discovered, the consequences will be catastrophic..."

It is true that communicating with foreigners can greatly improve the progress of scientific research and development.

After all, every civilization has its own heritage. If the dispatched scientific researchers can learn from each other and learn from each other's strengths, it will undoubtedly be a win-win choice. Compared with the natural sciences in the past, the potential and breadth of supernatural science have increased tenfold or hundreds of times?

However, after internal deductions and calculations, it is found that it is difficult for human beings to survive in the Sea of ​​Demon Gods for a long time with their individual combat capabilities.

Due to poor individual combat capabilities, the probability of "misunderstanding" and "strategic misjudgment" by the opponent is very high.

How many civilizations can resist the temptation to snatch a rich world?

Unless a top combat power like Lao Zhang appears on the facade, just a slight appearance can effectively reduce the chance of strategic misjudgment by other civilizations.

"Peak combat power" is indeed too important to the civilization of the Sea of ​​Demon Gods, just like the difference between whether there is a nuclear bomb or not in human civilization.

Thinking of this, Wang Fumin sighed again: "But then again, in a world without great unity, why should we communicate with others?"

"Whenever there is an accident or when there is an invasion from foreign tribes, it is possible."

Among human beings, the most indispensable thing is madmen and fools.

Even if we know that it is in an environment close to a dark forest and "contact will result in destruction", does it mean that if aliens are discovered, humans will not contact them?

Among 100 million people, there will always be someone who is unique and wants to send electromagnetic wave signals to the outside world.

How difficult is it to control the occurrence of rat droppings? There must be a big government that unifies the entire Pangea continent to regulate fishing boats, transport ships, passenger ships and other private vessels, and also regulate and restrict the use of large radio devices.

Otherwise, even if the Great Xia Kingdom has gone through a lot of hard work to control its own citizens, and other countries are unable to restrain them, it will not make much sense. After all, a mouse excrement can ruin a whole pot of porridge.

Li Xianfeng was silent for a moment and said: "The debate on unification has been going on for many years... There will be an important parliament to be held recently, right?"

"Yes, there have been closed-door talks in the past few days to discuss a new cooperative organization. The Paranormal International Cooperation Alliance can be regarded as an upgrade of the Anomaly Investigation Bureau."

Lao Wang looked at the sky in the distance, the clear sky was shining brightly, and the birds were flying at low altitude.

The vibrant human civilization has great hidden dangers.

The past ten years have been a decade of great luck. No major disasters occurred, the development of supernatural technology has made good progress, and a large number of talents have been active.

But no one knows what the future will bring, and it is impossible to expect that luck will always be so good.

They have been striving for the goal of "grand unification" for more than ten years, and finally have some results. The new cooperative alliance is based on their achievements over the years, and many of their dark political tricks are not known to outsiders.<


Li Xianfeng swallowed and whispered: "But you have to know that your immediate boss, Qin Yiwei, has a high probability of being a person with special abilities."

"His apparent ability is a spiritual firewall, but in fact it may not be. How did he convince domestic and foreign dignitaries and powerful people to give up their own interests?"

"With these ten years of achievements, plus Lao Zhang's drift bottle as a bargaining chip, it's not enough..."

"After all, it is easy to shake the soul, but difficult to shake the interests."

Wang Fumin waved his hand, as if he had known about this for a long time, and whispered: "I know what you mean, he may have some hidden mental abilities, and maybe I myself may be affected."

"But as long as the goal of unification can be achieved, I don't care what the process is like."

"I just want to achieve this goal, Lao Li..."

Wang Fumin's face was serious, and he knocked on the table lightly, "Without a unified government, we can't do anything!"

"There is no strong dispatching ability externally, and there is no unified sharing of results internally. Instead, many results of supernatural research are hidden and not published."

"This kind of internal friction is too great."

"In this case, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain... Even if I use some darker means, I..."

Li Xianfeng took a deep breath and questioned: "Regardless of the process, just look at the final result. Will the result be the same as you imagined?"

Lao Wang shook his head and said: "Then we can only take one step at a time... How can we calculate all the things in the future?"

"After so many years, I have indeed changed. In the past, I was just an ordinary driver. I lived an ordinary life, with my wife and children on the bed, which was a very happy thing. I didn't want to ask for more."

"And now, my wife has been dead for so many years, and my daughter is also a loser, and it is impossible to turn her around."

"I want to leave something behind... Li Xianfeng, you should be able to understand. The future merits and demerits can only be known by going on."

The inconsistent political views made the conversation between the two quite awkward.

Li Xianfeng was silent, then shook his head helplessly: "Okay, I won't stop you, after all, I don't know where to go."

Now Lao Wang's status is even higher than him, and Li Xianfeng is just a research scientist... So what about [Reincarnation]? Without money, power or strength, some things cannot be stopped.<


At this moment, Wang Fumin suddenly stood up from his position and looked in the direction of the pool with emotion.

A bright light flashed, and the small brown bottle was already floating on the water.

【Your letter!】

Wang Fumin's frowning face was suddenly filled with a relaxed smile, and he couldn't wait to pick up the drift bottle.

“It’s quite timely this time!”

Uncork the bottle.

In addition to the usual few USB flash drives, there are also some letters.

When I unfolded the paper, I saw densely packed small words written on it.

"Hello everyone, I am Zhang Ming. I am not dead yet. I am alive."

"First of all, I have some very bad news. My battery is about to die!"

"After drifting on the ocean for so long, these electronic products have finally reached the end of their lives. I have no way to repair them, so I can only watch them break one by one."

"What a tragic thing!"

"Over the years, the constant damage to these things has given me an extremely powerful psychological blow."

"Now I rely on Nithra's car batteries to survive, and I don't know how long they can last. Without the battery, the short period of electricity will be gone, and I will live the miserable life of a caveman again."

"Can you imagine a life without modern entertainment? You must be playing on your mobile phone, browsing Douyin, and playing games now. I don't know what content Douyin plays in this era. I really want to see it."

Wang Fumin couldn't help but laugh: "Douyin? Douyin has closed down because the traffic fee is very expensive. If you don't have traffic, you can't watch Douyin."

"Now is the era!"

The joys and sorrows of different people are really different.

A strong man close to the limit of his spirit simply described the risks and crises he had encountered over the years in letters, as if nothing had happened.

What this guy is most worried about is his battery and computer!

I actually had a nervous breakdown because my computer was broken. No one would believe me if I told you!

I don’t know why, but every time I receive a letter from Lao Zhang and read the complaints above, I feel a sense of inexplicable schadenfreude for Wang Fumin.

He actually knew that Zhang Ming's wandering at sea was very hard and dangerous, but he didn't reveal it in the letter.

I saw Zhang Ming writing on the letterhead: "So there is no need to send another USB flash drive for the next drift bottle, because my computer must be broken."

"If there is a supernatural storage device, it would be great. I wonder if you have developed it?"

"Don't tell me, it's been so many years and it still hasn't been done. Of course, Li Xianfeng will definitely say that the objective level of technology is not enough, and it is impossible to stuff those things into a small drift bottle. I am here to urge him

Do it faster (seriously), otherwise it will only be the people of the earth who suffer the consequences."

"Anyway, I will write less papers here, so I will be happy and relaxed."

Li Xianfeng, who was standing next to him, turned pale. Scientific research issues are indeed impossible to change due to human will.

But you can’t say it so bluntly!

This chapter has been completed!
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