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Chapter 23 A million bites of crab meat

 The mysterious area on No. 16 is quiet.

Zhang Ming lay down in the grass and waited patiently.

He pretended to be an experienced old hunter and was undergoing a lot of intracranial training, but complex psychological activities betrayed his ideas.

"A crab is alone, good opportunity! Watch me seduce it!"

【Spirit value 1 1】

A small shell exuding a sweet smell was thrown out.

However, the stupid crab didn't notice it and just stood there, gnawing on the water plants with relish.

After waiting anxiously for five minutes, Zhang Ming felt a chill in his heart, "The crab actually ran back!"

[Spirit value-1-1-1-1]

It's back!

【Spirit value 1】

It escaped back again!

[Spirit value-1-1-1-1-1]

Zhang Ming always felt that the crab was deliberately playing with him. The process of beating his mental value was like a roller coaster, going up and down, making him feel restless.

"Stop fucking looking at the properties panel!"

"As long as I don't look at it, it will be treated as if this attribute does not exist at all."

Taking advantage of an opportunity, he picked up the small shell again and threw it out.


A crab of medium size moved its body after hearing the sound of shells falling into the water, and its two black eyes wandered around.

It "Bilibili" blew bubbles and pretended to be nonchalant and didn't notice anything. When its companions weren't paying attention, it quietly stretched out its pliers and pinched off the shell.

There was a soft "click" sound.

The crab's two black eyes moved back and forth with a smile on its face as it hurriedly stuffed the shell meat into its mouth.

Zhang Ming was overjoyed: "You like to eat alone, right?"

"I just like the way you eat alone."

It saw another small shell and jumped out of the grass.

He stretched out his pliers again, trying to break the shell!

But at the critical moment, the shell actually jumped back a small step!

The crab wanted to pinch it again, but the shell moved another step.

So just like this, the crab walked farther and farther and got into the grass.

Immediately afterwards, its black eyes stared straight, it was so big, such a big lump of fat, exuding an alluring aroma that was irresistible!

Absolute! World!


Its beeping sound became louder and louder, and it frantically stretched out its pliers to try to grab the piece of fat.



Under the blue and clear sky, on the golden beach.

One person and one crab, one behind the other, moving at high speed, raising a lot of dust along the way.

People are ordinary people.

Crab is the crab of monsters and monsters.

As for the crowd of onlookers on the earth, they have different moods, and there are all kinds of emotions. Some are worried about it, and some are secretly gloating about it.

"Ah! He's going to be caught!"

"This guy is about to be caught by a crab, and he will have the most miserable moment in his life."

"I initiated a referendum. Do you think the gentleman in District 16 will die in this hunting? YES/NO?"

There were really a lot of people rushing over to vote, as if the so-called democratic voting could really decide anything.

"Hello friends, I am a hunting expert and wild survival master Simonson. I have hunted elephants, rhinos, lions, hyenas and other prey on the East African savannah."

"Today I will bring you a live broadcast of Mirage. The most important question is, will the guys in District 16 be caught?"

This anchor named Simonson has become a pig in the traffic spotlight. With the help of the Internet, his audience exceeded 100,000 in just a few minutes, and the number continues to skyrocket.

He said with a rosy face: "I don't think so. You see, crabs crawl sideways. When they launch a surprise attack from high-speed crawling, they must adjust their direction so that their huge pincers can grasp things. This is a small time difference.

, enough to make this guy from District 16 escape."

"I even think that he is actually quite capable."

"He is using his body to lure the crab into the trap he has set."

Someone asked on the barrage: "Simonson, what is his mortality rate! When do you think he will die? Democratic voting believes that he will be caught by a crab!"

Simonson sneered: "Brother, the world is materialistic, and democratic voting is useless. No matter what hatred you have with him, cursing has no meaning. The fact that he dares to hunt crabs shows that he is confident."



Zhang Ming, indeed, was trying to seduce the crab's appetite, deliberately keeping a certain distance, neither running too far nor daring to get too close.

But it’s hard to say that it’s easy to do with ease.

"The burst of power can reach up to 5000% increase in strength. If it is clamped by the pliers, everything will stop!"

Running quickly to the edge of the boulder, Zhang Ming said "Hey", his leg muscles suddenly exerted force, and he jumped up high.

This time, he jumped more than four meters high and jumped onto the boulder.

"Come on, come up!"

Zhang Ming kept waving his hands to provoke, and even eagerly struck with his spear, but his expression was highly nervous.

He was not sure whether other crabs would follow.

Once he is besieged by the enemy army, it is equivalent to the gate of hell opening to him.

"We must fight quickly!"


The crab walking sideways seemed to be stunned for a moment when it saw the fat creature shouting loudly on the stone.

It may not understand how the other party can be so confident despite being so ordinary.

The sound in his mouth stopped for a second.

But he didn't think much about it. The crab just thought that the other party was just food that could resist a little bit, so he yelled "Beep" again and climbed quickly along the stone.

When the crab climbed halfway, it saw a huge coconut falling from the sky.

Suddenly... I was stunned!

It panicked and tried to use pliers to cut off the coconut, but the weight of the coconut had already pressed down on it.

The weight of more than 300 kilograms weighed on the crab, and the crab that had climbed halfway could not support it. It yelled "Bili" and rolled to the ground together with the coconut.


"The plan worked!"

Zhang Ming was highly concentrated and didn't know the opponent's condition, so he immediately pushed the second coconut and smashed it down with all his strength.

300 kilograms of weight, free fall!

Another loud "thud" was heard. This time, the huge coconut hit the bull's-eye, and the sound of the hard shell collapsing seemed particularly dull.

Suddenly, a sharp cry "Beep——" came from below!

This sound seemed so different, sharp and slender, like a whistle, one after another, making goosebumps all over Zhang Ming's body.

"What's going on... It's calling for its companions? It must be calling for its companions!"

"I only want one of your legs, but you actually want my life?"

Zhang Ming was sweating on his forehead and his heart was beating wildly. When he heard the crab's screeching louder and louder, with a fierce look in his eyes, he jumped high from the stone, raised a huge coconut and smashed it on its open belly!
Explosion of power!

The blood vessels on the arm protrude one by one, bursting out with powerful force.

The big coconut was lifted high and smashed down heavily.


Explosion of power!


Whenever a crab makes a sharp cry, a huge coconut is coming!

Just like that, I smashed it five or six times in a row.

Zhang Ming's muscles ached due to multiple "power bursts". In just ten seconds, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

The scene just now did not make him feel scared. Instead, there was a violent force from the ancient times that filled his chest. It was a gene implanted deep in human blood.

Zhang Ming couldn't help but recall the ancient era of slash-and-burn farming. The ancestors of human beings relied on their strong fighting power to fight their way through the primitive world, unlike modern people who lie in bed and drink Coke as a fat man, seeming to have forgotten the "terrible ape erectus".

"The title.

[Spirit: 32/32] (You just went crazy, and the surge of adrenaline made you forget your fear and pain!)

Zhang Ming:......

The crab was lying on the ground with its legs in the air, its belly was sunken several times, and its screams were gone.

Burp... fart?

Zhang Ming was surprised and happy, but he didn't dare to be careless and poked him a few times with the spear he carried.

"I originally only wanted one of your legs, but who asked you to call your companions!"

With a cheer, he finally defeated the first creature in Novice Village!

Hundreds of kilograms of super large crabs, the crab roe and crab paste must be very delicious!

"So much meat..." Zhang Ming rubbed his sore arm happily, "I wonder how many attribute points it can bring me?"

"Without a refrigerator or cold storage, how to preserve crab meat is a big problem."

Although there are a lot of crabs in this place...but it's a shameful waste, a shameful waste!

"Get away quickly!"

Holding the dead big crab in his arms, Zhang Ming ran away quickly.

The look on his face was like a smile.




That night, I spent a whole day dealing with this big crab.

The pieces of crystal clear crab meat are spread out thickly, and drops of juice as bright as stars are wrapped in the meat, and a little milky white fat is actually boiled out. As the charcoal fire continues to grill, the crab meat fibers become thinner one by one.

Fragmented, mixed with the delicious white mist, it’s mouth-watering.

"We won't boil it today, we'll just grill it over charcoal."

Zhang Ming happily enjoyed the crab roe and crab meat, added a little instant noodles seasoning, and was addicted to it, unable to extricate himself.

“What a delicious meal!”

Yesterday it was because I was too hungry, so anything I could eat would taste delicious.

But he was not hungry today, so he was sure that the crab meat in his hand was definitely a real delicacy. The large pieces of crab meat did not require the step of peeling. After roasting, the muscle fibers had a rough texture.

It feels like the wild flavor lingers on the tip of the tongue for a long time.

Zhang Ming's eyes lit up after eating: "The legendary dragon liver and phoenix marrow is nothing more than that. If it were placed on the earth, it would definitely sell for a sky-high price."

"This bite is a million, and the next bite is also a million!"

Crab roe and crab meat enter the stomach, bringing a burning warmth to the body and forming new attribute points.

However, it does not bring new abilities.

I think there is only one kind of "power burst" in crabs, and the effect is the same no matter which part is eaten.

"Good evening, dear listeners, I am the announcer Li Xianfeng, and I will bring you first-hand news today."

"The world earthquake disaster is still continuing, logistics is disrupted, and the global industrial chain crisis will become a certain outcome."

"Due to the economic collapse, geopolitical conflicts in various regions continue to expand."

"The defense minister of the African country said that in accordance with the presidential order, the military has entered the highest level of combat readiness."

"The dam in East Africa has broken, and the number of people affected by floods has reached tens of millions. Experts believe that the drought after the floods will affect next year's food output and bring about huge famine."


Zhang Ming was speechless.

He actually couldn't imagine what was happening in the outside world.

In his impression, the world has been at peace for a long time. Although there are occasional conflicts, peace and development are still the main theme.

However, in just a few days, the world has changed.

Plague, war, famine, and death, the four horsemen of the apocalypse have returned to the world, raging across the world with unrivaled power. The power of nature is truly terrifying.

Announcer Li Xianfeng's voice also seemed a little hoarse, and it could be heard that he was mentally and physically exhausted.

Next news.

“The Ministry of Finance of Daxia’s government budget report shows that a total of 50 trillion development funds will be invested in the future to repair earthquake damage and build super-large underground shelters to fully protect the people’s property and life safety. Resistance 8

magnitude earthquake will become the standard building configuration in the future, and 12 super-large evacuation cities will be built in the western plateau area."

Zhang Ming ate the crab roe in a daze, feeling his nostrils heat up and almost bleeding from his nose: "A super large refuge city?"

In the following news, not only the Great Xia Kingdom, but also the governments of other major countries all built super-large shelters.

As the saying goes, "When a mandarin sentence comes to the nest, the wind comes out of nowhere."

High-level human beings must have learned some important information before making the same choice.

Or...human war is really possible!

Zhang Ming rubbed his temples, feeling depressed.

War is the best way to divert conflicts!

Why did World War I and World War II break out? The fundamental reason was economic problems and the intensification of conflicts within the human race.

Nowadays, a world-class disaster has occurred, the global economy has been paralyzed, the pie has been shrinking rapidly, and there is not even enough habitable land, thus bringing about the possibility of a world war.

Especially for countries like Fuso Country, which has been hit by volcanoes, it is almost impossible to survive. What will happen if there is no outside assistance?

Of course it’s a war to seize territory! If you can’t defeat a big country, how can you defeat a small country?

But don’t ever think that human beings will work together to overcome difficulties.

In a disaster, the only thing humans will not do is to work together as one.

Although Zhang Ming is an outsider, even if humans knock out the brains of dogs, they will not have a dime to do with him.

Deep inside, I can't calm down.

"Hey - did you forget something?"

"I am far away overseas, do I have to send a ship to rescue me?"

Zhang Ming was about to cry but had no tears. He looked up to the sky and sighed: "Don't be in a hurry to fight, rescue me first! I have a family and a child, but I don't have a wife or daughter. I want to return to the human world."

The international news broadcast ended here, and no one paid any attention to him.

Next is the routine common sense of wilderness survival.

"Listener friends, today I will introduce to you the long-term storage method of food."

"As we all know, a person can live for more than a week without eating food, but the resulting problems such as reduced immunity and weakness of limbs will seriously affect survival in the wild."

"In the rainy season and dry season in the tropics, it will even affect the source of food. Therefore, storing sufficient food will effectively reduce risks and increase the chance of survival."

"Here are three methods of long-term preservation of food: drying, pickling, and smoking."



(PS: At the request of readers, today’s two-in-one, 4200-word long.)

This chapter has been completed!
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