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Chapter 321: Borrow your extraordinary family to use it


Hundreds of kilometers away, many soldiers in the control room heard this sound. The soldiers who were a little slack at first reacted quickly and looked at the screen with both eyes.

I saw... nothing!

Even the computer AI didn’t respond at all.

Of course, some superpowers directly affect the soul, which AI cannot judge, so the human group does not blindly trust the judgment of computers.

"Did you hear that... bird chirping? It seems quite clear. It shouldn't be an auditory hallucination, right?" A human soldier with three stripes on his shoulders who looked like a captain said with some confusion.

"I heard it too, please slow down the surveillance screen and take a look."

These soldiers quickly slowed down the screen and began to distinguish "there is nothing."

"Don't worry, there are many accidents, and there are clues! We are on duty here and must be responsible for everyone's lives!" the captain said with a serious expression.

It took half an hour, but the soldiers finally found a few red pixels in one of the frames!

"Captain, there really is something else."

"What is this...can it be slowed down further?" The captain wiped his sweat, "Do you see any red pixels in the surrounding video surveillance?"

"We can't slow down any more."

"I'll check the surrounding videos."

Supernatural phenomena occur frequently in the Sea of ​​Demonic Gods. The operation of the chip is interfered by various spiritual forces. The resolution and frame rate of the surveillance screen are naturally inferior to those on Earth.

However, after targeted investigation, the soldiers still found several similar red pixels in other surveillance systems.


They found that they had lost track of them a long time ago.

The accident happened an hour ago!

Judging from the time sequence of the monitoring, the red dot was moving at a speed of 140 kilometers per second, and for some reason, there was no movement track at all. It seemed as if it appeared out of thin air from somewhere and then disappeared immediately.

It's like...a space jump?

The fastest intercontinental missile currently has a speed of only 9 kilometers per second!

"The direction of this red shadow cannot be the earth?!"

"Did it sink into the water? The monster may have escaped into the water!"

The soldier captain realized something was wrong, sweating profusely, and reported it to his superiors.

"Your Excellency General, there is a high-risk report from the grassroots soldiers! The disaster level is not yet known!"

The bald general glanced through the report at an extremely fast speed. He was shocked and started making phone calls.

I have to admit that the current response speed of human beings is quite fast. A super-powerful life form moving at a speed of 140 kilometers per second has already reached the extraordinary realm, and the button for the nuclear warhead is turned on immediately.

Except for weapons of mass destruction such as hydrogen bombs and weapons with the speed of light, it is simply impossible to hit such a high-speed target!

The top human beings were anxious and reported the information to the snake people civilization.


The Snake Man was naturally frightened to death, and sent various birds and beasts to frantically search the sea area.

The final result was...the two civilizations were frightened and sent a large number of effective forces to search that space frantically for three days and three nights, but found nothing.

There have been no extraordinary monster attacks in various overseas bases.

However, this unknown phenomenon was still recorded in confidential files and stored permanently.


【Top Secret File.】

[Supernatural anomaly code name: Red Phantom]

[Observers discovered that the creature's speed in the Sea of ​​Demon Gods was as high as 140 kilometers per second, and it was suspected of teleporting in space. The observers heard a scream of "Gah", which was suspected to be the sound of some kind of bird. After the computer

It may be the howl of a pelican in pain.]

[Appearance area: Sea of ​​Demon God d112-3 area.]

[The handling method and the snake civilization jointly dispatched about 40,000 soldiers to search the area on a large scale, but no abnormal phenomena were found.]

[The harmfulness has not yet been discovered, but it is suspected that some extraordinary life passed by by chance.]


This piece of information made investigators rack their brains: Why does the red phantom make a painful pelican howl?

I don’t know how many years passed, but at the back of the file, another investigator with the highest authority added a few words: "Okay, no need to spend all your efforts investigating this thing."

[Why? The reason is a bit outrageous. If it weren’t for the fact that the file cannot be deleted, I would have thrown it into the trash can...]

[Don’t ask why, you don’t need to know its origin and process, you just need to know that the thing is completely harmless.]

[The performance this time is very good, at least we discovered the existence of this thing. I hope we can stick to this work attitude for a long time. Only in this way can we be the strongest protective shield of mankind!]

[The meritorious personnel of this investigation include...]



"Humanity's investigative capabilities are not very good! We still haven't resisted the invasion of hunters in this world." At this moment, Zhang Ming has arrived in the Atlantic Ocean, floating quietly on the ocean, enjoying the warmth from the world.

Zhang Ming suddenly felt a bit tired. Human beings are really fragile species. They are exhausted just by achieving a small goal. This feeling is like the wind, like the mountains and the moon, like the ocean, accompanied by the setting sun, that's all.

As a person with high authority in the Gaia consciousness of the earth, as soon as he returned, it seemed that the whole world was rejoicing.

Next to him, there is a huge bird that is close to fainting.

The pelican has a good physique, but when faced with the crushing power of teleportation, the bizarre and constantly changing images are enough to strain its poor brain capacity.

"Ah - I'm back!" Zhang Ming yelled at the ocean.

The ocean responds with never-ending waves.

"Nonsense, even the will of the native world has become a traitor. How can any world resist the invasion of such hunters?" Shimama sneered rudely, "But according to your description, this world can hold so many.

The population is quite prosperous."

"The Yellow Sand World has only one tenth of the land area; the Xuanwu World has only one ten thousandth of the land area."

"Well, the land area is large, but there are no products, so what's the use? The unique technology is mediocre, and the freezing ability... is really not good." Zhang Ming shouted excitedly, "This hunter brings

I’ll take you to the nature reserve to squat for a few days, and then follow me to Mount Everest to see that guy.”

"When this hunter hunts human civilization, I will call you out and become the master of the world. Hahaha!"

All the partners came up with the idea that this guy is really crazy.

At this time, the Pelican Captain finally woke up from the coma. Its simple brain seemed to have forgotten the scene just now, deeply felt the warmth brought by the normal world, and let out an excited howl.

Compared to the earth, that weird yellow sand world is just a pile of bird shit!

At this moment, Sister Pelican shed bitter tears.

It seems to have returned to the past era, with the reeds by the lake, the big fish in the deep water, and the birds full of beautiful expectations for all things.

It kept urging Zhang Ming to lead the way. It wanted to go to the forest and the lakeside to end its wandering life. Even when Zhang Ming quietly rode on it, it didn't care. Now it just wants to return to its childhood.

"The hunters of this world are testing the earth's defenses."

"Still failed, why can't you detect even a single bird?"

Lao Zhang, who was riding a pelican, put on a donkey-headed monster cloak, activated his invisibility, and soared 10,000 meters in the air.

He is still waiting for the missile to shoot him down.

As a result, I flew for a long time and found nothing.

There are naturally some defensive forces on the earth, but it is obvious that human beings cannot monitor all the oceans and skies. Especially in the poor Western Continent, only 30% of the population has been restored so far, and there are still large tracts of nature protection.


In inaccessible corners, the coalition government does not have enough funds and manpower to deploy defense forces, and it is impossible to deploy millions of troops here.

The economy always determines too much. Human civilization, which has entered the supernatural era, is still restricted by the gravity of reality.

Zhang Ming even glanced at some sneaky poachers.

The nature reserve is the cradle of mutated organisms. After decades of introduction, it is slowly forming a unique ecosystem.

This is a long-term project that can increase the earth's heritage. Some powerful mutant creatures with subtle intelligence can even kill the world's predators that have just sneaked in.

Moreover, the more complex the environment, the reproductive capacity of the world's predators will actually decrease. Maybe some weird bacteria and bugs will kill the predators.

However, money moves people's hearts, and poachers are only looking for their own interests, regardless of the heritage of all mankind.

They only know that there is money to be made here, and it is safer than the Sea of ​​Demon Gods, so stories of poaching and anti-poaching are happening in this land every moment...

The pelican flew very fast. After about an hour, it saw a lush forest. The forest was vast and the mottled sunshine proved that the place was natural and simple. Accompanied by pine waves, it was full of sounds.

Emerald birdsong.

There is even a huge lake in the forest.

The green lake water sparkles under the sunlight.

Countless birds are resting by the lake, and among them are pelicans’ close relatives—pelicans from Earth!

"It seems that humans have made special plans." Looking down from high in the sky, Mr. Bai Ze praised the beautiful ecology.

A long time ago, the Baize clan also lived in the forest.

"Well, there was such a plan during the era of suppression, and it continues to this day. Qin Yiwei's vision is indeed long-term. It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. There are some things that can only be understood a hundred years later. The greatness of the original decision." Zhang Ming also said the same.


(End of chapter)

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